No Place That Far (17 page)

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Authors: L.A. Witt

Tags: #rebound;men in uniform;military;one-night stand;wedding reception;multicultural

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Chapter Sixteen

The club finally closed at midnight—these days it was only open till two on the weekends when there was enough of a crowd to justify it—and Chris and Marcus headed out.

“Oh my
, my feet are killing me.” Chris toed off his shoes and groaned.

“You've gotten soft.” Marcus clicked his tongue. “Your legionnaire husband would be disappointed.”

“Mmhmm. Don't let him fool you—he's not quite as used to forced marches as he used to be.”

Marcus chuckled and continued down Broadway. “You think he and Timur are still awake?”

“Oh, probably. Julien's become a night owl ever since we started seeing each other, and as long as he's awake, Timur's awake.”

Marcus gritted his teeth. Then he glanced at Chris. “So, I'm curious. About Timur and Julien.”

“What about them?”

“What exactly…” He hesitated, not sure how to word it.

“What's their relationship like?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Chris sat up a bit. “It's complicated. They…” He was quiet for a moment. “I mean, soldiers get close sometimes. You're watching your buddy's back, so there's going to be a certain kind of bond there, you know?”

“Right. But they've…” Marcus tapped his thumbs on the wheel. “Well, to put it bluntly, they've slept together, haven't they?”

yeah.” Chris laughed softly. “They definitely have a more intimate relationship than most soldiers I know. More than most soldiers

“And that doesn't bother you?”

“Not at all. It took me a while to get used to the idea, but the more Julien told me about how things started between them, the more it just made sense.” He paused. “Quite honestly, if Julien and I decided our relationship would be strictly monogamous from here on out, I'd still have no problem with those two.”

“Really?” Marcus glanced at Chris again. “How do you figure?”

“Well, if it weren't for Timur, Julien never would have come back to the States. Timur's the one who pushed him to come back and make peace with his family. And…with me.” He gazed out the window. “But the biggest thing is, if it weren't for Timur, Julien would probably be dead. Either one of the times he saved Julien during a mortar attack or a firefight, or…” he took a deep breath, “…or when Julien nearly killed himself.”

“Wow,” Marcus whispered, “I didn't realize he'd been through that much.”

“Well-adjusted people don't fake their own deaths and disappear,” Chris said softly. “Things were pretty rough for him before he joined the Legion, and they didn't get better after. I guess Timur talked him off the ledge more than once.” He turned to Marcus. “Timur's the reason Julien is still alive, and he's the reason Julien came back. They love each other. They always will. And I know what it's like to lose Julien.” He shook his head and shifted his gaze back to the window. “I'm not going to take him away from Timur.”

Marcus swallowed. He couldn't even get his head around the kind of love Timur and Julien had for each other, not to mention what Chris and Julien had. That degree of caring, trust and understanding wasn't something he'd ever experienced. How much did someone have to love a man to trust him with—and understand his need for—another man he also loved?

As they walked up to Chris and Julien's front porch, Chris's keys jingling in the otherwise still night, Marcus wasn't sure what to expect. Julien had to know roughly when they'd be home. So did that mean he and Timur were…

As they walked past the living room window, he glanced in through the sheer curtains. He'd pretty much convinced himself they'd walk in and find Julien and Timur naked, but they were both fully dressed. Julien lounged on the La-Z-Boy. Timur sat on the couch, his arm draped across the back of it and a tumbler balanced on his knee. Neither of them looked the least bit disheveled.

Chris keyed open the front door, and when it opened, the house was alive with screaming spaceships and sci-fi artillery.

Chris rolled his eyes and tossed his keys on the table beside the door. “I swear to God, these two.” He glanced over his shoulder on the way down the hall. “If Timur stayed here another week, I'd be able to quote every line of
Star Wars
in flawless French.”



They stepped into the living room just as Emperor Palpatine was making one of his usual speeches, and at the bottom of the screen were French subtitles.

“Again, guys?” Chris leaned over Julien and kissed him. “Spoiler alert—Darth Vader is Luke's dad.”

Julien laughed as he grabbed the front of Chris's shirt and pulled him down for another kiss.

Timur rose, put a hand on Marcus's waist and kissed him.

And damn if something in Marcus's chest didn't settle.


There you are.

I've been needing that all day.

As Timur drew back, Marcus cleared his throat. “So, uh, how was the art museum?”

“So fucking crowded,” Julien groaned. “Don't most people work on Thursdays?”

Timur laughed and said something blatantly snarky in French.

Julien retorted with what Marcus could only guess was “fuck you” or close to it. They exchanged glances, and both laughed.

Chris rolled his eyes. “You boys and your Ewok speech.”

“Ewok speech?” Julien scoffed. “I beg your pardon.”

Chris pointed at the TV screen. Right then, Wicket was gesturing madly and chattering to Princess Leia with no subtitle. “See? It's just assumed you know what he's saying. Ewok speech.”

Julien smacked him playfully. “Quiet, you.” He picked up his glass and stood. “I could use some more wine. You guys want any?”

“What are you drinking?” Marcus peered at Timur's glass.

Timur offered it, and Marcus took a sip. Oh, nice and sweet rum and coke.

“Sure, I'll take a glass.” He handed Timur's back. “Thanks.”

Chris followed Julien into the kitchen, leaving Marcus and Timur alone. Timur set the glass on the coffee table, and then wrapped his arms around Marcus's waist.

“Your work was good? No assholes?”

Marcus laughed. “No assholes. Just a quiet night.”
Of pouring a drink that tastes like you.
“What about you? Sounds like you and Julien enjoyed your day.”

Timur shrugged. “The museum was crowded. Didn't get to see it.”

“Not at all? Damn. What did you—” His voice caught.
Do you really want to know, Marcus?
“What did you guys do instead?”

Timur jerked his head toward the TV. “Movies.”

“Really?” Marcus glanced at the screen, as if Princess Leia and her French subtitles might explain something to him. “That's it?”

“Da.” Timur drew Marcus a little closer. “Julien thought to come to the club. Visit. But…” he shrugged, “…decided it's best not to bother you.”

“You wouldn't have been a bother.” Marcus reached up to run his fingers through Timur's short hair. “It's always good to see you.”

Timur smiled too, but he didn't speak. He held Marcus tighter and kissed him, and it wasn't just a
hello, how was your day?
kiss this time.

Marcus's knees shook. All day long, he'd been imagining Timur with Julien, and he'd been on the verge of losing his mind from the combination of jealousy and arousal. Come to find out, Timur had just been chilling out and watching movies, and if his kiss was any indication, he'd had a whole day's worth of pent-up need with Marcus's name all over it.

Timur drew back. Their eyes met, and Marcus wondered just how fast he could get back to his place if he took the right back roads and didn't hit any lights. Because…Jesus.

“Wine?” Chris stepped into the room, glasses in each hand.

Marcus and Timur let each other go, and damn Chris for that downward glance and that wink and these trousers that made it impossible to hide an erection.

Marcus took the glass, thanking Chris quietly, and as he took a drink, he glanced past Chris. Julien came in, offering a glass to Timur and, when his hand was free, sliding his arm around Chris's waist.

Timur raised his glass. “Cheers.”

“Cheers.” They clinked their glasses together.

As Marcus sipped his, the sweet wine barely registering on his tongue, he let his gaze drift from Chris to Julien to Timur. He rolled the wine around in his mouth. He was in a room with three attractive men. Chris and Julien were happy to share. Marcus and Timur weren't exclusive. Everybody was willing.

And with as close as Timur and Julien were, it didn't seem quite fair to keep them apart for one of Timur's last nights in town. God only knew when they'd see each other again.

He swallowed his wine. “So, um. About last night.”

All eyes were on him.

Marcus took a breath. “Is that, uh, offer really still open?”

Chris's eyebrows rose. Timur and Julien exchanged a grin that sealed the deal for Marcus—they must've been climbing the walls wanting each other, and had stayed apart because…why? Out of respect for him? It didn't matter. They wanted each other now, and Marcus wanted, well, all three of them. Especially Timur.

“I'm game,” Julien said.

Timur nodded. “Da.”

Chris kissed his husband's cheek. “You know I'm not going to turn it down. Though, um…” he looked down at his clothes, “…I could use a shower first.” Shooting Marcus a dirty grin, he added, “You want to join me?”

Marcus gulped. “I could probably use one too, so…”

Timur wrapped his arm around Marcus and kissed beneath his ear. “Go. Julien and I will wait for you.”

Oh God. We're really doing this.

“Okay.” Marcus turned his head and pressed his lips to Timur's. “We'll, uh, see you guys shortly.”

He and Chris finished their wine, and then headed upstairs. Chris went first. As he climbed the steps, he unbuckled his cummerbund. Marcus's mouth watered—as much as Timur was his object of distraction, Chris wasn't lacking in the slightest. The Wilde's working uniform was a jacket away from a full tuxedo, and like all the guys at the club, Chris had the body for it.

Marcus reached back and took off his own cummerbund. At the top of the stairs, Chris turned around just as he untied his bow tie, and Marcus almost tripped over his own feet.

Chris started on the buttons of his shirt. “You all right?”

“Yeah.” Marcus licked his lips. “Just, uh…would it be weird if I said I've wanted to do this since I started at Wilde's?”

“A foursome with my husband and—”

“No.” Marcus had no idea where this boldness was coming from, but he put his hands on Chris's waist and kissed him.

Chris didn't miss a beat. He snaked his arm around Marcus's waist, and his other hand drifted into Marcus's hair. His kiss was fucking amazing. His tongue tasted like wine, and Marcus immediately caught himself wondering what those talented lips could do to his dick.

See? Other guys
still turn you on.

Chris pulled back, breathing hard as he met Marcus's gaze. “Let's get in the shower.” His fingers weren't quite as steady as before when he started on his buttons again. “Or else we're going to finish before Julien and Timur even get up here.”

“Good idea.”

They stripped out of their work clothes and stepped into the shower.

And right back into each other's arms.

They made a cursory attempt to get cleaned up, but mostly left it to the hot water pouring over them because they were too focused on making out and pressing against each other.

Marcus ran his wet hands over every angle and contour of Chris's body, tracing a shape that was nothing like Timur's. Chris was lean and fit, his physique the result of a hell of a lot of hard work at the gym and some damned good genes. He wasn't as broad as Timur, his hands softer and smoother, and he wasn't the least bit tentative.

Goddamn, but he turned Marcus on. His aggression, his kiss, his rock-hard cock pressing against Marcus's hip—oh hell yeah, he was hot. And his husband? Men like him were the reason phrases like “tall, dark and handsome” had been coined. A night with those two? Yeah, Marcus was on board with that.

A night with those two, plus Timur?

Marcus wasn't so sure he'd survive it, but he was
on board with it.

“For the record,” Chris panted over the hiss of the shower, “I've been wanting you since you first started at Wilde's too.”

“Oh yeah?” Marcus slid a hand between them, and when he closed his hand around Chris's cock, the low groan that escaped Chris's lips made him shiver. “Better late than never, right?”

“Uh-huh.” Chris closed his eyes as Marcus stroked him slowly. “Jesus…”

“Your husband is incredibly generous,” Marcus murmured against Chris's throat, “sharing a man like you.”

Chris moaned, rocking his hips and fucking Marcus's hand. “He likes…he likes…” Chris shuddered and grabbed Marcus's wrist. “Fuck.”

“What does he like?” Marcus teased. But then his imagination took over, showing him Julien and Timur just like he'd pictured them all day long. And this time, they probably were making out and fooling around and maybe even fucking by now, and they were doing it in the next room. Waiting for Chris and Marcus to get out of the shower and join them.

Marcus raised his head and kissed him. “Should we go in the bedroom before they get carried away without us?”


They separated and quickly finished their shower, which was a challenge because even the thought of what waited in the next room didn't negate how horny Marcus was and how hot Chris was. They could always fool around in here, and then go a second round with Timur and Julien. Right? Because another minute in this shower, watching water rushing all over that gorgeous body, and Marcus was going to be on his knees sucking Chris's—

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