No Choice but Seduction (36 page)

Read No Choice but Seduction Online

Authors: Johanna Lindsey

Tags: #General, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #Fiction

BOOK: No Choice but Seduction
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He was still alive. She wasn’t sure if the pirates lying at his feet were still breathing, but Boyd looked fine. The sounds of men fighting would have led her in the right direction if the landscape at the top of the beach hadn’t been clear enough to allow her to see for some distance.

She counted three bodies down, yet three more pirates were still standing. Six of them had been on the first boat with more on the way.

The pirates had weapons. She could see pistols and long knives tucked in their belts. One of them who was still on his feet even had a pistol in his hand, but he was holding it as if he was going to use it as a club rather than fire it.

They were trying to subdue Boyd without hurting him, she realized! He must represent cargo to them that they could sell later, which was probably the reason they had came ashore. Apparently, they didn’t care if they got hurt in the process.

Breathless, utterly fascinated, Katey couldn’t take her eyes off Boyd. He was fiercely laying into one of the men still standing, not with his improvised club, but with his fists. He held the man with one hand and was punching his face with the other. A second man came too close and Boyd merely backhanded him away. It didn’t even look as if he’d broken a sweat yet, though she wasn’t really close enough to tell. But he didn’t even look winded from his exertions!

The third man was dragging one of the downed pirates out of the way. All three pirates couldn’t get close enough to Boyd with the bodies of their mates cluttering the ground at his feet. And he wasn’t moving from that position, which gave him his advantage.

A fourth pirate went down now. The last two men must have realized they weren’t getting anywhere with their careful tactics. They still didn’t point their pistols at Boyd, but with one man shouting an order, the two charged him in unison. That managed to knock him down, and all three were sprawled on the ground now.

Katey started to move closer. But new activity on the beach caught her attention instead. The other boat had landed! Six more men were jumping out of it. As soon as they came a little farther up the beach, they would see what was happening on the other side of the rise—and join the fray. Boyd wouldn’t be able to handle six more. He had to be tiring. But even if he wasn’t, this new bunch would take him by surprise while he was still grappling on the ground with those other two.

She didn’t get past that thought. Stepping out on the beach to draw the new arrivals’ attention in her direction, she pretended to be surprised by them. One of them saw her and nudged the man next to him. He also said something that had them all turning to look at her. In seconds, all six were running toward her. They didn’t even send one of their men to find the first arrivals. Apparently, she was a more interesting find.

She gave a shriek, a loud one, that wasn’t the least bit faked. She hoped Boyd had heard her, or the chance she’d just taken in revealing herself would have been really stupid. She had no idea how long she could keep from being captured, but she did
want to be used as a bargaining chip for them to capture him, too. So she couldn’t go too far or Boyd wouldn’t be able to catch up to help her. Yet she couldn’t let the pirates get within reach of her, either, or it would be all over.

She remembered her rocks only because her little improvised sack banged against her knee as she leapt back off the sand. She paused a moment to loosen the tight grip she had on it that had closed it and make it an open pouch she could reach into. Making sure she wasn’t going to run into anything behind her first, she turned to face the pirates just in time to see them come over the rise near her. Much too close. If they decided to charge her as a group as the other two had done to Boyd…

She threw a rock at them. They stopped and laughed at her as it landed several feet in front of them. Backing away slowly, she threw another rock, harder this time. They laughed again as it sailed past them, hitting no one. What made her think throwing stones would be a good weapon when she didn’t know how to aim them? All she was doing was entertaining them! But a moment later she realized her rocks were a better weapon than she’d thought, because they’d done exactly what she’d intended, kept the pirates’ attention on her long enough for Boyd to take over.

Seeing him running up behind them now, his thick, clublike stick in hand, she kept the pirates distracted with a few more rocks. And Boyd went immediately to work on them with barely a pause. He swung his club to one side, then the other. Two down. One of those moved, wasn’t unconscious. A quick punch to his face and he didn’t move again.

The other four had turned about with the noise. Three charged Boyd immediately. He sidestepped one and swung his club in an arc to catch the other two at once. It didn’t knock either of them down, but the one it hit first screamed and put a hand to his smashed ear. He was temporarily immobilized by pain.

The last pirate didn’t move. Instead he pulled a long-barreled pistol from his belt. But he’d turned his back to Katey. What he was going to do with that pistol she didn’t know and didn’t want to find out, especially when he might have decided that one slave, her, was good enough and Boyd was too much trouble to bother with.

Without even thinking about it, she took the largest of the rocks she had left, let the others slide to the ground so she could grip the big one with both hands, and, coming up behind the pirate, slammed it against the back of his head. He dropped to the ground. She stared down incredulously that she’d managed to knock him out.

Glancing back up, she saw that Boyd wasn’t nearly finished yet. He was having a fistfight with two of the pirates. He must have disarmed them in the fight. They no longer had their weapons, and he was winning. Their faces were getting bloody, his wasn’t. The other man was still holding his ear and shouting in some foreign language, probably swearing. But he was also reaching for the gun in his belt, and he definitely looked angry enough to use it.

Katey went cold with fear. It was hard to even think, she was suddenly so afraid—for Boyd. She started to shout to him with a warning, but realized he might not hear her in his efforts, and distracting him just then might be the worst thing she could do, when the two men he was fighting were as brawny as he was. So she lifted the heavy rock she still had in her hand, but remembered in time her lousy aim. Fast running out of options, a flash of light, sun against metal, made her look down, and she dove at the pistol by her feet that the unconscious pirate had dropped before he hit the ground.

She didn’t take a chance either that her pointing it at that angry pirate would make him drop or lower his weapon, which he already had in hand. He hadn’t fired it yet, but probably because he didn’t have a clear shot at Boyd, with his mates in the way. And he wasn’t looking at her and didn’t notice she was also armed. His hearing might currently be impaired, too, so she wasn’t going to trust shouting at him, either. But he’d hear a shot fired she was sure, so she simply did that, fired off a harmless shot.

She definitely had his attention now, and everyone else’s. She nearly knocked herself over from the blast. Damned old-fashioned pistols, too long-nosed and too heavy for her. And she knew as well as everyone else that it only had one shot in it. But once again, her action allowed Boyd to minimize the danger. He’d only paused a second from her shot. And since she was facing the angry pirate, Boyd gave him some attention, too, going straight for the remaining pistol in the man’s hand. With it in his own hand now, he slammed it against the man’s other ear. That time he went down for good. Boyd then cracked the barrel against another head and smashed in into the face of the last man.

All of them out of action! She shared Boyd’s thrill of success. Actually, he just looked tired. But she was so excited by his victory, she was nearly jumping up and down with it—until she remembered the ship anchored nearby.

“Will they send in more?” she asked him as he bent over, a hand on each knee, to rest a moment.

He glanced up at her to say, “Probably. So gather up the pistols here while I tie up the first bunch. I think I’ll just shoot any others that show up.”

She noticed he hadn’t said a word about her presence, that she hadn’t stayed where he’d told her to stay. To keep him from realizing that she hadn’t followed his instructions, she asked, “What are you going to tie them with?”

“I already made some ropes while waiting for that first boat to land. Palm leaves, fresh or dry, are quite sturdy if manipulated just right, and tie together easily. I’ll need to make more though. I wasn’t counting on this many pirates coming ashore.”

“Wouldn’t vines work?” she ventured. “They’re all over the place.”

“Too slippery, and they can snap at their joints, so they’re not as dependable. Besides, I merely need to make sure that if any of them wake, they don’t become further problems. I’d as soon not have to kill them. They might be guilty of piracy, but they make no difference in the greater scheme of things. Their captain will just replace them and go on about business as usual.”

He sounded disgusted as he said that, but then he quickly walked off to take care of the business of tying. She stared at the spot he was heading to, where he’d left the first bunch of bodies.

He’d have to work quickly. He had twelve men to tie up before any more arrived. No, actually, she’d just have to help him to get it done speedily. So she gathered up the pistols as he’d said, and she ran as best she could over those tiny pinecones and needles to join Boyd. He already had three men tied and was stripping the leaves off another palm frond. She dumped the pistols on top of the pile that he’d taken the time to collect from this first crew and started helping him strip leaves. He was pretty good at tying them together. Well, he was a sailor. He would be. And he was soon heading back to the second crew with six more improvised ropes in hand.

She followed him. He didn’t object. But when she started to help him tie the men, he told her to keep a watch on the ship instead. It figured he wouldn’t trust her to make a decent knot out of a leaf end.

But he was only tying wrists behind backs for the moment, so he was almost done when she was forced to say, “They’re lowering another small boat in the water.”

She heard Boyd’s sigh behind her. He had to be seriously exhausted by now. My God, he’d taken on twelve pirates and won! Granted, they had been trying to capture him without doing any real harm to him, but still, it had been his exertions that had brought them down, and he’d made it look so easy! She might have helped a little by distracting them, but it had been his brawn and skill that had ended the danger quickly. Now he had to face even more coming ashore.

A glance back at him showed he hadn’t paused in what he was doing. Nor did he rush to finish it. He took time to make sure the bonds would hold.

Looking back toward the ship, her eyes widened and she was delighted to say, “They may have changed their mind.”

“What do you mean?” He stood up to see for himself.

The little boat that had been put in the water and filled with men hadn’t launched to shore; in fact, the men in it were climbing rapidly back on the ship. A moment later Katey and Boyd saw why. Another ship had sailed into view.

Chapter Forty

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