Nookie (Nookie Series) (14 page)

Read Nookie (Nookie Series) Online

Authors: Anieshea Dansby

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: Nookie (Nookie Series)
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Rob opened the door and came into the room, dutch in hand, his eyes already low. He passed it to Joy. She took it and put it to her lips. The weed was so strong that her lip was numb after her first puff. Unlike with her first attempt, she felt an almost instant relaxed feeling. She moved over so Rob could sit next to Tanya.

“Why you putting your hands on me? You think cuz you my man’s bitch I won’t fuck you up? I’m telling you now, if you ever put your hands on me I’ll end you right there. I ain’t even fucking wit’ you like that no more, anyway.” He spoke in a calm voice, like they were having a regular conversation.

“What you mean, you ain’t fucking wit’ me like that? Who you think you fucking wit’? I’ll tell Shawn everything. Now what, nigga?”

Joy couldn’t believe how reckless Tanya was talking.

Rob grabbed her face. “You a stupid bitch. Don’t you know that he would fuck you up? Money before bitches, always,” he said, laughing, his face so close to her face. He then let go of her, pushing her head back.

“Rob … ” Tanya began, then started to cry. He walked to the door. “Rob … I’m pregnant,” she blurted, before he could open the door.

Rob and Joy both looked at her. Joy passed him the dutch when he walked back over to the bed, figuring he needed it more.

“So? It ain’t mine,” he said, blowing out smoke while standing in front of Tanya.

“It’s yours. Shawn always uses a condom.”

“You expect me to believe that from a lying ho? You probably ain’t even pregnant.”

“I went to the doctor’s yesterday.” She took another swig from the vodka bottle.

“You better make that nigga believe it’s his and stop tryna trap me. You see a nigga getting money? Shit, I got enough kids.” He left the room, leaving the door open.

Shawn entered the apartment just as Rob was leaving. They started talking, but were too far away for Joy and Tanya to hear. Joy watched them, her heart beat fast in her chest. She didn’t want this to end up like it did with her parents. Shawn looked back at Tanya. Rob smiled at Tanya when Shawn was turned away. Tanya passed Joy the bottle and tried to wipe her face, hoping to get rid of the evidence of her crying. Luckily for her it was kind of dark in the apartment. Joy drained the rest of the bottle. When they were finished talking, Rob walked out the door. Shawn came into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

“Hey, baby,” Tanya said, trying to sound happy but coming across as more nervous than anything else.

“Wassup, Tanya? What’s good, Joy?”

“Nothing. We just chilling in here for a little bit,” Tanya said.

“Rob said you wasn’t feeling well. Everything okay?”

“Yeah, just too much to drink.”

“Aight, I’ll be right back.” He kissed her cheek.

“I’m going to my room,” Joy said. She was already dizzy just sitting there, so she was careful getting up. Joy passed the couch; people were still sitting around, drinking and smoking. When she got to her room, she sat on the bed and started taking her clothes off. Her throat was so dry that it hurt to swallow. She put on a wife beater and some pajama pants and headed to the kitchen. The living room was still filled with people.

As she was filling her glass, she heard banging and muffled crying from Shawn and Tanya’s room. She left the kitchen, taking her water with her. She was halfway through the living room when the bell rang. She went to the intercom. It was Dre. She buzzed him in and opened the door for him. The look on his face worried Joy for some reason. Usually he was laid back, now he seemed on edge. He had a deep frown on his face and he balled his fist.

“What’s going on?” Joy asked him.

“I came here as soon as Rob told me what he did.”

“What did he do?”

Just as Dre opened his mouth to tell her, Shawn opened the door to his room, dragging Tanya out by both her legs. She cried and begged, “Noooooo, Shawn, please!” As he pulled her, she reached out and tried to grip the carpet. “It’s yours. You can’t believe nothing that Rob says. Listen to me, please.”

“Everybody get the fuck out,” Shawn yelled to those still remaining from the party. He then dropped Tanya’s legs and she curled up into a ball at the door. People stepped over her as they hurried out the door. Joy leaned down to help her up. Her entire face was wet with snot and tears, her hair all over her head. Joy checked her for bruises, glad to find none.

Shawn went into his room then came out with a shoebox in his hand. “You stupid, lying bitch.”

“Shawn, what are you talking about? The baby is yours. You can’t believe nothing Rob told you.”

“I didn’t say Rob told me anything, did I?”

“I … I thought … ”

“Yeah, I know, that’s why you nothing more than trash, a ho bitch.”

He opened the box and dumped the contents on the floor. A few dozen pictures of Tanya naked, playing with herself, fell out. Rob was even naked in a few of them. Some were face down. Tanya reached down and started picking them up. Joy helped her. She looked down at one in her hand. Tanya was sucking Rob’s dick. Dre stood back, looking down at the remaining pictures, shaking his head.

“Yeah, take that shit with you when you leave. By the way, I had a vasectomy two years ago.”

Tanya looked at Shawn in complete shock. “Shawn, please, I’m sorry. I’ll get rid of it.” She grabbed his arm.

“You sorry, aight. You’ll be sorrier if you don’t get the fuck out of my house. And leave all the shit you brought with my money.”

“Can I at least get my stuff?” Joy asked, feeling her eyes fill with tears.

Shawn looked at her as if he had forgotten she was there. “You know what, Joy? You can stay. I know you down now and I wouldn’t throw you out on the street when you weren’t the one who betrayed me.”

“Fuck you, nigga. If I leave, Joy’s coming too. Come on, Joy,” Tanya said as she opened the door to leave. Joy didn’t move from her spot. “Joy!” Tanya yelled.

“I’m staying here.”


“You mad!” Shawn closed the door in her face as he and Dre laughed.

Joy felt bad, but not for long, because it
Tanya’s fault. Joy had tried to tell her, and besides, she didn’t have anywhere else to go.

Shawn went to the bar and poured them all a drink. Joy had had enough for one night but accepted anyway.

“You all right, man?” Dre asked.

“I don’t know, man. I was really feeling that bitch. That’s the only reason why I didn’t fucking kill her.”

Joy almost choked, wondering whether he was serious.

“Man, that’s why I don’t fuck with these bitches like that,” Dre said.

Suddenly Joy felt sick; she ran to the bathroom to throw up. Every time she thought she was done, more came out. When she was finally done, she rinsed her mouth out and brushed her teeth.

Dre and Shawn weren’t in the living room when she came out of the bathroom. She was glad and hurried to her room, just wanting to lie down. Though she never slept naked, she removed all her clothes and then got into bed. As soon as she closed her eyes, she was asleep.

Chapter Twenty-five

Something made Joy open her eyes. She looked up to see Shawn standing in the room with his hand on the door.

“I was just checking to see if you were all right. I’m sorry you had to see that,” he said, opening the door.

“Come here.” She pulled the covers back to show she was naked.

Starting below her bottom lip, he licked down from her chin to end of her neck. Joy’s body shuddered with anticipation. Licking his way back up, he darted his tongue in her open mouth before pressing his lips to hers. The softness of his lips had her wanting to feel them in other places. As if reading her mind; he parted her legs and sucked on her clit. His mouth felt so good Joy screamed out. He sucked hard and fast. He licked it, moving his long tongue from side to side, sticking it inside her and licking her walls. Joy grabbed his head and pushed it further into her. She felt his teeth nick her but that felt good. He moved her hands and held them by her side, continuing to lick her. She screamed and moaned, unable to control herself. He moved back to her clit, then lifted her up a little and licked to the top of her butt crack and back. He only stopped long enough to take his clothes off. He entered her. At first he couldn’t fit all the dick inside of her. He pulled out and put it in again, and then again, until she had stretched enough to handle him. He fucked her slow and long. Joy came three times in a row, still Shawn kept going. She had to beg him to come. He finally pulled out and busted on her thigh.

He looked for something to wipe her off. Not finding anything, he used his shirt. He kissed her lips and laid beside her. Joy looked at him. It all seemed like a dream. She was so tired she couldn’t hold her eyes open any longer.

When she opened them again, Shawn was gone. She started to wonder if it really was a dream after all. But she knew it wasn’t. She could smell his scent all over her. The events of last night played through her mind, all the way up to the finale. She couldn’t help herself, and smiled as she remembered how he made her feel. Her head was clear and didn’t hurt at all. Climbing out of bed, she realized that she was still naked. She threw on the clothes she had been wearing last night and headed to the bathroom, opening the door without thinking to knock.

Shawn was standing there naked, brushing his teeth. She stood there admiring his body. Chills ran through her as their encounter flashed through her mind again. He motioned for her to come in. She stepped in, closing the door behind her. From that moment on they were like a lit firecracker. When Shawn entered her, Joy felt sensations all over. He placed her on the sink and moved his dick in and out. He looked into her eyes and his dick got harder by the look of pleasure he found in them. She pushed him back and hopped down to suck his dick, making him moan as she licked the head. With the whole thing in her mouth, she gagged but kept going, getting used to it the more it hit her throat. She found she was able to control the sensation. He really went crazy; he grabbed her head and moved his dick in and out. “Your mouth is so warm. Arghhhhhhhh, shit. I’m trying not to come.”

Joy tapped his hand, to tell him to move it. He did. She stopped and stood up. She then bent down and held her ankles as he entered her from behind.

“I’m coming, yessssssssssssssss,” she screamed out.

He pulled out. “Turn around.”

Joy turned and knelt in front of him. He stroked his dick as he held her chin. Come shot out his dick and into her face. He closed his eyes and tried to catch his breath. Joy got up and went to the sink. Shawn grabbed a rag, wet it and wiped her face.

“Sorry ’bout that; I got caught up in the moment.”

“It’s cool. I’m not mad. To be honest, I kind of liked it.”

Shawn started the shower and they both got in, taking turns washing each other. Joy stood in front, under the water, with Shawn right behind her. She could soon feel his dick getting hard against her butt. A whole hour later they were done in the shower after having sex once more. They dried off and got out of the bathroom, each of them going to their own room. Ten minutes later there was a knock at Joy’s door. Shawn opened the door and walked in. Joy was sitting on the bed, still wrapped in a towel.

“You’re not dressed yet?”

“No. I was trying to decide what I’m going to wear.”

“You going out?”

“I was gonna get the book to study for my GED.”

“Stay here till I get back and I’ll go with you.”

“Umm … why?”

“You back talking me?” he asked, then laughed as if he was playing, but his eyes looked serious. “Just stay here, okay?”

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