Nikolai's Wolf (12 page)

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Authors: Zena Wynn

Tags: #Vampire/Shape-shifter Paranormal

BOOK: Nikolai's Wolf
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At first, she was highly impressed. Here was a premium specimen, one worthy of her and capable of producing strong pups. She waited eagerly as he approached, the wind at her back ruffling her fur and causing it to stand on end. As he neared, she got her first whiff of his scent, and her hackles rose. She knew that scent.

Unnatural. Not wolf.

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Chapter Seven

Nikolai gazed at the bristling she-wolf in front of him and sighed. He and this beastly side of his mate’s nature would eventually come to terms with one another, but not tonight.

He shifted into his natural form and, with a strong surge of power, commanded Shannon to sleep.

Without the support of her human side, the she-wolf stumbled, off balance and disoriented. Taking advantage of its momentary distraction, Nikolai spoke in a sharp, compelling tone, “Change!”

The she-wolf, turbopowered by the strength of the blue moon, fought hard, unwilling to give up its control, but had no choice. He’d infused his decree with so much power that the beast found itself forced back into the innermost being of the sleeping woman before it was fully aware of it happening.

The change was fluid and seamless, and over in a matter of seconds. His mate lay on her side, slumbering deeply on a bed of cushioning leaves, the wolf buried within. Random pockets of moonlight filtered through the trees, highlighting the fragile beauty of her naked body.

Nikolai breathed deep, savoring the scent of his chosen. With a casual wave of his hand over his lower body, he clothed his legs in a pair of well-worn, loose-fitting denim jeans before bending down to scoop her up into his arms. He carried her through the woods to his home, a massive two-story structure built out of stone near the top of the mountain.

He walked up the stairs to the huge double-door entrance, through the foyer, and into the library until he reached the secret elevator leading to the lower level of his home. As the lift settled onto the basement floor, he turned the key to lock it in place so that there was no danger of them being disturbed by anyone. When he stepped out of the elevator, the doors Nikolai’s Wolf


closed behind him and a section of wood paneling glided into place, completely hiding its existence.

He walked through the sitting room with its enormous fireplace and into his bedroom; low-level lights from the evenly placed sconces on the wall flickered as he passed, lighting the way. He strode over to the massive four-poster bed in the center of the room and laid Shannon in the middle of the bed. He stood back for a moment and just basked in the satisfaction of finally having his chosen here, in his lair.

The room was done in shades of green and brown, reminiscent of the forest he loved so much. The wall dividing the sitting room from the bedroom wasn’t really a wall at all. It was an open fireplace that, when not lit, allowed one to gaze from one area into the other. With a flick of his hand, the fireplace roared to life, the heat removing the lingering chill from the room.

Now to prepare his woman for mating.

He went to the highboy dresser and pulled out some scarves, a blindfold, and restraints.

He’d thought long and hard about the problem of her beast rising to the surface. If her wolf was allowed to come forth, he might have to hurt her in order to subdue her, for her beast would not easily submit to his dominance. He would bind her, at least until she became used to his passion and had better control over her own.

Nikolai went to each corner of the bed and secured extralong scarves to the posts. After tying them in place, he gave them a good, hard yank, putting his considerable strength into it. The knots held, and the posts didn’t budge. Good. The bed had been handcrafted out of the strongest wood available -- live oak -- and should be able to withstand an angry werewolf bent on gaining her freedom.

He put the silk wrist and ankle restraints on his mate, ran the scarves through the specially made attached loops, and gently pulled until she lay spread-eagle on the bed. He knotted the scarves to keep her in position, then stood back, admiring his handiwork.

He walked to the top of the bed and removed the pillows. Sliding one hand under her hips, he lifted her and positioned one of his fluffy, fat pillows under her, elevating that portion of her body for easier access and maximum penetration. Then he gently blindfolded her, careful not to snag her hair in any way. No matter how much she twisted and rubbed her head against the mattress, it wouldn’t come off until he removed it.

One thought and his clothes vanished from his body. He walked to the foot of the bed and gazed at her as he absentmindedly stroked his aching arousal. He climbed onto the high bed, crawling between her legs until his body hovered over hers, his weight supported by his forearms. Leaning down, he placed his face directly over hers, his mouth mere centimeters above her own so that her first breath would be scented with him.

“Shannon, awake!”

* * * * *

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Rory walked down the basement stairs, struggling with every step to leash his beast and shift back to human form. He was a strong alpha, but his beast fought harder than it should, even with adrenaline from the fight still pumping through his veins and the rising blue moon strengthening it.

The sight of Shayla in trouble had brought every primitive instinct in his body roaring to the forefront. The impulse to protect and defend had crashed over him, blocking out any attempt at rational thinking. Now that he had fought for and won her, the urge to claim her, mark her, and breed pups with her rode him hard.

He’d had no intentions of mating the troublesome woman, even though he highly suspected she was his one. He’d decided long ago he’d never mate or breed. There was too much of his father’s nature in him. He’d never inflict the mental and physical agony on any child that his father had wreaked on him. Staying alone was the only foolproof way to guarantee it didn’t happen.

Even though Shayla irritated him to no end, he didn’t want to scare her. Knowing what he was and seeing it were two different things. Unfortunately, the most he’d been able to manage was a partial shift. He was still in his wolf-man form -- part wolf, part man -- but he’d managed to even out his facial features enough so that he looked more man than wolf.

He could do nothing about his size or his height, which now was a little under seven feet.

He opened the door slowly, not knowing what to expect. She was probably hysterical after being chased by two werewolves. Most women would be. The scent of hot, sweaty female hit him in the face and rushed straight to his cock, driving every thought from his mind except for the need to procreate. Heaven help them both -- Shayla was in heat!

* * * * *

Shannon woke to darkness, totally disoriented. The last thing she remembered was her wolf surging to the forefront and taking over. She’d been totally helpless to prevent it. She hadn’t lost control of her beast like that since puberty, before Rory began training her. Her mind ran in circles. Where was she? What trouble had her beast caused? Dear God, was she mated, and if so, to whom? Before she could get her bearings, the powerful scent of aroused male entered her nostrils. Her mind blanked, and her flesh went haywire.

There was a hard male body on top of her.

His naked chest brushed against hers, lightly rubbing her tight, puckered nipples with each breath that he took. His stomach pressed against her mound. Shannon’s body turned to liquid, and she arched into him, trying to get closer.

She reached out to touch him, draw him nearer, but couldn’t. Something was stopping her, holding her back. Why can’t I…? Her hands were bound. Lust forgotten, she stiffened all over as anger and fear washed over her. No! She jerked hard, pulling and tugging to free herself. How dare he bind her! A growl rumbled out of her chest as her beast responded to Nikolai’s Wolf


her skyrocketing emotions. First she’d rip free; then she’d kill this male who dared to do what no other had.

Before she could summon her beast to the surface, a deep voice commanded, “Be at peace, little one. The restraints are for your protection. The blindfold is merely a tool to enhance your pleasure. This is your first time, and I don’t want to hurt you. If I am to remain in control, I can’t allow you to touch me.”

At the sound of his voice, she stilled, shock overriding her wrath. I’m blindfolded too?

She turned her head from side to side, testing the truth of his words. Then it dawned on her.

I know that voice. I’ve been hearing it in my dreams. “Do I know you?”

“Nikolai Taranosky, at your service.”

The rational side of her mind tried to understand what was happening, but her body was being bombarded by male pheromones, short-circuiting her ability to reason. Her breath quickened as her passion once again rose to the forefront.

She tugged uselessly at the restraints on her wrists, needing to touch him.

“Be still.”

She struggled all the more, arching wildly beneath him. “Please, let me touch you.” He let out a husky laugh that set her nerve endings on fire, stroking her from the inside out, and she shivered as he promised in a silky voice, “Oh, I fully intend to. Please you, that is.”

Dimly, in the small portion of her brain that could still reason, a tiny voice was screaming. Shannon, resist! Stop this before it’s too late. You don’t know this male. He could be like your father, or worse. Do you really want to bind yourself to this stranger for the rest of your life?

That last thought pushed through the heat and hormones fogging her analytical abilities, and her mind began to clear. Knowing it was futile, she tried to bargain with him.

“Please, don’t do this. Let me go. Give me the opportunity to get to know you when my mind’s not so clouded. If we’re to spend the rest of our lives together, let’s not begin it like this.” She breathed through her mouth, not wanting to lose the bit of ground she’d gained over her body.

“You know me,” he countered. “And before this evening is through, I’ll be engrafted into your very soul.” Then he ended all pending arguments by blowing a stream of air directly into her nostrils, and Shannon was lost.

Nikolai locked his mouth onto hers, kissing her deeply. In all of the toying he’d done with her body over the last few weeks, not once had he kissed her. The taste of her made his gums ache. He fought to keep his fangs from dropping into place. If he accidentally nicked her and got a taste of her blood, he wouldn’t be able to restrain himself. Bloodlust would take control.

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He intended their first time to be, for her, a mating initiation that she could look back on with joy. He withdrew from her mouth and hissed in pleasure, fighting to restrain himself. He’d been arousing her fiery passion for too long without satisfying his own. Now that she was in his possession, he was dangerously close to losing all restraint. He couldn’t allow that to happen. His mate’s needs must come before his own.

That thought firmly in mind, he nibbled and tasted his way to her ear. Running his tongue delicately around the rim, he toyed with it before sucking on her earlobe. She turned her head and arched her neck, granting him access as she shivered with pleasure. “More,” she moaned.

The pulse beating in her neck drew his attention, and he allowed his mouth to travel there. He nuzzled her lightly before dragging his teeth back and forth, scraping the skin as he fought the urge to bite and feed. There would be time for that later.

He continued with his exploration of her body. Previously, he’d touched her only mentally, except for the night he’d lost control and fed. Tonight, they were skin to skin, no powers involved, just the way it was supposed to be between chosen. He lightly stroked her nipple with his tongue, licking it back and forth as she whimpered and arched her back.

“Harder. Give me more.”

He smiled to himself. Virgin she might be, but his woman was no shy miss.

“Is this what you want?” He latched onto one nipple and drew it into his mouth using deep suction. He squeezed the other one hard between his fingers, pulling and tugging on its taut peak. He suckled as though there were milk inside and if he just pulled hard enough, he could draw it out. He was going to indulge his every fantasy, even if it took hours. After all, they had all night. Here, deep in his lair, there was no one to disturb them.

He leisurely switched to the other side, suctioning deeply until half her breast was in his mouth. His fangs pressed against her skin, and he could smell the engorged veins just beneath the surface. Again the temptation arose to bite down and drink his fill.

Bloodlust whispered seductively in his ear. Was she not his? Did not the very blood streaming in her body belong to him? Take. Drink.

Nikolai clamped down on it. He was no fledgling vampire to be ruled by his instincts, but a fully mature one in control of all his urges. To prove it, he pulled back until only her nipple was in his mouth and bit down until his teeth broke the surface, enough to hurt but not to bleed, a move he knew she’d find pleasurable. Shifters, like vampires, relished biting and scratching in their love play. Their very natures demanded that sex be rough.

His mind fully merged with hers, he was aware of Shannon’s every thought, every reaction of her body to his actions. He smiled when, with a keening cry, she shook as pleasure shot straight to her core, causing her pussy to spasm in need. Just the response he’d anticipated. When she planted her feet flat on the bed with the little bit of leeway the restraints allowed and rubbed her mound against his hard-muscled stomach, he knew she sought to soothe the ache building there.

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“Answer me. Is this what you want?” He switched to the other breast and bit down on that nipple as well.

“Yes,” she growled out, her beast beginning to rise to the surface.

“No! You will not shift. Control your wolf.”

When he backed away, removing all physical contact, she struggled to do as he commanded.

“Every time I feel your beast rising, I will cease giving you pleasure. Do you understand?”

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