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Marion Zimmer Bradley



and to instruct the Rangers in new fire-fighting techniques. This kind of mission demands tact and some Comyn author-ty, to persuade men separated by family feuds and rivalries, sometimes for generations, to work together peacefully. Fire-truce is the oldest tradition on Darkover but, in districts which have been lucky enough to escape forest fires for centuries, it's hard to persuade anyone that the fire-truce should be extended to the upkeep of the stations and beacons.

I had my father's full authority, though, and that helped. The law of the Comyn transcends, or issupposed to transcend, personal feuds and family rivalries. I had a dozen Guardsmen with me for thephysical work, but I had to do the talking, the persuading and the temper-smoothing when old strugglesflared out of control. It took a lot of tact and thought; it also demanded knowledge of the various families,their hereditary loyalties, intermarriages and interactions for the last seven or eight generations. It was high

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summer before I rode back to Thendara, but I felt I'd accomplished a great deal. Every step against the constant menace of forest fire on Darkover impresses me more than all the political accomplishments of the last hundred years. That's something we've actually gained from the presence of the Terran Empire: a great increase in knowledge of fire-control and an exchange of information with other heavily wooded Empire planets about new methods of surveillance and protection.

And back hi the hills the Comyn name meant something. Nearer to the Trade Cities, the influence of Terra has eroded the old habit of turning to the Comyn for leadership. But back there, the potency of thevery name of Comyn was immense. The people neither knew nor cared that I was a half-Terran bastard. I was the son of Kennard Alton, and that was all that really mattered. For the first tune I carried the fullauthority of a Comyn heir.

I even settled a blood-feud which had run three generations by suggesting that die eldest son of onehouse marry the only daughter of another and the disputed land be settled on their children. Only a Comyn lord could have suggested this without becoming himself entangled in the feud, but they acceptedit. When I thought of the lives it would save, I was glad of the chance.

I rode into Thendara one morning in midsummer. IVe heard offworlders say our planet has no summer,but there had been no snow for three days, even in the pre-dawn

hours, and that was summer enough for me. The sun was dim and cloud-hidden, but as we rode down from the pass it broke through the layers of fog, throwing deep crimson lights on the city lying below us. Old people and children gathered inside the city gates to watch us, and I found I was grinning to myself. Part of it, of course, was the thought of being able to sleep for two nights in the same bed. But part of it was pure pleasure at knowing I'd done a good job. It seemed, for the first time in my life, that this was my city, that I was coming home. I had not chosen this duty-I had been born into it-but I no longer resented it so much.

Riding into the stable court of the Guards, I saw a brace of cadets on watch at the gates and more goingout from the mess hall. They seemed a soldierly lot, not the straggle of awkward children they had beenthat first day. Dyan had done well enough, evidently. Well, it had never been his competence Iquestioned, but even so, I felt better. I turned my horse over to the grooms and went to make my reportto my father.

He was out of bandages now, with his arm free of the sling, but he still looked pale, his lameness morepronounced than ever. He was in Council regalia, not uniform. He waved away my proffered report.

"No time for that now. And I'm sure you did as well as I could have done myself. But there's trouble

here. Are you very tired?"

"No, not really. What's wrong, Father? More riots?"

"Not this time. A meeting of Council with the Terran Legate this morning. In the city, at Terran


"Why doesn't he wait on you in the Council Chamber?" Comyn lords did not come and go at the bidding

of the Terran an!

He caught the thought and shook his head. "It was Hastur himself who requested this meeting. It's moreimportant than you can possibly imagine. That's why I want you to handle this for me. We need an honorguard, and I want you to choose the members very carefully. It would be disastrous if this became a

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subject of gossip in the Guards-or elsewhere."

"Surely, Father, any Guardsman would be honor-bound-**

"In theory, yes," he said dryly, "but in practice, some of them are more trustworthy than others. You know the younger men better than I do." It was the first time he had ever admitted so much. He had missed me, needed me. I felt


Marion Zimmer Bradley



warmed and welcomed, even though all he said was, "Choose Guardsmen or cadets who are blood-kin to Comyn if you can, or the trustiest. You know best which of them have tongues that rattle at both ends."

Gabriel Lanart, I thought, as I went down to the Guard hall, an Alton kinsman, married into the Hasturs. Lerrys Ridenow, the younger brother of the lord of his Domain. Old di Asturien, whose loyalty was asfirm as the foundations of Comyn Castle itself. I left him to choose the veterans who would escort usthrough the streets-they would not go into the meeting rooms, so their choice was not so critical-andwent off to cadet barracks.

It was the slack time between breakfast and morning drill. The first-year cadets were making their beds,two of them sweeping the floor and cleaning out the fireplaces. Regis was sitting on the corner cot,mending a broken bootlace. Was it meekness or good nature which had let them crowd him into thedrafty spot under the window? He sprang up and came to attention as I stopped at the foot of his bed.

I motioned him to relax. 'The Commander has sent me to choose an honor guard detail," I said. "This is Comyn business; it goes without saying that no word of what you may hear is to go outside Councilrooms. Do you understand me, RegisT'

"Yes, Captain." He was formal, but I caught curiosity and excitement in his lifted face. He looked older, not quite so childish, not nearly so shy. Well, as I knew from my own first tormented cadet season, one of two things happened in the first few days. You grew up fast ... or you crawled back home, beaten, to your family. I've often thought that was why cadets were required to serve a few terms in the Guard. No one could ever tell in advance which ones would survive.

I asked, "How are you getting along?"

He smiled, "Well enough." He started to say something else, but at that moment Danilo Syrtis, covered indust, crawled out from under his bed. "Got it!" he said. "It evidently slipped down this morning when I-" He saw me, broke off and came to attention.


"Relax, cadet," I said, "but you'd better get that dirt off your knees before you go out to inspection." He

was father's protege", and his family had been Hastur men for gener-

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ations. "You join the honor guard too, cadet. Did you hear what I said to Regis, Dani?"

He nodded, coloring, and his eyes brightened. He said, with such formality that it sounded stiff, "I amdeeply honored, Captain." But through the formal words, I caught the touch of excitement, apprehension,curiosity, unmistakable pleasure at the honor.

Unmistakable. This was not the random sensing of emotions which I pick up in any group, but a definitetouch.

Laran, The boy had laran, was certainly a telepath, probably had one of the other gifts. Well, it was notmuch of a surprise. Father had told me they had Comyn blood a few generations back. Regis waskneeling before his chest, searching for the leather tabard of his dress uniform. As Danilo was about tofollow suit, I stepped to his side and said, "A word, kinsman. Not now-there is no urgency-but sometime, when you are free of other duties, go to my father, or to Lord Dyan if you prefer, and ask to betested by a leronis. They will know what you mean. Say that it was I who told you this." I turned away. "Both of you join the detail at the gates as soon as you can."

The Comyn lords were waiting in the court as the detail of Guards was forming. Lord Hastur, insky-blue cloak with the silver fir tree badge. My father, giving low-voiced directions to old di Asturien. Prince Derik was not present. Hastur would have had to speak for him as Regent in any case, but Derikat sixteen should certainly have been old enough, and interested enough, to attend such an importantmeeting.

Edric Ridenow was there, the thickset, red-bearded lord of Serrais. There was also a woman, pale andslender, folded in a thin gray hooded cloak which shielded her from curious eyes. I did not recognize her,but she was evidently comyn-ara; she must be an Aillard or an Elhalyn, since only those two Domainsgive independent Council right to their women. Dyan Ardais, in the crimson and gray of his Domain,strode to his place; he gave a brief glance to the honor guard, stopped briefly beside Danilo and spoke ina low voice. The boy blushed and looked straight ahead. I'd already noticed that he still colored like achild if you spoke to him. I wondered what small fault the cadet-master had found in his appearance andbearing. I had found none, but it's a cadet-master's business to take note of trivialities.

As we moved through the streets of Thendara, we drew


Marion Zimmer Bradley

surprised glances. Damn the Terrans anyway! It lessened Comyn dignity, that they beckoned and we

came at a run!

The Regent seemed conscious of no loss of dignity. He moved between his escort with the energy of aman half his years, his face stern and composed. Just the same I was glad when we reached thespaceport gates. Leaving the escort outside, we were conducted, Comyn lords and honor guard, into thebuilding to a large room on the first floor.

As custom decreed, I stepped inside first, drawn sword in hand. It was small for a council chamber, butcontained a large, round table and many seats. A number of Terrans were seated on the far side of thetable, mostly in some sort of uniform. Some of them wore a great number of medals, and I surmised theyintended to do the Comyn honor.

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Some of them showed considerable unease when I stepped inside with my drawn sword, but thegray-haired man at their center-the one with the most medals-said quickly, "It is customary, their honorguard. You come for the Regent of Comyn, officer?"

He had spoken cahuenga, the mountain dialect which has become a common tongue all over Darkover,from the Hellers to the Dry Towns. I brought my sword up to salute and replied, "Captain Montray-Alton, at your service, sir." Since I saw no weapons visible anywhere in the room, I foreboreany further search and sheathed the sword. I ushered in the rest of the honor guard, placing them aroundthe room, motioning Regis to take a position directly behind the Regent, stationing Gabriel at thedoorway, then ushering in the members of the Council and announcing their names one by one.

"Danvan-Valentine, Lord Hastur, Warden of Elhalyn, Regent of the Crown of the Seven Domains."

The gray-haired man-I surmised that he was the Terran Legate-rose to his feet and bowed. Not deeplyenough, but more than I'd expected of a Terran. "We are honored, Lord Regent,"

"Kennard-Gwynn Alton, Lord Alton, Commander of the City Guard." He limped heavily to his place.

"Lord Dyan-Gabriel, Regent of Ardais." Whatever my personal feelings about him, I had to admit he looked impressive. "Edric, Lord Serrais. And-" I hesitated a moment as the gray-cloaked woman entered, realized I did not know her name. She smiled almost imperceptibly and murmured under



her breath, "For shame, kinsmanl Don't you recognize me? I am Callina Aillard."

I felt like an utter fool. Of course I knew her.

"Callina, Lady Aillard-" I hesitated again momentarily; I could not remember in which of the towers she was serving as Keeper. Well, the Terrans would never know the difference. She supplied it telepathically, with an amused smile behind her hood, and I concluded, "leronis of Neskaya."

She walked with quiet composure to the remaining seat She kept the hood of her cloak about her face,as was proper for an unwedded woman among strangers. I saw with some relief that the Legate, at least,had been informed of the polite custom among valley Darkovans and had briefed his men not to lookdirectly at her. I too kept my eyes politely averted; she was my kinswoman, but we were amongstrangers. I had seen only that she was very slight, with pale solemn features.

When everyone was in his appointed place, I drew my sword again, saluted Hastur and then the Legateand took my place behind my father. One of the Terrans said, "Now that all that's over, can we come tobusiness?"

"Just a moment, Meredith," the Legate said, checking his unseemly impatience. "Noble lords, my lady, you lend us grace. Allow me to present myself. My name is Donnell Ramsay; I am privileged to serve the Empire as Legate for Terra. It is my pleasure to welcome you. These"-he indicated the men beside him at the table-"are my personal assistants: Laurens Meredith, Reade Andrusson. If there are any among you, my lords, who do not speak cahuenga, our liaison man, Daniel Lawton, will be honored to translate for you into the casta. If we may serve you otherwise, you have only to speak of it. And if you wish, Lord

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