No More Black Magic (27 page)

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Authors: A. L. Kessler

Tags: #urban fantasy, #Dark Fantasy, #paranormal fantasy, #witches, #Vampires, #shifters, #Magic, #Mystery

BOOK: No More Black Magic
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I got up and went to the bathroom to shower. I let the water warm up while I unwrapped my arm. The skin was starting to blister and split, but the stab wound was starting to scab over. That was a good sign. It was one of those moments that I wished I did have the healing ability.

I tested the water with my right hand and made sure it was warm enough before I got in. I stepped under the spray and let the water coat my body. I closed my eyes as it cascaded over my face and started to wash the grime of the last few days off. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do, but Levi had acted as if he didn’t know anyone that could help me.

I wasn’t a child, I didn’t have to depend on his help. I put soap on my hair and washed it the best I could with only one arm. The left one hurt like a bitch to move under the spray. I finished washing my body and then got out of the shower. I dealt with the agonizing pain of wrapping the towel around myself.

I dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt after I reapplied the bandages. I grabbed my boots, my gun, and my badge and put them all on before leaving. I had an hour drive ahead of me and I wasn’t looking forward to it. Nerves fluttered in my stomach at the thought of going to Oliver for help.

I pulled up to the massive house and sighed. I wondered what he did that he could afford one that was at least a million dollars, but then I reminded myself I probably didn’t want to know. I got out of my car and strolled up to the door. There was no doorbell for me to ring, no intercom, nothing, so I assumed that I was probably on a security feed. I knocked and waited.

After a few moments the door opened and Oliver stood there. He looked like the last time I’d seen him. Sharply dressed, maybe a little more rested, but maybe it was the lack of stress now. After all, kidnapping your niece must be stressful.

“Abigail, I’m glad you’ve decided to come to me. Have you thought about my offer?”

I smiled. “I’d prefer not to discuss this in the foyer. Tea or coffee?” I asked. I hadn’t eaten on the way up because I felt like I was going to throw up everywhere. It wasn’t in my nature to ask for help unless it was a life or death situation.

The slight pull on my skin from the bandages reminded me that it could turn into a life or death situation if I didn’t get the help I needed.

“Of course, how rude of me. Please follow me.” He led me through the halls that were still void of pictures or art. We walked into a small room, different than where we had met before.

“Wait here.” He left the room and shut the door.

I took a deep breath, trying not to panic. I was in control here. I could say decided if I wanted his help or not and what price I would pay. I wasn’t drugged this time and I didn’t depend on him to get me home. There were two windows against the far wall that I could use as escape if I needed and the door hadn’t been locked. My mind said I was fine, shame my nerves didn’t want to listen.

I sat down in one of the leather chairs and looked to my right to find some magazines neatly stacked. The top one made me groan. It was a picture of my car and me talking to the police.

“Out of Control Witch?” was the headline. I picked it up and read it. According to Stephanie, I had been driving and lost my temper. The entire car exploded. She hadn’t explained how someone wasn’t killed in it or the fact that the other car had sideswiped me. She did however mention that I was apparently clinging to the new love of my life and telling the officer someone was out to kill me.

One day I needed to pay her a visit and scare her out of putting me in the headlines. It was a wonder that Levi hadn’t called about it. The door opened and I put the paper down.

Oliver came in with two steaming mugs and set one on the table for me. “Three spoonfuls of sugar and a bit of creamer.”

“It’s creepy that you know that.” I muttered and picked up the mug. I cupped my hands around it, enjoying the warmth, but could only hold it that way for a couple of seconds before my arm started hurting.

“I’m sorry that this was so last minute, but I needed to talk to you.” I put the mug down.

He nodded and kept his mug in his hands. “You’ve had a rough week and I expect that you changed your mind after the second attack on your life.”

“You were right that the murderer wasn’t exactly Cult. He’d gone rogue and was out for revenge of his own. He didn’t want to leave it to be handled by the others.” I laid my bad arm on the arm of the chair. “He was an Elemental and had he been raised properly, he would have been more powerful than me.”

He watched me closely. “You said that all in past tense.”

“I had to kill him. He trapped me in a burning building and then tried to strangle me.” I kept my hands from shaking. “Before I keep going, I have to ask you something.”

“I know what you’re going to ask me Abby, and the answer is yes. I arranged the truce between you and the Cult. It was the least I could do. I realized that I went about telling you in the wrong way. Trust to you is sacred and I started out on the wrong foot.” I heard the honesty in his voice, but I still wasn’t comfortable with him keeping things from me.

“What is it that you want in return? I didn’t ask you to put that truce in place, but you went ahead and did it.”

“I simply want to be a part of your life. It’s something that can happen now. You are an adult. Levi doesn’t control you, even if he employs you.” It sounded like he spoke from the heart, but it also sounded like he’d practiced his small speech.

It was true. I wasn’t sure if I wanted him completely involved in my life. It seems to me that the more people I had in my life, the more people I put in danger. “Then let me continue with the reason I’m here.” I felt like I was stalling for time. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say or how I wanted to approach the situation.

“There’s nothing to be nervous about, Abigail, it’s just you and I having a conversation.” He sipped his coffee. “You’re still shaken up from yesterday.”

I nodded. “Something strange happened to me in the building. Something that I hadn’t been expecting.”

“What is that?” He asked and put his mug down on the table next to him. “If you want my help with something you have to be completely honest with me.”

I took a deep breath and thought about the best way to word it. “I fell when I was in the building. The fire caught my arm, but after that, after I lost control of my emotions and my adrenaline took over. My magic came back from a binding spell and the fire...”

“Just parted for you.” He smiled. “I was wondering what element was going to end up being yours.”

So he had known about it. “What is yours?”

His face closed up and he growled a little. “What makes you think I’m one?”

“My father left me a book. It’s like a Book of Shadows mixed with genealogy. It dates back to the 1500’s and has all known abilities listed.”

“I was wondering where that book went.” He sighed. “Mine is water, but you haven’t explained why this has brought you here.”

I picked up my coffee with my right hand and focused on the liquid. “Levi knew it was a possibility that I was an Elemental. The government takes people like that and locks them away for studying. I can’t let that happen to me.”

“I can’t protect you from the government, especially since you work for them. I wanted to bind your magic, not for you to grow in power with it.”

I knew that and I wasn’t happy with it, especially after dealing with Devon. “I don’t expect you to keep me safe from them. I know how to do that.”

“Then what do you expect?” He met my gaze.

I took a deep breath. “I want you to teach me how to control it. That’s it. I don’t want to be able to use it, just control it.”

“You’re worried about the government finding out.”

I nodded. “I’m the best in my precinct and they just stuck me with a partner. I can’t afford to lose control and have him notice the abilities.”

“You don’t trust him. Isn’t that cute. Levi has taught you how to be paranoid enough to keep people around you in the dark. Your partner, what kind of supernatural is he?”

I sipped my coffee. “He’s a warlock, related to Devon.”

“Ah, Nikolas.” He chuckled. “I’d received word from his mother that he joined the state. Wonder why he transferred here.” Oliver set his mug down. “But back to you. You need my help?”

I nodded. “Yes.” I didn’t want to end up like Devon. Accepting Oliver’s help meant that I could keep both the Cult and the coven off my back. I refused to become a victim just because I didn’t learn control. I’d worked too hard to make sure my life went smoothly. Levi had done too much to raise me how my parents wanted to have me locked up and be studied.

“Then I will help you. We start after your vacation.”

I opened my mouth to ask him how he knew about it, but he held his hand up. “I have my ways, Abigail. I have my ways.”


got off the plane and sighed when the cold weather hit me. Even in the tunnel I could feel the icy air. Winter had finally set in and I wondered if it was possible for me to go back to Florida.

I got into the terminal and took my phone out of my pocket. Switching the setting from airplane mode back to normal, I looked to see if any messages or calls popped up. It took a moment, but then in flooded ten text messages, four voicemails, and twenty e-mails that I had received while I was in flight.

I knew that my vacation was officially over when the first text message was from Nick.

Murder in the park, looks like shifters. Need you ASAP.

Yep, it was back to the life of blood, magic, and criminals.

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About the Author

A.L. Kessler is the author of Dark War Chronicles. She dabbles in paranormal romance, steampunk and urban fantasy. Since she was a teenager she's loved weaving stories and spinning tales.

Also by A.L. Kessler

The Touch of Night (DWC #0.5)

In the Light of the Moon (DWC #1)

Dance in the Moonlight (DWC #2)

On Torn Wings (DWC #3)

Midnight Symphony

Of Brass and Magic

DWC Short Story Collection #1

Coming Soon

Dark War Chronicles Box Set

August 2015

Midnight Shadows

October 2015

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