Night Sky (Satan's Sinners MC Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: Night Sky (Satan's Sinners MC Book 3)
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It never fucking fails. The night before my fights, I always dream of the beatings my father made me endure. I wake in a heap of sweat, scared shitless and about to piss myself, until I realize I am safe in the confinements of my bedroom within the clubhouse.

The phantom pain in my bones and the harsh touch of my skin subsides when I can make out the Harley and naked chicks that decorate the walls of my room in the darkness. I am safe and no one will hurt me here, I'm not that little boy anymore.

I hold that anger inside of me until I am able release it all in that circle on my opponent. It gives me the inspiration I need to get in there and spill blood like all the bloodthirsty vultures want. They bet money on that shit, and lots of it, so who am I not to give them what they want? I've had around twenty fights since Ever left and I am undefeated so far.

When I had her here, beside me at night in my bed, she kept the nightmares at bay. She gave me the comfort I never had before, she made me feel safe, then she left. Then the nightmares returned at full force.

With me not seeing Ever for a week, it makes me uneasy after our night together. Maybe I took shit too far, maybe she decided I'm not really what she wants. I know she said she was going to win me back, but I can't help the feeling inside that maybe she moved on. Maybe she feels like I'm not worth the fight. It's not like I ever had anyone fight for me anyway.

Maybe I am the worthless piece of shit my parents always said I was. If she is fighting still, then I wish like hell she would show up at the clubhouse, let me see her so I know. What I told her was the truth, that now she is back, it kills me to not be able to go to her, see her, or touch her whenever I want.

I'm so fuckin' scared that she is gonna leave me again. I can give her my tongue, my fingers, and my cock all day, but my heart is still crushed and waiting for her to put back together. I guess, if I had some faith, it would be a little easier, but it's hard when you come from a home like I did.

Now, here I am sitting at the bar, trying to nurse away the hangover in my now favorite outfit: gray sweatpants and white beater. Speaking of favorite, I lift my beater, smelling it and decide it might be time for a fuckin' shower because my ass is stankin'. Romeo'll appreciate that.


Tonight is fight night, and not only will I be fighting, but Romeo will be too. Romeo will fight Spike because they are both prospects. Spike's a good matchup with him, but Storm, he's got at least thirty pounds on me. I haven't fought him yet I'm thinking I'm gonna have to work harder than usual for this win.

I'll be fighting Storm since Crawler’s not able to anymore since he went all psycho-stalker with Jacey. Bear found her, and then put one hell of a beating on him, to where Crawler had to go meet Satan himself.

I've been told stories about how Bear used to get in the circle and fight, but then he ended up bashing in someone's skull, so they wouldn't let him fight anymore. I believe those stories might be true, considering that's what he did to Crawler.

Starting our workout, the treadmill always comes first to work up our cardio. Then it's the weights, speed bag, sparring, and lastly, working our ground game. I am usually tired as shit after, but not today. I'm worked up from the nightmare, I got my hangover partially gone, and the shit with Ever has me focused. I'm ready to bust some fuckin' heads in.

Romeo could feel the shift in me because his ass couldn't keep up with the sparring. As always, when we are done, we sit on the mats with our water bottles, trying to catch our breath.

Your ass needs a goddamn shower, man. When was the last time you had one?

I don't know man, I've been outta my head lately.

Yeah, I noticed. You ready for tonight, brother?
Romeo questions as I take a drink of my water.

Yeah, Storm's a big sonofabitch, but I got this. What about you, you ready?

Yeah, I think so. Spike is a good match up for me.

Yeah he is. You'll be fine, try to keep it standing because he's better on the ground.

Thanks, Writer. So when was the last time you saw your woman? She hasn't been around lately.

About a week. I don't know what the fuck's going on. I was fuckin' stupid and text her. She spent the night, but took off before I woke up. Haven't seen her since.

Don’t worry brother, she'll come back around.

How can you be so sure of that?

How the fuck can he know that? She's my woman and I don't even know.

Because she loves you.

It's not that simple.
I shake my head because they all tell me this, but they don't fuckin' understand.

Yeah, it is.
I see him laugh and shake his head before continuing.
It's time to stop pushing her away. Embrace it, brother. She gave up New York to come back to you, only the good ones would do that. Don't let her slip away because you are still fucked in the head from her leaving.

I thought for sure you would know how I feel because of shit women have put you through.
It baffles me at how easy he can still believe in love after everything.

Brother, I do understand where you are coming from because I have been scorned once or twice. That doesn't mean that I can't see what you have. I see how much she loves you and you love her. I'm on the outside looking in, and you have a second chance, man, take it. A lot can happen in a year, she wasn't ready then. Now she is back and waiting for you. Ever's ready to be your Ol' Lady now.

I give Romeo a nod before getting up and leaving. Fuck, maybe he is right. Maybe it is time to let the past go and move forward.

Can I let it all go though? How can I be sure she won't just up and leave me again? Goddamnit, I wanna give in so bad, but I just don't know if I am ready.


We all straddle our bikes with our Satan's Sinners cuts on. All in a line and one by one, pull out of our compound and head to the other side of Wichita to the Cobra's MC territory. With my blood pumping, the drugs in my veins, and the wind slapping hard against my face and leathers, I am ready to do this shit.

We pull up into the packed parking lot after the prospect let us through the gate. Romeo, Hunter, and I take off in the opposite direction of the rest of our brothers. They head inside as we go into the back where we will be fighting. The circle is already forming as we take our cuts and shirts off. We hand our shit over to Hunter and wait for our time. Bam Bam, Pretty Boy, and Ghost come back to give good lucks and tell us we got this.

The slap on my back lets me know it's my time to go in so I make my way through the growing crowd. I get in the middle, staring Storm down. Snake stays in, talking to the crowd and when I see him walk out, I know it's time. I always watch and wait. I bide my time and never hurry. If I try to move in too fast or get too anxious, that's when I will fuck up so I have to have patience.

Storm is a huge motherfucker, at least twice the size of me. One slip up and my ass could be on that ground, knocked the fuck out. The same ground where I have put many others. I can't let that happen.

Soon enough, Storm comes in, throwing the first punch. He gets me in the jaw. It's hard and hurts, but doesn't make me falter. I don't have a glass jaw like some of these pussies. I throw my punch and miss by an inch.

Focus, Writer!

Storm goes for a body shot. I see my opening so I side step the blow to my rib cage. His fist is down and face wide open, I throw my hook, catching his temple. He falls to the ground and I'm on him. Three punches to his face is all I get before someone is pulling me off. I can see that it's Snake.

My adrenaline is out of control and the meth might have something to do with it. My body is shaking and I want more blood on my hands. Hyped the fuck up, I know I need to reign it in. I push my way through the onlookers that are waiting for Romeo's fight to begin. They clap for me and pat me on the back, for the blood spilled. These motherfuckers are just as thirsty for it as I am. Only difference between them and me is I'm not scared to make it happen.

The whores grope and pull at me, trying just to get a feel, but I try to get past them as quickly as possible.

Not tonight, bitches!

I'm not interested in some pass around, used pussy right now. I have one girl on my mind. The same girl that my fingers where inside of and my tongue was on a week ago. These washed up bitches won't do for that. I get inside the clubhouse and stand at the bar. I grab a napkin and a pen from the prospect tending and order my beer.

I feel a pull towards the door and the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up. I turn to see what it is and there she is.


She's leaning against the wall right inside of the clubhouse and her eyes are on me, filled with lust and hunger. I stare at her, black knee high boots up her smooth tanned thighs to her black leather mini skirt. I move my eyes to her full C cup tits that are stretching the red Sinners tank she is wearing. Fuck, she is beautiful with her long blonde hair down in waves.

Forgetting all about my beer, I walk over to Ever, grab her hand, then lead her to a dark corner where no one can see us. I put her against the wall and sign,
What are you doing here?

Zoey told me you would be here. I didn’t expect to see you fighting though. I wanted to see you.

I wanted to see you too, but you shouldn't have come here.

Why? You never kept shit from me before. You trying to hide this side of you?
Ever's brow cocks and her arms cross over her chest, making those gorgeous tits push up more. I try keeping my eyes focused on her face, but the damn woman is making it hard.

I'm a different man than I used to be, Sugar. You know, you are lucky one of these fuckers didn't mistake you for a random.

Zoey told me to stay out of the shadows, out of the way and not let you see me. She didn't want you distracted, and I can see why now. I can also see you have a different side than before, but you're still the same Writer. This was always a part of you, you just never let me see it. You think this is gonna scare me off?

I don't know. Does it? You still fightin' for me?

You can't scare me that easily, Writer. Of course, I am fighting. That's what I said I was gonna do. As you say, I'm a shit liar so I'd think you would know I'm telling the truth.

I fire back,
You haven't been around.
Now I'm the one cocking my brow and crossing my arms. It's like we are in a duel, and for what, I have no idea. Maybe to see which one will break first and bring up last week.

I've been busy with the wedding coming up and other things.
Her eyes leave mine for a second as she looks around.

What things?
I ask when her gaze finds me again.

Things I'm not ready to tell you yet. I may have been avoiding you also, because of, you know, last week. I didn't want anything to be awkward with us.

Nothing awkward about it, Sugar. I wish you wouldn't have been avoiding me. I didn't know what the hell happened to you. All you had to do was text or come talk to me.

I guess I was scared, a little insecure like I was back in high school all over again.

Hey, baby, I'm not like those guys. They didn't love you and don't ever compare them to me again. We may have some shit to get through, but that doesn't change my fuckin' feelings for you.

You looked pretty sexy out there.
Ever gives me a shy smile and drops her head.

I lift Ever's chin back up with my finger and say,
Oh yeah? Good to know you liked it.
I step into her space, chest to chest and her breath falters. Moving in, I bring my lips down on hers, hard.

There is no working up to it or taking it slow. I push my tongue forcefully inside her hot, wet mouth. She tastes of mint and the feel of Ever makes my cock jump. I push my hips into hers and my erection tries to push through the zipper of my suddenly tight jeans. I grip Ever by her soft bare thighs, pickup her legs that instinctively wrap around me. I hold her up with one arm as I run a hand up her inner thigh until I get to her sweet cunt.

Fuckin' no panties!

I run my finger through her wetness, seeing she is just as ready for me as she always has been. I unzip my jeans, freeing my hard as steel cock, pull out a condom and get it in place, then in one swift push, I am home once again.

Ever's head lolls back, giving me an opening to her neck, and I latch on to her skin, sucking and nibbling, marking her for everyone to see. I pump into her relentlessly. I know this has to be fast because people are going to start coming in. I will make sure to go slow next time, but I have to see my woman cum first.

I pull back from her neck and connect my eyes with hers. I try showing her how much I have missed this with her. Ever's eyes are hazy with need and I give her just what she wants.

Rotating my hips, I find her g-spot and watch as her mouth drops open. I feel her tighten around me, so I know she is getting close. I grip her hair, making sure she has to keep eye contact with me the whole time. I need to see her blue eyes filled with lust for me, I need to see her expression when I make her cum. I need to know she wants this as much as I do.

I bring my mouth down on hers for an explosive kiss, all teeth and tongue. When her hands start pulling my hair, and her pussy is convulsing, I know she is riding out her orgasm and I keep thrusting until I find mine and I fill her up with my hot cum.

I place my head in the crook of her neck for a second so we can both get our senses back. Kissing her forehead, I ease Ever back on her feet. I'm just about to tell her that I want to work this shit out with us, but when I see the look on her face, I know she is about to tell me something I'm not going to like.

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