Read Nobody's Online

Authors: Rhea Wilde

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

Nobody's (15 page)

BOOK: Nobody's
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While I stood there and listened to more of their squawking about inconsequential matters, I noticed Thomas speaking to his friend Anthony. The two of them had smiles on their faces and as I continued to watch them, they both suddenly turned and looked at me before returning to their own conversation.


I jerked my head back to the circle of women that Alina had dragged me into and they were all looking at me with wonder in their eyes.

“So? What’s it like being Thomas’s personal assistant?”

“Yeah, are you enjoying yourself so far?”

“He’s not making you work too hard, is he?”

They bombarded me with questions and I laughed off all of them nervously. I didn’t know what to say exactly. I couldn’t tell any of them the true nature of our relationship even though it was painfully obvious to them.

“Mr. Livingston is an amazing man to work for,” I said. “I’m very lucky to be given this opportunity.”

“Opportunity she says,” Alina laughed. “Thomas throws money at everything. It’s about time he finally spent it on something he actually needs.”

The rest of the girls all laughed along with Alina and I wondered what exactly she meant by that comment. It was an odd thing to say and my curiosity got the best of me.

“What do you mean?” I asked her. “What does Mr. Livingston need?”

“Oh…” Alina said as the laughter suddenly died down. “Well, Thomas is a hard-working man. He works too hard, in fact. It’s just nice to see that he finally got someone to help ease the load of his busy schedule.”

“I-I’m just doing my job.”

“And how long do you plan on working for Thomas?” one of the women asked.

“Mr. Livingston and I agreed to a short-term contract. But I’m free to leave before that.”

“Well, get that money while you can,” the woman said to me. “Who knows what can happen when you’ve spent so much time around a man like Thomas.”

“Oh, hush,” Alina said to her. “You’re going to scare her.”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked her.

But before my question could be answered, Alina took a glass of champagne from one of the waiters and shoved it into my hand. Then she grabbed me by the other hand and whisked me in the other direction.

“Ladies, Angel’s boss is waiting for her,” Alina explained. “You know how it goes working for a man like Thomas.”

“Nice to meet you all,” I said to them as I tip-toed away from the group.

As we walked away, I again asked Alina what the woman meant when she said something could happen if I spent too much time around Thomas.

“Oh, it’s just silly gossip,” Alina said. “Thomas has never had an assistant before. And he’s never really been in a long-term relationship either. You’re the closest thing he has to that, I suppose. They’re just teasing you.”

“But I am spending a lot of time around Thomas. Is there something I should be concerned about?”

“Oh, don’t worry about it, Angel. You said yourself that you have a contract with him and you can leave when it’s up. It’s just nonsense created by women who have nothing else interesting to talk about.”

We made our way back to Thomas and Anthony, who were still engaged in their friendly conversation. Even though I had more questions about Thomas at this point, I still wondered what they meant by it.

“Angel, so good to see you again,” Anthony said to me. “You’re looking as stunning as always.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“And so modest and overly polite. Just because Thomas insists on formalities doesn’t mean you should be obligated to do the same with me.”

“Angel is just trying to remain professional,” Thomas said. “I can appreciate a woman who knows that she has a job to do and takes it seriously in every aspect.”

He winked at me and I nodded my head and smiled at him. Before I could gather myself, Anthony held his hand out to me.

“Angel, I remember you dancing the other night and I thought to myself, ‘wow, she really knows what she’s doing out there.’”

“I don’t actually,” I explained to him. “Mr. Livingston was leading me the entire way.”

“Nonetheless, it would still be an honor to head out onto the floor with you. That is, as long as your boss is okay with it. Mr. Livingston?”

We both looked at Thomas and he turned to me.

“Angel, would you like to dance with Anthony Westgate?”

“It would be my pleasure, Mr. Livingston.”

I nodded my head to Thomas as Anthony took my hand and led me out onto the floor. The music was subdued and the two-step was less complex than the waltz Thomas carried me through just a few nights ago. As I danced with Anthony, I looked over to the side where Thomas’s attention had now turned to Alina.

“You do look very lovely tonight,” Anthony said to me. “I know it sounds like empty flattery but it can’t be said enough.”

“Thank you…”

“Anthony. Call me Anthony.”

“Thank you, Anthony.”

He winked at me, his brown eyes staring into me and hypnotizing me like the rhythm of the soft music playing. Anthony dug his hand into my back and moved me in place.

“That’s a lovely scent you’re wearing tonight.”

“Thank you.”

“You are quite the specimen. Looks and personality. Where exactly did Thomas find a personal assistant like you?”

“I just… heard there was an opening and applied for it. Mr. Livingston hired me after we spoke to one another.”

“I see… isn’t it funny how things work out? Take a chance and you end up getting the position of a lifetime. There must have been hundreds of women trying to be Thomas’s assistant but he chose you. Did he say specifically why it was you?”

“No,” I said as I shook my head. “I can only assume I met all of the requirements he was looking for.”

“All that and then some.”

I bit my lips, trying not to say anything more as we continued to dance. The song finally ended and Anthony pulled away from me. We met back with our two dates for evening and took a seat at the dinner table. The waiters were quick to fill our wine glasses and serve us plates full of food. I anxiously awaited what the topic of conversation would be tonight, hoping that it wouldn’t force me to dance around the issue. But it was only wishful thinking and I knew that.

“Angel, Thomas and I were discussing the bounds of your contract,” Alina said to me. “Apparently, you’re in service to him for a short term.”

“That’s correct.”

I looked over at Thomas, curious as to why they were discussing matters with one another. I wondered if he brought up the fact that I was a hooker but I continued to bite my tongue.

“But your contract doesn’t give Thomas exclusive rights,” she said. “In fact, if you’re working for Thomas, that means that you would most likely do what he requests.”

“I suppose whatever Mr. Livingston desires, within reason, I can accommodate him.”

“Angel,” Anthony said. “How would you like to work for Alina and me?”


I almost fell out of my seat at the suggestion.

“Would you like to work for us?” Alina repeated her boyfriend’s question. “We could use someone like you. Even for just a night.”


I didn’t know what to say. It was such an odd suggestion. I turned to Thomas but the look on his face didn’t give me the answers I needed.

“Just one night,” Anthony said. “We’d like to… borrow you. You’ll be compensated, of course. Alina and I are curious as to your capabilities of the service you provide for Thomas.”

I narrowed my eyes at him then again turned to Thomas, waiting for him to respond.

“I-I’m not sure, Mr. Livingston would approve of that,” I said while I looked in Thomas’s direction.

“Angel, you’re free to make your own decision,” Anthony said to me. “I’ve already spoken with Thomas about it. He says that it’s up to you.”

“Is that true?”

Thomas slowly nodded to me, still remaining silent. I looked back at Anthony and Alina and they stared at me with smiles painted on their faces.

“So, what do you say, Angel?” Anthony said. “Will you work for us? Just one night.”

“I… This doesn’t sound, right,” I said. “I mean, I’m working for Mr. Livingston at the moment. I’d prefer not to take my attention away from all of the work I have to do.”

I looked at Thomas and could see a slight smile developing on his face.

“Ah, I see what this is,” Anthony interrupted. “Negotiation. I’m not one to pry a loyal employee away from his friend but I think this will work out for all parties. What is your fee, Angel?”

“Well, I…”

I nervously grabbed the glass of wine in front of me and took a sip. I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to speak the details about the money Thomas was giving me. But he was giving me no indication that I was to remain silent about it.

“Okay, I’ll make it easy for you,” Anthony said. “Let’s pick a nice round number. One night. One million.”

I felt a jolt rush through my spine as I heard the number. I turned and looked at Anthony skeptically but every indication on his face was telling me that he was serious.

“One million dollars for one night,” he repeated. “There’s no shame in accepting the offer. I’m sure it’s more than Thomas has offered you.”

I looked over at Thomas, still hesitant as to whether or not I should accept it.

“It’s a lot of money,” Thomas said, finally speaking up. “You are working for me but you do have this freedom.”

“I-I still don’t know…”

For some reason, I was hesitating. Thomas was already paying me so much. What Anthony was offering would change my life forever in just a single night.

“Thomas,” Anthony said to his friend. “Please encourage the poor girl to make the right choice. It’s not very often anybody gets the chance to make a million dollars so easily.”

I looked toward my billionaire benefactor and he stared at me with his deep green eyes.

“Angel, I can’t make this decision for you. It’s up to you. You have my support regardless of what you want to do.”

It was so much money. It would be stupid of me not to accept the offer. But there was a feeling in the pit of my stomach that made me hesitate. I looked at Thomas and could see that he was a bit conflicted.

“I-I’d like to think about it,” I said. “I don’t know if I could accept this offer so easily.”

When I looked at Thomas, I could see more than just a smile on his face. There was a twinkle in his eye that told me something more, except I couldn’t quite put my finger upon it.

“Very well,” Anthony said. “The offer still stands while you’re currently in service to Thomas. Alina and I are anxious to see what you’re capable of.”

I was already suspicious about everything but now I couldn’t shake the feeling I had. It was blatantly obvious that I was more than just an employee to Thomas. But how much everybody else knew was unclear exactly. Why would Anthony be so willing to spend so much money on me if he believed I was just some assistant? There was more to it than that. What he would have me do was just the beginning.

They were all in on this. They were all up to something and I found myself falling deeper into a mystery that didn’t make any sense.

“I’m sorry,” Anthony said. “All this talk about business and working and money. It really spoils the appetite. Let’s not discuss this any further. Angel, Thomas, please enjoy our banquet.”

He held his hand out to me to encourage me to enjoy the gourmet excess in front of me. I sat there in silence as I ate my dinner, wondering what exactly was going on. Anthony and Thomas continued their discussion about the previous day’s meetings. Alina complimented my outfit over and over. When she wasn’t, she would tell me about the latest ramblings from her circle of friends. The innocuous conversations weren’t enough to get my mind off of everything that happened.

I was drinking wine to mask my nerves and before I knew it, I had enough for it to have an effect on me. At the end of dinner, my head was swirling and a slight feeling of euphoria had washed over me. Thomas must have noticed it as he stood up from the table and held his hand out to me.

“Angel, if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Not at all, Mr. Livingston. Anthony, Alina.”

I excused myself from the table as I took his hand. Thomas led me out onto the dance floor and though it wasn’t as extravagant as the last time, I enjoyed my time with my boss just the same. He pulled me in close to him and when he did, I leaned one of my hands up to brush some of the brown hair out of his face.

“Your hair was out of place,” I said. “It’s not usually like that.”

“Thank you.”

He smiled at me and I couldn’t fight the grin that had suddenly come over me.

“You’re drunk,” he whispered to me.


“You’ve had a lot to drink, Angel.”

“No, I haven’t, Mr. Livingston,” I said.

My denial only made him smile even further and he leaned in closer to me.

“Angel, please don't have any more to drink tonight.”

“That won’t be a problem, Mr. Livingston.”

“I know it won’t. We’re leaving as soon as we’re done here.”

“If that’s the case, I want to dance for the rest of the night.”

I stuck my tongue out at him in a drunken haze to only confirm his suspicions. Despite my intoxication, Thomas took my joke well and the smile on his face continued to grow.

We danced together to the sound of the low music. I looked into his eyes. With nothing else to look at and my attention focused solely on him, I was given another reminder as to how handsome he was. Up this close, you could see the imperfections of someone but Thomas had none. His face was smooth, his features in all of the right places. Even the light stubble across his jaw after a long day of work seemed to be formed in a perfect line.

I leaned in closer to kiss him and Thomas pulled away.

“Not here,” he said. “I’d… I’d just like to enjoy this moment with my assistant.”

“Yes, Mr. Livingston. I’m sorry, I—”

“Don’t apologize, Angel. I’m leading you on and you’re drunk.”

“I’m not drunk.”

I gave him a wry smile and the tension I had created when I stared at him started to return. But there wasn’t enough alcohol in my bloodstream to give me the nerve to try it again. I was Thomas’s but only to a certain extent when we weren’t behind closed doors.

BOOK: Nobody's
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