No Safeword: Matte - Happily Ever After (Safewords) (13 page)

BOOK: No Safeword: Matte - Happily Ever After (Safewords)
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She tried to turn, but he’d wrapped his arms around her torso and held her firm so she couldn’t turn to look at him, and couldn’t hold him.

“Let me go, Ethan.” Her voice was a soft request because making demands would just make him dig his heels in. His arms loosened and she turned to her left and sat up on his thigh, careful of her left side as she reached up with her right arm to pull his head down until they were cheek to cheek.

“You have every right to be angry with me. We had this perfect life and I fucked it up by not listening to you. I know this has been hard on you, and I wish there was something I could do so you don’t have to take care of me. It kills me to have to ask you to open jars, and don’t think I haven’t noticed you opening them when they’re new so I won’t have to ask. You’re being too nice about it, dammit. We have to be honest with each other, even when we’re pissed.”

He pulled his head up. He hadn’t actually cried, and he’d regained control of his voice, but his eyes were watery and he couldn’t hide his grief. “What good can it do to be mad at you? You’ve gone through so much pain because of your bad judgment, because you refused to take the threat serious.”

“Because you can’t help how you feel, and burying your feelings doesn’t resolve anything.”

His eyes closed a few heartbeats, and opened to show the raw anger he felt. “Well then. I’m pissed at you. There, I’ve admitted it.

She’d forgiven herself for provoking Masterson, but she needed Ethan to forgive her for not taking the threat seriously. She couldn’t lie to get his forgiveness, though.

“Now I say I’m sorry. I admit you were right, and I tell you if I’d known what he was capable of I probably still wouldn’t have dropped the case, but I’d have taken better precautions. I admit I was too cocky; I thought I was safe because I could kick his ass.”

His eyes drew together. “You still wouldn’t have dropped the case?”

“Would you’ve fallen in love with me if I were the kind of person who cut and run when things got dicey?”

He didn’t respond, but the look in his eyes showed his displeasure.

“You have to take the good with the bad, Ethan. You married me because I’m hardheaded and strong, which means you have to accept those qualities even when they’re the reason I make decisions you don’t approve of. It’s fine to be angry with me for making those decisions, though.”

His lips descended on hers in a punishing kiss. His hand moved to the back of her head as he forced her mouth open with his, and his tongue didn’t ask permission before invading and taking control.

She hadn’t been truly horny for six weeks. She’d been needy and had wanted release, but hadn’t been able to work herself up. She’d even tried to get things going with a vibrator a few times, but had stopped in frustration when she wasn’t turned on.

But now, it was as if gasoline had been poured onto dry wood and his kiss was the match. She turned her hips towards him more, to try to relieve the cramp in her chest, but he didn’t let up on the kiss.

When he finally released her lips, she thought they might be swollen but she wasn’t complaining. She’d had a glass and a half of wine, but she shouldn’t feel this lightheaded and happy from so little alcohol. Her gaze met Ethan’s and his eyes were a shade of green she hadn’t seen in far too long. He reached for the soap and lathered his hands before saying, “Open your legs.”

Strong fingers spread her open and rubbed soap around her clit and between every fold. He lathered his hands again and washed around her asshole, even sticking a soapy finger inside. He rinsed his hands and turned her, finally settling her on the other end of the tub, facing him. He stepped out long enough to get her submersible electric shaver from its charger, and joined her in the tub again.

He’d helped her shave her legs the first few weeks, but she’d managed it since. She’d trimmed her pussy enough to keep it short, but hadn’t kept it perfect. He took the time now to shave her from ankles to bellybutton, leaving only the thin strip she preferred on her mound. He even had her raise her arms so he could be sure her armpits were smooth.

When finished, he sat back and said, “Out of the tub, Samantha.”

Oh, how she’d missed his Dom voice, and that

He helped her up and out, and followed right behind her after turning the jets off and pushing the button to drain the tub.

He ordered her to stand still as he dried her with the soft towel. He paid special attention to her torso, arms, and shoulders, but she moved as she was told and didn’t try to rush him.

However, she wanted him to hurry so they could get to the good stuff. Ethan was all she wanted or needed, and he was being much too careful and patient for her tastes.

He only spent a few seconds drying himself when he finished with her, but she wanted to scream when he took the time to hang the towel and make it neat and tidy on the towel bar.

When he finally led her to the bedroom she’d have done anything he asked, but his instructions were simple.

“Sit on the edge of the bed and wrap your arms around your rib cage, like they’re both in a sling.”

She followed his instructions, and her eyes boggled when he pulled an ace bandage from his nightstand drawer and began wrapping it around her arms and torso. She’d had him do this to her left arm when she wanted it stabilized so she could work out, trying to regain her stamina, so he knew she could handle her arm bound in this position. Her heart swelled with love and she wanted to kiss him for thinking of a way to restrain her without hurting her injuries, but he’d taken control and she didn’t want to try to take it back.

“Thank you.”

He didn’t look at her, only shook his head and said, “Let’s hold off on the accolades.”

He finished binding her arms and helped her lie back, and her heart skipped a beat when he pulled her ankle cuffs out of his drawer. She welcomed the adrenaline kick as he buckled them onto her and fished the restraint straps from between the mattresses. She worried for a moment that he’d pull her legs up in the air, as she’d tried to work on her abs and overall flexibility, but it seemed every movement hurt either her chest or her upper back. Or, more often, both. Until her doctor gave her the all clear, she was supposed to assume pain meant damage, which meant she hadn’t been able to push, yet.

Ethan settled her feet beside her ass, with her knees pointing up. He ran soft rope around her ankle and thigh a dozen times, and used a pretty shibari knot to secure it before connecting her cuff to the strap at the side of the bed. Sam sighed in relief; she should have known he’d find a painless way to secure her.

He gave her other leg the same treatment and walked into the bathroom. He returned with his finger held out, a small smear of white on the tip. Her clit throbbed to life and swelled as her hips involuntarily pushed backwards into the bed.

The bed sank as he climbed onto it below her, and she gasped as he deftly spread her pussy lips with the fingers of his left hand.

His eyes met hers as his right pointer finger hovered over her clit. ”Doesn’t look like blood flow is an issue at the moment, but let’s be sure, shall we?”

He swiped the toothpaste down both sides of her clit hood, and she breathed in relief he’d put it on the hood and not directly on her clit. It would still be intense, but so much less this way.

The bed shifted again as he pushed his body back and his mouth settled over her pussy. His tongue flicked around the outside, teasing her as the tingle of the toothpaste turned to a burn and she moved her hips. He chuckled and the vibrations sent another thrill through her.

“Oh god. I love you, Ethan. Please make me come.

He pulled one of her pussy lips into his mouth and sucked,
. She whined, wanting more, and he moved to her other pussy lip.

When he finally drove into her with his tongue, she felt the beginnings of an orgasm but it wasn’t enough to push her over the edge.

Other than swiping the toothpaste on her clit hood, he’d yet to touch her with his fingers. His tongue moved to her ass and she tried to jerk away. “Please, Sir. Please let me come, I’m begging.”

He raised his face and their gazes collided as she realized she’d called him
. The look in his eyes told her it was what he’d been waiting for, and when he lowered his mouth again, warmth enveloped her clit as his tongue ran through the toothpaste on both sides of her clit hood, waking up the nerve endings all over again as the moisture reactivated the menthol’s icy burn.

His tongue snaked lower, sinking into her again before returning to her clit, and this time lifting the hood away until she felt toothpaste directly on her clit.

Her moans grew louder and his hand finally lifted from the rope on her thigh. He ran his fingers up and down either side of her entrance a few times before sliding them together and entering her. Her eyes flew open and she said, “I need to—”

He interrupted. “Come for me, Samantha.”

Her body took over, spasming around the fingers inside as his tongue continued to work her clit and the toothpaste kept her on fire. She gasped in pain once as she moved the wrong way and felt it in her back and chest, but Ethan trusted her to make adjustments and he didn’t slow as she stilled her upper body while her lower body released tension she’d had no idea she held.

As she began to settle he added a third finger and rose away from her clit long enough to tell her she wasn’t finished yet.

Her bound legs didn’t allow her to pump her hips as she wanted, but she met every thrust of his fingers as much as possible.

He sped up, but then suddenly slowed, and plunged in and held, forcing her open around his fingers as he pushed farther into her, spreading her wider.

“Come around the invasion, Samantha. I want to feel your muscles fighting my hand as you lose control. Give it to me, Darlin’.”

His voice almost broke as he said the last part, and she opened her eyes to see him staring at her with a combination of love, command, and grief.

She suddenly wanted to give him everything, could deny him nothing, and her body responded in total surrender. She lost herself in her orgasm this time, so nothing existed but the pleasure. A rainbow of colors exploded behind her eyes as her body was overwhelmed with bliss.

Her ab muscles contracted under her bound forearms, and she ignored the discomfort radiating to her chest and shoulder and concentrated on how good it felt to

When she next had a conscious moment, she realized his cock was at her entrance as his voice penetrated her ecstasy.

“I’ll respect your safeword tonight, Sam. I hadn’t intended to be rough, but... I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, Ethan.
. Take me. We both need to be reminded I belong to you.”

“If I hurt your injuries, say
, otherwise use your safeword.”

She nodded once and he pushed into her, his eyes daring her to look away as he took his time spreading her open, forcing her to take all of him as he pressed deeper, and deeper. She wanted to beg him to speed up, to slow down, to just fuck her already. Instead, she lay with her arms bound to her torso, her legs bound ankle to thigh and spread wide, and took what he gave her.

When he finally stopped pushing in he remained motionless a few moments before pulling out ever so slowly and sinking into her again.

This time he leaned forward to carefully place his elbows on either side of her shoulders, positioning his body just above hers without resting his weight on her. She could tell he was holding onto his control by a thread, and saw his intent to drop it a half second before his hips yanked his cock out and slammed back into her.

Her body was shoved a few inches up the bed by the velocity, and his hands readjusted, cupping the back of her shoulders with his fingers gently but possessively curling around the top.

His body was so much longer than hers, she knew his back had to be arched a great deal to bring their cheeks together while he was buried inside her, but somehow he managed to pull it off. Soon he was jackhammering in and out of her while holding her body in place, forcing her to take what he gave her.

Deep staccato drumbeat noises came from her chest, but she didn’t want him to stop. A small section of her brain kept track of her injury, fully aware of every millimeter the bullet had ripped through her chest and shoulder. However, the majority of her focus was on her spread-open pussy, his hands, his cheek, his
. She wanted what he was giving her, wanted him to use her like this, to get himself off with her body. Most of all, she soared at the knowledge he was reclaiming her.

She’d missed this so much. She hadn’t realized how much she’d yearned for the soul connection that could only happen when she submitted to his will. They fit together fine as partners, but they truly connected when she allowed him to have control over her. They were two electromagnets who found great equilibrium when both carried the same charge, but only truly coupled when Sam switched her poles and they locked together.

No, this was more than merely locking together. She felt their souls join, as if they were one entity. Especially now, with their chests so close together it was as if they shared the same heart.

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