Read No Perfect Princess Online

Authors: Angel Payne,Victoria Blue

No Perfect Princess (47 page)

BOOK: No Perfect Princess
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He barked out a laugh when I added a raised eyebrow. “House guest? Is that what you are now? In that case, you’ll be staying in the
guest room
on the other side of the penthouse—downstairs and far, far away from my

He stopped after closing the door. “

Point regained, Asher.
His what-the-hell expression gave it up loud and clear.

“Of course.” I breezed past him, walking toward the guest area around the corner from the staircase. “Come come, now. I’ll show you to your room.”

I covered only two steps more. After that, I was spun around, smashed against him, consumed again by the hot domination of his kiss.

Oh…this kiss…

It felt so different than anything else we’d shared. So new. So raw. So hot. Untamed passion was our blazing reality, dry timber mated to burning brush, promising to ignite the whole forest. Screw the tanker planes. Forget the fire crews.
We don’t need no water; let the mother fucker burn.

“Michael.” I managed to croak out.

“Yeah baby?” His voice, just as needy, sent a thrill straight to my sex.

“Stop fucking around. Take me to bed.”

He jerked back, making me growl. I tamped the sound just as fast, simply hoping he saw the ache building through me.

A corner of his mouth lifted in quiet command. “Ask nicely.”

“Oh, my God. Are you ser—”

Yeah. He was serious. His perfectly-arched brow said so.

Very well, Mr. Pearson
. Two could play this game. I’d proved it to him before with a hell of a lot less incentive.

Without a pause to give him warning, I lowered to my knees in front of him. When his breath hitched, I bit back my grin. I was eye level with the beautiful bulge in his pants.
. I leaned in, letting him feel the warmth of my breath through his jeans before climbing my gaze all the way back up his body. He stopped the air in my lungs, even with all his clothes still on, especially as his abdomen started heaving in and out with the excitement of beholding me like this before him. I loved his reaction. Fed on the pure power of it. What I wouldn’t give to flick open the button in front of me, then slide the zipper beneath. I looked up again, letting that fantasy play out through the slow, dramatic process.

When I finally tilted my head up all the way, I found his hooded gaze waiting for me. His breaths were harsh rasps, in and out through his nose.
Even more perfect.

“Please,” I finally whispered. A softer, sweeter tone hadn’t left my throat since I was a girl practicing fashion show etiquette with my dolls. “Please,
take me to bed and fuck me into tomorrow. Please.” I added that one with an over-the-top blink. Not a flutter, just one blink.

It worked.

Michael jerked me to my feet. Slammed me with another kiss. No tongue, no fuss, pure demand. “Upstairs. In your room. On the bed. Naked. Two minutes. Go.”

I already knew how this one worked.

As of right now, I had one minute, fifty-eight seconds and counting.

Chapter Twenty


ne Mississippi. Two
Mississippi. Three

Fuck. I was never going to make it to ten seconds let alone a hundred twenty. My cock begged for an escape route from my jeans with every step I climbed toward her bedroom, burning for the sneaky little minx who’d turned the tables on me—and was going to pay for it with several screaming orgasms.

That gave me a little smile. Oh, the ways I could define “punishment”…

Thoughts that fled as soon as I beheld her again.

“Fuck. Me.” It escaped on a grate as I walked in. Stopped. Took another step. Stopped again.

I didn’t know whether to grin or groan.

The sun spilled into her bedroom through a high window in the corner, casting brilliant light across the bottom third of her enormous bed. She was on all fours in the center of that beam, taking perfect advantage of nature’s spotlight. Her hair seemed streaked with gold, her skin infused with crushed pearls.

But her beauty was only the first source of my astonishment.

How the hell had she accomplished this—in two minutes?

And why are you fixating on logistics—when she looks like this

That tiny leopard print thong. That matching nothing of a bra. Those black thigh highs. The black patent pumps, heels so high and skinny they were only good for one purpose—and it wasn’t strutting.

And the final, fierce tug on my cock?

She topped off the outfit with little fur kitty ears.

Holy shit, they were cute. I assumed the things were attached to a headband, now lost in the voluptuous mane of her hair, making me wonder how hard she’d have to be fucked until they fell off.

Logistics again

Not so shockingly, my dick forgave me for this one.

She lifted her head a little. “
?” Ohhh, damn. Her voice was already husky and low. I felt every note in the center of both balls.

“Christ, woman,” I bit. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

“Why?” She pouted a little.
“Are you allergic to kitties?”

“Hmmm. Clever.” I whipped my shirt over my head, enjoying the reaction she tried to cover. Her eyes never left mine as I walked to the side of her bed. With slow purpose, I pulled out my wallet and set it on the nightstand—removing the condom from inside and leaving that on top.

That’s right, princess kitty. Stare at that rubber and think about it sheathed inside your hot…pussy.

I unbuttoned the top of my pants but thought better of taking them down myself. It seemed my little kitty needed some busy work. When frustration grooved her face, I knew I’d made the right call. I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my socks, savoring the coolness of the polished floor beneath my feet. The woman had jacked my body temperature into overheat mode.

“So, kitty…do you know any tricks?”

She smiled and purred, all Eartha Kitt coy, then murmured, “Come closer and I’ll show you.”

I shook my head. “Kitties don’t speak.” I couldn’t help but chuckle when she realized the tables—the cat box?—had been flipped on her yet again. I leaned over to press a gentle finger to her scrunched nose. “Kitties don’t pout, either.”

She burst into a sharp hiss—before lashing out with a hand curled up like a claw. Crazily, her playacting move caught a lucky break, resulting in a long scratch on the inside of my forearm. The sting spiked my adrenalin—and arousal. Kitty wanted to play fierce? I could do that. With her wrist grabbed in my hand, I hunkered in, nose-to-nose with her.

kitty. Now you have to be punished.”

“Mmmm,” she whimpered. “Meow?”

“Too late for nice kitty. Let’s go.” I maintained my grip while sitting on the edge of her bed. Didn’t stop her from attempting the play nice again, so fucking adorable as she “licked” her wrist, then rubbed it behind her costume ear, but I refused to cave. With one yank, I pulled her face down, across my lap.

And dealt with instant retaliation from my cock.

Holy. Hell.

Just looking at the perfect swells of her ass like this, completely at my mercy, turned my senses again to the surreal. Was I really going to do this? I’d never spanked a woman—not in a formal production like this, at least—though Margaux had always taken delight in my little foreplay smacks. We were both about to learn what all the fuss was about—
I could get on with things. Staring at the spheres below my hand, bisected by that trail of wicked lace, was enough to make me jizz already. Plus column or minus column? I went for plus. The idea of watching that flesh bloom beneath my discipline? Plus column. Her obeying me regarding anything? Definitely one more plus.

She trembled a little as I rubbed both globes. The reaction was so pure, unadulterated. She was scared and thrilled at the same time. She wanted this, but wanted to deny that she did.

“It’s okay, princess. We’ll do this together.” I said it as command instead of consolation, affirming I’d made the right call as I pulled her back up against me. Her face was flushed, her gaze a shade of dreamy spring green, her lips parted a little. I fixated on them, knowing I had to have more. I dug my fingers into her hair, compelling her face to mine. This time when I kissed her, a thought embedded itself in my brain.

This is for keeps, Margaux. This is for forever.

It was the truth. She was my forever. The fire of my heart. The sun of my future. The woman of my dreams. I’d spend the rest of my days proving it to her…showing her she would always be safe with me. Safe
of me. I would always be there for her, and for us. I needed her soul to know it as thoroughly as her mind and heart did.

So I went for broke.

My lips started gently but didn’t stay that way for long. I plunged my tongue in against hers, twirling around it, tasting and teasing in and out, then back for more.

When I finally pulled back, I had to channel my inner Hercules for the will to press her back over my knees, directing her to drop her head toward the floor. Though she mewled as if in protest, there wasn’t a single wiggle or squirm from the creamy flesh now filling my hungry vision again. She wasn’t restrained in any way. If she really wanted to tell me to fuck off while she sashayed this gorgeous ass out the door, she could.

Time to take things to the next level.

I growled, low and menacing, while caressing her ass again. I’d roughened my voice and now did the same with my strokes, digging fingers in a little at the end of each swipe. “You scratched me, little brat. How many swats do you think that’s worth?”

I left her to be creative about the answer—and was damn glad I did. “Meow?” she rasped from near the floor. “Meow, meow?” She pawed at my foot. “Meow, meow?”

“Five, eh? Okay, we’ll do ten and call it forgiven.”

She stiffened—for about three seconds. Instantly, her shoulders slumped and her body went slack again.

Ohhhh yeah, did she want this.

And I
wanted to give it to her.

“Well. You learn quickly for a naughty kitty. Too bad I still have to punish you.”

she squirmed—though hardly in protest. Damn, I was going to enjoy this—and had a strong feeling she would, too.

Smack. Smack.

“Ohhh! Meow!”

I dropped my gaze, letting it feast fully on her ass. “Holy shit. This already looks so good, sugar girl.”

Smack. Smack.


You’re perfect. These sexy little globes are so firm and round…and now blooming so perfectly for me.”

Smack. Smack.

“I could do this for hours. Touch you all day and night, Margaux. Do you feel what you’re doing to me? Do you feel my cock, surging for you? Sweet, sexy creature. And now I can say you belong to me.”

I rubbed her roughly, pressing the warmth of the blows in but coaxing fresh blood to the surface of her skin, warming her for the rest of the count. She was limp and relaxed, damn near purring like the kitty she pretended to be. So I switched things up a little, raising my hand a little higher, raining the last four spanks in hard succession.

She yelped and nearly fell off my legs. I caught her and started caressing again. “Easy, beautiful. That wasn’t so bad, was it?” My cock surged when she answered with another mewl, soft and sexy and lusty. “And now for the good part, kitty. Spread your legs for me.”


“Ssshhh. Trust me.” I slid my hand between her legs, starting at her knees. As I worked my way higher, her legs parted wider. Inches before arriving at her core, I could feel the warm, wet oven of her arousal.

“Mmmmm.” She wriggled a little, battling to entice me farther.

“Well, what’s going on here?” I dipped two fingers under her soaked thong. The sweetness of her pussy was too damn tempting to pass up. As I pressed them in, I was rewarded with a moan as lush as any favorite melody. Though I pumped slowly, Margaux squirmed with mounting urgency. To tame her, I had to wrap my free arm around her waist.

“Kitty.” I drew out both halves in censure. “I stop if you can’t be still. Understood?”

“Meow,” she grumbled.

“Such a good kitty.”

I pumped my fingers in again, faster now. Despite her little fume, she didn’t squirm anymore. Instead, she contained her lust by flexing her thighs and clenching her ass—twisting the winch on
torture rack now.

“Time for a change,” I growled, pulling her back up. “On your back, sweet kitty. Every good pussy needs to be properly tasted.”

As she maneuvered to obey, I caught the sides of her thong, letting them slide down her thighs. Over my shoulder they went, followed by my jeans and underwear. Thank
My cock was about to declare mutiny from that prison.

But now, nirvana was spread in front of me. How had I gotten this woman’s freak on so many times and not made contact with this heaven yet? A mystery not worth solving in the bliss of now. I hooked my arms up under her thighs and pulled her to me, all but diving into her pussy at the same time.

“God! Michael!”

“Same rule,” I ordered. “You squirm too much, I stop.”

“Are you

“I don’t joke about your pussy.” I chuckled as she flopped back, appearing as if she had to take the hardest exam ever given. “You can do it, kitty. I know you can.”

My breaths brushed her well-trimmed strip. “Not helping.”

“Just think about how hard you’re going to come.”

Helping. Ohhhhh!”

She screamed as I sucked in again.

Best. Meal. Ever.

I wanted to do it for the rest of the night. No; for the rest of my life. I quickly learned all her delicious nuances; what made her crazy and made her moan; what drove her to the brink—and how I could pull back once there, just enough to make her insane. I slid my fingers in and toyed with her from the inside too, curling up against the sensitive spot inside that made her hips buck off the bed, and her lips burst my name like a plea to a pagan god.

BOOK: No Perfect Princess
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