NoBounds (4 page)

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Authors: Ann Jacobs

BOOK: NoBounds
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It still hurt to think about it. She’d
never be able to forget the sad look she’d noticed on the headmistress’s
usually jolly face that day when she’d called Amber into her office and told
her the news. What had hurt worse was the obvious reluctance of her elderly
grandparents to take in the child of their own daughter, whom they’d disowned
because she had chosen to live a BDSM lifestyle with Amber’s father.

“So you came to Scarsdale?” Cole prompted.

“Yes. I’d never felt so lonely before.
Never. Not that my grandparents didn’t feed and clothe me, but they never
Until I met Ciel, I had no one. No one at all.” Older, street-smart Ciel had
taken her under a well-manicured wing, introduced her to the world of bondage
and domination. She’d called Amber the perfect submissive, one who found the
ultimate pleasure in pleasing others. Perhaps she was. Back then, she’d wanted
nothing more than to make those around her happy, because evoking a smile, a
snippet of praise, had meant everything to her.

Cole had been a playmate, a friend, someone
who helped her with homework when she had trouble with concepts she’d missed
learning during the time she’d traveled with her parents instead of attending school.
As they’d grown up, she had developed a crush on him, but he’d never seemed to
see her as a woman—only as a childhood friend and his sister’s confidante.

Now all she wanted to do was please Cole in
every way. She longed to feel his punishment as well as his desire. She needed
that to break deep-seated past feelings of guilt and worthlessness. Maybe with
him she could reach a sexual peak, but that had never happened without the

She had no doubt that he would treat her
gently, because that was how Cole was. She knew, though, that she craved the
humiliation of being on public display for others’ amusement, the adrenaline of
fearing this time would be the last. She had to have that arousing fear that
the Dom of the moment would someday take her past the point of no return.

If only she were certain that Cole truly
wanted her and all her hang-ups. She hoped she wouldn’t become a liability to
his political aspirations here on Obsidion, just as he had become one to his
father back on Earth when he’d protected her and Ciel from harm. “Please take
me, Master,” she said. She needed reassurance. Needed him.


Cole couldn’t resist Amber any longer. He
didn’t want to resist. Not when she begged him to take her and not when he
sensed her lack of confidence, her fears.

He stood and looped his fingers into the
waistband of his jeans, unbuttoning them and shoving them and his underwear
down in one quick jerk. Taking his cock in one hand, he moved close enough to
feel her warm, damp breath on its throbbing head, then put his knee on the bed
and positioned himself, his cock in easy reach of her soft, sweet lips.

“Kiss me,” he growled. When she swirled her
pink tongue around the slit at the tip of his cock, he skimmed his free hand
over the rich, pale fall of her hair, along the gentle curve of her spine,
being careful as he did not to touch the healing but still-tender brand.

“I wish I’d killed him for hurting you.”
When he spoke, she sighed, then sucked his cock head into the wet cavern of her
mouth, her teeth grazing him, making him want more. “Yes, baby. Like that. Take
it all. Deep-throat me. I want you to make me come.”

God yes. Because it was Amber sucking his
cock, swallowing him, licking along the vein that pulsed along the underside,
he felt stronger sensations than any he’d experienced with any of the other
subs who had pleasured him, whether here or back on Earth. “Take all of me. Oh
yeah. Don’t stop.” He was coming and there was no way he could hold back.

He came in staccato bursts. Every
constricting motion of her throat around his cock head triggered another wave
of sensation so incredible that he could barely believe the feelings. He
grasped the headboard, steadying himself, determined not to move until she’d
wrung him dry.

He rose, bent and licked his essence off
her swollen lips. “I owe you a climax now.”

“Have I your permission to come, Master?”

Though he’d heard it hundreds of times from
dozens of women, the title “Master” still sounded strange coming from Amber’s
lips. Cole framed her cheeks between his palms and smiled into her eyes. “You
may assume you have my leave to come anytime you like, unless I tell you

“And I want you to feel free to use me in
any way that gives you pleasure.” When Amber laid a hand on his thigh, his cock
sprang back to life. “Would you like to fuck me now?”

“Oh yeah. I’m going to take you, ram my
cock into your sweet cunt. I’ll fuck your ass too. But later. Today I want to
taste your pussy. Nibble your clit and make you feel good.” For the first time
in his life, Cole felt an irresistible urge to fasten his collar around a
submissive’s neck, claim her for himself alone and flaunt his ownership.

Not of just any submissive. Just Amber. He
wanted to tell the world she was his to protect, to love, to master. That was
what the collar meant to him, in addition to staking his claim of ownership for
all other Doms to see and heed.

He bent his head and nipped her just below
the pink shell of her ear. The light floral scent of her hair surrounded them,
ensnared him in her as surely as any Dom’s restraints could. He stroked along
her flank, murmuring an apology when he came too close to her wound and felt
her tremble.

“Roll over on your belly. Carefully. Lay
your arms out over your head.” When she complied, Cole cuffed her and secured
her wrists to one of the rails in the headboard. “That’s good. Now spread your
legs and let me in.” The sight of her face down, ass up, her legs apart in
invitation, humbled him. Such trust, so soon after Petrone had misused her…

But was it trust or just the hope she
always seemed to harbor in her expression, the hope that a master would truly
take care of her? She apparently wanted that feeling of belonging so
desperately that she was willing to be tortured, as if trying to prove she
could endure anything for the promise of such care and love.

Starting right now, Cole would show her
that she should expect her master to care for her always, never to cause her
the type of pain Dax had inflicted on her—or the sort of psychological tortures
he imagined Ciel had visited on her. “There, let me slide this pillow under
your hips.”

“Thank you, Master. Please…” Her voice
trailed off, as though she was afraid to ask for what she wanted.

“Please what? Do you want me to eat your
cunt?” Cole ran a finger along her damp, warm slit, then cupped her plump mound
in his hand. “I like that you’ve shaved, like a good sub.” Too many of the
women he’d interviewed in the past few days had shown up with hairy cunts,
something he was certain he’d never have seen on applicants for club jobs back
on Earth.

He dipped his head and found her quivering
clit with his tongue. “Yes, Master. I wish…”

“What?” He spoke softly, noticing how
responsive she was and breathing on her clit again to watch it harden further.
“What do you wish?”

“That I could taste you again too.”

Her wistful tone touched him deeply. Fuck
it all, Dax’s abuse had scarred her inside as much as out. Maybe more. “Later,
after I lap your pretty cunt to my heart’s content and fuck you gently—not as
forcefully as I want to, because you’re not completely healed. As for tasting
each other, that too will have to wait. The last thing I want to do is hurt
you. I still wish I had killed Petrone when I had the chance.”

Amber shuddered, as though the mere mention
of Dax’s name terrified her. “What will happen to him?”

“After the police hauled him to the
colonial clinic to get patched up, they moved him to the jail. He won’t be
getting out any time soon.” Cole intended to see to that. The last thing his
business needed was to have that bastard running around loose on Obsidion.

When Cole traced the length of her inner
thigh from knee to crotch, Amber made a purring sound. He liked the way she
responded to his touch. Though he was already hot enough to burst, he found
himself enjoying the slow-paced loving dictated by his concern for her injury.

“You like this, don’t you?” he asked,
running a finger along the crease between her thigh and pussy.

“Mmm. Yes, Master.”

“Not Master, but Cole. I want to hear you
say my name.”

When she turned her head, he saw her
smiling profile. “Cole. Master Cole.”

“Amber.” This felt so right, so natural,
being together—making love. Cole imagined they still would feel this way when
they’d been lovers for years, yet maybe not with so much urgency. Right now, he
felt compelled to claim her fully.

Rising to his knees, he positioned her,
rubbed his cock along her wet, swollen slit. “Do I need to use a condom?”

“If you wish. I… Yes you do. I’m sorry.”

Cole ground his teeth together, holding
back a curse. Petrone had to have fucked her unprotected. Otherwise she
wouldn’t have hesitated. On Earth she’d have been tested weekly as all former
pleasure-givers and seekers were—as he and all her partners had been. Of all
the restrictive laws the Federation had enacted, that one made a certain amount
of sense. So much sense that Cole had adopted it for all who wanted to work or
play at No Bounds.

“I’ll get one.” He moved just enough that
he could reach the drawer of a bedside cabinet and selected a thin, lubricated
prophylactic. Settling again between her legs, he rolled it down over his
erection. “You have nothing to be sorry for,” he told her, settling a hand on
her unhurt hip and directing her to shift positions just slightly so his cock
would slide easily inside her sweet, tight sheath.

He sank into her slowly, savoring every
contraction of her tight vaginal muscles, every moan he elicited by pulling
back. He began to move inside her, thrusting slowly and gently into her silken
heat. Anger rose in him with every glance at her poor ass cheek.

Why the fuck did I let the bastard live?
He reminded himself that Petrone was unlikely to get out of jail
here any faster than he would have back on Earth. When his sentence was served,
he’d be rendered incapable of raping some other unfortunate woman before he was
released. Justice on Obsidion, Cole had observed, was as quick as it had been
back home—and even harsher in many respects.

That didn’t matter now. All he wanted to
think about was the incredible feel of Amber’s pussy, wet and hot around his
cock like a tight, delightful glove, so perfectly submissive. Only the muscles
inside her cunt moved on him, milking his cock, and the arousing little moans
of apparent ecstasy were her only sounds. He saw her fingers dig into the bed
linens the way she’d have clutched his flesh if she could.

Cole sped up the pace, moved faster and
deeper inside her. He wouldn’t be able to hold out long but he was determined
not to go alone. Slipping a hand between the pillow he’d placed under her hips
and her satin skin, he found her clit and stroked it, all the time fucking her
slow and deep. His balls bounced against his knuckles, high and tight within
their sac, ready…

“Oh God, Master, I’m coming,” Amber cried,
her inner muscles grabbing his cock in a stranglehold. “Oh…oh please. Please
don’t stop.”

If his life had depended on it, Cole
couldn’t have held back. He slammed into her pussy one more time and came.
Hard, as though he hadn’t come for weeks even though it had only been a few
minutes since he’d erupted in the hot, wet cavern of her mouth.

By all the gods, he loved being inside her
cunt. It felt like heaven. It felt like home.

* * * * *

The next day, Amber felt much better,
except that when she thought about having promised herself to Cole, guilt
nagged at her subconscious. After she’d showered and toweled her hair dry, she
decided to stay up and escape these four luxurious walls that had begun to
close in on her.

She’d go find Ciel.

For years, Ciel had been her anchor, the
one constant she’d been able to count on. Amber couldn’t count the number of
times it had been Ciel shouting the safe word when she herself could not,
jumping in and stopping a scene before some Dom choked the last breath of life
out of her.

Amber owed Ciel a lot. She owed the other
woman her life, if that was what she wanted. And she needed to see for herself
that Master Dax hadn’t killed Ciel. Cole had assured her that his sister was
alive but she couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t lie to keep from disturbing her with
the truth. She wouldn’t put it past her master to try to shield her from
knowledge he knew would hurt her. It would be like him to do whatever it took
to protect her, and not just from physical pain.

Biting her lip against the pain that each
abrupt motion caused to her raw brand, Amber managed to get up on unsteady legs
and take a few wobbly steps. Then, before she could grab onto something sturdy,
she took a crashing tumble onto the floor.

The next thing she knew, Cole had her in
his arms, his touch as gentle as his words were fierce. “What the fuck did you
think you were doing?” he ground out, bending and lowering her back onto the

“I was going to check on Ciel, Master.” She
didn’t like the look on his face, an expression of concern mixed with righteous
anger. “I—I need to see for myself that he didn’t kill her.”

“You don’t believe what I say?”

“Y-yes. I believe you, Master Cole.
Except…except that I’ve worried that you would keep bad news to yourself
because you knew it would upset me.”

Cole swore softly but he lifted her again,
carried her across the hall and kicked the door open. “There. Look all you
want. As I told you, Ciel is sleeping off the effects of a massive drug
overdose She’s very much alive but she isn’t likely to regain consciousness any
time soon—just as I told you.”

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