Noah (21 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

BOOK: Noah
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The house was
dark when we pulled in. Bells got out of her car and walked behind me to the kitchen entrance. Mail sat on the kitchen table, courtesy of someone in the family bringing it from the road. There were no dishes in the sink, and a basket of clean clothes sat on the couch, folded.

“I think my mom’s been here.”

“I can’t believe she still does your laundry.”

“She doesn’t anymore.” I laughed. “Ain’t that why you’re here?”

Bells shoved me to the side and walked into the living room. “Fat chance. Be nice, or I’ll purposely dye all your whites pink.”

I took my bag and sat it on top of the washing machine, and then walked into my room to get a change of clothes. I needed a shower, because I still hadn’t washed off the champagne residue.

The back door opening and Bells running into my room stopped me dead in my tracks. “Someone’s here.”

I sat her down on my bed. “Stay here.”

Shirtless, I walked out toward the kitchen to see who had come in without knocking. Before I saw them, I knew it was family, otherwise we would have heard a car pulling down the gravel driveway.

My mother was standing at the table, talking to my father. It was hard to look at him, when silently I was preparing myself for him to go off on me.

My mom rushed over and grabbed my cheeks with one hand. “You had me worried.” She hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her, taking in the familiar scent of how her hair had smelled for as long as I could remember.

“I missed you too, but I am a grown man. I can take a couple days off from time to time.”

“Next time make sure it’s a planned vacation, son.”

My mother pulled away and shot my dad a look. I knew she was in control of this meet, and not him. Like plenty other times she’s gotten me out of trouble, my dad
knew she was the real one in control of us kids.

“Okay. I will.”

“Where’s Isabella?” He started looking past me.

“Dad, she’s fine. I’ll explain later.”

Mom looked at dad and then back to me. “Sorry, Noah. I know you’re trying to protect her, but her parents are freaking out. Apparently they’ve been getting threats at the house, pertaining to Bella. We just need to know she’s alright.”

“For once I need you to trust me. She’s fine. She just doesn’t want to talk to anyone, that’s all.”

My dad, being my dad, pushed past me and went toward the first bedroom, which happened to be mine. We followed him and watched him push open the door. Before I could say anything I knew he’d seen her face. “God damn it, Bella. Who did this to you?”

My mom walked in next, gasping and rushing to my cousin’s side. “Sweetie, are you okay? Does it hurt?”

“I’m okay,” Bells started to cry. I knew she was so embarrassed.

Right away my dad was on his phone. “Yeah, it’s me. She’s here and -.”

I started waving my hands in front of him, shaking my head and pleading with him to not tell them how bad it was.

“And she’s fine.” He paused for a moment, probably
listening to my aunt or uncle. “Hang on.” He handed Bells the phone. “They need to know you’re alright, darlin’.”

Bells stood up and took the phone into the other room. We could hear her crying as she spoke.

I looked at my dad. “Thanks. She doesn’t want them to worry.”

“Noah, I don’t know what’s goin’ on, but that shit ain’t right. Is she in trouble?”

“Sweetie, is there anything we need to know?” My mother knew how to ask to keep the peace, while my dad used his stature to be in control of the situation. He was also too familiar with Bella and the drama that followed her.

“I found her like this at a hotel. I don’t know much,” I lied. “My first priority was to get her here safely. She looks like hell, but seems to be managing alright.”

My dad whispered, “Did that kid do this to her? I never liked him. He reminds me too much of someone her mother used to date.”

“I don’t think it was him, but to be honest, I’m not sure she’d tell me if it was. I believe her when she tells me it wasn’t him. Still, I think he’s capable of a lot worse.”

My dad shocked me. He put his hand on my shoulder. “We’ve got to have a talk about what happened between us, but you did the right thing by your cousin. I’m glad you know what’s important to this family.”

“I’d never let anything happen to her, you know that.”

Bells came back into the room, only to meet my mother’s open arms. Even as adults, I think we still needed our family the same as we always had. Perhaps it was weird, and most grown people didn’t stay close. After three days away from my family, I took notice of the way it felt to know they were there for us, no matter what. Even my dad, who was being pretty tame about the whole ordeal, in light of my cousin’s situation.

“Thanks for not tellin’ my dad, Uncle Colt.”

“Bella, I don’t know what’s goin’ on with you, but you’re safe here.  I’m sure Noah’s told you to stay as long as you need to.”

Bells looked over at me. “Actually, he asked me to move in last week. I hope it’s okay. I haven’t told my parents yet, but I will, I promise.”

My parents looked at each other with matching concerned faces. My dad cleared his throat and spoke up first. “Make sure they know sooner than later. I don’t want to know more than they do about their only daughter.”

My parents started walking out of the bedroom. “Dinner will be ready in about a half hour. Gram’s eatin’ with us, so make sure you both show up. She’s been worried about both of you.”

“She knew where I was,” I blurted out.

My dad got this look on his face like he wasn’t surprised. “Figures.”

“What about my face?” Bells asked.

“What about it?” I joked.

She rolled her eyes and looked to my mom for a serious answer. “Just come to dinner. Get some ice on that cheek from now until then. You shouldn’t be that swollen still.”

“Thanks, Aunt Van.”

She winked and kissed her on the other side of her face. “You’re welcome, honey.” Then my mom turned towards me. “Put a shirt on before you come over. I think your sister is having company.”

“Like a guy? Addy?”

My mom smiled. “No, Christian.”

She may as well have kicked me in the balls, and I think she saw it on my face.

“Noah, behave. I’m not kidding. She deserves to have a boyfriend. She’s in college.”

“He better be a gentleman, that’s all I’m goin’ to say.”

My dad patted my shoulder and walked out the door. I knew he was smiling, probably thinking the same damn thing I was.

Once my parents were gone I turned to look at Bells. She was laughing as she reached into the freezer and pulled out a bag of peas that looked to be ten years old. “You’re ridiculous. One day she’s goin’ to get married. What will you do then?”

“I’ll kill him and bury him in the woods before I let that happen.” I clenched my jaw. Even the thought of a guy touching my sister made my skin crawl.

Bells shoved me. “You big dummy. She’s an adult. You don’t see anyone killing all the woman you’ve slept with.”

“She’s sleepin’ with him?”

Bells hunched over laughing so hard at me. “Oh my god. Listen to you.”

I got ready to say something, but knew I’d be sounding like an overprotective brother, so I walked back to my bathroom and closed the door. The hot water felt good falling down over my face once I climbed in the shower. Not only was I trying to keep my composure about my sister possibly having sex, Bells moving in, and my parents being too nice to not notice, my mind kept reverting back to Shalan. I couldn’t remember ever feeling so bad about walking away from a woman that I hardly knew. It was driving me crazy.

I climbed out with no real resolve to my feelings. Knowing that nothing was going to help me besides seeing her again, I wrapped a towel around my waist and located my cell phone. After plopping down on my bed, I dialed the hotel and asked to be connected with her room.

It rang four times, and I was just about to hang up when I heard that voice I longed to hear.


At first I couldn’t talk. I swore she’d hang up.

“Hello? Is anyone there?”

“It’s me,” was all I could manage to get out.

“Noah?” The line got quiet. Had she hung up on me?

“You still there?”

“What do you want?”

“How did it go today?”

“Like you care?” I could tell she didn’t want to talk to me.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t stay. I swear I can explain.”

“Don’t. Just don’t bother, Noah. It’s probably for the best anyway. Everything happens for a reason, right?”

When she said that I knew there was nothing I could say to her to convince her that I was truly sorry. If circumstances were different I’d be lying in that bed next to her, promising to see the music thing through. “Yeah. You’re right.”

“You’re lucky you caught me here. I get my place tomorrow, courtesy of the management company. They’re going to put me up while they prepare me for the first few months. I signed this temporary thing today insuring that I won’t sign with anyone else.”

“Do you need a lawyer? I’ve got a good one in New York.”

“No. I don’t need anything from you, Noah. Though I appreciate all you’ve done, I plan on paying you back once I start receiving checks.”

“You don’t need to. It was my pleasure.”

“No. I’m paying you back, otherwise I’ll feel like you paid me to be with you. I can’t live like that. The sooner I
owe you nothing, the better.”

“Don’t say that, Shalan. You and I both know that ain’t what happened.” Yes, I’d gotten mad and accused her of becoming a whore to make money. I never should have said it, but I was pissed off and it just came out. Unfortunately, women never forget the bad things guys say. They only forget about all the compliments that we give them. “You obviously made your choice and went back home, so clearly I meant little to you. All I asked was for you to accompany me. How hard would that have been?”

“You don’t understand. Somethin’ happened. I had to go home.”

“It was a few hours of your time. You promised. I’ve never told anyone things that I told you. I should have never trusted someone that I just met.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Darlin’, I -.”

“Don’t you dare darlin’ me, Noah. I’m not your darlin’, or anything else. We had a good time together, and then you went home. Leave it at that, so we can both move on and forget it ever happened. Okay?”

“That’s how you want it to be? You want to pretend you never met me?”

“Yes. Get it through your damn head. It was a fling and now it’s over. It’s like you said, we were just two adults that enjoyed each other’s company. It was never anything more. I heard you the first time, Noah. Stop trying to convince me otherwise. I’ve got to go. My cab will be here any minute. Have a good life, ranch boy.”

“Shalan, wait.”

I heard the phone hang up, and knew that was her goodbye. I’d blown it, and there wasn’t anything I could do to make things right. We lived two different lives. It wouldn’t have worked anyway, so I needed to get over it and move on.

Bells stood in the doorway. “Hey. Was that the girl?”

“It was.”

“That bad?”

I ran my hands over my face. “Yup. Another one bites the dust.”

“You’re doomed with women, Noah. Just face it.” She smiled. “So anyway, your sister just text me. She said there’s no way she’s bringin’ a guy home for dinner when you’re around, so you can chill out about that at least.”

“Good. I might have actually killed him.”

She pointed at me. “This is the reason that you can’t keep a woman. You have issues.”

“Screw you. That’s comin’ from someone that got the shit beat out of her because of what?” I waited a couple seconds.

“Fuck off.”

“Yeah, exactly. You’re lucky we’re family, or else I’d tell you how much of a bitch you can be.”

“That’s never stopped you before,” she yelled from the empty bedroom across the hall.

I refused to keep going with her. She’d fight with me all night, just to avoid talkin about her problems. I had enough of my own.

As I stood up to get dressed, I saw my phone blinking, like I’d gotten a text, but it hadn’t rang.

A number I didn’t recognize was displayed.

I need an address to send the checks to. – Shalan

I wrote back quickly.

The only reason I’d ever give you my address is if you were coming to see me. It’s only a matter of time before you miss me, Shalan. - Noah


You are the most cocky, irritating man I’ve ever met. I guess you won’t be getting the money back after all. Have a nice life. – Shalan


For someone so bitter, I bet you’ve thought about me all day. - Noah


Why would you assume that? – Shalan

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