Not Looking for Love: Episode 3 (10 page)

BOOK: Not Looking for Love: Episode 3
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I nod and clutch my phone harder.

As soon as she's out the door, I dial Scott's number. It's almost seven, he should be here soon. It goes straight to voice mail and my breath gets stuck in my throat. I call again, hoping it was just bad reception, but the same thing happens. I'm shaking so hard my teeth are chattering.

All I see is flashing ambulance lights, sirens blaring and blood being washed away by the rain. If I close my eyes, it's the same. I call back, again and again, but it goes to voice mail each time.

It's fifteen past seven, Scott should be here by now.

At half past, sobs are racking through me, because I can't stop seeing him on a cold metal slab in the morgue. My mom is lying beside him and they're dead, both dead.

Lights blind me and then a car pulls into the driveway.

I run outside still clutching my phone, not even putting on my shoes. The rain soaks me in seconds, but it's OK because Scott's got his arms around me, and I can feel his chest rising and falling. He's alive.

"What's happening, Gail?" he asks, guiding me to the porch with his arm around my shoulders. Rain is dripping off the hood of his jacket, sliding down my face, washing away my tears.

He turns me toward him as soon as we're out of the rain and peers at me through narrowed eyes, his upper lip curled up. "Were you afraid something happened to me?"

I nod and a sob shudders through me. Now he'll think I'm crazy again, but I don't care as long as he's alright.

His eyes soften, melt really, and he brushes my wet hair off my face, looking at me like I just told him the worst news ever. "I'm sorry," he whispers. "My battery died, or I would've called. It was slow going, the visibility was real bad—"

I place my fingers across his mouth. "It's OK. I'm fine."

Then I wrap my hands around his stomach, like I wanted to do all week and lead him inside. But even after we're in the hall, he's still staring at me like maybe I'm bleeding to death.

"It's fine, Scott," I say and smile. "Really it is. You know me, I'm just unstable."

My smile doesn't transfer to his face, so I close the distance between us and wrap my arms around his neck. "And now I think we should both get out of these wet clothes."

He finally smiles, his eyes golden brown, twinkling like a camp fire. "That's the best idea you've had yet, Gail."

Then his lips are on mine, and his hand is sliding down my back, and all the panic I felt just a few minutes ago melts away like some other Gail felt it.


With my lips still pressed against his, I peel off his jacket and toss it over the rack. Then I pull away, take his hand and lead him up the stairs to my bedroom. I should probably offer him some food, or at least a drink, but that's not what I've been fantasizing about all week.

Thunder echoes outside and the sound of rain pelting the roof is filling the house, but all I'm thinking is how safe we are in here, how secure. It's like my mind has done a one-eighty and all the anxiety and fear have now turned to joy and happiness, running in warm rivers down my chest, filling my stomach, mixing with my blood.

I'm not bleeding anymore and the cramps are more of a twinge here and there now. I'm so ready to have him inside me, to erase all that came before, start fresh, and I just hope he is too.

I wrap my arms around his neck again as soon as we reach my room, and look into his eyes. And then I'm in a deep, dark forest on a warm summer night, and orange firelight is casting a warm glow, creating a space that no darkness can ever reach.

He leans down and kisses me, urgent and hungry, yet soft and tender. I run my fingers through his hair, which is longer now than it was when I first met him. He's wearing the cologne that always hits me right between the legs, but it's not just that. I can smell the wood burning, clear mists rising amid the trees in the nighttime forest around the camp fire, dew settling on the grass.

Scott wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me to the bed, his tongue still in my mouth. He sits, and I straddle him without breaking the kiss, though it's clumsy going, but that's nothing new with me.

I moan into his mouth as his fingers find my nipple through my bra and squeeze, sending a jolt down the center of my chest, making me wish we were naked, and I'm not sure why we aren't. I peel away from his lips and take off my wet shirt in one fluid motion, tossing it onto the ground behind me. He's biting on his bottom lip, staring at me like this is the first time he's ever seen me, and I don't want it to stop.

I climb off his lap and slide my thumbs behind the waistband of my jeans, slowly working open the button and zipper. He's looking at me like he wants nothing more than to see me strip, and I do, pulling down my jeans as slowly as I can, because really, I just want to get naked. I'm no good at stripping for a guy, could never get out of my head for long enough to do it right, but it doesn't matter, because right now everything I do is perfect and I can't mess it up.

I step out of my jeans and kick them over to the side, running my hands across my stomach and around to my back, reaching for the bra clasp. Scott's still just looking at me, his eyes so focused on me, it's like I'm the only thing in the room.

I undo the clasp and feel my breasts bounce as they're released from the cage. His gaze is making me wet, and I feel him licking my nipples even though he's at least four feet away from me.

Only my panties are left and then I'll be naked, and I can't wait for them to be off, but that's not how it's done. I slide my thumb under the waist band and circle around to the back, pulling my panties to just below my hips. I see his chest heave and I can do nothing wrong right now, so I don't even bother thinking.

I hook the sides of my panties around my fingers and slide them down, bending my legs so I can trace the path down to the floor. And then it's done and I'm naked, my whole body crackling under his gaze.

"You're so beautiful, Gail," he whispers. I'm not really sure how to stand, or where to put my arms, but it doesn't matter, because whatever I do is just perfect.

I take a few steps toward him, but he stops me with his arms against my sides before I can straddle him again. "Let me just look at you for awhile."

And his gaze feels like the softest, warmest summer breeze, but I want more.

I slide my hands over his arms, grabbing the undersides of his biceps. "Why don't you undress too?"

He grins at me and stands, pulling his shirt over his head. I lean in and take his nipple between my teeth, which is what I've wanted to do since I met him but never really got the chance. It's hard and tender and I lick the tip as I bite down a little harder, making him gasp.

I slide my hands along his hard stomach and unbuckle his belt, fumbling with the button until it finally comes loose. His hard dick bounces up against my wrist as I finally manage to pull down his pants and underwear. I release his nipple and stare into his eyes, his cock in my hand, throbbing against my palm.

"Do you want me to lick it?" I ask, my voice deeper and hoarser than I ever heard it before.

He grins at me, his eyes so soft I could take a swim in them. "Yeah."

I kneel, and somewhere way in the back of my mind I know this is just like the second night we had sex, but this moment is so different from that one, it might as well have happened to two other people.

I spread my fingers out and hold the base lightly, running my tongue across the head, like it's a popsicle. He gasps as I wrap my lips around it and suck in. I'm not even sure what I'm doing but it seems to be working for him, so I do it again, taking more in, pulling off, doing it again. Not enough to gag, just enough to penetrate.

My jaw aches from trying to open my mouth wide enough so my teeth aren't grazing his cock. I take my lips off and run my tongue along the thick vein running from the base to the tip, because it seems like something I might like. He gasps again, and digs his fingers into my hair, squeezing them into a fist. But he doesn't force his dick down my throat, or pull my head any closer, though a part of me really wishes he would.

I slide my lips back over his cock as far as they will go, then pull back, repeating. His whole body is tense now, coiled. I let my tongue slide along his shaft on the next suck.

"I'm really close," he whispers, and tries to pull away but I won't have that. I want him to cum in my mouth. I slide my lips over it again. When I pull back off, he shudders and hot cum fills my mouth. I let it sit there, feel some of it dribble down my chin and then his cock is no longer in my mouth and he's staring down at me, like he's afraid I might get mad. I swallow.

He pulls me to my feet, and wipes my chin with his fingers. "Your turn, right?"

I grin and nod, because he might as well be reading my mind.

Scott wraps his arms around me and leans in for a kiss. I crane my head up to let his tongue into my mouth. But he pulls away and guides me down onto the bed, so I'm lying on my back. I keep my eyes locked on his, which are a dark blue now, and I'm actually lying in the soft grass of a meadow staring up at the midnight sky twinkling with billions of stars. If I concentrate very hard I can see all of the Milky Way.

He looks away and then his lips are on my neck, kissing me gently, making me sigh. I close my eyes, so I can return to the meadow.

Scott's lips travel down my throat, to my chest, and I moan, arching my back as they find my nipple. His hand is sliding over my other breast, kneading my stomach. And then his tongue is there, tracing the path his hand traveled a moment ago. The soft, warm touch is sending sparks through my entire body, which are all connecting in the spot between my legs, and I hope he doesn't stop before he reaches it.

Then his hot breath is on my clit, intensifying the warmth already collected there, and I groan, arching my back towards his lips.

I shudder as his tongue traces the path to my opening. His licks are sending surges of heat up through my stomach all the way to my head. It never felt like this with other guys, and I don't ever want it to stop.

My entire body is melting from the heat, and I moan and grunt at the same time, as his tongue slides over the spot that's sensitive the most. His tongue is sliding in and out of me now, and I need more, want more, all of it.

But I'm cresting the wave of my own orgasm and one wrong move now could chase it away. His tongue is on my clit again and I feel every bump of its rough surface as he licks it. He takes it between his teeth then licks just the swollen tip, going faster and faster, sending tiny explosions all through my body, making the wave rise higher and higher. I'm shaking all over, moaning and whimpering, arching my back up, feeling like I'm floating, the bed disappearing beneath me. Then suddenly, the wave crashes down and swallows us both, making all else burn away.

I open my eyes sometime later, my chest no longer heaving and my heartbeat returned to normal. He's on his side, leaning against his arm and watching me, his eyes as soft as I feel right now.

"We should do that again soon," I whisper and turn to my side so I can look at him.

He smiles and his eyes are still swallowing me, wrapping me in a cloud-soft embrace that I don't ever want to leave. I climb under the covers and hold them up for him to join me. I've got my arms around him, and his are around me. His eyes are taking me back to the summertime meadow, the breeze soft against my skin, the sun peeking over the horizon making the dew on the grass sparkle in all the colors of the rainbow.


A loud crash wakes me in the morning, my heart pounding and my vision all blurry. Raindrops are still pelting the roof, and it sounds like rocks are hitting it. Several car alarms are blaring in the street below. Scott's lying on his side, his arm around my waist. I slide from under it and sit on the edge of the bed rubbing my eyes and willing my heartbeat to return to normal.

"What happened?" he asks and rolls over onto his back, stretching his arms over his head.

"Lightning probably," I say. "I think it struck pretty close."

He rubs his eyes and yawns loudly. "Is that your car alarm?"

I stumble over to the window and peel away the curtains to check. But our cars are silent, it's the ones further down the block that are blaring. The woman who lives across the street is staring at me from her bedroom window, her mouth wide open. And then I realize I'm still naked, and it's broad daylight outside, so I close the curtains hastily and turn back to the bed. Scott is sitting up now, his gaze fixed on me, taking in every inch and seeing everything.

I smile and walk back to the bed slowly.

"Do you have class or something?" he asks and I shake my head. I do have several classes today, but I'm not attending any of them.

"How about a shower?" I ask and stand over him so he can get a good look. The Gail I'm seeing in the mirror on the closet door by the bed is gorgeous, glowing white, shimmering at the edges. It's not the Gail I usually see, so it must be how he sees me.

He licks his lips and laughs. The sheet is still draped over his legs but I know he's just as naked under it, just as ready.

"You know, I'd love to," he says. "But I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday, and I have a feeling a shower could take awhile."

My own stomach rumbles a little at his words, and I realize I haven't eaten for even longer.

"Breakfast then?" I smile and reach for my robe.

He pulls on his jeans without any underwear and I just know that's all I'm going to be thinking of while we eat.

Downstairs, he opens the fridge while I get the coffee going. It's almost ten, though outside it looks like dawn has just broken.

"You have no food," he says and tosses out the packet of bread, ham and cheese on the counter, and finally a jar of mayo.

BOOK: Not Looking for Love: Episode 3
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