Night Visions (Night Series) (20 page)

BOOK: Night Visions (Night Series)
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No. No. No. This isn't happening!

“Ian, what is she talking about?”

He waited until she opened her eyes, offering him her full attention. “It's true. This is Cara. She's a shifter, too. I sent her to watch over you when I left. I didn't know how else to protect you while I was gone. I knew if Cara came as a dog, that you would take her in, no questions asked.”

A rain of fire beat against her face. It didn't stop as it covered her from head to toe, then work inwardly, eating away at her core. Piercing Ian with her eyes, she gripped the sheets as a growl ripped from her chest. “How could you? Both of you?" Jabbing her finger at Cara
, she accused, "You know everything about me. Everything! And I know nothing about you!” Sam held her head as the whispers grew in intensity. “Shut up!” she screamed at them.

Ian reached for her, but she slapped his hand away. Her eyes felt like they burned from within.

Cara and Ian exchanged a startled glance.

“Don't touch me. I don't even know who you are anymore!” Tears streamed a heated path down her face as she bit back a sob. “There are no words to describe the betrayal that I feel right now.”

It was just one lie after another. But this had to be the worst. How many times had she confided in Ginger. Or Cara. Told her things that she couldn't share with anyone else. Her stomach churned at their deception.

“Sam, I'm sorry.” Cara cried, letting the tears fall unchecked onto the mattress. “There were so many times that I wanted to tell you. Please forgive me. You're like a sister to me and I would rather die than hurt you.”

Sam's emotions were roiling. She was angry, but felt Cara's pain tear through her heart. Rational reason warred with her stubbornness.

Breathe, Sam.
Adirah's voice commanded.
Do not let your emotions interfere. What was done, was done to protect you. Look at the love they feel for you. Let that guide you.

Closing her eyes, Sam inhaled a deep breath, allowing her heart a moment to settle. When she opened her eyes, Cara's grief rolled off of her in waves. Familiar brown eyes reminded her that Cara had always been there. Even when no one else could be. And she hadn't just been her companion. She gave up six years of her life as a woman to be her pet, her guardian. It must have been difficult for her. A completely selfless act for someone that she didn't even know. Putting herself in danger to protect Sam.

The weight of worry lightened its load on Sam's shoulders. Even the whispers began to fade into the background.

“I wish you and Ian had trusted me with the truth. If you had, both of us wouldn't have lost so many years of our lives. And I'm grateful that you watched over me, risking your life to save mine." Like that day in the woods, when she didn't hesitate putting herself between Sam and the unseen danger. "But it still doesn't change the fact that my life has been an open book to you and you're like a stranger.”

Guilt consumed Sam as she saw the anguish in Cara's eyes. She grasped Cara's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “You need to give me time."

Relief flooded Cara's face as she squeezed Sam's hand in return.

"We've got to leave now." The urgency in Ian's voice didn't go unnoticed by Sam. Cara released her hand, stepping back so he could take Cara's place next to her. "I didn't want to move you until I got your shoulder and leg bandaged."

Her heart thudded in her chest. She was so caught up in Ian's revelations that she completely forgot about who was chasing her. And that their location was no longer safe. "Wait. The cougar. Is it dead?"

Ian slipped his arms under her, cradling her against his chest. She sucked in a breath when her shoulder shifted. Warmth flooded her head as the room tilted. Dropping a concerned gaze to her, Ian paused.

With a weak smile she said, "I'm okay." She didn't want to delay them any longer. Who knows how long she had been unconscious. Each second they wasted put their lives in danger. They had already risked so much for her.

"I'm not sure about the cougar, Sam. When I went back to get Ginger, she was gone."

Her eyes snapped to his. "She? How do you know it's a female? Did they send a shifter after me?"

"It's just a guess. I won't know for sure until Trent calls back."

"Could that be how they knew my name? I'll never forget the grating sound of their voice." The images from her dr
eam at the motel crashed into place. The voice calling out to her. The bear. The wolf. It all made sense. Except the cougar wasn't part of that dream. Had she changed the future? Or was it there lurking in the shadows watching her?

Cara shook her head. "I didn't see anyone else. So it must have been her."

Ian carried her out of the room, Cara following behind. "When Trent arrived, he found the guys who were patrolling. Will and Mike were unconscious." He stopped in the living room, the shattered window now covered with a sheet of plywood. The broken glass swept away. Tipping his head towards her, he continued. "Which doesn't make sense. Why not kill them?"

Hadn't he learned by now that nothing made sense where Casimir was concerned? They were all pawns in his sick and twisted game. And she needed to learn the rules fast, if she was going to save them all.



Ian eased Sam into the passenger seat and secured her seatbelt. He made sure not to disturb her shoulder. He could still hear her screams ringing in his ears as he popped it back into place. Thankfully she had been unconscious while he bandaged her leg.

“Comfortable?” he asked as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Mmm hmm,” she sighed.

Her skin scorched his lips. Not from passion, but from what could be a fever. Dark smudges rested below her eyes. He wasn't sure if it was leftover mascara or lack of sleep. Maybe it was neither and due to the stress of her injury.

She needed to begin the transition. She'd lost a lot of blood before he found her. Now that their location was no longer secure, they needed to move back to Trent's. He hated to move her, but he really didn't have a choice. With Doc on standby at the ranch, Ian still worried. Her best chance at recovery was to heal herself. The condition she was in left her vulnerable. Too vulnerable.

Cara sat in the backseat, eyes unwavering as they locked on the window. She hadn't spoken more than a few words to Sam since their silent truce.

I know this is hard for you, Cara. But she will forgive you. Right now we need to stay focused on protecting her.

Weary eyes met Ian's reflection.

I'm fine.

Ian lifted a brow in question. Cara's eyes cleared, replaced by a fierce determination.

I know what I need to do.

There was the Cara Ian knew. The one he entrusted to care for Sam. The one he knew without a doubt would lay down her life to protect Sam. Hadn't she proved that last night? The rage and fear that had corkscrewed through his body at the sight of Sam and Cara injured nearly brought him to his knees. But the question that still haunted him was what good would Sam be to Casimir dead? Why not take her alive? The only reason he believed she still lived was the trace of her abilities lingering below the surface.

You did good, Cara.

Not good enough. She almost died.

Ian cut a glance to Sam, her attention focused out the passenger window. Oblivious to their silent conversation. His hands reflexively tightened on the steering wheel. He would have killed every last one of them if she had died.

But she didn't. Because of you, Cara.

I should have been there.

Cara's lip trembled. Maybe he had put too much pressure on her.
He should have come back sooner.

No. I should have been there. Neither one of us could have known they'd find us that quickly.

But now their plan to free Jason was in jeopardy. And he knew it weighed heavily on Cara.

We'll find him.

A flicker of surprise so small anyone else would have missed it, passed over her face. Cara tried to hide her feelings for Jason, but Ian caught the looks she would give him when she thought no one was looking. The same look Ian gave Sam.

They won't hurt him. He's more valuable alive than dead.

Yeah. And we thought the same thing about Sam.

Yes. They had. Ian still believed it to be true. Someone had to have screwed up and went against orders. When Trent arrived, he followed the cougar's trail, but it came up cold. No one passed his men stationed at the bottom of the mountain. She had simply vanished. Which meant she had plenty of time to call for reinforcements.

He urged the Rover down the mountain, letting the speedometer creep over what was a safe speed for their descent.

There was only one other person that he lost contact with. But why would she go after Sam? Was she working for Casimir? Blood pounded in his temples at her deception. After all he had done for her. How could she turn on him like this?

The SUV bounced as they hit a rut in the narrow road. Sam moaned, her knuckles white where they gripped the center console. Ian eased off the accelerator, not wanting to cause her anymore pain. He was on edge, wanting to get to the safety of Trent's. He could make up the time once they were on the paved road. Fortunately, her only view at the moment was of the mountain wall and not the sheer drop off. In her current condition, she needed to stay strapped in her seat.

Ian extended his hand. Prying her fingers off the smooth leather, he linked his fingers with Sam's. She turned and gave him a weary smile. Her skin nearly translucent. Dammit. He should have insisted she listen to him last night. She would have already transitioned and been able to defend herself.

"We'll be there soon. Hang in there."

Trent had about a fifteen-minute head start on them. He wanted to scout ahead and make sure the way was clear. The rest of his group headed in the opposite direction.

As Ian turned on the main road, Sam jerked in her seat. Her eyes wide and unseeing.

“Sam! What's wrong?” he asked.

Cara pressed her body between the seats, her hand resting on Sam's shoulder. She turned to him, the confusion he felt mirrored in her eyes.

When Sam didn't answer, he cursed under his breath.

Surely the Gods didn't think this was the best time for her to start her transformation.

"We need to get off this road. We can't help her in a moving vehicle."

"Let's hope we have time to make it to Trent's," Cara said as she smoothed Sam's hair off her damp forehead. Her still form left a knot in his gut.

"We don't have any other choice. Get Trent on the phone. Tell him to turn around. If we have to pull off, we'll need backup."

The Rover drifted over the white line, the car vibrated as it slipped off the shoulder. Jerking his hand, he pulled them back onto the highway.

"I'll take care of her, Ian. You watch the road."

Clutching Sam's icy fingers in his, he dragged his eyes back to the black asphalt rolling under his tires.

Hadn't she been through enough? Her lips began to move, soft whispers escaped her lips. Cocking his head toward her, he tried to make out what she was saying.


* * *


The voices in Sam's head flowed over one another until they sounded like one. An image of smoke and death clouded her vision. In a flash it was gone, replaced by Adirah.

“Turn around before it's too late,” she urged.

Sam's eyes focused in time to see a wolf dart into the road.


He swung his eyes to the road, slammed on the brakes, and cranked the wheel. The Rover careened out of control. They'd been going too fast. The vehicle slid sideways, the sound of rubber burning on the pavement filled the air. Even the scent penetrated her nose.

As the Rover tipped on her side, Sam's screams mixed with the crunch of metal, twisting as it flipped all the way over. Until it landed back on its tires. The momentum slammed her head into the window. Then a surge of black engulfed her.

Agonizing pain sliced through her body. The warmth of blood trickled down her face. She placed her fingers against her temple, wincing at the gash. The stabbing pain in her shoulder telling her she'd dislocated it again.

She glanced around the SUV, noting the shattered windshield. Fragmented glass sparkled like a thousand diamonds in the sun. Ian was slumped over the steering wheel, powder from the air bag still floating in the air. Bits of it sticking to the crimson river that flowed down his cheeks. Just like in her vision.

“Ian,” she whispered, frantically trying to unlatch her seatbelt. Her fingers slick from blood slipped on the button.

Why was the vision so late this time? Just when she was beginning to decipher their meaning. What was the advantage of having this power if she couldn't prevent any of the visions from coming true.

“Cara? Cara, can you hear me?”

Silence greeted her from the backseat.

The console pressed against Sam's chest as she felt for Ian's pulse. A slow and steady thump beat against her fingertips. Thank God he was still alive. Putting all of her weight on her good shoulder, she turned to check on Cara.

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