No Greater Loyalty (26 page)

Read No Greater Loyalty Online

Authors: S. K. Hardy

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: No Greater Loyalty
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Their eyes meshed as the memories of the volatile relationship they
’d indulged in over the years entered their thoughts. Melania's brown eyes softened to a dark, creamy brown.

"We had some good times, did we not,

Angel nodded once. "Incredible."


"Angel, it
’s ready," Demetri broke in.


Melania’s frown returned as she stared at the computer screen. She was just getting ready to demand Angel tell her what was going on when she recognized the image on the screen.

She scooted closer to the edge of her chair, squinting when the feed panned in on different rooms in her family compound in Mexico. "Angelo, what the hell is this?"

She tried to stand up, but Carlo placed a hand on her shoulder and kept her in place. Confusion and shock flooded her face. Her eyes remained glued on the monitor.

"You have my home under surveillance? How in the hell did you...
did you get cameras inside my villa?"

Ignoring her questions, Angel stared at her intently and asked one of his own. "Do you remember our conversation in your hotel room? I tried to warn you that if you continued to come after my family, I would do the same to yours. It's time to make good on that promise."

Realization of exactly what was about to happen hit Melania all at once. She tore her eyes away from the images when Angel stood up and walked over to the laptop. Using one hand, he hit a few keys until he found what he was looking for.

Melania felt faint when she recognized the faces of her family gathered together in one room. Her precious mamá, her sister and her husband, one of her brothers...every one whom she held dear in this world was there except for her nieces and nephews and her baby brother. Melania could only pray that they were somewhere safe.

Peering closer, Melania suddenly froze. Were...were those
men in her home with guns trained, aimed, and ready? Her nails dug into the arms of the chair. Her own men were holding her family hostage.

The images began to swim in front of her. Her head pounded unmercifully. She looked at Angel, unable to comprehend what he was saying. His voice sounded distorted, as if he were drawing his words out and speaking in slow motion. Melania forced herself to focus.

"This is a live feed from your house. It seems as if there's been somewhat of a behind the scenes conspiracy going on in your organization for quite some time, Melania. Your men are grumbling about how you claim the cartel is
, but you seem to be the only one enjoying the spoils."

"Lies!" Melania screamed.

Angel shrugged. "Whatever the case may be, they were hungry and I fed them. It goes without saying, take care of your people and your people will repay you with unwavering loyalty. It seems you didn't do that."

! You cannot do this! My mother, my sister, my brother-in-law..." Her eyes pleaded with Angel, imploring him to show mercy. "Surely you would not be that cruel."

Angelo's perfectly shaped brow lifted. "Wouldn't I?"

Her frantic gaze going from Angel to the image on the screen, Melania struggled to get up again, but Carlo kept a tight hold on her until Angel nodded that it was okay.

Encouraged, Melania took the couple of steps needed to reach Angel. She lifted her hands and tentatively let them rest on his chest.

"There must be something I can do, something I can give you in return to make this better, yes?" She pressed her breasts against his chest moved her lips closer to his.

"You want to come to some sort of arrangement."


. This entire incident has been unfortunate. I am a very passionate woman. You know this.” Melania’s words came out rushed and with a hint of desperation. “As you said, sometimes I rush into situations and act without thinking. Blame it on my Latin blood which you used to always warn me about, eh?" she asked softly.

A hint of a smile teased the corner of Angel's mouth. He pushed a lock of hair away from her eye. He stared at her for several long seconds then leaned back against the table. Bringing his hands to Melania's waist, he pulled her to stand between his parted thighs.

Melania looped her arms around his neck, unable to hide the spark of satisfaction in her eyes. "Angelo, we go back a long way, you and I."

"That we do."

"Surely you can forgive this indiscretion on my part, yes?" 

Her lashes fanning over her eyes, Melania leaned forward and brought her lips to his. His mouth didn
’t open or soften beneath hers but he didn’t pull away either. That fact was not lost on Melania.

"Do this one thing for me. Please. Let
’s forget about what has happened here, put it behind us. Do not harm my family, Angelo."

Angel stared at Melania as if mulling over her suggestion. Some of the tension began to leave her body when Angel laced his fingers through the thick strands of her hair. His eyes roamed her face, taking in each and every feature that made up her unique beauty. It wasn't contemporary nor was it traditional. It took a man by surprise, like a treat he wasn't expecting to have bestowed upon him, but once tasted, the pleasures could be damned near irresistible.

"Come closer," he demanded in a voice that one dared not to question.

Her pulse rate slightly elevated, Melania stepped snugly into the pocket of space between his legs.

Angel bent down to whisper in her ear. "You want me to release your family, yet less than thirty minutes ago, you were prepared to end the life of a member of mine."







Melania’s body stiffened. She tried to shove Angel away, but his hand tightened in her hair as he stood up. His lips barely moved as he continued.

"I told you not to cross me, did I not? I stood right in front of you and spelled out exactly what would happen if you did. Do you remember that?"

Melania blinked. "Angelo…"

Angel placed a finger over her lips. "Shh-shh-shhh
…no. The time for talking is over." He lifted his head and cupped her face in his hands. "Your error in judgment will cost you. Dearly. Because before you die, you are going to stand here and watch your family pay for your mistake with their lives."

Angel's lips swooped down to grind his mouth cruelly against Melania's until they both tasted blood. When he lifted his head, his eyes met Carlo's. With a curt nod, he gave the order.

Melania screamed.

Seeing Carlo pull out his phone, she scrambled to reach him. The heel of one shoe slid from under her in her haste, causing her to twist her ankle in what had to be a painful sprain, but Melania was past feeling any type of physical discomfort. Her only concern was getting to Carlo to stop the order of execution.

Angel grasped the mass of wildly flying hair. He wrapped his arms around Melania's body, easily entrapping her own flailing arms to her waist and swinging her around to the computer. Angel held her face and made her watch as a member of her own cartel answered Carlo’s call. The order to wipe out half her family was given with one simple word.


Over Melania’s horrific screams, her family was executed one by one. Her legs gave out on her, but Angel held her up.

His face showed no emotion whatsoever. This was about more than retaliation. It was about sending a message to anyone who even
about crossing him or coming after his. If they were foolish enough to try him the way Melania had done, retribution would be swift and deadly.

Silence fell around them as the last shot was fired. Angel released a subdued Melania, letting her slide to the floor like a rag doll a child had grown tired of playing with.

Angel barely glanced at her before looking at Carlo. "Finish this then arrange to have her body delivered to the pre-appointed location. Meet me at my home afterwards. There are still details we need to go over."

Without waiting for a response, Angel headed towards the exit. He was only feet from the door when he heard Melania gasp. Sighing, he paused and stared down at the floor for several long moments before glancing over his shoulder. When his eyes landed on Melania, Angel found her attention transfixed on the computer monitor.

Frowning, she shook her head in confusion as if her brain was trying to process what she saw.

"Tonio?" she whispered.

Crawling on her hands and knees, she moved closer to the table, her eyes never leaving the images on the screen when she saw a man step into view and impersonally survey the carnage that had just taken place. "

Her eyes empty and bleak, Melania threw her head back and screamed as the last piece of the puzzle fell into place.

Angel turned and walked out of the room. Seconds later, he heard a gunshot then complete silence. His steps never once faltered. Getting into the back seat of his car, he took out a cigar and snipped the end before lighting it and taking a couple of deep puffs.

"Ready, Angel?" his driver asked from the front seat.

Meeting Big Dre’s questioning gaze in the rearview mirror, Angel lifted his chin once then settled back into the plush softness of the leather seat. As they drove away from the building, Melania Cruz was almost immediately forgotten. It was time to take care of his family.






Dominick studied his son who sat between himself and Angel as they rode in the back seat of the car. After they'd left the warehouse, one of Angel's men had driven him to an estate on the outskirts of Vegas where Angel's personal physician lived.

It was obvious the man had known what to expect because he hadn't batted an eye when Dominick exited the car looking as if he'd been in a death battle and barely come out the victor. Dom had no doubt the doctor was aware of Angel's line of work and was paid very well to provide service at its best with minimal questions.

Escorting them to the basement of his house, Dominick saw that it was equipped with everything a small, efficient clinic would have. Armando had waited with the men while Dominick went to a small room to be checked out. As he'd already suspected, he had a couple of cracked ribs and a slight concussion, but the rest of his injuries were fairly minor. All in all, they were nothing that wouldn
’t heal.

After he'd gotten his ribs wrapped and the cuts cleaned, Dominick had waited impatiently for the doctor to give him a bottle of pain meds. Just as he
’d been pulling on a shirt the doctor had given him, Angel walked in. His brother had all but interrogated the doctor about Dom's injuries, and to Dom’s chagrin, the doctor went through everything all over again. They’d only left once Angel was satisfied that there were no life threatening injuries and were now on their way to Angel’s home.

Dominick had tried to engage Armando in conversation, but the boy hadn't had much to say, which was understandable. He looked tired though. And sad.

Angel had remained silent, but Dominick could feel his eyes on him as he tried to navigate his way through the sensitive mine field that he and his son would have to conquer.

"Tienes hambre?"
Dom asked Armando, wondering if he was hungry.

Armando shook his head and continued to stare straight ahead.


Armando released a small sigh before addressing Dominick. "I'd prefer to speak English. I'm not hungry and I'm not thirsty." He turned his head to stare at Angel. "I want to know if my aunt went back home."

Dominick's body stiffened. He met Angel's gaze over Armando's head. They hadn't had a chance to talk yet, but Dominick knew Angel would not have left Melania alive. He hadn't decided if or how he would tell Armando this. Dom didn't want to lie to him but he didn't want to hurt him either.

He struggled to choose his words carefully. "Armando..."

"Everyone calls me Manny. Except for

"Okay. Manny." Dom smiled, trying the name out and grateful for whatever information he could get about his son. "I like that."

Armando's eyes slid back to Angel and repeated his question. "Did
Melania go back to Mexico? Did...did she send a message for me or anything?"

Dominick's heart jumped painfully at the hopeful expression in Manny's eyes. His lips parted, but he had no idea what to say. Before the silence could stretch out any further, Angel glanced out the window and saw that they were on his street.

"We're almost home. Maybe it's best we leave that discussion for later when we have more time to talk, hm?"

Dominick saw that they were indeed about to drive through the security gate that would take them to Angel
’s estate. He hadn't even noticed, but it was damn good timing. At least it bought him a little time to prepare himself for what he would tell Armando because eventually they'd have to discuss it.

However, all thoughts of that future conversation vanished when Big Dre approached the circular driveway. Dom's eyes latched onto Keisha standing beside Nikki anxiously waiting on them to pull up. He
’d called her after he left the warehouse to let her know he was safe and that he would be home soon. He’d had to swallow the emotion gathering in his throat and reassure her he was okay when she started crying from relief. Seeing the car now, she rushed towards it before it had even come to a complete stop.

His gaze alert, trying to take everything in at once, Armando glanced out the window. He studied Keisha then looked up at Dominick.

"Is that your wife?"

Dominick pulled his eyes away from Keisha, his expression softening as he nodded. "Yes. That's Keisha."

"On the way to the doctor's house, you called her. Was...was she upset? About me, I mean."

Dom shook his head. "No, no. She's not upset at all. It was always in the plan to bring you home to live with us. Keisha has been looking forward to that as much me."

When Armando's face still showed his skepticism, Dom placed a hand on his arm. "I know this isn't easy for you. It's going to take some time, but I promise things will get better. Come on."

Dom had barely unfolded his long frame out of the car before Keisha, crying and laughing at the same time, launched herself into his arms.

"Dominick! Thank God you're okay, baby, I was so worried."

Dom flinched. He tried to hide his grimace of pain as she gripped him tight, but Keisha felt him flinch. Horrified because she'd obviously hurt him, she immediately let him go. When she did, that's when she noticed the ugly looking bruises on his face. "Oh my God!

Dom placed his arms around her waist and pulled her back towards him. "I'm fine, baby. Believe me, it looks far worse than it actually is." He told the lie as convincingly as he could because right about now, he felt like hell.

"I'd venture so far as to say it's an improvement over how he usually looks." Angel said, trying to break the tension before pulling Nikki into his arms. "Hey, you."

Nikki melted against him, just as relieved as Keisha to see him and Dominick back safely. "Hey," she managed to sigh before he brought his lips down to hers.

After the kiss, Angel lifted his head and looked at Keisha.  "I told you I would bring him back, sweetheart," he said in a soft tone. His eyes ran over Dominick. "A little worse for the wear maybe, but a few days of tender loving care from you, and I'm sure he'll be as good as new."

"Thank you, Angel." Keisha sniffed and gave him a big hug. "Thank you so much."

Smiling, Nicole did the same with Dominick. "We were so worried," she told him. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Really, I'm good, sis. I knew the calvary was coming." He gave Angel a lopsided grin, then seeing how uncomfortable Armando appeared, he released Nikki and walked over to his son's side.

Both Nikki and Keisha stared at the boy as if seeing him for the first time. They’d been so relieved at seeing their husbands back that they hadn’t immediately noticed Armando standing a ways off by himself.

"And this handsome young man right here is my son, Armando." Dom pulled him forward for the introductions. "Manny, this is my sister-in-law, Nicole, and my wife, Keisha."

Armando reluctantly nodded, looking for all the world as if he’d rather be anywhere else except for there. However, Keisha and Nikki immediately went into mothering mode, swooping down on him and taking turns hugging him close.

"Hi, Manny, I'm so glad you're here," Keisha said.

"We've been looking forward to finally meeting you," Nikki added.

Armando continued to stare down at the ground, hands in pockets and shoulders slumped forward protectively. Keisha could see the emotional wounds the child tried so hard to conceal and instantly felt his pain. She lifted troubled eyes to Dom then ran a hand over Armando's hair.

"Poor baby. Are you tired? Hungry? I'm sure we can find something to munch on in that big ole kitchen of Nikki's."

Nikki stood on his other side and rubbed his back. "Of course we can, anything you want to eat or drink, I can almost guarantee it's there."

Slightly taken aback by their kindness, Manny glanced from Nikki to Keisha. "I...I guess so." Then as if realizing he'd just told Dominick five minutes ago that he didn't want anything to eat or drink, Armando sent him a quick look from the corner of his eye then stared at the ground again.

The two women led him towards the front entrance, fussing over him the entire way. Keisha looked back at Dom, who silently mouthed the words,
thank you
, as he and Angel followed behind them. She blew him a kiss before heading to the kitchen with Armando in tow.

Slowing their steps, Dominick said to Angel in a low voice, "Is it over?"

Angel nodded. "Yes. Melania's no longer a threat."

Dominick shook his head slowly as he thought about the ordeal in the warehouse. "That crazy bitch was actually trying to force him to kill me. Who the fuck does that?"

"Unfortunately, it's not something I have a hard time believing. We already know Melania was grooming him to eventually take over one day. Killing you would have been a sign of respect to the cartel and paved the way for Manny to stand by her side when the time came."

White-hot anger coursed through Dominick's veins. "I'm glad she's dead. I just wish I'd been able to see it happen with my own two eyes."

The two of them came to a stop. Angel placed a hand on Dom's shoulder. "Let it go, Nick. She's never going to threaten you or your family again. The only thing you need to concentrate on is getting to know your son."

Angel's words finally sunk in. Forcing himself to try and relax, Dominick nodded. "You're right. It might take a while, but I think he's going to be okay."

"I know he will."

"Angelo..." Dom cleared his throat. He hesitated as if not knowing how to put into words what he was feeling.

"You don't have to say it. I already know. You're my brother, Nick. My family. No matter what, I'm always going to be there to take care of you."

The brothers stared at each other as that statement ricocheted back in time, resurrecting long ago memories for them. Angel had stated those very words to Dom as far back as he could remember, and no matter the circumstances, he'd always managed to stay true to his word. That
’s why Dominick hadn't doubted for a second that he would find him.

Angel threw his arm around Dom's neck and started for the house. "Come on. We
’d better go inside before Keisha comes huffing out to find you."

Dominick chuckled in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. I tell ya', we married a couple of bossy women, didn't we?"

Angel gave him a side-glance, his green eyes sparkling in amusement. "Wouldn't be much fun if they weren't, now would it?"

Dominick nodded and smiled. "Couldn't agree with you more."







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