No Quarter (NOLA's Own #2) (21 page)

BOOK: No Quarter (NOLA's Own #2)
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“The quiet one.” I grinned.

“That’s him.” She smiled. “Quietly brilliant.”

“Who are the other chicks dripping off of them?”

She rested her elbows on the railing, taking the same stance as myself. “Easy pussy.”

“How does that make you feel?”

She shrugged. “They show up at gigs for exclusive access and free drinks in exchange for sex with a rocker. I guess it’s pretty win-win for them,” she said. “It used to bother me but not anymore. They don’t go near Thom, and he seems fine with that. He keeps me around, in any case.”

“You guys been together for a long time?”

Her eyes met mine. “Since tenth grade.”

I noticed that her eyes were amazing. She had one blue-gray eye, and her right eye was half–light brown, half-gray. “Your eyes are stunning!” I told her.

Even in this low light, I could see her blush.

“Oh…well, thanks.”

“Why are you embarrassed?” I laughed.

“They’re weird.”

“They’re fantastic,” I shouted over the Space Monkeys next jam.

She smiled, and I felt that Siggie was a newly discovered kindred spirit.

“So, besides busting your ass for your band, what else do you do?”

“I’m a caregiver for the sick and dying,” she replied. “I go to people’s homes and make them comfortable for long-drawn-out illnesses.”

“That’s quite admirable,” I told her. “Shit pay for dealing with such heartbreaking circumstances.”

“What about you?”

“I’m a doctor of therapeutic medicine.”

“Shut the fuck up. You’re a

I laughed. “Yeah, and you’re a
Why does that surprise you?”

“Shit, how old are you?”

“Twenty-four. What did you think I did?”

“I don’t know. Sit around and wait on a heavy metal god?” She laughed. “Park your ass on the pedestal he’s placed you on and look glorious, so he can gaze at you and write love ballads like ‘A Madman’s Love Letter
’ I mean, you
a legend in your own right.”

“That is so ridiculous. I’m no different than anyone else, and to be honest, I had no idea I was so well-known. People look at me when he calls me Baby Girl, and I think most of them are shocked to find me to be so normal.”

“I think you’re fabulous,” she said, giving me a grin. “And I think it’s great that you’re just like everyone else. It makes Phil seem so much more human. How did you guys meet?”

“We met here actually.”

I told her about that night. She seemed surprised that we’d only recently found each other again.

“Wow. After all that time, you guys just knew you had to be together.”

“Yeah, something like that.”

Realizing Phil had been gone for quite a while, I looked over my shoulder to find him surrounded by Devil’s Advocate and their entourage. He didn’t appear to be a hostage, but it was like he could feel my eyes on him, and he looked up at me and smiled. He said something to Andy, who looked over at Siggie and me with a very determined and hopeful light in his eyes. Andy turned back to Phil, and Phil nodded. Then, Andy all but tripped over himself to get to us.

“Oh Lord…” Siggie sighed. “What’s going on now?”

“Baby Girl!” Andy cried.

Siggie actually stepped in front of me as if to
me, which I found very sweet. It startled me to realize she was almost the same height as me.

How nice!

“Andy, for fuck’s sake, tone it down! And her name is Kenna. Only Phil can call her Baby Girl.”

Andy glared at her for a second, gearing up to open his mouth and say something I guessed would be nasty, but he stopped and thought better of it.

His eyes moved back to me. “I need a favor from you.”

“What’s that?”

“Well, we’re covering ‘Broken Deviant’—”


Andy beamed at me. “Right? Well, we asked Phil if he’d mind singing it, and I’d take Thom’s vocals. He’s all for that, Siggie, if we could have Deveraux.”

She nodded.

“Well, Phil said it was up to you. He told us he’s here with you, and if you want him to do it, then he would.”

I glanced at Phil, silently asking him what
wanted, and he shrugged. He really didn’t care either way. He’d be happy to make the fans happy, but my happiness was what was important to him.

“Hey, I’m all for it,” I told Andy. “He’s still my favorite singer.”

Andy threw his arms in the air and shouted, “Fuck yes!”

The rest of Devil’s Advocate roared, and Mojave heartily clapped Phil on the back. Phil grinned, excused himself from them, and made his way over to me.

“You’re such a fan.” He laughed at me, pulling me into his arms. He turned to Siggie. “Who’s this?”

“This is my new friend, Siggie. She’s Thom’s girlfriend and Devil’s Advocate’s manager.”

Phil beamed at her, and I could see that starstruck glint in her eyes.

“The silent band member then,” he said, holding out his hand to shake hers. “Those assholes forgot to introduce us.”

She shrugged and smiled. “I’m used to it.”

“You should meet Tim,” I told her, laughing. “The shit Phil gives that poor guy.”

“Hush,” he admonished, but he smiled down into my eyes. “He keeps finding ways to take me away from you.”

“He’s doing his
, Phil!”

“I know! I have to
him for findin’ ways to keep us apart! The fuckin’ nerve of him!”

The Space Monkeys finished their set, and the crowd cheered the house down around us. Phil unleashed an ear-piercing whistle of appreciation.

“You brought a joint?” he asked, taking my hand.


He turned to Siggie. “Come smoke with us.”

Her face lit up, and she followed us to the stairs, Devil’s Advocate and their groupies watching her go with a healthy bit of envy.

It was like being eighteen all over again, being led to the back of Bougainvillea by Phil holding my hand.

At least it’s not sweaty this time!

I laughed with the memory, and at the sound, he turned his head and smiled at me.

“What?” he asked.

“You aren’t sensing some déjà vu going on here?”

His chuckle rumbled out of his chest. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

Pulling me into the same quiet corner he had the first time, his hands hauled my back up against his front while I pawed through my bag for my silver cigarette case. Grabbing my hips, he flexed slightly, grinding his groin into my bum. I hoped Siggie wouldn’t notice as I leaned into it, feeling his cock swell. He made it twitch on purpose while I sparked up the spliff.

“Do you have a card or somethin’?” Phil asked her when I passed her the joint.

“I do!” she replied happily, digging into her back pocket and pulling one out.

She handed it to him, and he studied it before sliding it into
back pocket, copping a feel.

“If these guys are as good as Kenna says, you can expect to get a call from us. We’re building a studio and looking to start up a label of our own.”

Surprise and absolute delight infused Siggie’s face. “Oh, wow! Thanks!”

“Thank her. I have complete faith in her taste in music. I gotta say though, if their first few songs are shit, I’m not sure I’ll want to get up on stage with them,” he joked.

“They always put on a great show, anytime I’ve seen them. They work their asses off up there,” I told him.

Phil grunted with appreciation.

The Space Monkeys came out, stunned to find themselves in Phil’s presence. Phil was soon using me as a human desk to sign everything that wasn’t nailed down for them. The drummer, an adorable little Asian woman, was all over him, touching him whenever she saw the chance, and batting her fake eyelashes up at him.

“Baby Girl,” Phil said loudly, “what did you think about their performance?”

Little Asian Lady, whose name was Koko, backed the fuck off of him after that.

“I thought it was fantastic, like their last three shows,” I told him honestly.

“Should I make the guys listen to their demo?” he asked, his voice projecting to all corners of the veranda.

If he continued like this, I might just start power-tripping. He was letting everyone here see just how much influence I had with him. My eyes landed on the handsy drummer, who suddenly looked terrified that she’d just fucked the chances of her band because she had no respect for boundaries. The fact that Phil had made it painfully obvious that I was his woman hadn’t deterred her in the slightest.


Siggie looked as though she would explode if she didn’t release her laughter.

“I think you should,” I said, not taking my eyes off Koko.
I’m watching you, bitch,
my eyeballs informed her.

The relief that flooded her face was hilarious.

“Mmm…” he grunted, signing just one last napkin over my back. “I love you.”

For the love of all that’s holy!

“I love you, too,” I replied, straightening up as he handed the napkin to the bassist.

His arms wrapped around me, and he buried his face in my neck, kissing me quickly. “Let’s go in.” He looked to Siggie. “See if these guys got a card and get their names for me, yeah?”

“Sure,” she replied.

“Phil!” I huffed, slapping his hand. “She’s not your employee!”

“Not yet,” he said. “Join us when you’re done,” he told her before dragging me back inside.

“Phil, you can’t just make her do your bidding—”

“I just did, and she’s happy to do it, too. If she does this right, she might be looking at a position with us.”


“If we sign Devil’s Advocate and she’s their manager, she becomes our employee. I wanna see her in action.”

Devil’s Advocate was currently setting up, and the crowd had dispersed to get drinks and use the restroom. The floor was lit up, and I could see the normal Friday crowd. It was maybe a little more packed, considering the two bands playing tonight. I saw several acquaintances of mine before Phil marched me up the stairs.

“Dude!” I snapped. “Am I allowed to go say hi to a few friends?”

“Not tonight,” he replied.

“What the hell, babe?” I spluttered.

I went to turn into the VIP section, but he manhandled me and steered me up to the four, single-use restrooms.

Finding one unoccupied, he opened the door and shoved me in, pulling it shut behind him and locking it.

“Damn it, Phil, you can’t just push me around like this!”

“I can, I will, and you love it when I do,” he stated before hauling me up in his arms and slamming his mouth down on mine.

Fuck it. There’s no use in protesting it. He’s absolutely right.

His hands came up under my shirt. “Mmm…no fuckin’ bra again. I love that.” He stroked the pads of his thumbs over my nipples. His mouth mated with mine for a few more minutes before he pushed my shirt and camisole up over my tits. Dipping his head, he sucked one nipple into his mouth, tonguing it and biting gently.

I gasped and arched my back, my hands clasping his shoulders. His mouth found mine again, his tongue plundering past my lips.

Damn, he tastes so good…

“I need you to suck me off,” he murmured. “Or else I’m gonna go up on stage with a full-blown chub. Can you do that for me?”

Grinning, I told him, “I should make you go up there with a full-blown chub. It’s your own fault, rubbing up on my ass all night.”

fault, woman, for havin’
ass I wanna rub up on all night.”

“Well, when you put it that way…”

“It’ll be quick, I promise. I’m halfway to comin’ already.”

“That’s what you tell all the women—”

“The fuck I do. On your knees, witch.”

I was laughing heartily as he shoved me to my knees.

He undid his buckle, and I popped his button and tugged down his dark gray Dickies. His cock was fully engorged and oozing. Phil sucked in air through his teeth as I wrapped my hand around it.

“I wanna fuck the shit outta your mouth,” he said. Yanking off my hat, he fisted his right hand in my hair. “Can I?”

I looked up into his eyes as I sucked him in. His eyes screwed tightly shut, and he groaned deep in his throat.

“Mmhmm…” I relaxed my jaw and throat.

“Oh, fuck,” he gasped, pushing his hips forward, touching the back of my throat. “Suck me hard—
I fuckin’
this, Kenna.” Tossing my hat onto the counter, he fisted his left hand in my hair, too. “I’m serious,” he warned me. “I wanna fuck your mouth.”

“Mmhmm…” I nodded.

Holding my head still, he thrust his hips, pumping his cock in and out, gradually increasing the tempo. I just relaxed and went with it. My hands grabbed on to his hips, feeling the rippling muscles move sleekly beneath them.

His cock swelled and pulsed faintly.

“Fuck! Suck
!” he barked, pulling my face flush with his groin. His dick throbbed violently, spurting deep in my throat.
“Ohhhh fuuuck!”
he shouted. His whole body shuddered as he breathed harshly, his fingers clenching and releasing in my hair. Easing out of my mouth, he pulled me to my feet, kissing me and sinking his teeth into my tongue, growling all sexy at me.

“I like tasting myself on you,” he told me softly. “It reminds me that I own you.”

“Oh, yeah?” I asked.

“Mmhmm…reminds me that you own me, too.”

He held me, his bare groin pressed hotly into my abdomen and his pubic hair scratching pleasantly at my skin while his lips and tongue branded mine as his, too. I was completely helpless against his sexy assault. This was just too good. Groaning, he shoved his shirt up, so our naked chests pressed together, so tight that it was as though he were trying to fuse us into one being.

Phil reached up and cradled my face in his right hand, his hooded gaze burning into mine.

“You are my only reason, Kenna. Everything that I am, everything I do, is because of you. I…I can’t find the words to describe what you mean to me. I don’t think they exist.”


Rather than fight the intense emotion he’d invoked, I let it lift me up. My entire being absorbed his words, their meaning, and in that very moment, I knew that I was where I belonged. It didn’t matter that we were in a public restroom, his pants sagging under his ass, our shirts hiked up so that we could easily rub our bare skin on each other. Kinky or not, what we
was genuine.

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