Nobody’s Child (New Life Tabernacle Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Nobody’s Child (New Life Tabernacle Series Book 1)
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Chapter 9

akayla adjusted
the strap of her messenger bag as she plodded down the sidewalk. Between the cold nip in the air and the tight and tired muscles of her legs, the three blocks it took to walk from the gas station back to her building felt more like three miles.

She’d just come off a double shift and all she wanted to do was plant her face in the middle of her air bed the second she got through the door. She was so exhausted, she could hardly think straight.

And though she hated to admit it, it was entirely her fault.

She’d agreed to cover any extra weekday hours Amir needed in exchange for guaranteed Sundays off. At the time, it seemed a worthwhile deal. But that was before she decided to hold off on her plans for Robin. Before she knew she'd be going to church every Sunday, and definitely before the disappointment of “Trey Day.”

She’d spent the last few days replaying the miserable Sunday in her mind. From her spazzing out in the car, to Suburb Shauna in the bathroom, then her bag spilling for all to see—the day had been a total disaster.

But despite cringing every time she thought about it, Makayla realized it was for the best that things didn't go as planned.

How much did she really know about Robin anyway? All she'd seen was interviews and speeches. Things like that weren't enough to tell you about a person.

Makayla needed to get to know her better before revealing her secret. She had to know for sure and without a doubt that it was the right thing to do. Even if Makayla never took revenge, it didn’t necessarily mean she and Robin would have a relationship. There were too many ways revealing herself could blow up in her face. She'd rather leave Texas without Robin ever knowing who she was, than tell her and regret she’d done so.

Makayla inhaled the crisp, cool air. It was settled. She’d hold off on revenge
telling Robin the truth.

Finally deciding would allow her to enjoy the rest of her Friday afternoon, stress-free. The only thing that stood between her and some much-needed sleep, was to hike the flight of stairs up to her apartment.

She was gearing up to do just that, when she saw Trey.

So much for a good Friday…

hat are you doing here
?" She didn’t ask, so much as demand.

He grinned and stood up from the gleaming, champagne-colored vehicle he was leaning against. “Do you have any idea how often I’ve been by here? Every time I ask someone about you, they say you’re at work. When do you have time for classes?”

He’d been asking about her? Perfect. That’s all she needed. A blazer wearing preppy telling everyone in the neighborhood he knew her.

“Again, why are you here?”

Motioning toward the Escalade next to him like he was one of the girls from The Price is Right, he said, “I wanted to show you my birthday present."

He had to be kidding. A car? Robin bought him a
for his birthday?

"What do you think?"

Makayla came closer, staring in disbelief. It was gorgeous. She leaned in to the window and looked inside.

Trey held up a remote and the car made a beeping sound as the doors unlocked. He opened the passenger side. “Go ahead. Get in.”

The inside was even more impressive than the outside. Plush leather seats, 16-speaker surround sound, a custom-built, touchscreen-controlled entertainment system and a dashboard that looked like it belonged inside a spaceship. Makayla had never seen anything like it.

"She must really love you."

"She’s a generous person, that's for sure."

I wouldn't know. She took off before I had a chance to find out.

“Wait till you hear this.”

He turned on the sound system, much louder than Robin ever would’ve. Makayla could feel the thump of the base in her legs and back. She grinned and bobbed her head to the beat.

Even if the speakers hadn’t sounded as if they belonged in an upscale, downtown club, she still would've been impressed. She’d never considered herself a car person, but if anything could turn her, it’d be a vehicle like this.

Trey must have seen the appreciation in her eyes because he held up the remote and wiggled it in front of her.

“Wanna take it for a spin?"

"Oh, I couldn't. I mean, it's brand-new and everything. I wouldn't wanna wreck it or something like that."

“Wreck it?” Trey laughed. “Do you got a speed-demon reputation I don’t know about? Just take it around the block. You gotta feel this thing on the road. It's crazy."

"That's okay."

Trey reached across her and pulled on the door handle. "Get out and get over here."

He opened his own door and started to get out when she said, "I don't know how to drive, okay? I never learned."

Makayla waited for him to crack a joke.

She knew there were places, like New York City, where being almost twenty and not knowing how to drive was no big deal, but she was pretty sure Texas wasn't one of them.

But instead of laughing, Trey pulled his door closed. "Really? Why not?"

Makayla exhaled. "Who cares? You could fill a book with the things I can't do. Drive, swim, roller skate. The list goes on. Look, I just got off work and—“

"I could teach you. If you want. All of it. The driving, swimming, skating—“

"Yeah, that's okay. But thanks."

Makayla pushed her door open and slid off the seat. No sooner than her feet hit the concrete, Trey had rounded the front of the vehicle.

"Come on. I'm a great teacher. Amazing."

She rolled her eyes, but smiled. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind if I ever need one."

"I'm serious. I learned from the best."

It took a moment before it hit her. "Don't tell me… Robin?"


Makayla shook her head and stepped around him and toward her apartment building. "Don't you have any parents of your own?"

He laughed and grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Why do I make you so angry?"

Makayla opened her mouth, but didn't have an answer. Why
she dislike him so much? He hadn’t done anything to her. And other than his addiction to asking questions, she didn't know anything about him aside from him being Robin's godson—

Was that it? Was she really hating on this dude just because she was

"How long have you known Robin? Since you were a baby?"

If he was thrown off by the sudden change of topic, he didn't show it.

“Nah. I was…” He looked up, eyes narrowed. "Nine or ten, maybe. Single mother. Robin helped us out."

Maybe Makayla had come at this all wrong. She wanted to know more about Robin. Personal, real life stuff, not what she saw in interviews or magazine articles. Who better to tell her what she needed to know than Trey?

"You don't make me angry. I'm just tired."

Trey cocked his head to the side and studied her. "So you won't try to cut me if I walk you to your door?"

"I left my switchblade upstairs, so you’re cool."

His grin widened. "Excellent."

They walked the few steps to the lobby door and as he opened it, he nodded in the direction off to the side of the apartment building.

"Who's that? He's been eyeing us ever since you got here."

Makayla looked over her shoulder. It was Antoine. He leaned against the wall of the building next to another guy, watching them and working the blunt in his mouth. Even as he exchanged a folded brown paper bag for a wad of cash, he never took his eyes off them.

"He's nobody.” She stepped inside and tugged on his blazer so he’d follow. She took out her keys and went to the wall of mailboxes. “So you really came all the way here just to show me your car?”

Trey leaned against the wall. “Actually, I'm here to do what I was trying to work up to Sunday, which is invite you to a mixer at my boy’s dorm."

Makayla had never met anyone like Trey. Why in the world would somebody drive across town and wait outside for a girl who had spent an entire afternoon ignoring him?

Maybe he could be useful. After all, if he and Robin were close enough that she would buy him a car, he probably knew things a lot of other people didn’t. Things he could tell Makayla, if she played her cards right.


Trey straightened up. “You'll come?"

"Yeah. Why not? When is it?"

“Tomorrow night. I'll pick you up around eight?"

"I'll see you then."

Trey backed away to the door, a grin on his face. “Yeah, I’ll see you then.” He felt for the door to push it open, but Antoine opened it from the outside before he could.

Trey gave him a nod. “Hey.”

Antoine looked Trey up and down, but didn’t acknowledge his greeting. He continued to watch Trey until he got into his car and drove away. Then he came to where Makayla stood at the trash bin, going through and chucking junk mail.

"Now see, I wouldn’t have guessed you were into those preppy, rich boys."

His voice had an edge to it. The kind of edge that reminded her he was not to be played with.

"He's not rich and he's not mine."

Antoine nodded slowly. "Good to know. Good to know.”

Chapter 10

y the time
Makayla and Trey arrived at the dorm the next night, the apartment and the hallway outside of it were already packed with people. Ciara’s voice filled the air and intertwined couples swayed to the rhythm. Narrowly dodging a drunk guy and his plastic cupful of spiked Kool-aid, Trey and Makayla went in search of a quiet spot. They’d just laid claim to a corner in the back of the room when Makayla heard a high-pitched shriek.

"Hey Charity, girl!”

She and Trey turned to find Shauna right behind them.

“Didn’t expect to see you here. Looks like you found my Trey Bear…”

Trey looked from Shauna to Makayla and back to Shauna. "Charity? Uh, no. This is Makayla. Makayla Dawson."

Shauna put her hand to the side of her mouth, as if sharing a secret.

"Inside joke."

"Oh, okay…” Trey said, glancing at Makayla. "I didn't realize you two knew each other."

"We've met,” Shauna said, eyeing Makayla, a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Twice,” Makayla added, wearing a plastic smile of her own.

If Trey sensed the tension between the two girls, he didn't let on. "Here on campus?"

Shauna tilted her head and arched an eyebrow. "No. In fact, I didn't even know she was a student."

Makayla did her best not to flinch under Shauna's pointed gaze. She could let Robin assume she was deciding between sororities and talk her way around Trey and his questions, but she had a feeling if Shauna wanted answers, a little sleight of hand wouldn’t be enough to fool her.

"Yeah," Trey said. Then he nudged Makayla with his elbow several times. "Though I'm still trying to get her major out of her. She's secretive to the point of suspicion. I'm starting to think she's a spy."

Makayla noticed how Shauna noticed the way Trey smiled when he looked at her.

Not good.

"Huh. That's interesting. I've seen a few episodes of The First 48. Maybe I can help with the interrogation."

Trey laughed. "I said spy, Detective Hairston. Not suspect."

Shauna shrugged as if to say, “Same difference." She studied her as she popped her gum. Makayla felt like someone had turned the apartment’s heater on full blast. She needed to change the subject.


"Did Trey tell you about his new car?"

Shauna's eyebrow shot up. She finally took her attention off Makayla and directed it at Trey.

"New car?"


"What kind?"


"Ooh, I like it! We have to compare notes. I might want one for myself."

"What? The Benz isn't doing it for you anymore?"

Makayla felt herself do a cartoon-worthy double take. The
? As in
? Who were these people?

"Wrecked it." Shauna pushed in between Trey and Makayla. She turned her body to face him, leaving Makayla with nothing but her back to stare at.

"My dad lost it, as usual.” She flicked the tip of one of her acrylics against the other. “Said I have to get a lower end car to replace it."

She made a face to show her disgust and Trey snickered.

"This is… What? Car number three? You're lucky he's getting you another one at all."

Trey noticed Shauna's body position and leaned forward to include Makayla in the conversation. She sincerely wished he hadn’t.

"I know you think Robin spoils me, but this one right here? The definition of spoiled brat."

Makayla forced a smile. "Really? Never would've guessed."

Shauna threw Makayla a sidelong glance over her shoulder. "We're not spoiled. We’re loved." She said it in a baby voice that made Makayla roll her eyes as far back as they’d go.

Shauna grabbed Trey's arm and wrapped herself around it. "Especially by Robin. Ever since we were kids. Remember how she used to come to church with her purse full of candy just for me?"

She looked back at Makayla. "Said I was the only person she ever knew with a sweet tooth is bad is hers. She still calls me her Sugar Baby."

"Awww…” Makayla said, not bothering to make it sound genuine. She was already using all her energy not to gag and didn't have any left over for much else.

Unfortunately, her sarcasm wasn't lost on Shauna. She turned to face Makayla.

“How is it you know Robin?" It sounded more like a challenge than a question.

Makayla smiled sweetly. "My Benz was in the shop, so she gave me a ride."

After three seconds of stunned silence, Trey busted out laughing. Shauna's eyes narrowed and the corners of her lips pulled up, but it was obvious Trey was the only one truly amused.

"You're funny. We should hang. What's your class schedule? We can meet up this week."

Makayla knew she should’ve left the moment she discovered Sugar Baby was in attendance. If she got caught, it would be because of Shauna. And since she had no intention of that happening, she needed to keep her distance.

Starting now.

The question was, how? Trey was her ride and he didn’t seem in any hurry to leave, which made sense since they’d only been there for about a minute. But Shauna was obviously gunning for her and from what Makayla could tell, the girl’s aim was good.

Makayla was about to feign illness so Trey could take her home, when something occurred to her.

With the exception of Shauna’s presence, this party was a good opportunity. A
opportunity, actually. She knew nothing about college outside of television shows she’d seen back when she had access to a TV. And other than DeShawn, none of the students who came into the gas station had anything to say to her. But here, she had a whole apartment full of them, half drunk and ready to spill.

She was going to need details to make her life as a college student believable and this was the place to get them.

But first, she needed to make an excuse to get away from and then avoid Shauna for the rest of the night. And from what she could tell, the best way to avoid Shauna was to let her have Trey all to herself. Makayla knew it wasn't what he had in mind when he invited her, but under the circumstances, she was more than willing to let him be the steak that distracted Shauna's inner pitbull.

"Hello?" Shauna waved her hand in front of Makayla's face. "Anyone home?"

Makayla bit her lip and tried to look embarrassed. "Hard to concentrate when you gotta pee. Let me run to the restroom right quick and then we'll talk, okay?"

he plan worked

By the time the night was over, Makayla had culled enough facts to build her own believable college story. She was now a psychology major, taking some core classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, and General Psych and Statistics on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Her favorite teacher was Professor Hillard because he was funny and a bit absent-minded and her least favorite was David Gurney, because he was a hard nose that refused to give an A, regardless of the quality of work.

From there, it was just a matter of details and elaboration. She practiced on a few students and was glad to see them buy it. Of course, they’d all been drinking and probably weren’t as shrewd as Shauna, even when sober, but it was a start.

Makayla only needed to keep up the masquerade until she sorted out the Robin situation. Hopefully, that would happen sooner, rather than later.

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