Nighthawks (Children of Nostradamus Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: Nighthawks (Children of Nostradamus Book 1)
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must acknowledge the many people involved in bringing this book to fruition. Thank you to the Metrowest Writers, Amelia, Chris, Cristina, and Ken for your feedback, support, and guidance. I always need people to kick me in the pants and chug coffee with me. Thank you to Catie Joyce and Jessi Robinson for being faithful beta readers and giving me the feedback I needed to hear even when I wasn’t ready. And thank you to the New England Horror Writers and Chris Philbrook for answering a thousand questions and helping me get one step closer to my dream.


About the Author


I’m high school graphic design and marketing teacher, at a large suburban high school in Massachusetts. Working as a high school educator and observing the outlandish world of adolescence was the inspiration for my first young adult novel, “Suburban Zombie High.”

My inspiration for writing stems from being a youth who struggled with reading in school. While I found school assigned novels incredibly difficult to digest, I devoured comics and later fantasy novels. Their influences can be seen in the tall tales I spin.

I took the long route to becoming a writer. For a brief time, I majored in Creative Writing but exchanged one passion for another as I switched to Art and Design. My passion for reading about superheroes, fantastical worlds, and panic-stricken situations would become the foundation of my writing career.

I participated in my first NaNoWriMo in 2006 and continue to write an entire novel every November. Now I am the NaNoWriMo Municipal Liaison to the Massachusetts Metrowest Region. I also belong to a weekly writing group, the Metrowest Writers.



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