Nights Embrace (Others of Seattle) (16 page)

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“Doesn’t matter,” she answered.

His brow creased as he moved closer to press a finger under her chin, raising her face to his. “Tell me what I can do to make it better.”

She frowned.
“Actions speak louder than words. Promises don’t mean much to me.”

“I know, Roxy. I won’t stop saying it, but I will find a way to prove it to you.
Give me a chance.”

She nodded. The
elevator opened and they walked to his door.

Trevor let them in, and pulled he
r laptop case from her shoulder, setting it on his desk. “Put your bag in my room, and you may want to get more comfortable.” His suggestion had a hint of command, one she was willing to follow as long as it got them naked with him deep inside her.

A smirk tilted one side of her mouth as she walked past him, trailing her fingers across his belly,
tracing over his waistband. “Want to help?” she purred.

“Mmm, I do.” He followed.

She set her backpack down against his dresser and his shirt landed at her feet. She heard his belt as she pulled her sweater and tank over her head.

His hot fingers trailed
along the curling flower pattern that decorated her spine, and then unlatched her bra. She pulled it off as his hands glided around her sides to cup her breasts. Her head fell back on his shoulder granting his lips access to trail over the sensitive column of her throat.

“Too many clothes, Roxy
.” She could hear the impatience in his tone.

Her hands dropped to her jeans, opening
the fly to shimmy them down her legs. She toed off her shoes and kicked her pants off.

She was spun and picked up before flying through the air to land on the bed
with a bounce.

Then Trevor was over her.
“I’m not stopping, Roxy. I’m going to start by devouring you until you beg me to stop. Then, once you’ve caught your breath, I’m going to make love to you until you can’t take it.”

Licking her lips, she stared up into his desire
-darkened eyes.
Like I’m supposed to argue when he looks at me like that?

“Well, get to it then,” she
taunted as saucily as she could manage while trembling from need so strong she could hardly move.

His chuckle was low and seductive as he dipped his head to kiss her jaw, and nibble his way to her collar bone.
His lips and tongue were sinfully talented, and they were all hers.

He teased her senses with the damp
trail he left on his way down her body, pausing to worship her sensitive tips. He took his time finding his way to her belly button, and then down along her pelvis. Then he pushed her legs wide as he took a long lick of her slick heat.

“Trevor,” she moaned. “Stop teasing.”

His gaze locked on hers, gold rimming the deep green as his brow arched. “Tell me what you want.”

While she didn’t have a lot of experience, she had written plenty of sexy scenes and had no problem finding her words
. “I want you to lick and suck my clit, then fuck me with your tongue.”

He made the sexiest purring growl as he curled his tongue around her
pink pearl and enthusiastically went to work.

Her hands slipped into his thick, soft hair.
“Fuck, yes,” she cried out as he made good on his promise to devour her. He brought her over the edge in minutes, and kept right on going.

He delved in with his tongue, that purr vibrating up her spine and radiating out. The pleasure built to heights she never imagined and he kept there on the edge, a hair
’s breadth from tumbling into a sea of bliss.

“Make me come,” she screamed. “Now, make me come

“What did you say?” his voice washed over her, pushing her closer.

“Please, fuck please, please, fucking puhleeasse!” she begged, her nails digging into his scalp.

Taking his cue, h
e did something—she wasn’t sure what—it was so damned good she exploded into a million pieces before melting into a gooey puddle of ecstasy. Pleasure rang through every nerve, blocking out every sensation until she heard the sound of foil tearing.


* * * *


Trevor crawled back up her body, kneeling before her and lifting her thighs to rest on his as he watched her breasts heave with every breath. She was spent, but he wasn’t done. He had every intention of making love to her.

He reached to the nightstand and grabbed a condom. Her eyes opened to
watch as he rolled it on.

A smile lifted her lips.
“You weren’t kidding about your plan.”

“Oh no. I’m a man of my word, Roxy. I plan to show you over and over again.”

“Next time is my turn,” she promised, still not moving.

“You catch your breath yet?”

“Mmm, I need you, Trevor. Just you.”

fingers dug into the flesh of her ass as he lifted her. Trevor drove into her heated core in one powerful stroke. Her need-filled moan made his cock throb. He set a slow pace, rolling in and out of her in fluid thrusts.

“Come here,” she groaned.

He dropped, his elbows landing on either side of her shoulders and his fingers sliding through her hair. “What,
A Chroí

Her hand wrapped around the back of his neck, aligning his
eyes with hers. “Fuck me. Hard. None of this slow and easy bullshit. I don’t want you to hold back.”

licked his lips, tempted. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Her other palm drifted down his side to his ass. She grabbed a handful, her nails piercing skin and he groaned at how good it felt. She pulled and his hips jolted home.

“Hard, Trevor. You won’t break me.”

Oh, if only
you knew what I was capable of.

Trevor let go
as he pulled out and then slammed back into her. Her lids lowered as she gazed up at him, her bottom lip caught in her teeth. This time, he didn’t hesitate.

She made the most delicious sounds as he made love to her. The
rhythmic beat of flesh meeting flesh filled the room, and then she was screaming her release, while he fought his own with everything he had, determined to last.

He caught her ankles, pulling them to his
shoulders as he drove deeper. Her back arched as he leaned forward, bracing his hands on the headboard as he pumped into her relentlessly. Her core pulsed around him, nearly breaking his control.

She started screaming his name as she came around him. There was no holding back as he followed, pressing deep to feel her body
’s response to his. He was lost to her as he rolled to his side, pulling her tight to his chest.

perfect,” she murmured sleepily, tucking her face against his neck, before drifting into sleep.


Chapter 17



Reluctant, Trevor pulled a blanket around Roxy’s sleeping form. He placed a tender kiss to her temple before climbing from the bed to deal with the condom and make a phone call.

He almost couldn
’t believe that he was about to resort to asking Joey for advice, but the man had already been through something similar with the way Sorcha had been brought into their world. It wasn’t the same, but close enough. He hoped Joey could be serious for ten minutes.

Before he
gave into temptation and let her warm body call him back to bed, he pulled on a pair of sweats, and grabbed his phone. He took one last look at Roxy before moving to the living room.

Trevor walked to
the window while dialing.

One ring later, Joey answered.
“You tell her?”

“No. I need to talk. Can you bring Sorcha by and come to the store with me? I don’t want to leave her
alone tonight. Boyd and Dina were snooping around her place. Nick says there is a vacant condo across from hers. My bet is they will be moving in, and I want to keep her away from there.”

“Shit, that’s no good. Though it should take a little time before
for a sale goes through. We’ll be there.”

“Good. See you soon.”

“Yeah. Maybe call Fiona though. I swear Roxy has that same wild magic scent. Maybe Fiona can help her figure it out.”

“I hope so,” Trevor answered before hitting end. Fiona was the next one he called.

It took her a little longer to answer. “Good evening, Trevor.”

“Hi, Fiona. Look, I hate to bother you, but did you notice anything special about Roxy?”

“Like she’s a druid but doesn’t seem to realize it?” she asked with light humor.

“Yeah, like that.” Trevor sighed as he sank into a chair.

“Well, unless you’re ready to tell her what you are, and what we are, I don’t think throwing her magic into the mix is going to help. She needs to digest this a piece at a time. Mated to you, she needs your piece first, I think.”

“I thought you said something about untrained druid
’s magic erupting in times of great stress, or something like that.”

She sighed, he could almost see her
twining her fingers through her long dark hair. “Yes. That is true. You have made some sort of arrangements for her tomorrow, right?”

“I convinced her to stay
at my place. I appreciate your wards, but now that Boyd and Dina seem to know where to find her, I don’t want her there. Not without me.”

“Okay, then she should be safe until after our hunt. Maybe by then you’ll figure out how to tell her about us.”

“I plan to try tonight. Every time I open my mouth to start, the words die on my tongue. I don’t want to lose her now that I’ve found her.”

Fiona laughed, it sounded like bells.
“She won’t run. Somewhere inside of her she sees Others around her. She interprets it in her own way, and it comes out in her writing. She may not know she believes, but deep down she does. Roxana would probably tell you it’s all in her imagination, but I have a feeling she understands more than she wants to. She’s not going to bolt the first time you mention it.”

“I hope you’re right. I will try to tell her. She needs to know. I think maybe waiting a couple of days would be better. I don’t want her to worry about tomorrow night.”

“Good luck, Trevor. We’ll keep her safe, and have this sorted out in no time.”


* * * *


Roxy woke up. She was warm and sated. Trevor’s smell was everywhere, but she didn’t feel him. She reached around and found the bed empty. Her heart sank.

She climbed out of bed and stumbled around
in the dark until she found a light switch. For the first time, she took in the room. Masculine, which suited him fine. Shades of brown and dark wood furniture. Above the bed hung a beautiful tapestry of lifelike wolves.

The one in the center looked like the one from her dreams with
his big golden eyes. Come to think of it, the wolf looked like Trevor’s tattoo.

And I
’m fucking nuts. As if my dreams were real.
Rolling her eyes, she pulled on her panties and tank top before stepping through the door to the living room.

She stopped in her tracks as her
gaze landed on Sorcha who sat on the couch with her feet up, reading one of Roxy’s books.

“Um, where’s Trevor?” Roxy asked.

Sorcha looked up, her brow arched. “He’ll be right back. He went to the store with Joey. Wanted to make sure everything was stocked up so you had no reason to leave when we head out.” She set down the book and got up to come to her.

Blushing, Roxy turned to find her jeans, pulling them on quickly. Sorcha
followed her with a grin. “Why so modest? You were fine with being naked in front of us last night.”

“Yeah, well
alcohol helped. And Trevor has a way of looking at me like I’m the sexiest being alive. Makes a girl want to parade around naked.”

Sorcha laughed out loud.
“That he does. No, not with me,” she held her hands up, her eyes wide. “Joey does that for me, but you’ll notice Joey doesn’t look at anyone but me that way. Trevor is so gone for you, it’s plain to see you’re his one and only.”

“So you’ve said. Why do you act like it’s destined?”

“Maybe it is. I believe it to be,” Sorcha wore a knowing smile. “Come on, may as well have a chat. Trevor will be mad, but I have a feeling you’ll understand his reasoning.”

lord, what now?” Roxy groaned. She walked to the couch and flopped down facing Sorcha who sat down at the other end.

Sorcha took a deep breath.
“Listen for a moment before getting upset.”

Roxy narrowed her eyes.
“Spit it out already.”

“Trevor’s birthday is tomorrow. You just met him though, so he didn’t want you to think you were obligated to get him anything. He wanted it to stay a secret until later.”

“On your hunting trip? Your trip is on his birthday?” She asked skeptically.
Maybe he is full of shit. Maybe he’s not so perfect.

“I swear to you, Roxy, the hunting thing would be scheduled tomorrow no matter what
day of the year it was. That is how our clan works. Even if it wasn’t his birthday, we would be going, so chalk it up to bad timing.”

“Okay,” she answered noncommittally as her head spun through a thousand questions.

“Maybe Trevor was right on waiting to tell you about his birthday. He can’t change the date and can’t avoid the trip. For him, it really is just another day, one he avoids celebrating.”

That made sense.
Still, she had every intention of sitting Trevor down and tackling that topic once Joey and Sorcha left. “I guess I’ll see what he has to say about it.”

Sorcha smiled grimly.
“I didn’t want it to come up later and him have to scramble for an answer.”

Roxy laughed.
“Yeah. You are likely saving us an argument later, though I don’t like things being kept from me.”

“He told you about Dina and her clan right?”

“Yeah. That he killed someone close to her. And apparently she wanted Trevor, but he never wanted her.”

Sorcha nodded.
“I know why he killed him. I can’t say I blame him. As for Dina, Trevor has never been interested in that bitch. Not even at his lowest moment.”

since we are sharing secrets, tell me about Trevor. Anything you think I should know?”

’s smile was wide. “He loves you. That much is obvious. Though, I suppose you want to know about some of his favorite things?”

“I do. Tell me what you can.”


* * * *


didn’t you go to Shane?” Joey asked with a frown.

Trevor’s eyes narrowed.
“You don’t want to help?”

“Well, you usually trust him better. I tend to be the smartass
who doesn’t know what I’m talking about. So really, it’s sort of funny you’re coming to me now.”

“Yeah, well Shane was smart and told Siobhan about it all before he ever
made love to her. Our situation more closely resembles yours and Sorcha’s, and I don’t know what to do.”

“Fuck, Trevor. I told you to tell her first if you were going to go that route, I also told you it was going to be harder if you waited.”

“I don’t know what to tell her.”

scrubbed a hand over his hair. “Well, you haven’t lied to her. You left a few things out, and when you do get to explaining it to her, I think she’ll understand and cut you a little slack.”

“I fucking hope so. I can’t lose her

“You won’t,” Joey answered. “Hey, you noticed she’s not human right? She’s something like Fiona.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think she knows it. Fiona says she’ll talk to her about it after I tell her the rest.”

You think waiting is a good idea? Her magic seems awfully close to the surface for someone who has never used it before,” Joey challenged candidly.

I need to tell her what I am before I tell her that part. So, Joey, have any sage advice for your old friend?”

“Wait until after we get back from tomorrow’s hunt, and then lay it all out. Shift if you have to.”

They entered the store, and all supernatural conversation ceased.


* * * *


“He’s not feeling so hot,” Doug told someone at the door.

Jordan sat up, scrubbing a hand over his face, but wincing as the stitches pulled. He still hurt, but not as bad as he knew he should. Hell, his face looked better than it had a right to.

“He’ll see me,” a woman purred. “I have what he needs.” The familiar sensual voice awakened his cock instantly. He managed to stand up, and stumbled toward the door.

Jordan called out,
“Let her in, Doug. I need to talk to her,”

His brow arched as he turned toward Jordan, but he shrugged and wandered into the kitchen where he was likel
y to listen to every word said.

’s eyes drifted over the woman with pale skin, crimson hair, and vibrant red-brown eyes. When he shifted his gaze toward Doug, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the red demon’s image superimposed over the woman, but it was gone when he looked back.

Her scarlet lips quirked into a grin.
“Can we talk? Preferably in your room?”

He nodded dumbly, stepping aside to let her in.

She followed, shutting the door behind her. “Well, show me the way.”

“Right,” he started for his room.

Once inside, she slammed the door and closed the distance. Her hand went right for his rigid length. “Want the pain to melt away?”

“What are you?” he groaned as she stroked him through his pants.

“Same as you. Or close enough.”

“That doesn’t answer anything.”

Her grip tightened, almost painfully so. “You are an incubus. You feed off pleasure, but not your own. I’m a succubus. The same, but female.”

A demon?” he asked breathlessly as she shoved him onto the bed. He fell with a pained cry. “Shit. Careful. Broken ribs, remember. Or do you remember? That wasn’t a dream, was it?”

She laughed as she opened her jacket and slid it down her long curvy body. Her pale skin flushed and then brightened, turning crimson
to match her hair.

He gasped.
“What the fuck?”

“Don’t worry. Only another of our kind can see our true form. Everyone else sees us as human. Oh, I suppose there are a few who can see through the illusion, but as half human, you will appear human to all but the strongest unless you are in the act.

“Holy fuck,” he
cursed, trying to figure out if he was awake or not.

She sprang at him, landing over his hips, sliding her slick heat over his engorged cock.

“I’m going to give you a crash course in healing faster. That means you get me off, or I get off using you, and you will heal. The more pleasure I get, the better you’ll feel. I promise, I’ll make it worth your while. You’ll get yours too.”

’s head fell back as he closed his eyes. None of this made a damned bit of sense. “Before you start using me, what the fuck is your name?”

“Leanan. Now shut up, and get me off.”

His eyes snapped open as he looked up at her. “You want to let me up? You are on top of me.” He did not liking being ordered around.

Her brow cocked as her
arms crossed under her chest. “I suggest you start experimenting with what makes
feel good. You need to learn to read your partner if you’re ever going to be stable.”

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