Not Alone (5 page)

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Authors: Amber Nation

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Not Alone
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“Emmalynne,” he said startling me. I hadn’t expected him to follow me. As I turned towards him, he continued, “I’m not here to buy any books, at least not today.” He looked amused, like he knew something I didn’t. I really hated being out of the loop. 

“Ok, well here is your slice of cake, on the house of course.” I pulled a piece of cake from the bakery case, put it on a plate with a fork and handed it over to Grady. He took a hefty bite and closed his eyes, groaning as soon as it hit his tongue. I loved seeing people’s reactions to my baking more than anything, but that reaction right there blew all others away. With that sound he made, I started feeling a stirring in my stomach.
Oh my, I want this man.

Then the door chimed, and in walked in Toby and Tucker. “Good morning Emmy,” Toby sang, then, realizing that Grady was here, “Hey Grady.”

“Mom, Uncle Toby let me rent the new Lego Batman game last night. It was awesome! Can I get it for home? Please can I get it?” Tucker jumped around excitedly. I wish I had half of his energy.

“Hey now, we will see. It just depends on how well you clean your room. Oh, and I almost stepped on a Lego last night. You need to learn to clean them up from the living room once you are finished playing.”

“Mom, I don’t play with Legos, I build things with them, there’s a difference,” he told me matter of factly.

Rolling my eyes, I turned to Grady, who had a hint of amusement in his eyes. “The boy is right you know?” he said.

“Grady you are so not helping here. This is my son Tucker. Tucker this is Grady, Mac Finnegan’s nephew,” I introduced them to each other.

“Oh wow, your Uncle is way cool, for an old guy! So mom, can I get the game? And why are you so dressed up?”

“Tucker that was rude, we don’t call people old. And we will see about the game, but for now go pick out a book or magazine and sit on the couches and read until I’m finished up here.” I avoided the question of why I was not in my usual attire, which I was wondering myself. I bent down to take off my wedges because I couldn’t stand another minute in them. I was looking forward to a long hot bath tonight to ease the pain in my leg.

Toby finally spoke again. “Emmalynne, that shirt really looks amazing on you, that color of green definitely makes your hair color stand out. It’s natural you know,” Toby leaned towards Grady. “Her hair color, I would kill to have natural hair that color. Doesn’t that shirt look great on her?”
Oh god, shoot me now
. I didn’t like being put on the spot, I actually loathed it. It looked like Toby was getting added to my wrath.

Clearing his throat, Grady said, “It really does look amazing, Emmalynne. Listen, could I talk to you for a minute…” Shifting his eyes to Toby, then back to me. “In private?”

“Sure Grady,” I said. I wondered what it was about. Walking around from behind the counter, I stood barefoot next to Grady Finnegan.

“I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me sometime soon?”

“Me? Why??” I asked, confused and flustered. “Oh, um, I mean sorry, I can’t. I’m just too busy, you know, with Tucker and the store.” Hopefully that would suffice enough for him. Why would hot guy Grady want to have dinner with me? I didn’t get it.

“Yes, she will!” Toby shouted while making his way over to where Grady and I were standing. “You know I’ll take Tucker as will mom and dad. You need a night out, you work yourself too hard, and you deserve to go out on a date. It’ll even give me an excuse to do your makeup.”

I wished fervently that the earth would swallow me up; right then would have been fine. I directed a scowl at Toby. Sighing, I looked up to Grady, who had a hint of disappointment in his eyes. I guess this was now or never. “Ok, sure Grady, I would love to go out with you. How about Saturday night? Friday I’m playing for
The Nation’s Capital
again, so that’s out and Tucker has school and soccer during the week, so he doesn’t need to be out.”

“Saturday sounds great! I’ll talk to you more about it sometime this week. Thanks for the cake, it was truly amazing as are you Emmalynne. I’ll see you later.” And with that he was gone.
What did I just get myself into?
My heart was screaming not to let anyone else in, but my body wanted that man, bad!

“Toby-“ I growled…

“You know you’ll thank me later. Emmy, I know you don’t think you deserve to be happy, but you, especially of all people, deserve happiness in heaps.” I opened my mouth to interrupt, but he continued, “Don’t argue with me! Let him in Em, he may surprise you. I have to be going now, kiss kiss. Bye Tucker! Be good for your mother!” And like a flash, Toby was gone as well.

Could I let him in, only to possibly be disappointed in the end?
Long ago I buried my feelings and I didn’t think I could give up my emotions to any man. But this wasn’t just any man, this was Grady. Could I take a leap and at least get to know him?  I’d have to dwell on this later once I had more time to think.




Later that day, right before closing, a delivery man came in with a bunch of beautiful pink roses. “I’m looking for Emmalynne Morgan?” the delivery man asked.

“That’s me!” I exclaimed and he handed them over. I signed for them and he went about his business. Looking at the bouquet, I wondered if they were from Grady. Stupid to hope, but I was still hoping nevertheless.

I searched the wonderful smelling roses and finally located the card and all it said was:
Can’t wait to see you on Friday.
It was odd, considering there was no signature stating who the flowers were from. It could be from anyone: Toby, Tessa, Grady.

Oh well.

Leaving them on the counter, as they looked too perfect there to move them, I called for Tucker, lock up the store and headed home to get Tucker ready for a new week of school.




Chapter Seven




Tonight was my second, and last, show playing with
The Nation’s Capital
. I was super pumped to get the show started. Grabbing my Vic Firth drumsticks, this week in bright purple with white tips, I started warming up on the practice drum kit they had backstage.

Earlier today I had received another bouquet of pink roses, but this time they just said:
I can’t wait to see you tonight.
Again, no sender. I’ve asked Tessa and Toby if either of them sent them, and they looked at me like I was nuts. I took that as a no. They both think that it was Grady and want me to thank him, so I planned on swallowing my uneasiness and approaching him before the set started.

Taking a deep breath, it was now or never. I walked out of the backroom and scanned the bar, looking for Grady. I spotted him dealing with a young woman; she was a bombshell and he looked less than impressed. In fact, he looked down right pissed off. He looked up then and locked eyes on me, causing my steps to falter. Then he smiled a full-on pearly white smile and motioned me towards the other end of the bar. It didn’t escape my attention that this was at the opposite end of the bar from the beautiful brunette.

“Hey Emmalynne! I wanted to thank you for bringing in the cookies tonight. At this rate, I’m going to have to put in extra time at the gym to work off the extra calories. But it’s worth it.” He was smiling while patting his belly, which didn’t have an ounce of fat on it. Heavens gates would open for that smile. Wow.

“Oh don’t mention it. I bring something in whenever I get the chance. I love to bake so it isn’t ever an inconvenience,” I said, pulling my bottom lip in between my teeth. Taking a mental deep breath, I began to express my gratitude. “I did want to thank you though for the beautiful flowers you sent me this week.” I rushed to get it out all in one fast breath.

Looking puzzled, Grady said, “I didn’t send you any flowers this week.”

“Oh.” My face fell and the heat in my cheeks rose as embarrassment took over. “Well, sorry. It didn’t have a signature as to who they were from. I asked Tessa and Toby and they didn’t send them. So, they thought it was you, I’m...I’m sorry for bothering you. I gotta go finish setting up.” I whirled away and walked as fast as my legs could carry. I could hear Grady yelling, “Emmalynne, wait!” But I didn’t acknowledge him and kept right on walking.

I rushed backstage and caught a glare from Toby. He swiftly strode over to me, knowing something was wrong. “Emmy what’s the matter doll?”

“I just went and thanked Grady for flowers he didn’t send, and I’m mortified. What’s worse, I don’t know who sent them, and I’m starting to get a little freaked out.”

“Well then, you really won’t like what I’m about to say,” Toby fretted. “We changed up the set list to include the song that you help me sing.” He was wincing as he backed away thinking I was going to charge after him. Given different circumstances, I just might have, but at this point, I just wanted to get the set over and done, then get several alcoholic beverages into my system.

 I was not one for much drinking, I knew what it did to people, with my prime example being: my father, but after this catastrophic event, I was in dire need of a little liquid encouragement. “Alright,” I said. “I’m fine with it. Let’s go get everything in place.”

The crowd was massive, even more so than last week.
The Nation’s Capital
really did have a great sound and I was really enjoying my 2 weeks of ‘fame.’ I was trying not to dwell on the fact that I had made a serious fool out of myself in front of Grady, assuming he sent the flowers, and the fact that I had no flipping idea who sent them!

I knew the song I was singing as a duet with Toby was up next, as our encore. I set my drumsticks to the side and waited for the little introduction to this song that I knew Toby was itching to give. He was so excited for the version of this song we were doing. And ok, maybe so was I.

“Alrighty ladies and gents! For our last song we have a special treat for you! But first, I wanted to give a special shout-out to Miss Emmalynne Morgan, our neighborhood bookstore owner and baker.” Toby turned and gave me a wink while I rolled my eyes. “For being so incredibly gracious and helping us out these past two weeks, while Mikey has been out healing a sprained wrist. Most of us know how freaking talented she is with a drum set and a pair of drumsticks, but very select few know what an amazing singer she is. I’ve enlisted her help in singing a duet and I knew she wouldn’t refuse, especially since it involves her favorite band.” He put his hand up to cup the side of his mouth, as if he were whispering a secret, informing the crowd that my favorite band was, “Neon Trees!!”

“So, without further ado, here is Emmy and I, singing a cover of ‘Don’t you Want Me’ but, as an acoustic version.”

Sheesh. That was more than just a little introduction.
I made my way to the front of the stage, I reached my arm out and took hold of Toby’s outstretched hand. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze, and just like that, my nerves vanished. Toby was channeling his inner strength and passing it along to me.

Corbin and Brock started strumming the cords on their respective guitars. Toby took the first verse then we both picked up the chorus together.

When it was my turn to sing my verse, I closed my eyes and swayed with the words. During this point I was the song, and nothing else mattered. I opened my eyes only to lock gazes with Grady. His eyes were glowing electric with passion, and it was super intense. I knew he could see the depth of my soul while I sang. While our eyes were locked, the outside world ceased to exist, as if we were the only two people.

I was brought back to the present when Toby put his arm around my shoulder. We finished the song strong, while stretching out the last of the oooo’s.

The crowd immediately erupted in various catcalls and hollers. I felt amazing; it was a complete rush on that stage.




Chapter Eight




“Can we get some service over here?” Tessa yelled as she waved her arms around in the air from the booth where Mikey, Toby, Brock, Tessa and I were seated. Corbin had mysteriously disappeared, which was fine by me. Tessa was off tonight, so she was happily able to join us.

Once we got our drinks, an amaretto sour for me and beers for everyone else, Brock said, “I want to propose a toast: To
The Nation’s Capital
, the best goddamn band in Georgia!” We each whooped and clinked our glasses together while Mikey went on to say, “Y’all did amazing tonight. I just can’t wait to get this damn brace off so I can be back up there next week! Thanks so much Em, for taking over for me. I know it had been awhile since you’d played, but you rocked it!”

“Thanks Mikey, and it was definitely no sacrifice. Now,” I said as I pounded my hand flat on the table, “Tucker is at his grandparents for the weekend, so I am ready to P-A-R-T-Y!” I screamed the last part out. I was normally not the one to suggest a little party action, but I was still suffering from the intense high of being on the stage. “I’ll go get some shots and then, let’s dance!”

I scooted out of the booth and made my way towards the bar, right towards Grady. He smiled his mega-watt smile as he said, “Great show, Emmalynne! I had no idea you could sing like that! Your voice is seriously sexy!”

Oh my god! Did I hear that correctly? Grady thinks I have a sexy voice!
I could feel my cheeks as the grew hotter by the second. “Uhh…umm…”
Great, now I’m stammering
. “I mean thanks! Can I get some shots please?” I turned around towards the booth where my friends were seated and then back to Grady. “I need five shots of tequila with lime and then two Buttery Nipple shots, please.” I was embarrassed to ask for a Buttery Nipple, but they were me Tess’ absolute favorite. All that butterscotchy goodness….yum!

“Sure,” Grady said with a wink as he turned to make my shots.

I brought the shots back to the table and we each quickly threw them down. They had started playing a mixture of 80’s and 90’s music, songs of my generation. “This is my jam!” Tessa yelled as she tugged me out towards the makeshift dance floor. During nights where there was a live band or a DJ playing at
they rearranged the seating to make room for dancing, which brought in more of the college crowd from the neighboring towns.

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