Night Kill (Private Investigator Andrew Knight Mystery Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Night Kill (Private Investigator Andrew Knight Mystery Series)
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Talia and her deputies spread out in standard formation as they approached the altar. They quietly and carefully made their way amongst the row of dust covered and rotting wood pews.

The choir balcony offered the perfect overview of the pew rows below. It was the perfect view for a hunter to have of their prey. She loaded the crossbow and took aim at the nearest deputy.

Talia and her deputies abruptly stopped at the end of the rows of pews. She turned to instruct them, when the deputy furthest to the rear lurched forward, gurgling. The next thing Talia knew, he crashed into the pews. She held up her hand for the others to stay in place and ran over to check on him. Talia shone her light on the man. There was blood dripping from his mouth, and an arrow protruding from his neck!

“He’s been shot!” Talia screeched, and watched in horror as her other deputies were attacked. She dove for cover. Talia heard one of the deputies return fire. The bullets struck the wood of the balcony just above her. Talia peeked up in time to see him stand to take aim at whoever it was on the balcony. There was a soft whizzing sound. He flew backwards on the pew with a thunderous crash that echoed across the wall of the chapel. Talia rechecked her weapon. She shone her light towards the back of the chapel. There she saw a set of stairs leading to the balcony. Talia swallowed hard, she reached for her radio, and called for assistance. The other deputies acknowledged they were on the way. She warned them to take extreme caution when entering the chapel and that there was a shooter in the balcony.

Chloe awoke when she heard what sounded like footsteps coming from somewhere in the dark. She nudged Roxanne. Chloe heard Roxanne stir and finally she too was awake.

“What is it?” Roxanne asked groggily.

“I heard a noise,” Chloe answered.

“Who is it?” Roxanne asked worriedly. “Is it the person who brought us in here?”

“I don’t know,” Chloe replied. They listened further.

Andrew put the lantern down and tried the door handle. It was not locked. He stepped back and with great force; kicked open the door. The sound of aged wood cracking filled the passageway. Andrew rushed into the room with lantern in hand. The smell of death immediately fell over him. Andrew took out a handkerchief and covered his mouth. As he shone his light across the room, Andrew saw several skeletons. There must have been over a dozen. Andrew stepped further into the room. Scrawled in blood on one of the walls were the words ‘Tod für die Untoten!’ Andrew translated it aloud, “Death for the Undead.” He felt ill to his stomach. Andrew left the room and closed the door. He bowed his head in silent prayer for the souls of those who he had found in the room. Andrew continued on his way. He hoped to find Chloe and Roxanne soon.

The holy ground of St. Ambrose chapel was covered in blood. Talia and her men had stormed the balcony. They were not prepared for the blood lust unleashed upon them. As soon as they cleared the stairs, the killer attacked. With deadly accuracy and unyielding fury the blades of steel slashed through the frailty of flesh. Talia and her deputies didn’t even have a chance to get off a shot. She watched her deputy’s fall down one by one before her eyes. Talia somehow had managed to escape back down into the chapel, but dropped her service piece along the way. She was unarmed. Talia crawled on her belly beneath the pews. She found refuge behind the pulpit.

Andrew stopped at the final door. It also was unlocked. He opened it quickly and rushed inside.

Chloe and Roxanne ducked as they saw a darkened figure rush into the room.

“Who are you?” Chloe demanded.

“Chloe?” the figure asked. “Is that you?”

“Dad!” Chloe screeched with excitement. She burst out crying.

Andrew shone the light and found a light switch. He flipped the light on, blinding each of them momentarily. Andrew rushed over to his daughter and Roxanne. He loosened them from the ropes. Chloe threw her arms around her dad and smothered him with kisses. Roxanne hugged them both tightly for fear of letting go.

“Who did this to you?” Andrew demanded amongst the shower of affection.

“We never saw who it was,” Roxanne said.

Andrew helped them to their feet. They were both a bit unsteady at first, but soon were ready to go. Andrew led the way to where the teenagers were.

“I need you to call the authorities,” Andrew explained. “You never saw me, okay?”

“Why?” Chloe asked.

“Sheriff Delsmann must still believe I have amnesia,” Andrew further explained. “It’s the only way I have the freedom to work on the case. We’ll head back to the chapel,” Andrew ordered. “Once there, you can call for help.” The three of them walked down the passageway. A few minutes later they were in the room beneath the altar.

“Stay here,” Andrew ordered. “I’ll make sure the coast is clear.” He climbed up the steps to the altar.

Talia peered around the pulpit. The hooded figure stood there staring back at her.

“I told you the next time we met it would be the end for you,” she said.

“You are responsible for the deaths of law enforcement officers!” Talia shouted.

“Your interference will not be tolerated,” she answered drawing the swords from the sheaths. “It is time for you to die.”

“You’re Night Blade, aren’t you?” Talia said.

“I am,” Night Blade replied. Night Blade ascended the steps leading to the pulpit and altar. Talia heard Night Blade boot steps come closer. She had no where to run. Talia rose to her knees.

“They will come looking for us,” Talia said, with a look of final defiance.

“No one will find you.” Night Blade raised both swords.

Talia closed her eyes. But instead of feeling the steel blades strike her down, there was a loud crashing sound and Night Blade cried out in pain. Talia opened her eyes to see Night Blade sprawled face down on the steps. Andrew was standing over Night Blade. But before Talia could speak, Night Blade jumped up and attacked with a vicious spin kick. Andrew dropped down and spun his legs; hitting Night Blade’s other leg. Night Blade crashed to the floor again. Night Blade recovered and stood. Andrew made a lunge attack with a flurry of kicks and punches, driving Night Blade down the steps and towards the pews. For every move there after from the Night Blade, Andrew responded with retribution. Night Blade was bent over, trying to recover. Night Blade now stood and faced Andrew.

“This is none of your concern.”

“You’ve killed innocent people.”

“They honor the unspeakable creatures of lore.”

“They’re not vampires!” Andrew shouted angrily. “And you’re not a slayer.”

“But I am!” Night Blade drew a long bladed knife.

Andrew heard a voice cry out from behind him. He turned to look. Seeing the advantage, Night Blade attacked!

Talia watched them fight and cheered inside for Andrew. The man she hated had now turned out to be her hero. She stood and watched as Andrew and Night Blade talked. Talia gasped as Night Blade pulled a knife. She rushed over and grabbed one of the swords.

“Andrew!” Talia shouted, throwing him the sword.

Andrew saw the sword fly through the air towards him. He managed to grab hold of the handle. Andrew turned in time to see Night Blade rush at him with the knife. He in turn charged at Night Blade. With each lunge of Night Blade’s knife, Andrew blocked with a master’s proficiency. The clashing of metal resounded through out the chapel.

Chloe and Roxanne emerged from behind the altar. They gasped at the sight of Andrew battling a hooded figure. Chloe was about to rush to her dad’s defense, but Roxanne held her back. Instead, using Andrew’s phone, they called for help.

Andrew could sense Night Blade’s frustration at his ability to anticipate the next move. For with each thrust of Night Blade’s knife, Andrew met it with his own. Night Blade turned and bounded in the air landing, with both feet balancing on the back of a pew. Andrew did the same, taking the pew to the right. Their battle continued as they balanced like tight rope walkers. Blades of sharp steel clanged each time they met. Andrew unexpectedly jumped up and with a roundhouse kick, sent Night Blade flying down between the pews with a loud crash. Andrew descended upon Night Blade with the point of the sword, narrowly missing as they rolled beneath the pews. Andrew followed along as Night Blade crawled toward the back of the chapel, safe beneath the sanctuary of the wooden pews. From the last pew, Night Blade emerged and made a dash for the door, but Andrew sprung from the last pew in a mid-air, somersault landing in front of the doorway. Andrew twirled about and blocked Night Blade’s escape. Andrew could hear Night Blade’s labor breaths. Andrew tossed the blade aside and took up his stance. Night Blade did the same.

“No more weapons,” Andrew announced. “Just you and me this time, okay?”

“Agreed,” Night Blade replied with a low bow.

Chloe and Roxanne came to Talia’s aid. The strain must have finally gotten to her and she suddenly passed out.

Night Blade lunged at Andrew with a savage combination of kicks and punches. Andrew was ready and blocked each and every one, with his own. Night Blade dropped to all fours and immediately balancing on her hands, delivered a double roundhouse kick, but Andrew instead jumped up and with both feet slammed into Night Blade’s back. Night Blade let out a loud cry as Andrew drove her to the floor. Andrew flipped over and without delay, delivered a spin and snap kick combo, hitting Night Blade in the side of the face. Night Blade’s head snapped back as blood expelled from her mouth. Andrew stood back ready. Night Blade arms were weak and she struggled to stand. She looked at Andrew and spat blood on the floor. No one had been able to anticipate their every move. The man that stood before them was unlike anyone they had battled before. Night Blade bowed gracious at first and within a spilt second rushed forth to the stairs leading to the balcony. Andrew, momentarily caught off guard, followed. Just as Andrew got to the top of the stairs, he looked up to see Night Blade grab a choir chair and smash through the large stain glass window. It depicted Jesus being held in the arms of his mother right after he had been taken down from the cross. But now shards of that beautiful window flew out in all directions. Night Blade didn’t make a sound and she jumped out the window! Andrew bolted up to the window and he looked down below. Night Blade had miraculous survived by safely landing in the unpacked snow below. When Night Blade saw Andrew looking down, she gave Andrew a quick salute and took off into the darkness. Andrew simply shook his head. He turned around and walked over to one of the cushioned choir chairs. Andrew sat down to catch his breath. His muscles ached and he stretched them out. Next time Night Blade wouldn’t get away.

Andrew left the balcony and went back down the stairs. He walked along the main aisle and up to the pulpit area. Talia was awake now. All three women immediately swarmed over Andrew, and smothered him with hugs and kisses.

Talia left them and placed a call for help. She went to check on her fallen men.

Andrew watched as Talia checked on each of her deputies. By the expression on her face, he could tell that they were all dead.

Chloe was relieved that her dad was alive. She could not believe what had all just happened. It all seemed so surreal.

Talia rejoined them and sat down on the steps. The rest followed suit.

The sanctuary was silent now. The peacefulness wrapped around them like a comfortably, warm blanket. It felt good.

Chapter 9


Andrew woke early. It was still dark and the sun was not up yet. Andrew quietly slipped on his robe and tip toed out of the bedroom. Megan was sound asleep and didn’t move at all. He crept downstairs and to the kitchen. Andrew made himself a cup of tea and sat down at the breakfast nook. As he sat there drinking his tea, Andrew mulled over all of the past events. First, he started with all of the things that were factual and based on reality. Wyatt was the prime suspect in the brutal murders of the Higgins family. Sheriff Delsmann was attacked that same night. The remaining families of the Ravenclaw coven have gone into hiding. Andrew himself was attacked a few nights later. He believed that it was a member of the Knights of VanHelsing; possible Night Blade or one of the others. Why he or she attacked him is still a mystery at this point. Recently, Sheriff Delsmann and her team of deputies were attacked. They all died at the scene. The teenagers that Andrew found in the catacombs were all recovering nicely, and so were Chloe and Roxanne. The teenagers were from two of the clans in the Ravenclaw coven; the Moore’s and the Hancock’s. They had snuck out without their parents knowing about it. Once the families realized that they were gone, Vlad Ravenclaw notified the authorities. Andrew, with the support of both the Sheriffs department and the Bayport police had setup to interview the teenagers and Vlad Ravenclaw at the safe house in a few days. In the mean time, Andrew needed to find an expert on vampire covens, and also the Knights of VanHelsing.

Andrew got up and refilled his cup with more Earl Grey tea. He sat back down at the breakfast nook table. Andrew took a sip of tea, drinking in its aroma and relaxing liquids. Andrew contacted his friend at the Bayport Herald. She told Andrew about a feature story that the paper had done last year on author, Kara Sadler. This Kara Sadler had presented information from her book at a conference sponsored by the police department, local churches, and the healthcare community. The book she had written was titled
Vampire Chronicles
. The book was about the subculture of vampirism and its affects on adults and teenagers. Andrew finished his tea. He got up and put the dishes in the sink. Andrew left the kitchen to go back up stairs.

BOOK: Night Kill (Private Investigator Andrew Knight Mystery Series)
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