North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost (2 page)

BOOK: North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost
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“You’re just trying to get in my pants,” Jack grumbled.

Despite the gruffness, Jack was teasing. Rudy had come to know all of his grumpy elf’s mannerisms quite well by now. “Is it working?”

“Like that much effort is needed,” Jack scoffed, signaling the waiter at the end of their box. A delicate silver tray offering several drinks was presented to them, and Rudy held back a smile when Jack picked up a glass of pink champagne for him. Jack chose a tumbler of vodka for himself with a grumble of thanks, and Rudy watched, tickled as always, as Jack put his lips together and gently blew on the two glasses, coaxing them to a chill. He handed the champagne to Rudy, unaware of how his tiny gestures warmed Rudy’s heart.

Jack took a sip of his vodka, his pout in full force afterward, and Rudy couldn’t help but tease him. “On the hard stuff already?” He tried not to laugh at the glare Jack gave his pelisse before swatting it aside, as if it were somehow personally responsible for his forced attendance at the ball. Considering it was funded by the Frost family, Jack could hardly be absent. The Frost King would certainly have a few cross words for his son, and these days their relationship was strained enough, something Rudy felt guilty over, seeing as how he was the cause of it. It was almost a year ago the scandal of his and Jack’s relationship had erupted all over the media, and all because Rudy had saved two young elves from the clutches of some corrupt toy soldiers by declaring the elves his helpers.

At the time, Rudy had no idea the toy soldiers had meant to permanently silence the poor elves, but something had compelled him to step in, despite knowing the uproar it would cause. Until then, elves had never been helpers to the Rein Dears. His squadron had only ever had Sugarplum fairies, mostly because the fairies were more than just helpers. Claiming Tim and Noel as his had inadvertently revealed Rudy’s true nature.

And what had Jack done in the midst of the chaos and uproar? He had taken a stand, his hand firmly holding Rudy’s as he unveiled their love to the world. Jack had so much more to lose, as the Prince of Frost and General of the Army of Toy Soldiers, yet he had put it all on the line for Rudy.

“Corralling snow-bunnies again, are we?”

Jack’s teasing interrupted his thoughts, and he cast his lover a rueful smile. He really should be paying more attention to the ball. This was, after all, his first time sitting at Jack’s side in his royal box. Below them, the North Pole’s most elite were dancing the night away to sweeping waltzes and cheerful carols, with champagne flowing and eggnog and peppermint juleps making everyone merry. Anyone who was anyone was in attendance, including select reporters and photographers from the
North Pole City Gazette
, the first to expose his relationship. Swell.

As Captain of the Rein Dear Squadron, Rudy was a celebrity in his own right. It was something he had embraced early on, if only to make his life easier. There was no getting around it. Though there were still moments, such as this one, when he looked out over the balcony and wondered how in the name of Kringle Creation had he gotten here?

“Do you know, I’ve frozen over three dozen drinks in the last hour and no one’s said a word?” Jack frowned at his empty glass and held it out, and a newly filled one swiftly took its place.

“What do you expect? You think they’re going to come marching up to you and call you out?”

Noel made an appearance just then, thundering through the red velvet curtain behind them to thrust a finger at Jack. “Stop freezing my drinks you bastard!” With that said, he spun on his heel and stormed off from whence he came.

There were several horrified gasps from the private boxes to either side of them, but Jack merely grinned wickedly. “You were saying?”

“Noel doesn’t count and you know it. Really, Jack. Can’t you stop tormenting the poor elf?”

Jack arched an eyebrow at him, as if the answer were obvious. “No. No I can’t. I enjoy it too much. Besides, he’s the only one with a backbone in this whole place, present company excluded of course. In the year I’ve known him, he’s called me every name in the book, and then some. Creative little thing.”

“What about Tim?” Rudy asked, knowing how Jack felt about the tiny elf. Tim had a big heart, despite his small stature, and Jack had become very protective of him in the last year. Although Noel often displayed charming bouts of jealousy concerning Jack’s affections, in truth, Jack posed no threat to Noel’s sweetheart. Jack had merely grown a brotherly love for the orphaned elf. Besides, Jack had played a hand in uniting the reluctant and tormented Noel with the love of his life.

“Tim has as much nerve as you or I. I’d never freeze his drinks. I have kept them wonderfully chilled, though. He blushes every time he takes a sip. It’s sweet. Reminds me of you.”


“After all these years, you still blush for me.” Jack discreetly ran his fingers up Rudy’s leg, causing warmth to spread through his whole body, and making him shift uncomfortably in his seat.

“Well, it’s not like I do it on purpose.”

“See, there it is. You’re so vibrant and full of color. When I touch you, every inch of you lights up.” Jack leaned into him, his lips brushing over his cheek.

“Jack, they’re watching.”

In the year they’d been together out in the open, there hadn’t been much in the way of public displays of affection. It wasn’t as if suddenly they went from barely touching for fear of discovery to being all over each other. Old habits were hard to break, and slowly Rudy had accustomed himself to the joys of holding Jack’s hand, or allowing himself to gaze adoringly at his lover without fear or concern of who saw him.

Jack, who had always been the more restrained of the two, had stunned Rudy by delivering a kiss to his cheek while out to dinner one night, and when he had begun placing a protective hand to Rudy’s hip while out and about, especially during any media confrontation, it seemed as if Jack was growing bolder by the day.

“Let them watch.”

Rudy couldn’t help but feel his cheeks growing warm as Jack delivered a gentle kiss to his temple. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing yet, but maybe tonight….”

“Jack!” Rudy gasped, his cheeks no doubt matching the color of his hair.

Jack’s laugh warmed Rudy’s heart. “How can you be so unaware of how enchanting you are?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’m too busy trying to keep my heart from beating out of my chest whenever you’re near.”

Jack looked surprised. “Do I really do that?”

“Every time.”

“Who wouldn’t have heart palpitations after seeing a face like that?” came a deep grumble.

Rudy chuckled, and Jack leaned back, his smile growing wide for their friends. “Tim. Grumpy-pants.”

Noel glowered at Jack before taking Tim’s hand and pulling him over to the empty love seat facing Rudy and Jack’s. The moment Rudy saw the mischievous gleam in Jack’s eyes, he braced himself.
Here we go.
Jack patted the small space between him and the armrest.

“There’s room here for you, Tim. It’s a little cozy, but I don’t mind.”

Tim blushed and Noel shifted closer to him, his eyes narrowing. “Shouldn’t you be nipping noses or something somewhere else?”

Rudy nearly choked on his drink.
Oh, Noel.

“Why nip noses when I can have so much more fun nipping at other extremities?”

Tim’s eyes went wide, his face going beet red as Noel jumped from his seat. “Have you no shame?”

“Nope.” Jack wriggled his eyebrows and patted Rudy on the back to help ease his coughing. “Honestly, Noel. You all but ran headfirst into that one.”

“He’s right,” Rudy managed hoarsely.

“Don’t encourage him,” Noel grumbled, dropping back down into the seat to wrap his arms around Tim and hold him close. He placed a kiss on Tim’s lips and the smaller elf’s blush spread to the tips of his ears. Was that what Rudy looked like when Jack kissed him?

“Are you having fun?” Rudy asked them. He’d hardly seen the two since the four of them had arrived earlier in the evening.

“It’s wonderful!” Tim replied, nearly bouncing with excitement. “Noel is such a wonderful dancer. Thank you so much for giving me lessons, Rudy. I never would have managed to keep up otherwise.”

“My pleasure.”

Tim looked over at Jack inquisitively. “Jack, why haven’t you asked Rudy to dance?”

“Um, well… I….” Jack sat up and cleared his throat, looking uncomfortable.

Rudy decided to spare his lover the explanation. A kiss on the cheek in public was one thing, but dancing together in front of the kingdom’s most elite families was something entirely different. “I’m having a lovely time right here, sitting with Jack. It’s the first time I’ve gotten to sit in the royal box. Just being here with him like this is more than I could have hoped for.” And it was the truth. He never would have imagined having the honor of sitting beside Jack in the prince’s gorgeous private box.

Jack’s expression softened, though when he looked over at Rudy there was sadness in his dark eyes.

Noel looked from Rudy to Jack in confusion. “I don’t see what the big deal is. They know you’re together. What’s it matter if you dance?”

The look on Rudy’s face must have said more than he’d intended, because a look of understanding suddenly crossed Tim’s face. Seconds later there was a distinct “oof,” which Rudy suspected was a result of Tim elbowing his lover. Jack’s expression grew darker, and Rudy quickly cut in.

“Well, knowing something, and seeing proof of it are two different things. I’m not sure society is ready to see Jack with someone like me.”

“What do mean someone like you?” Jack jumped to his feet to face Rudy.

Tim and Noel gave a start, but having Jack loom over him never brought fear to Rudy as it did to every other creature in the kingdom. Rudy wasn’t afraid of Jack, no matter his size or strength, because he knew Jack’s heart. Jack could no more change his stature than he could his nature, and it had always been a source of heartache for the feared prince. Where most saw nothing but an icy demeanor and menace, Rudy only saw concern and love.

“Well, aside from the fact that I’m not a Sugarplum fairy, I’m just a Christmas elf.” As far as elves went, Christmas elves weren’t exactly at the bottom of the enchanted elf totem pole, but nor were they anywhere near the top with elves as powerful as Jack. It wasn’t as though Rudy was ashamed of what he was; it was merely fact. When he thought about it, even Tim was more enchanted than Rudy, considering where he came from. The northern lights reflected in Tim’s ever-changing eye color were proof of it.

“Like Holly you are. You’re a Captain and ace pilot. Without you, where would the rest of the Rein Dears be? What would happen to Christmas? Millions of hopes rest on you and your skills.”

Rudy was touched by Jack’s fierce defense of him, even if his lover couldn’t see Rudy was really nothing special. Sure, he was a celebrity, but only because of his position and looks.

“Yes, but underneath all that, I’m no one. You’re a prince, Jack.”

To Rudy’s utter disbelief, Jack got down on his knee before him and took his hand. Murmurs and whispers spread through the prestigious ballroom like wildfire, all eyes on them.

“I would give up my throne, my title, my fortune, everything I am for you. I love you for who you are, and I guarantee you it has nothing to do with you being Captain of the Squadron. If we were to look underneath all the pretentiousness of titles and merits, what would be left of me when compared to you would be but a shadow.”

“Jack….” Rudy struggled to find a response, and in the end couldn’t come up with a single thing. He had never heard Jack speak so passionately. It seemed as if Rudy was navigating through some new, uncharted territory of his lover’s heart. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll dance with me.”

“Of course.” He could hardly contain his joy when Jack stood and pulled Rudy to his feet. Even though Rudy was taller than most elves, Jack towered over him, the breadth of his shoulders and chest impressive, while his regal military attire only added to his magnificence.

Wherever Jack went, his presence demanded attention. Rudy did his best to ignore the whispers and murmurs as he was escorted down the elegant red carpet toward the marble staircase. Deciding to push them all from his thoughts, Rudy focused on Jack as he led him to the dance floor. The orchestra was playing a sweeping waltz, and Rudy’s heart was all but ready to burst from his chest. Jack pulled him close, one arm coming to rest around Rudy’s waist while his other hand took Rudy’s.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Jack?”

“When was the last time we danced in public?”


“Let’s rectify that shall we? Would you like to lead or shall I?”

Rudy gazed up at him lovingly. “You know I’d follow you anywhere.” The orchestra broke off into a beautiful rendition of “Waltz of the Flowers,” Rudy’s favorite. “Jack, you didn’t.”

“I may have mentioned it was your favorite. If the wind decided to carry it off to the conductor, who am I to stop it?” He kissed Rudy’s cheek before sweeping him into a magnificent dance, turning and twirling Rudy as the music picked up.

Rudy couldn’t remember the last time he’d had so much fun at the Silver Bells Christmas Ball. He’d forgotten how good a dancer Jack was, how carefree he had been in his youth. Once upon a time, delivering winter to the world had been a joy for his lover, a work of art rather than the dreary task it had become as of late. Rudy wished he could return that joy to him, to see the wonder reflected in his gaze when the first snowflake fell. For now, he would cherish this moment when his Jack was so wonderfully happy, here with him under the blanket of twinkling white lights.

“Jack!” Rudy threw his head back and laughed after Jack sped up in time to the music.

“Come on. Let’s show them how it’s done.” Jack unbuttoned the stiff collar of his uniform and ran his fingers through his hair, sending it into an unruly state.

“You rogue,” Rudy teased, and he held on tightly as he moved to keep up with Jack’s pace, the waltz reaching its crescendo and sending the two of them in a series of breakneck turns. At the final beat of drums, Jack dipped Rudy and crushed their mouths together in a breathless kiss. There was a roar of applause and catcalls as Jack kissed him. When they surfaced for air, and Jack pulled Rudy back up, they were both blushing from head to toe.

BOOK: North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost
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