Nine Steps to Sara

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Authors: Lisa Olsen

BOOK: Nine Steps to Sara
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Copyright © 2012 Lisa Olsen, all rights reserved.


Cover Image licensed b
y Combs


This book is sold subject to the conditions that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out, copied, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any other format or changed in any way, including the author’s name and title, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.  The use of any real person, company or product names are for literary effect only and used without permission.  The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.
The Darlington village mentioned in this book bears no resemblance to the actual city of Darlington, which is in a completely different part of England and has no bearing on this story.


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Thanks to the Brits for buying my other books and inspiring me to write a spooky novel set in the remote English countryside.  Specifically, hearts and flowers go to DevilishLittleAnne for being my go to girl on what sounds idiotic coming from the mouths of British characters.  Thanks to the British guy who works at my favorite sandwich shop for not just giving me a strange look when I asked him what’s the creepiest, most remote part of England, and giving me some great locations to research. 

Thanks to Randi Pandi for tearing through the book and offering great feedback as usual.  And to my mother and Emily for the superfast turnaround times! 

I don’t think I’ve really stopped to thank my husband properly for
he does for me in the book process.  Sure I’ve given him kudos for cover design and formatting, but he really is instrumental in the creative process too.  In fact, both Emily and Brynna are great to bounce ideas off of too, even if I decide to do the ass opposite of what they recommend most of the time.  I’m so lucky to have such a wonderfully supportive group of friends and family!  Chocolate kisses for everyone!



Chapter One


epeat after me
I am Sara J
millionaire.  I own a mansion and a yacht

The corner of Sara’s mouth tilted up into a faint smile as she conjured images of Elmer Fudd going through psychoanalysis to cure him of
I don’t own a yacht

You could own a yacht…
” Joanie’s
eyes darted to the dark window for a brief squint before they returned to regard Sara steadily.  “Y
don’t know

That’s true, I suppose,
” Sara allowed, leaning back against the supple leather seats of the chauffeured Mercedes.  Despite the fact that the car was at least thirty years old by the body style, it’d obviously been kept in mint condition and still impressed the hell out of her.  It was the first time she’d ridden in a car that cost more than her college education and for sure was the first time she’d been driven around in the back seat
unless she counted the time she took a cab to the hospital on the night Jack was born (but somehow, she didn’t think that fell into quite the same category). 

Joanie had a good point though, she had very little understanding of her inheritance so far, only that it was big enough to earn her a plane ride and an all expense paid trip to
in style
and there was a
manor house
somewhere in the countryside with a family history she knew nothing about.  After the year she’d
, it hadn’t taken more than thirty seconds to decide to go check it out, especially when her best friend offered to come along for the ride.  Still, Joanie’s excited speculation had spilled into the ridiculous after so many hours spent traveling. 

hy would I have a yacht?  It’s a land locked estate.

  Probably.  There could be a lake, she supposed.  If she hadn’t been so excited to get the heck out of town, she might have asked a few more questions.  As it was, she had a vague sense the estate was somewhere in the south, but that was about it.

Joanie waved her hand back and forth, unconcerned with logic.  “
is basically an island.  It’s like a nothing commute to get to the water

A s
, and Sara looked up to
catch a flash of the driver’s grin.  “
I’m not too sure about that,
” she murmured, looking out the window, but she couldn’t penetrate the gloomy fog apart from the occasional glimpse of an empty paddock or a copse of dark trees.  “W
e’ve been driving an awful long time.

“You’re telling me, I shouldn’t have had those drinks on the train,” Joanie muttered, shifting in her seat.  “
Excuse me
” she leaned forward, bright auburn hair glowing as it caught in the dashboard lights.  “
How much longer is this gonna take?

Just until we arrive, Miss.


“Okay, thanks,” Joanie slumped back against the seat and
looked up
, teeth pressed against the inside of her lips to keep from laughing as she caught
in the rearview mirror
Had he introduced himself?  Sara couldn’t be sure with all the rigmarole to get their luggage to the car and make sure Jack didn’t go wandering off on his own. 
What he must think of them…
Sara wasn’t sure what to expect from the locals yet.  Would they accept her as the new heir or did they have their hopes set on a different disposition for the estate?  Would they even care?  It wasn’t clear how much her family’s estate was tied up in the local community, but for a town called
, she imagined it was close. 

Incapable of maintaining silence for more than a few minutes, Joanie snuck her way back onto Sara’s train of thought.  “
What is a Baronet anyway?  Is it like a baby Baron?”

“Near as I can tell it’s not as high up as a Baron; it just means Jack will have to get used to being called Sir.”

“That makes you a Lady I guess, huh?”

“I suppose so,” Sara smiled faintly at the tinge of jealousy in Joanie’s voice.

hank G
od you got the call after your divorce came through
,” she said, out of the blue.

“What?” Sara blinked,
not tracking the change in subject right away.
I don’t know, I could have used the luck
a little earlier in the game.”  When she thought of the tiny little apartment
’d been crammed into for the past six months… the call couldn’t have come
soon enough

Are you kidding me?
Peter would have pissed it all away inside of a year


she exclaimed, somewhere between a whisper and a hiss.


Shh, I don't want him to hear you
,” Sara scowled, even if it was true. 

“Oh p
lease, you know Jack can sleep through a hurri
cane,” Joanie demonstrated by poking the boy in the ribs with no response.  But for the slight rise and fall of his chest,
appeared dead to the world. 

Sara look
down at her sleeping son
slumped over
n the seat between them.  Small for a boy of eight,
his dark brown hair was the exact shade
blue eyes hidden behind round glasses that slipped low on his nose in his present position. 
Despite the fact that she knew he wasn’t listening, it didn’t feel right to talk about his father with him right there, even if she did agree with her friend’s opinion of the guy. 

I'm just saying, it gives me a happy to think he won't get his
hands on all your
  Can you imagine Peter with some serious cash behind him?” a roll of the eyes was given. 

“I’m having a hard enough time picturing
with money,” Sara answered diplomatically, hoping to change the subject.  For the next twenty minutes they chatted about what might be waiting for them at the end of their journey.  Joanie seemed to think they’d land in an episode of Downton Abbey; the liveried servants lined up in front of the building, neatly dressed and pressed to greet her. 
Sara couldn’t imagin
owning something so large; she was convinced it’
be more along the lines of a cottage with some pretty gardens.  At least she hoped so; gardening was one of the few things she missed about the three bedroom split level home in LA. 

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