Night Kill (Private Investigator Andrew Knight Mystery Series) (33 page)

BOOK: Night Kill (Private Investigator Andrew Knight Mystery Series)
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Chloe was just coming out of the bathroom, when she bumped into Roxanne. They both laughed and went on their respective ways.

Chloe had just reached the bottom of the staircase when the front door opened. It was her dad! Chloe rushed into his open arms and practically knocked him over. She closed her eyes and squeezed him tight. Andrew whispered in Chloe’s ear that he was okay, but she kept holding on for fear he would vanish once she let go. Chloe finally opened her eyes to see two strangers; a man and a woman with her dad. She gave her dad a kiss on the cheek and let go.

“Chloe,” Andrew said, as he gestured to the others. “This is Kara and Nick.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Chloe greeted them.

“We’re going to get some rest,” Andrew told his daughter. Andrew kissed her and led Kara and Nick upstairs. Chloe must have looked perplexed and Andrew said, “I will explain later. Please trust me, okay?”

“Okay,” Chloe smiled back. She went to clean up the family room.

Roxanne had just exited the bathroom when she saw Andrew come up the stairs with a man and woman right behind him. She immediately ran to him as he reached the top step. Andrew dropped the backpack he was carrying. Roxanne threw her arms around Andrew and squeezed him tight. Andrew hugged and kissed his friend back.

“I’m alright,” Andrew assured Roxanne.

“We all missed you.” Roxanne gave Andrew a squeeze and let go.

“I missed all of you too,” Andrew said. He picked up his backpack.

“Who’s with you?” Roxanne looked at the others.

“I’m sorry,” Andrew apologized. He introduced, “This is Nick and Kara.”

“A pleasure,” Roxanne smiled.

“We really need some sleep,” Andrew muttered. “I don’t mean to be rude.”

“Okay,” Roxanne said. “I’ll go help and Chloe clean up.” She left them alone.

“Just point me to a bed,” Nick moaned, exhausted.

“Me too,” Kara lamented.

“Follow me.” Andrew led the way, smiling. He opened the door to one of the guest rooms. Kara and Nick walked in and closed the door behind them. Andrew left for his own bedroom. Once he was there, Andrew just dumped the back pack on the floor, and climbed into bed and underneath the covers. He immediately fell asleep.

Chloe and Roxanne returned to the family room. They started to clean up their mess from the night before. Neither one of them said anything for some time. Then Roxanne finally broke the silence.

“Your dad looked bad.” Roxanne was worried.

“Yeah, I know.” Chloe was very concerned.

“What do you think happened?” Roxanne paused from picking up. She looked fully at Chloe, who was crying now.

“I…I don’t know,” Chloe sniffed back her tears. “But, I…I’m glad he is home.” Chloe stopped picking up and oozed down into one of the chairs in front of the fireplace. Roxanne sat in the other one across from her. Chloe grabbed a tissue and dabbed the corners of her eyes. “Whatever happened had to be huge,” Chloe cleared her throat to speak. “Really huge.”

“Did you see the woman with him?” Roxanne said after making certain they were alone. “She looked like one of those vampire people we interviewed, remember?”

“Yeah, she did, didn’t she,” Chloe finally laughed.

“And the guy looked like a cop,” Roxanne added.

“Dad said he would explain,” Chloe answered.

“It must be bad,” Roxanne said. “I’ve been getting bad vibes since they had arrived in the house.”

“What do you mean?” Chloe asked.

“There are dark forces involved,” Roxanne shuddered. “I feel death.”

“I believe you,” Chloe said. “We need to secure the house.”

Both girls rose up and went to make certain that all the doors and windows were locked.

Like so many nights before, Andrew got up and went down to the kitchen for a late night snack and to think. He grabbed some food from the refrigerator to make a sandwich. He walked over to the counter and set it all down. He grabbed a loaf of bread from the bread box and opened the bag. Andrew spread the mayo on the bread and proceeded to build his creation of meat, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes. At last, Andrew declared his creation complete and was about to put it all away, when a tiny voice from the dark said, ‘Could I have one?’. Andrew turned around to see his daughter standing in the doorway. Andrew grinned and went on to create a masterpiece for her too. While her dad worked on her sandwich, Chloe grabbed two glasses and poured them some milk. She put the milk back and slid into the breakfast nook. Andrew put all of the extra food away and joined his daughter.

Father and daughter just sat there, ate their sandwiches and drank their milk. Neither one said a word. But just then, as any child would, Chloe got bored.

“What happened in Germany?” Chloe blurted out. Andrew thought how direct and to the point she was. How he would answer, was foremost on his mind.

“Is it that important?” Andrew replied.

“To me it is,” Chloe answered. She looked keenly at her dad, “It is just that you seem different to me; more withdrawn. You are not yourself.”

“Not true,” Andrew bluffed.

“You are not telling the truth.” Chloe called his bluff. She stopped eating and focused on him. “I read all about what happened in Chicago. I know how you saved those kids in the park that night. I know what you had to do.”

“…And,” Andrew added.

“…And I want to know what happened in Germany,” Chloe answered. She stretched out her hand and touched his arm. “Please tell me.”

“It was worse than Chicago.” Andrew stopped eating. He pushed his sandwich aside.

“How much worse was it?” Chloe choked.

“I’ve had to do things I am not proud of,” Andrew’s voice trembled as he spoke. He looked away; focused his eyes elsewhere. “I had to kill people…”

“People that wanted to hurt you or others,” Chloe inquired.

“Yes,” Andrew looked away, unable to face his daughter. “Others were not.”

“You killed on purpose?” Chloe was shocked. In the past she knew her dad had defended others; himself, but never killed anyone on purpose. What could have brought her dad to do such a thing? Chloe demanded, “Tell me.”

Andrew finally granted her request. He told her about the incident in the park in Berlin when Talia and Kara were kidnapped, how Sergeant Schindler was a Knight of VanHelsing and how he was framed for his death. Andrew further explained how he was pursued by the police on the train to Zwickau. He shared with Chloe, the fight on the train and how Lieutenant Gunderson was killed.

Chloe listened with great interest as her dad recounted all the events of the recent past. She was in awe of his rouse when he assumed the identity of Gold Blade to gain entry to Gothica castle. She could picture it all in her mind. A chill consumed Chloe as her dad told about the death of Talia and how he took on Ana and her knights. She could not believe that Talia, who had hated her dad, sacrificed herself to save him or how her dad fought such zealous killers. Chloe had only seen her dad cry twice; once at her mom’s grave and the other was the day he found out Megan was pregnant. Chloe got up and went over by her dad. She enveloped him with her arms as he wept heavily.

“What are you two doing up?” Roxanne asked as she came into the kitchen, but stopped. She saw Chloe comfort Andrew. Roxanne joined them as Andrew assured Chloe he was alright now. Chloe was not so sure, but gave him a squeeze and returned to her seat. Roxanne slid in next to her.

“What is wrong?” Roxanne asked Andrew. “Are you alright?”

“I will be,” Andrew looked at his daughter. He dried his eyes.

“Did you find Wyatt?” Roxanne inquired. She eyed up his sandwich. “Are you going to finish that?”

“It is all yours.” Andrew slid the plate over by her.

“So did you?” Roxanne asked. She took a bite of the sandwich.

“Yes, Wyatt is in police custody,” Andrew answered. He drank some milk and went on, “I have an interview setup with him tomorrow.”

“So what was in the backpack?” Chloe asked.

“It’s just a book.” Andrew was being vague.

“What is so important about it?” Chloe insisted.

“The book is about the Knights of VanHelsing,” Andrew finally replied. “It contains the history of the knights, a list of all their names, and the people they killed.”

“That is a very treacherous thing to possess,” Roxanne shuddered. “What do you plan on doing with it?”

“To arrest the three knights here in Bayport,” Andrew answered. He finished his milk and pushed the glass aside. “And bring them and the others to justice.”

“And then what?” Chloe asked.

“Keep the book in a safe place,” Andrew rose up and went the liquor cabinet above the refrigerator. He took out a bottle of scotch and returned to the table. He poured some in a glass.

“They know you have it.” Chloe finally realized.

“Yes,” Andrew answered. He downed the scotch and refilled the glass.

“Won’t they try to recover it?” Roxanne worried.

“Perhaps,” Andrew downed a second glass of scotch. “Right now Ana and the knights have gone into hiding. The rest have to maintain their secret identities and remain in the public eye. To do otherwise would draw unwanted attention to them. The three here in Bayport are probably wondering what I am going to do with the book.”

“What if they come after you?” Chloe cringed.

“I will do what I have to,” Andrew was blunt.

“Not like Germany,” Chloe swallowed hard.

“I don’t know.” Andrew downed a third glass. “That will depend on them. We should go to bed,” Andrew announced. He stood up and walked over to the liquor cabinet. He put the bottle of scotch back. Andrew glanced for a moment at his daughter and Roxanne. He headed off to bed. Chloe felt unsettled and afraid of what her dad might do. She left the kitchen to go after him, and left Roxanne alone at the breakfast nook. Roxanne had a bad feeling and took off after Chloe and Andrew.

Dawn approached and soon it would be too late. The hunt would have to be called off and there would be no measure of satisfaction this night. Where could the others be? Why were they not here yet? With each tick of the clock, time slipped away.

Night Blade, frustrated, waited in the shadows. Off, in the not too far distance, were the ones she hunted. They were only ‘baby bats’, naive, but none the less satisfying to kill. She had received a call that these ‘baby bats’ had planned a blood feast at the boarded up Higgins’s house. Night Blade had always been curious as to why these creatures always chose abandoned places to gather. Either way it would prove poorly for them this night. Night Blade watched as the ‘baby bats’ and their blood dolls broken into the house. She could wait no longer and stepped forward, but suddenly stopped when she heard a noise from behind her.

Star Blade and Moon Blade came in from the north. Each had received a call from their respective sources that there would be a blood feast at the abandoned Higgins’s house. They stopped at the edge of the woods when the ‘baby bats’ and their blood dolls broke down back the door. Both of them wondered where Night Blade could be. It would be morning soon and time was running out.

“We can’t wait any longer,” Moon Blade cursed.

“We need Night Blade to help with the attack,” Star Blade growled back.

“There are only six of them,” Moon Blade fired back. “Besides, we are supposed to let the blood dolls go. You know the rules of the code.”

“I know the code,” Star Blade fired back. “They would just become blood dolls for some other of those disgusting creatures.” Star Blade watched as the last one entered the house. She removed her swords and continued, “I say we finish them all.”

“Then we will do it without Night Blade,” Moon Blade drew her own swords.

Moon Blade and Star Blade burst forth from the bushes and without delay entered the house through broken door.

Chloe couldn’t sleep. She was very worried at what her dad was going to do about the Knights of VanHelsing in Bayport. She was afraid that he would take matters into his own hands and kill them like he had in Germany.

Chloe got up and put on her robe. She left her room and went down the hall to her dad’s bedroom. Chloe wrapped on the door first and opened it. She peered inside the room. Her dad was gone! An overwhelming feeling of fear washed over Chloe. She slammed the door shut and ran back to her room. Chloe quickly put on some clothes and shoes, and grabbed her keys and jacket. She had no clue where to look, but had to find her dad before he did something horrible.

Chloe hurried down the stairs while putting on her coat. She leapt from the second step and bounded for the door. Chloe reached for the handle, the door opened and her dad entered the house.

“Where were you?” Chloe jumped on him.

“I couldn’t sleep, so I took a walk.” Andrew did not look at her. He closed the door.

Chloe walked up to her dad and felt his coat; it was ice cold.

“Where did you go?” Chloe was more subdued.

“Just around the neighbor hood, why?” Andrew looked and saw the disbelief in her eyes. How dare she question him about where he had been?

“I was worried that you might, um,” Chloe stammered.

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