Not Quite Juliet: A Club Imperial Novel (Silver Soul Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Not Quite Juliet: A Club Imperial Novel (Silver Soul Book 1)
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I hadn’t even realized he didn’t know my last name. “Hmm. Maybe. But you might have to throw something else in for that one.”


“Dessert. At Gillifty’s.”

“You are a quite the demanding woman, aren’t you.” He tapped a finger on the hood of the car behind me, pretending to think. “Red Lobster and Gillifty’s, and I get your last name in exchange for mine.” He nodded. “Do I get a second date?”

“Well, I suppose, as long as there’s no price limit on the Lobster.”

He laughed. “I’d be a cad to do so.” His eyes roamed my face. “Yes? No? And admit it, you want to know.”

“Okay, yes, I want to know,” I said. The inner voice was beating off the butterflies. Because all of a sudden this wasn’t just the chance of a superfan lifetime. This was a girl looking at a second date with a really hot, really sweet, really sexy rock singer. I took a deep breath. “Second date. Last name. Deal. Shake on it?”

“I have no intention of shaking on it,” he said.


He lowered his mouth to mine, slowly and finally pressed his lips to mine what seemed an eternity later. They were still pliable and sweet, but this time instead of just soft they were questing. And a moment later he parted them against my lips and I could feel his breath. I adored the way it felt; it had been so long since a guy had kissed me, really kissed me, I wasn’t even remotely interested in resisting. That it was this guy just made it all better.

I parted my lips and the dominant streak in me reared its head. I softly licked his bottom lip and my knees went weak. He tasted like maple syrup and male. It was absolutely the best thing I had experienced in years and all it was, was a taste of a kiss.

Nick didn’t hesitate. He took my taste of him as an invitation. He pressed forward, his tongue meeting mine in the retreat from his lip. He stroked against mine softly, his maple syrup and male taste invading my whole mouth. He was delicious and I welcomed him there with a gentle petting of my own.

My knees were just getting weaker. He went from gentle in that moment to deep and penetrating. He captured my mouth with his and it was amazing. He ran his tongue over the roof of my mouth and flicked at my teeth. Maybe that doesn’t sound good, but until you’re in the arms of rock god pressing you against his car and tasting every inch of your mouth, you really can’t judge. I was sure that if I wasn’t pressed against his car I would’ve fallen to the ground.

I brought my hand to the back of his head and wound my fingers into his hair, and found that it was thick and ridiculously soft. I realized his hands had slipped behind me, and were now planted firmly on my ass, and a moment later he squeezed every so softly. I couldn’t stop myself; I let out a soft moan as he continued to assault me with his now-wicked tongue.

I pulled back a little, not really wanting to. “Do you want to come up for a drink?” Oh, my God. Could I be any more lame?

“I want to come up,” he answered, leaning down to my ear. “But not for a drink.”


He nibbled on my ear lightly. “Will your roommate mind?”

I chuffed. “She’ll stand outside the door and yell suggestions if she hears.”

He took my chin in his hand and turned me to look at him. “Would you mind if I took a few of them?”

My knees were very close to knocking. “No, I don’t think I would.” I pushed him back a little and took his hand while my other hand dug in my purse for the keys. I slipped out from his arms and pulled him along to the front door of the building as I heard the Audi beep on the alarm behind me.

I led him up the stairs to the third floor. If we took the elevator, we’d never make it. My hand was shaking as I reached out with the key. Damn traitor. I was nervous, for so many reasons, but my stupid hands should just quit it. Thankfully, the key slid into the lock without much trouble, and I clicked the door open. I immediately looked for Lisa’s purse, and it wasn’t there.

Good. No suggestions from her.

I closed and locked it once Nick was inside, and I dropped my purse in the same place that Lisa would put hers. It was how we knew the other was in the apartment, and it made it easy to find them.

As soon as the purse was out of my hands, Nick’s arms snaked around me from behind. His lips were suddenly on my neck, kissing and sucking lightly. “You are simply one of the most intriguing, interesting and gorgeous women I’ve met in a very long time, Morgan.”

I didn’t want him to move. The feeling of his arms around me, the light little kisses he was pressing to my neck felt incredible; it had been so long since I’d had this. Two years for sex, and a lot longer for someone who wanted to touch me outside an arrangement relationship.

Hey, stupid. Nick D is sucking on your neck. Pay attention and stop wallowing.

The problem was that we were about to hit one of my issues. Nakedness. I put on a tough show around most people and ignored the chubby remarks, and fatso comments, but the truth was, I was overweight. Sexy women didn’t have to buy their corsets and clothes at online only retailers. What was he going to think...

“I have a confession,” he whispered in my ear. My heart dropped into my feet, and it wasn’t the good kind of drop. He nibbled on my ear, then continued. “I might have set tonight up a little bit.”


I turned around in his arms. “What?”

“I’ve seen you a few times at the club.” He was clearly embarrassed. “I thought you were so sexy. I loved watching you laugh with your friends. When Stat told me you were his new crush’s best friend, I asked him to see if he could introduce us. He called me from behind the bar when you weren’t looking, and told me it was my chance.” He smiled. “I didn’t mean to make you slip.”

Holy cheese and rice.

me. He had been watching me in the club, and he wanted to meet me. “You...”

“Me,” he said, kissing my forehead. “I’d hoped you had a head on your shoulders. That you’re brilliantly funny and sweet is all a bonus to me. And I really want that second date. I need your last name to send you flowers.”

“Nick,” I whispered.

“And if you want to keep this to a dri—”

I wrapped my hand around the nape of his neck and slammed my mouth over his and he didn’t have a chance to finish. I found his hot tongue, swallowed his taste. He pulled me closer and slipped his hand up my back to press me to him. His whole body was hard against mine and my panties were soaked through in an instant.

I disengaged from him. “I most certainly do NOT have an interest in a drink,” I said.

“Bedroom?” he whispered.

I grabbed his hand, and pulled him to the right in the living room. I led him inside my room and he kicked the door closed. Nick grabbed me back, pressing me against the door. Breathing hard, he stared down at me. “I’ve been dying to see what’s under this shirt for the past three hours,” he said. “I keep seeing hints and suggestions of what you’re wearing. Show me, kitten.”

Chapter 5


licked my bottom lip and pulled it between my teeth.

Some of the shit you do when you’re turned on is so stereotypical that your none-raging-hormone self would cringe, slap you, and tell you to turn off the porn. But when your hormones are raging and your girly parts are in overdrive because there’s a sexy, hot, hard-bodied Adonis telling you he’s going to have his way with you, and you’re right there with him, you suddenly turn into Roller Girl.

“Why don’t you find out for yourself? Isn’t unwrapping the gift half the fun?”

He blew out a breath. “Shit, kitten, I’d be happy to.”

He ran his hand down my neck, fluttered his fingers down my throat and chest to the first button which hovered at the edge of the corset top I’d worn at Imperial. I could feel my breath hitch as he feathered his fingers over my skin, and I realized that if this guy knew how delightful it was to feel those fingers on the naked skin of my décolletage, this was going to be an exhausting night.

His fingers worked the first button out, and quickly but very sensually managed the next four in quick succession. “This is a man’s shirt,” he said. “Who came to your rescue?”

“Victor Walsh.”

“Hmm. That explains why you smell like
cologne.” He leaned in and inhaled at my neck. “I can’t wait to find out what you smell like in your everyday perfume.”

Uh oh. I didn’t have a signature scent. A shopping trip was in order, pronto.

But all thought of shopping went right out the window when he slipped his hands inside the shirt pulling it out of my pants, and wrapped his arms around me. His breath left him slowly as he looked at what I was wearing. “Oh, I need to see all of this.” He caught my wrist and unbuttoned the cuff on one side and repeated the action on the other side. He looked at me, and caught my mouth for a brief, languid kiss while he slipped the shirt off my shoulders and down to the floor.

He looked down, and saw the purple lace cups that covered my breasts. They were held up by a strong boning lattice that ran all the way down to the top of my hips, just above the leather pants I was still wearing. He clearly admired the view because he stared for a long moment, then took a finger and ran it down from the base of throat down to the top of my cleavage. He slipped a finger under the material and ran it towards my painfully hard nipple.

I grabbed his hand. “Oh, no. Tit for tat.” I pulled the jacket off him and dropped it to the side. And while I was still holding onto his hand, I unbuttoned the sleeves. I leaned into his neck and pressed little kisses there as I unbuttoned him one at a time, but quickly. The shirt joined the jacket and before he could protest, I yanked the t-shirt up and over his head.

Oh my dear sweet Christmas. This man was gorgeous: his pecks were generous, but not quite chiseled, and his abs... His abs made me want to pick up a jug and join in on the washboard band. I ran my nails down his skin, and he drew in a sharp breath.

“You know what you’re doing, don’t you, kitten?”

“I might have learned a thing or two along the way.” I brushed my fingers over his nipples.

“Oh, shit.” He involuntarily stepped back. “You shouldn’t do that right now. I don’t want this to end.” He nibbled down my shoulder. “And I think you’re still a little overdressed.”

I turned around and put my hands on the door above my head. He could see the very long series of hooks in the back. “Go ahead. Keep unwrapping.” I choked back fear; he was not going to hate what he found underneath.

He pulled his hands down my back to the first of the hooks. He didn’t dawdle unhooking the eyelets, but he certainly enjoyed each and every one of them. As he released the last one, he brought his hand around to the front and let the whole thing fall into his hands. I was going to give him direction on what to do with it, but he stepped into me before I could move, in an attempt to wrap his hands around my breasts. It was an impossible task; I had G cups.

Still, his hot hands plumped me and I felt my nipples pebble against his palm. I groaned. It was an amazing feeling to have someone touching them after so long.

“Christ they feel even better than I thought.” His breath was in my ear.

He spun me around and crushed me to his broad chest. I found myself walking backwards until my legs hit the bed, and he sat me down. He pushed my legs apart and landed on his knees, eyes at breast level. “Oh...” he managed before he sank his mouth onto the nipple, and sucked it into his mouth.

His lips worked on me and the sensation of have him suckling on my nipple sent waves of hot, sex-clenching want through me. He licked and sucked on them, nipping gently at them with his teeth and sending more of those hot waves straight through me. His left hand found its way to my other breast and started playing with it. I watched him, fascinated at how taken he was with the simple mounds of flesh. I was no virgin, but I had never had anyone worship at my breasts like this. I ran my hand through his hair, enjoying every sensation that was happening at the same time. I saw a little tattoo on his shoulder, but I couldn’t make it out in the dark.

He moved over to my other nipple and because he had been playing with it already, the feel of his scorching tongue jolted me and made me gasp. I pulled him closer and tossed my head back.

He pulled off the nipple. “God, kitten, you taste so good. You have such wonderful tits. I could spend the whole night just sucking on these.”

“I hope that’s not your plan.” I looked down at him, mildly concerned that was exactly what he’d planned.

“Oh, no.” He pinched each nipple to elicit a gasp from me. “But I had to taste them.” His hands were at my waist and he pressed me back onto the bed. I was agreeable to the suggestion and willingly lay back, watching him. He slid his hands down to the waist of my pants, and he moved his finger to the button.

I grabbed his hand. “Wait. That doesn’t work.”


“You can’t unfasten it there.” I leaned on my side, and pointed to the seam. “Zippers.”

“Well,” he said, grabbing the tab of the slider, “That makes this so much easier.” He pulled the tab down slowly, sliding his hand down my leg behind it. He raised goosebumps all over my body and my nipples pulled so much tighter they were starting to hurt.

Hell and heaven was when he did the same on the other side, all the way down to the ankle of the pants. I swore I was going to explode. He pulled the now-open pants off me, and dropped them to the floor “Brilliant. Leather is so hard to peel off.” He stood up and assessed me for a minute. He looked at me, ready to move back in.

I put my foot on his thigh, and realized I still had the damn four inch heels on. I waggled my finger at him. “Uh uh. I have a no pants on the bed rule.”

“Oh do you?” he asked.

“Very strict,” I answered.

He ran his hand lightly down my ankle to the top of my foot. “And what about shoes?”

“I’m more flexible about that one.” I hoped he took it as the offer it was. I made a mental note to remember what I had for dinner, because clearly it had given me the balls to act like this around the hottest guy I’d ever seen. Sex Wheaties? Whatever. Stock the pantry.

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