Not Just Friends (Brookfield) (13 page)

BOOK: Not Just Friends (Brookfield)
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author had left ten minutes before and Alyssa was surprised to see Julie
return. Alyssa was folding up the chairs she had set out for the reading.

forget something?” Alyssa asked.

Thought I’d help you clean up.”


folded up the cloth. “How’s it going with that cutie you’re seeing?”

well. Not sure how long it’ll last, but I’m enjoying it while it does.”

positive. Anyway, do you think you could get away from him tonight and go out
with Ava, Claire, and I?”

been a long time since Alyssa had gone out with friends. “That’s perfect,
actually. Connor’s going out with friends tonight.”

Mark. He’s babysitting. But Ava and Claire’s husbands are going over there as
well. He’ll get some guy time. I think some sports event is on anyway.”

time?” Alyssa asked.

don’t know about you, but I need a long, hot shower to wash away my aches.”
Julie set the folded tablecloths on the floor.

sounds like heaven.”

laughed. “We’ll meet at The Wagon Wheel to eat and then head out from there.
I’m going to be the designated driver this evening.”

wondered if Julie was volunteering because she was pregnant. She’d mentioned
not long ago about wanting another one, but she had made it sound like the plan
was still a ways off. Alyssa wasn’t going to ask though. “Sounds like a plan.”

minutes later, The Reading Corner was back to normal. Now all Alyssa had to do
was wait on Tina. She’d had her assistant take a break since she was closing
up. One of the benefits of a small town, everyone closed their doors early in
the evening and no one cared.

Tina got back, Alyssa headed upstairs to shower and get ready. She was excited
about going out with a group of girls. It had never been something she’d really
done. She was always at The Reading Corner, and it seemed like her life was
finally changing for the better.

she hopped in the shower, she sent a text to Connor.
Missed seeing you
today. It was a madhouse. Have fun tonight.

set the phone down on her counter and then climbed into the steaming-hot water.
As the warmth engulfed her, she basked in how good it made her feel. Her mind
flooded with images from earlier that the morning when she’d showered with

the night at his house had been nice. She’d gotten to know him on a different
level. She had expected things to be slightly awkward in the morning, but they
weren’t. Connor said he liked having her there and he wanted to do it again. It
had been hard for her, though, not to wonder how many women he’d spent the
nights with there before.

rubbed her hands across her face and through her wet hair. She couldn’t go
there. They each had a past. His more active than hers, but it still existed.
And feelings of jealousy weren’t going to do her any good. He liked her and
wanted a relationship with her. That’s all that mattered.

the shower off, she wrapped a towel around her and stepped onto the padded rug.
On her way out of the bathroom, she grabbed her phone and saw the notification
light blinking. She unlocked the screen and saw a message from Connor.

much rather be spending my evening with you. – Connor

smiled and put the phone down. It was time to dress and get ready for her
evening out as well. Though, like Connor, she’d much rather be with him.

* * * *

climbed into the back of Julie’s car after they’d finished dinner. Now they
were headed up to Jacksonhole to a bar.

was so good.” Ava rubbed her belly as she took her seat in the front.

have the best chicken tenders,” Julie said.

had to agree. The food had been good. It was nice to be treated two nights in a
row to food that hadn’t been frozen first. “We have to go there again,” Alyssa
added, feeling a little more comfortable.

had never been something she was good at. She knew Julie and the other two she
had spoken to a few times. But after this evening, she hoped to stay in contact
with each of them and possibly grow a few friendships.

like a plan.” Claire buckled her seatbelt. “Now let’s go get our dance on
before the men change their minds.”

an hour later, Julie parked the car. Alyssa gazed at the brick building with
neon lights flashing in the windows. It had been a long time since she’d been
to a bar. The only time she’d been in the past was when she dated Matt and he
dragged her there. But this was different. Tonight she’d be dancing and having
a good time. She’d have a few drinks probably and then drag herself to work the
next morning. Perfect.

climbed out of the car and approached the front, where a bouncer stood.

ladies, I need to see some I.Ds. There is no way ya’ll are old enough to get in
here,” he flirted.

they showed him their I.Ds, he winked at each of them as they entered. Alyssa
took in the scene as they made their way toward the bar. It was packed.

this must be the place to be,” she said.

appears so. Too bad none of us are single. There are some hot men here
tonight,” Ava said.

grinned and looked around. None of these men compared to Connor.

the bar, they all ordered a fruity drink, minus Julie, who got a water. The
bartender serving them was a young guy. He had tanned skin with sun-kissed
hair. Very attractive. Bars definitely were a place of temptation.

her drink, she followed her friends over to the side. She took a few sips from
the straw and listened as the others chatted. She could tell they were all
close and knew a lot about one another.

so glad you came with us, Alyssa,” Claire said.

is wonderful. She did so much for me today.” Julie smiled at her. “And she just
snagged Connor Phillips. Can you believe it?”

Maybe you can get him to settle down.” Claire pressed her lips to her drink.

wasn’t news to Alyssa the reputation Connor had. But it was hard hearing it
when it referred to her getting the town’s playboy to
settle down.
she was with Connor, he melted her heart and said all the right things. She
wasn’t naive to the fact he probably did the same with others. But she liked to
think she was special and maybe things could actually develop between them.

me, ladies, would any one of you beauties like to dance?” A handsome Italian
man stood by their table.

stared at him, unsure of how to respond.

dance, as long as there’s no touching.” Ava held her left hand up. “I’m a
happily married woman, to a sheriff.”

man’s smile vanished. “I can’t make that promise.”

I can’t dance with you. Sorry.”

walked away and over to the next group of women.

do want to dance though. Alyssa, come on.” Ava took the drink from her hand and
handed it to Julie. She yanked Alyssa out onto the dance floor.

not good at this.”

don’t have to be. Just feel the beat and move your hips. Trust me, no one
cares. The only people judging are the sober ones, and they’re just jealous.”
Ava pulled Alyssa to her. “Now no one cares how bad you dance. It’s girl on

laughed and did her best to move with the beat of the song. It didn’t take long
and she finally let loose and started to have fun. Several men walked up at
times and tried to dance with them, but Ava chased them all away. Alyssa was in
awe of the confidence this woman had. She hoped one day she could handle
herself the same way.

several songs, sweat was beginning to form from all the body heat. Alyssa
pushed her hair back from her face. “I need a drink.”


went back over to Claire and Julie. Alyssa almost sucked her whole drink down.

it down or you’ll be on your butt, drunk.” Claire giggled.

taken.” Alyssa didn’t want to get plastered.

got to use the restroom. Alyssa, come with me,” Julie said.

handed her drink to Ava and followed Julie across the bar. The place had
doubled in people since they’d arrived. Obviously, this was the place to go in

bathrooms were located near the pool table. Julie chatted the whole way over
about another author who was going to visit. Alyssa was thrilled.

come on, Connor.”

froze and Julie spun around. “What’s wrong?”

slowly turned to the sound of a woman laughing. Then she saw Connor—her
Connor—pressed against the wall by a woman with long, flowing blond hair. She
was close. Too close for Alyssa’s comfort. Connor had a slight smirk on his

couldn’t hear what he was saying, but she could hear the woman asking for one

placed a hand on Alyssa’s shoulder. “Go over there.”


you can. Tell that girl to back off. From where I’m standing, it looks like
Connor might like the help.”

where I’m standing, it looks like he’s enjoying it.” The image of Matt and
Diane kissing flooded her mind.

boiled that this was happening again. Alyssa marched over to where Connor and
the woman stood. “Connor!”

He shoved the other woman off him.

what was that for?” the blonde woman asked as she stumbled back.

wasn’t at all what it looked like.”

shook her head. “I really thought things were different. That I was different
for you. I was wrong.” She turned and walked away.

wait,” Connor called.

she couldn’t. She wasn’t about to cry for all these strangers to see.






Chapter Sixteen



don’t understand. Connor is here?” Ava asked.

nodded as she leaned against the car out in the parking lot. The cool air on
her skin felt like heaven.

was with another girl?” Claire asked.

don’t know that,” Julie said. “It looked that way, but it is a bar, after all.
He wasn’t kissing her and his hands were
on her.”

was only a matter of time. We’re talking about Connor. And even you guys said
it in there. He’s a playboy. It’s my fault for thinking he could actually like

like you.” Connor approached. “I don’t want that woman. I want you.”

all turned as he walked up. “You’ve got some nerve,” Ava said.

wasn’t cheating on you, Alyssa. The woman was an old fling. And she wanted me
to take her home. I told her no and asked my friends—who unlike yours, don’t
give a shit about me—to help me out. They walked away laughing.”

you couldn’t have pushed her off?” Alyssa crossed her arms. “The way I saw it,
you were smiling at her. Pretty encouraging, if you ask me.”

Alyssa, I didn’t want her. I was wrong to let her touch me. It went too far in
that way. But I didn’t kiss her and I wasn’t going to spend the evening with
her. Before you approached, I was about to push her away.”

never should’ve let her touch you though to begin with.”

rubbed his palms across his cheeks. “She was drunk and not taking no for an
answer very well. It wasn’t the ideal situation.”

reached out and rubbed Alyssa’s arm. “Don’t make any rash decisions right now.
Sleep on it.”

moved closer to Alyssa. “Please tell me you believe me.”

wanted to, but at this moment she couldn’t make sense of any of it. She felt
slightly lightheaded and leaned back against the car.

you okay?” Claire asked.

shook her head. “I’m feeling queasy. I want to go home.”

take you,” Connor said. “Your friends can finish their evening.”

evening is over. And unlike your friends, we care about Alyssa. We’ll take care
of getting her home safely,” Ava snapped.

let out a frustrated sigh. “I’ll call you in the morning, Alyssa.”

Connor.” She climbed into the back seat.

* * * *

Alyssa and her friends were gone, Connor went back into the bar in search of
his friends. He wanted to go home and if he had to, he’d call a cab.

BOOK: Not Just Friends (Brookfield)
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