Not Her Type: Erotic Adventures With a Delivery Man (5 page)

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John’s eyebrows rose, but mercifully, he
didn’t comment.

‘You know how we share a fantasy about

immediately infused John’s cheeks, and his eyes shone as he
muttered, ‘Yes.’ Jenny was sure he was thinking about seeing her with another
woman, and she could feel her own body responding to the expression on his

Forcing herself to stick to the point and
to not get lost in the prospect of their mutual desires, Jenny continued. Her
tone was low, as if scared of being overheard by the occasional passerby,
despite the fact that they were in an enclosed cab. ‘Well, to be honest, it’s
ummm, well, it’s the women I go for first. In the past they would always have
been my natural choice in a sex or relationship situation.’

Jenny didn’t dare look at her companion as
she waited for him to say something.

‘But you have had boyfriends as well?’

‘Yes, but none that have lit the blue touch
paper, passion-wise, if you see what I mean. None that made me feel alive.’
Jenny wanted to add, ‘until you,’ but John had used the phrase ‘boyfriend,’ and
she wasn’t sure if he could be placed into that category.

‘Are you gay, then?’

‘Not really. I’m just me, honey. You could
say I was bi; but I think of it as being flexible. I like a bit of cock every
now and then, although I’ve never been keen on giving blowjobs and stuff, well,
not till, well, you know… I just prefer women… usually.’


Jenny risked a glance in his direction and
sighed with relief at the pleasure evident in his eyes. Finally addressing him
properly, her muscles unclenching in response to the fervent expression of
desire on his face, she said, ‘You, Mister Courier Man, are very much the
exception to the rule. I don’t know what it is about you, but I hope I get to
find out.’

Jenny thought John was going to say
something, but then he obviously thought better of it. He put his hands on the
steering wheel, gripping it so tightly that his knuckles were almost white, and
suddenly the convivial air became so tense it could have been folded in half.

Searching her head for something to say to
break the uncertain mood, Jenny shifted in her seat, her eyes falling on the
row of shops nearby. ‘Do you want to go to the coffee shop to talk?’

‘Do up your seat-belt,’ he ordered gruffly.
And before she knew what was happening, the lorry was reversing and they were
heading out of town.

‘Where are we going?’

‘Somewhere private.’

The perspiration that had dried on Jenny’s
palms gathered again. Five minutes later, John was parking in a deserted yard
behind a derelict warehouse.

could happen here. Anything.

John seemed to read her mind. ‘Don’t panic,
I’m not an axe murderer or anything.’ His acknowledgement of her unease broke
the tension.

Tilting her head to one side, Jenny blurted
with blatant curiosity, ‘Who

‘I could ask you the same.’ John jumped
down from the cab before letting Jenny out. ‘I know you’re an accountant. I
know you work from home, and I know you have rubbish taste in films. That’s it
– apart from knowing your tits are beautiful, your skin tastes fantastic,
you prefer girls, and that right now, thanks to that knowledge, I have the wood
from hell knocking at my underwear.’

Unable to stop herself, Jenny looked
directly at the fly of his denims. An undeniable swelling revealed that John
wasn’t exaggerating. No wonder he hadn’t wanted to go into the café. ‘If it
helps,’ she observed John carefully as she perched on a broken rubble wall, ‘I
couldn’t be more turned on if I tried.’

He hovered so close to her that Jenny
thought he was going to kiss her, but instead he sat just out of range. ‘Twenty
questions. I ask you ten. You ask me ten. They can be about anything.
Absolutely anything. Yes?’

She nodded her head in agreement.

Satisfied he had Jenny’s full attention,
John went on. ‘We’ll take it in turns. Do you want to go first?’

‘No, you start.’

‘Right.’ Smacking his palms down decisively
onto his knees, he began. ‘How old are you?’

‘Thirty-three.’ Jenny fired back the same
question, ‘You?’

‘Thirty-six. Are you married or with

‘No. Are you?’

John hesitated, as if contemplating his
answer. ‘I’m just single. When did you last have a woman?’

‘When I was twenty-one. When you say you’re

‘I’m waiting for a divorce to be
finalized.’ The speed of their exchange increased as John’s eyes flamed with
undisguised interest concerning her past. ‘What was she like?’

Torn between wanting to answer John and
needing more information about his marriage, not to mention the fact that she
was becoming increasingly conscious of the ache between her legs, Jenny told
him what he wanted to hear. ‘Her name was Jo. She was my height and had red
hair, which she kept in short plaits. When we stood together naked, our nipples
brushed together.’

Jenny turned her head away, trying to
concentrate on her mission to discover more about her courier, and avoided the
enticing look on John’s face. She said, ‘Have we been having an affair, then?’

‘No, we’ve been separated for three years,
and the divorce has been on its way for six months.’ He licked his lips. ‘Do
you think we’d be more comfortable in the back of the truck?’

‘Yes.’ Knowing she’d lost the struggle
against her overwhelming craving to screw this man, she followed John’s lead
and asked a more pertinent question. ‘You keep looking at my chest; would you
like to see it?’

‘You bet.’ John helped her into the back of
the van, his eyes fixed on the crescent of her cleavage that peeked from her
black shirt. He slammed the door closed. ‘Will you show them to me now?’

‘Yes.’ Crouching on the dusty floor, Jenny
hastily undid her shirt buttons. ‘Which do you prefer, receiving a BJ or
licking pussy?’

‘Tough choice. If I had to decide, it would
be receiving a BJ, but it’s a close run thing.’ John reached for her pliant
breasts, finding them easily despite the shadowy darkness. ‘Do you have a
preference in that area?’

‘I also like to receive best.’ The words
tumbled from Jenny in an urgent rush of pent-up desire. ‘Shall we sixty-nine it?
Keep us both happy?’

Appreciating the increase in pace, John’s
tone betrayed his escalating need as his hands touched her everywhere at once.
‘Eventually. Can I bite your tits?’

‘Yes. Can I stick my finger up your arse
while I lick your cock?’

‘Definitely. Can I do whatever I like to

‘Absolutely. Will you spank me?’

‘Yes. Are you wet?’

‘Totally.’ Jenny gestured to the walls of
the library van, lined with shelves of DVDs. ‘Are they going to fall on us if
we knock into them?’

‘Probably. Will you mind banging your legs
against them?’

‘Not at all.’

John removed the remainder of her clothes
in a hurry, and then sat her down so she leaned against the cool wall of the
van, her legs outstretched before her. He had obviously been prepared for this
adjournment to the back of his van, because he placed a blindfold over her
eyes, murmuring, ‘You did say I could do anything.’

Jenny had no chance to either consider this
unanticipated development or reply, for he straddled her sitting form and pushed
his cock into her mouth, his agile fingers tweaking the ends of her nipples
Lapping at the drops of precum that had gathered at his tip, Jenny
deep-throating him with drawn out thrusts, her index finger creeping up into
his anus as promised. Gorgeously engrossed in her task, she was taken by
surprise when John broke away and pulled her forward from the metal wall so he
could wrench her wrists behind her back, securing them with some sort of tie.
Her heartbeat trebled in pace. This was new territory.

‘Tell me more about her, you dirty little

Tension hunched Jenny’s shoulders as
flutters of lust shot through her clenched muscles. She couldn’t believe how
turned on her confinement and his crude words made her.

‘Jo was exquisite. I’ve told you before. We
had sex loads when I was a student.’

John grabbed Jenny’s ponytail and pulled
her head back as far as it would go. ‘I want details, woman!’

Speaking faster, Jenny spouted out her
words as he reached between her legs and drew a fingernail against her
vulnerable clit. ‘We would lick each other out. Jo’s tongue against me felt
incredible, and she tasted out of this world, like peaches…I…’ Jenny’s
description was cut short as he yanked her head back so vigorously that she
fell onto her back, her bound arms crushed underneath her. She was vaguely
aware of a few DVD boxes falling onto her as John shuffled around on his knees.

‘Like this, you mean?’ His insistent
probing tongue began exploring between her legs. Jenny came on his third lick,
but John ignored her shaking frame. She thought she’d go insane, as deaf to her
cries, the courier continued to eat her out. On and on he went until his lips
were replaced with his smacking palm, falling against her spasming cunt.

Jenny might have yelled, she wasn’t sure.
Nothing seemed real. Her head spun and her body jerked with an intensity that
was spurred on by the force behind his slaps. Aware of nothing but John, she
allowed him to roll her over so that she was strewn across his knees. He’d said
he’d spank her, and now he did just that, relentlessly.

‘I have more questions for you.’ John cut
off her squeals, and the smacks, which had echoed in the enclosed space, became
softer and quieter.

Jenny made a sort of desperate mewling
sound, her previous orgasm forgotten in her need to feel the height of climax
again. She strained her ears to hear him above the sound of her own moans.

‘How big were her tits?’

Moistening her lips as much as she could,
Jenny muttered, ‘Same as mine.’

‘Did she do blokes as well?’


The guttural moan that followed her answer
made Jenny wish she could see John’s face. She was sure it would be glowing
with a dangerous thirst as his life-long fantasies were acted out in his head.

Abruptly his hands stopped her punishment,
and Jenny was pushed off his lap, her wrists released. ‘Let’s see if we
sixty-nine better than you and Jo, shall we?’

It was a question that needed no reply.
With a fumbled tug he removed the blindfold, and Jenny’s first sight as she
came out of her enforced darkness was of a gloriously excited dick heading at
full throttle to her mouth. Lowering himself on top of Jenny, John’s face met
her clit. He nipped, licked, and bit at her delectable pussy until Jenny’s
vision clouded, and she came again with a body-wracking howl that thoroughly
tested the suspension of John’s van.

Still Friday



Even as she helped
John clear up the cascade of films that their flailing limbs had consigned to
the floor, Jenny felt the bloom of a deep ache in her body, which she knew
would remind her of this fantastic shag for days to come.

John began to stack up a pile of fallen
leaflets. ‘So, can I ask when you had your last bloke?’

‘I briefly tried the boyfriend thing again
about three years ago. It started as a blind date arranged by a friend, and
ended only two months later. Disaster doesn’t even come close to describing the
situation. He was good-looking, clever, and made me laugh, but when it came to
sex he didn’t have a clue. If I’d drawn him a map, he’d still have got lost
down there.’

John laughed as he carried on clearing up.
‘That’s a hell of a gap between then and now, Jen. I mean, you’re one sexy
babe. What made you want to go it alone for all this time?’

Flattered by his compliment, Jenny sank
back onto her knees. ‘It’s difficult to explain, but I suppose I just got fed
up of feeling hammered?’


Sighing, Jenny fiddled with the box of a
DVD she’d never watch in a million years. ‘Look, it’s like this. I spent my
childhood working hard, passed my exams, and kept my head down. Model daughter
and all that. Got to university and met new people, and almost immediately the
reason behind my lack of interest in boys at school became obvious. I’d never
even thought about it before. The blokes in class had been my friends, you see,
so it seemed natural not to fancy them, but at Uni I found I noticed the women
more than the guys. How could that have been? It just wasn’t part of the “get a
degree, get a job, buy a house, get married, and have kids plan.”’

‘You had a plan, then?’

‘Well, not really. It was more what was assumed
of me. “Jenny always does the right thing,” and all that. Things are different
now – but then, well…’

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