Night of Seduction (34 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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“I understand,
but let

s not completely close that

Max stated.


m getting
hot just thinking about him.

She took a


s move on. This book
is going to take the literary industry by storm.

“I agree.

m just not sure of the most beneficial way to market

Kiki said.


s a romance

Siri stated, but noticed the shocked expressions
on her dinner mates faces.

I wrote this as
therapy, to keep my mind sane while I was going through my

Max and Kiki
looked at each other.


t have a clue,


Shall I enlighten her
or would you like the honor?

she asked

“Oh please,
allow me.

Max put down her fork, as did Kiki,
and turned her total attention to Siri.

What we have
here is a how to manual that is told in a story. You have taken a
romance story and turned it into an entertaining manual on how to
deal with a bad relationship, find yourself, and in the process
find the meaning of true love. You have it all, a good man, just
not the right man, a conniving mother-in-law that means well for
her son, and to top it all off, a once in a life time love. Reading
this book for some women will change their lives. What we have is
not your ordinary romance novel.

She stopped and
looked at Kiki.


s the

The two looked at each other and smiled as if
they had discovered gold.


s the

“This is not
your ordinary romance novel,

I like that, Kiki
said as she tried it out.

I like it a

By the time
Siri made it home, she had a signed deal, a few suggestions for
re-writes prior to it going for editorial review and a signing
bonus check. Yes, the day started out rough, but it ended with Siri
closing her eyes, allowing Eric

s image to invade her
mind and the memory of his touch to ease her into a sensuous


Chapter 15


he music world had
been a part of Eric

s life for as long as
he could remember. There were so many nights his mother and father
would sit them around the grand piano and make up songs for him and
Jason to sing. He was always trying to outdo Jason, who, as quiet
as it was kept, was just as musically talented as he. Jason just
liked the business end of the industry better. Besides, he always


s my way of
protecting my little brother from all the

How he wished
he could have protected Jason from Latoya. Maybe if he had been a
little less short with her when she first approached him, she would
have never set her sights on Jason. He shook his head while sitting
in the studio, attempting to work on his sheet music. Somewhere
along the line there could have been something he could have done
to prevent this whole fiasco. One thing was certain, he was not
going to fall short with Siri, the way he did with Jason. His
attention now, was on one thing


If the trap
that Ty was setting did not work, he was willing to pay whatever
price Latoya asked to keep Siri

s name out of the
media. But he wasn

t a fool. He would
include a non-disclosure clause that would cost her twice the
amount he would be paying her, if the video surfaced.


Miriam said from the doorway.

The reason his
father fell in love with his mother and fought through segregation
and prejudice to have her was clear; she had been and remained a
beautiful woman. Even early in the morning. That

s why he
and Jason had been cursed with the taste for fine women.

Good morning Mother,

he smiled and
returned to his music.

“So, I take it
the sabbatical to Paris is off.

Eric leaned
back in the chair.

My plan was to give
Siri some distance and get all of these songs, thoughts of her
generated, out of my mind and on paper. But I

t leave things the way they are hoping Jason and Ty
will handle this. I failed Jason, I can

t fail

“How did you
fail Jason?

Miriam asked a bit

“Mother, I knew
the moment Latoya entered the club the first night what she was
about. That

s why I steered away
from her so quickly. If I had just given her the time of day, I
could have prevented her going after Jason.

“Boy, please.
That is nonsense and you know it. And if you don

t know

m telling you


She took a seat behind the music
console next to him.

Jason is a grown man.
He is responsible for his behavior, not you. I should have made you
boys fight more or something when you were younger. You two always
have this thing of being responsible when something bad happens to
the other one. Even Ty is walking around blaming himself for the
situation with you and Siri. He

s crying that same
song you are.

There had to be
something I could have done to prevent this from happening to

I swear all of you boys are getting on my nerves.
Jason is in this fix because he thought with his lower head rather
than his upper head by not protecting himself when he was having
sex with Latoya. You were doing the same thing when you did not
think to close the patio door before having sex with Siri in

s kitchen. Which, by the way she is going to get you

They both smiled.

There are people in
this world that will use whatever tool they have at their disposal
to live off of your fame. That

s a part of the life

ve chosen to live. You, Jason and Ty cannot walk
around blaming yourselves for each other

s unhappiness.
You have to do exactly what Ty is doing

fight fire with
bursting flames. He

s not putting a band
aide on the situation; he

s creating a

“Yes, but

s using Siri as the antidote and there in lies my

Miriam sat

Well, I should have known once Jason fell you
were not going to be far behind. I guess Ty will follow suit


I can

t imagine a woman
that can deal with that arrogant man. Do you believe he

Eric laughed at the memory,

that you
saved me from him with the water hose the other day? He

t know the word defeat.


t realize your strength doubles when you are fighting
with passion, with emotions. That could have been Jason and you
still would have won that fight. You were angry because someone

ve come to care deeply for was being hurt. I have
never seen you react that way to anything. That

s when I
knew, I had to buy two wedding dresses.

Eric laughed
and shook his head.


t know Mother. It

s going to take an
act of congress to win Siri over.

“Then I suggest
you contact your congressman and have him put it on the floor for a
vote. I just don

t see you walking
away from the love of your life. It

s the life

s afraid of, not you.


s going to have to get used to that once her book is


Proudly, Eric
told her what he knew about the book deal.


s as good as the publisher thinks, she will be touring
more than me next year.

“My, that little devil. I
never would have thought she would write a romance novel. Is it

“I have no idea
what you mean by juicy and I don

t think I want to

he laughed.

“I wonder if I
could get an advance copy. Do you think she will let me read

Miriam asked excitedly.


t know, but you can certainly ask her on


m glad you decided to
stay around to see Jason get married. I know the thought of you
leaving for Paris bothered him although he understood

“Yeah, I

t see missing that.

“Did you ever
put a contract on the place in Richmond?

“Yes, I did.
The penthouse is being renovated to my

“Did you
include a studio?

He raised an
eyebrow at the questions.


“You know what
I think you should do?


m almost afraid to

“I think you
should go to Richmond and stay awhile. Think about it, you would be
secluded. No one other than family would know

re there. Your staff could very well handle all the
day-to-day things you would need. And you would be close to Siri.
You could write and keep up with what

s happening in her

Thinking about
the suggestion, Eric thought it was a good idea, he saw the curious
look on his mother

s face.

What are you up to?


She answered innocently.

You know, just because Siri is not willing to see you as
her man, doesn

t mean she

t use a friend. She is, after all, embarking on a
new career that you have some knowledge of. I

t think she would refuse e-mails or a phone call here
and there, just to say hello, how you doing? Do

“No, I

t suppose she would have a problem with

“I think,
tonight, after her meeting would be a perfect time for you to call
just to see how things went.

He stared at
his mother. Her mind was working over time.


t know what you are up to, but I will give your
suggestion some thought.


she said as she stood.

I have a few errands to attend to. I

ll talk to
you later.

She all but ran out the

The men had successfully put Latoya off
until Monday, giving them time to put all they needed in place to
trap her. Roy indicated after reviewing the tape again and doing a
little research on its value, he was raising his asking price to
$250,000.00. At first, Latoya cursed and hung up the telephone on
him, but later returned the call to accept his offer.

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