Read Northern Exposure: Compass Brothers, Book 1 Online

Authors: Mari Carr and Jayne Rylon

Northern Exposure: Compass Brothers, Book 1 (16 page)

BOOK: Northern Exposure: Compass Brothers, Book 1
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“Answer!” Okay, so he hadn’t quite obtained mastery of Zen-like patience. Redial. Wait. Redial. When voicemail kicked on for the third time, he disconnected with a snarl.

Colby zoomed through the gate marking the edge of Compass Ranch. Another minute and they’d be home. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring you into this mess. You’ll be a sitting duck, Si.”

“Don’t waste time trying to make me leave this truck before we’re in the yard. I may be fucked up but I can still kick your ass.”

“We’ll see about that some other time.” Thankfully, Colby didn’t continue to argue.

He cut the lights when they neared and, after they crested the hill, he killed the motor and put it in neutral. They rolled toward the house, their eyes adjusting to the blackness.

“Fuck! On the stairs.” Silas pointed toward the figure creeping into the house. “Please tell me she has something to defend herself with.”

Colby abandoned secrecy. He honked the horn and flashed his lights, doing anything possible to grant Lucy a heads up as they surged over the gap between them.

“We keep a shotgun loaded with rock-salt shells in a cabinet in the closet. I assume that’s what JD heard before. But if she fired warning shots, I’m not sure how many cartridges she has left.”

Silas opened the glove compartment and withdrew a revolver from the same spot his father had always stashed one. He checked to make sure it was ready to go then handed it to Colby as they screeched to a stop. “I’ll be in behind you. As fast as I can.”

Colby nodded then leapt from the truck, tearing up the stairs to the now open door. Before he’d finished taking the treads three at a time, a blast echoed from inside. Colby tripped. The sound shattering the night must have terrified him. He put one hand on the porch then kept running.

Silas cursed the entire journey into the house. He could hear shouting. All of it masculine. Where was Lucy? He slapped the light switch inside the kitchen, illuminating the chaos.

A man sprawled facedown on the kitchen floor. Colby kept him pinned there with a knee between his shoulder blades. The back of the trespasser’s shirt and pants were tattered and spotted with blood. The wounds didn’t keep him from hollering as though he were nearly torn in two, though. “Keep her away from me. She shot me in the ass.”

“You’re lucky I didn’t shoot your nasty dick off after all the bragging you did. Maybe you can tell all the guys in jail what a great lover you make. How you like to hurt your partner while you fuck. I’m sure you’ll find someone willing to give you a taste of your own medicine.” Lucy propped the shotgun against the kitchen table then flung herself into Silas’s arms hard enough to knock him off balance.

“Shh.” He cupped her head in his palm then tucked her against his chest. “You did fine. Better than. Brave. Smart. I’m proud of you, Lucy.”

JD called out as he crossed through the living room, “It’s me. Didn’t see anyone out back. All clear.”

“All clear,” Silas repeated.

Colby cleaned the trash from their kitchen, accidentally kicking the asshole in the ribs as he escorted him outside to wait for the sheriff.


An hour later, Colby and Lucy signed affidavits swearing to the night’s events on the hood of Compton Pass’s single patrol car, which held Stan Jenkins in the backseat—sore but fine otherwise. Silas couldn’t believe how old Sheriff Roberts, a friend of JD’s, had gotten. Surely, the man should have retired by now. Guilt for denying both of them their rest warred with his impatience to have the matter resolved.

From the porch, his arms crossed over his chest, he thought of all he could do for Compass Ranch, his lovers and his family. Tonight had cemented his future.

Colby and Lucy held hands as they climbed to his perch. JD and the sheriff ducked into the patrol car with a pair of nods. He lifted one hand in a subtle wave as they carted Stan to jail.

On the horizon, the barest hint of sunrise lightened the sky.

“I should be tired, but I’m wide awake.” Lucy sighed as she sank to the wicker loveseat beside him.

“Good. I need to talk to you two.” Silas hated the dread creasing Colby’s brow and the coldness freezing Lucy’s pretty blue eyes into a decent imitation of an Alaskan glacier.

“I swear to God if you make one stupid comment, I’ll go berserk.” Lucy glared at him.

“What if I tell you both that I’ve been a complete moron?” He enjoyed the shock turning her pouty lips into a perfect circle.

“I’d have to agree.” Colby winced as he tested the puffiness around his eye. “But for some stupid reason, we love you anyway.”

“I’m sorry.” He offered the only apology he could summon. How could he describe how much he regretted all the time he’d wasted by refusing to believe they were strong enough to handle their situation, the ups and downs, and protect themselves in the meantime? “So sorry. The perfection of the two of you together blinded me. I didn’t dream big enough, that the circle could include all three of us and not break. I was terrified I’d destroy you both. All of us, really. I can’t believe how insulting that was. Christ, I
a fucking moron.”

He wished Colby could join them. The loveseat wasn’t large enough. He bolted upright, balancing on his good leg, then scooped Lucy into his arms. Colby understood what he intended as though the man could read his heart and mind. He probably could.

After tonight, Silas swore he’d never doubt them again.

Before he could ask, Colby tugged the cushion from the furniture onto the decking. The other man took Lucy from him long enough to give Silas a hand down. Then he settled her beside Silas before joining them on the ground, one lover bracketing each side of his body.

They leaned in toward him.

“You’re noble and proud, even if misguided sometimes.” Lucy placed a tender kiss on his lips. He wrapped his arm around her thin waist and indulged in a taste of heaven.

“Too strong for your own good. To distance yourself so long and shoulder everyone else’s burdens. You have to invite us in. Allow us to help. Let us be there for you.” Colby nudged his wife aside to stake his claim. “Shit, yeah. I love the that.”

Silas agreed. Rough skin abraded his face and the brute force of the man’s tongue as it plundered his mouth fired him up.

Lucy returned, licking the intersection of their mouths until they joined in a three-way kiss that tasted like perfection. While they explored each other, someone slipped a hand beneath the waistband of Silas’s shorts to encircle his cock. Before long another hand joined in.

Colby cupped Silas’s balls in his calloused palm while Lucy stroked his shaft with her dainty fingers. He surrendered, granting them free rein. Whatever they wished for—whatever they craved—they could have from him. Now and forever.

The early morning air caressed his thighs when someone whisked his shorts off. Pressure built on his good thigh. Colby relinquished his hold on Silas’s mouth to nestle between his legs instead.

“Oh, fuck.” Silas gasped into Lucy’s smile when Colby licked around his wife’s fingers, stealing his first taste of erect cock.

“I was thinking more along the lines of suck. But I have no idea how to do this.”

“What do you like?” Lucy coached her husband as though Silas weren’t there. “Start with that.”

She angled Silas’s cock toward Colby’s parted lips, encouraging him to experiment. The man reached his tongue out and licked the drop of pearly fluid from the tip. A simple act. One guaranteed to jumpstart Silas’s libido.

“Get naked, Lu,” he ordered, not entirely able to suppress his dominant tendencies. “Give me a taste of you while you teach him.”

She stripped the jeans she’d thrown on in a flash when the sheriff arrived then knelt with one knee on either side of his head so she faced her husband, who had graduated to sucking on the tip of Silas’s cock.

Si wrapped his hands around her hips then tugged her pussy to his face. He inhaled deeply, relishing the scent of his mate’s arousal before he allowed himself to feast on the delicacy. She writhed in his hold, smearing her juices on his cheeks as he chased her clit until he latched onto the sensitive nub. He swirled his tongue around it, soothing her initial cries into moans.

When she’d calmed, she mentored her husband. She leaned forward, adjusting the angle of Colby’s lips on Silas’s cock so Silas glided to the back of the man’s hot mouth. Fuck! Silas’s hips jerked, forcing the head of his hard-on to slip into Colby’s throat. When the man gagged, he backed off. Lucy soothed her husband while stroking Silas’s cock.

After a few seconds, Colby reclaimed his position, swallowing Silas’s full length with ease this time. He relaxed, massaging Silas’s erection with involuntary muscles.

Silas renewed his attention to Lucy’s pussy, lapping at the sweetness flowing more freely from her delicate channel. Every time Colby hit a particularly pleasurable spot on his cock, he rewarded Lucy’s coaching. Soon, the man had honed in on what Silas preferred and drove him rapidly toward eruption.

Silas trembled beneath their combined assault then redoubled his oral play. Lucy laughed, then groaned. Colby abandoned Silas’s cock for an instant to cheer him on. “Yeah, more. Make her come, Silas. She’s gorgeous like this. Right on the edge.”

He slid his hands from her hips to her breasts. At the same time he rolled her hard nipples in his fingers, he jabbed his tongue as deep as it would go in her tiny pussy. She bucked on his face, making him work to maintain contact throughout her explosive orgasm.

When she settled, he cleaned her with small licks of his relaxed tongue until she climbed to her feet.

“Going somewhere?” Colby asked when Silas could only stare at the sight revealed to him. His powerful, respected best friend lounged between his legs, eagerly devouring Silas’s cock.

Even his dreams hadn’t seemed so erotic.

“Be right back, don’t you worry.” Lucy smacked her husband’s ass—when had Colby shucked his clothes?—then sashayed inside, calling over her shoulder, “Make him good and ready, I want to ride him.”

“Don’t think that’s a problem.” Colby swallowed Silas’s cock once more then chuckled, the vibrations nearly launching him into the stratosphere.

Lucy might have been gone hours, though it probably only seemed like it, leaving Silas stretched on a rack of pleasure. When she returned, she tapped Colby on the shoulder. “Turnabout is fair play, right, Silas?”

Before his mind could fully process her intent, Colby scaled Silas’s supine body and presented his cock. Without thinking, Silas’s mouth opened, inviting the man inside. The instant his lips encircled the shaft, a spurt of precome decorated his tongue. He swallowed, thrilling them both.

“That’s right, Si.” Lucy praised him. She straddled Silas’s hips as she fit his cock to the mouth of her dripping pussy. “Take him deep like he did for you. From here, I have a nice view of his ass.”

Silas groaned. His entire universe consisted of Colby, Lucy and the rapture they gifted him. Colby filled his mouth, giving him something to suck on, taste, explore with his tongue. Lucy used her wicked pussy to keep his cock happy. More than. God, he couldn’t hold out long like this. Not with everything he’d ever hoped for in his reach.

“Suck him good, Silas, and I’ll prepare him for you.” She tempted Silas with dirty promises as she bounced on his cock. The stranglehold her inner muscles had on his erection couldn’t fool him. She loved every instant as much as he did. “You’d like to fuck us both, back to back, wouldn’t you?”

“Mmph.” Colby’s veined shaft muffled Silas’s agreement. The blunt crown grew more defined against his tongue. His lover would surrender soon. He’d make sure of it.

Silas imagined all the tricks Red had used on him during the long, cold nights. He wriggled his tongue, massaging the underside of Colby’s cock. The pitch of his lover’s groans escalated. The snick of the cap on the lube bottle, which Lucy must have retrieved from the bedside table, cut through the night.

Colby inserted his cock to the base between Silas’s lips. The man’s wife must be making good on her promises. Silas wished he could see her tiny fingers probing her husband’s back passage, loosening him for Silas’s invasion.

Their plan worked a little too well.

“I think he’s ready, Silas.” Lucy shivered. “I have almost my whole hand in him now.”

Silas caught the tensing of Colby’s sac on his chin but there was nothing he could do to halt the inevitable. Instead he tipped his head back, opening his throat to accept the giant load Colby pumped into him, spurt after spurt. He gulped, surprised to find he enjoyed the salty tang of the other man’s ecstasy.

He gouged Colby’s legs when Lucy followed suit, coming hard on his embedded cock. She rode him fast, grinding her slight weight on him with rock after rock. When Colby would have withdrawn, she perked up once more.

“No.” A sharp slap rang through the early morning. “Don’t move.”

Silas froze as well.

Lucy laughed. “Not you. Keep sucking, Silas. Colby will get hard again, if you do it right. Just like me. If I keep fucking you, I’ll be horny again in no time.”

Silas gripped Colby’s ass to pin his lover close then made it his personal mission to rejuvenate the man. He had an idea. A naughty, decadent, delicious idea.

Either he was a better cocksucker than he thought or Colby had saved up a bunch of unfulfilled dreams of his own. In no more than a few minutes, the man sported a full hard-on once more. Impressive.

“Lu, I need him in my ass. I’ll take care of you after, I swear, but I need…”

She swung her leg over Silas’s hips, sliding off his length as she went.


“Don’t worry. Colby’s going to finish you off, Si. You seemed to enjoy his ass before.” The sparkle in her eye proved she’d enjoyed watching them fuck just as much.

Colby withdrew his cock from Silas’s mouth then inched down his torso. Colby kept backing up until the stiff length of Silas’s dick nestled between the cheeks of his ass.

Lucy fisted Silas’s cock. “So thick. So huge.”

She held him still for Colby, who descended, engulfing him in heat so much quicker than the gradual penetration he’d orchestrated earlier. Within moments, Colby squatted over him and began to fuck. Powerful thighs flexed to lift and lower the man. The motion caused his cock to bob and dance.

BOOK: Northern Exposure: Compass Brothers, Book 1
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