Night Huntress 06 - Eternal Kiss of Darkness (24 page)

Read Night Huntress 06 - Eternal Kiss of Darkness Online

Authors: Jeaniene Frost

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Vampires, #Romantic Suspense Fiction, #Horror, #Occult & Supernatural, #Women Private Investigators, #Paranormal Romance Stories

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Yes, the two of them would be Radje’s first targets. Mencheres calculated their chances if they stayed together. He didn’t like the odds. It was better if they split up while he rallied his allies. Otherwise, if one of them were caught, all of them were caught, and the truth might never be made public.


“Go,” he said softly to Gorgon. “Do not tell me where. Stay hidden until this matter is over.”


Gorgon clasped him by the shoulders. “You have allies who will urge the Guardians to listen to you. When the day comes that you need me, I will be there.”


Mencheres briefly touched his friend’s hands, the gesture encompassing the words he had no time to say.


“Go,” he repeated.


Gorgon left without taking anything or looking back. Wise. Time was of the essence, and what couldn’t be carried in one hand wasn’t worth the delay of taking.


He quickly pulled on some clothes, gathering only his mobile phone, his laptop, and his coat. Along with Kira, that was all he intended to leave with.

Chapter 20


ira awoke to the sounds of people screaming and the whoosh of a train as it barreled closer. She shot upward in blind survival instinct to avoid the train’s oncoming path, but hard arms seized her.


“Do not fear. You are safe.”


How many times had she heard those words from him? A lot, it seemed.


She came awake enough to notice that they were in a bare room with several pieces of large equipment stacked against the walls. The machines hummed with their own internal racket while somewhere above them, that cadence of screams followed by the sounds of a freight train rose and fell again.


“What the—?” Kira managed.


He glanced at the ceiling. “We are underneath a roller coaster. Big Thunder Mountain, I believe it is called.”


For a second, Kira didn’t know whether to laugh or ask if he was kidding. Disneyland?
was where Mencheres decided it would be safe for them to flee to after leaving in such a hurry? He hadn’t told her where they were going when he flew them away from the house, and falling asleep at dawn had prevented her from seeing where they were headed after several other stops and starts.


“First bubble baths. Now Disney parks. You’re shattering every creepy vampire myth I’ve ever heard.”


Mencheres shrugged. “It is an easy landmark to find, and we’re meeting people here. Plus, you needed a safe place to rest. These theme parks have labyrinths underneath them, with many unused rooms such as these to keep the cleaning and running of the park away from guests’ eyes.”


Kira digested this. She hadn’t known there was anything underneath Disneyland, which probably meant a lot of other people were unaware of that, too. This was safer than sleeping in a car or on a park bench, that was for sure. “Who are we meeting?”


“My co-ruler and his wife,” Mencheres replied.


“Co-ruler.” Her brows rose. “Does that mean he’s a partner in a big vampire corporation you both oversee?”


His mouth quirked. “In essence.”


“And you trust him?”


Kira felt his emotions flicker between sadness and resolve, an odd combination to feel at her question. “I trust that he will do what is best for our people and that he will speak the truth about his intentions, whatever they are,” he replied at last.


“Why does that sound like you’re not giving me a straight answer to my question?” she murmured.


Mencheres’s slight smile deepened. “Because you are perceptive.”


She glanced down to see that she was lying on his coat, several towels, pullover hoodies, and other soft items with various Disney character logos. They were the only buffer between her and the hard concrete floor. She shook her head. Her first trip to Disneyland was as a vampire hiding out under a roller coaster with another vampire. All of a sudden, Alice’s adventures in Wonderland seemed normal by comparison.


Mencheres held out his hand to assist her up. Kira took it, used to the natural energy emanating from his flesh. The first few times she’d felt it might have seemed like mild electrocution, but now, she enjoyed the tingling sensations that touching Mencheres elicited. His pulsating power certainly had its unexpected advantages. After last night, Kira knew that his tongue felt like a vibrator set to the speed of Oh


His hand tightened on hers, and his mouth was suddenly brushing her neck as he inhaled next to it. Mencheres’s scent intensified as well, that rich natural cologne of dark spices deepening and increasing. Something clenched inside her.


“You tempt me more than you can imagine.” His voice was low but resonating. “Whatever your thoughts were at that moment, keep thinking them. They sweeten your scent in the most enticing way.”


Kira almost sighed at the sensations running through her. He didn’t even need to kiss her for her to feel aroused. Just being near him was enough to make her want him.


She traced her free hand along Mencheres’s arm. “How long do we have until we’re supposed to meet those people?” So much more than a question about their appointment hung in her words.


His mouth slid along her neck again, making her shiver at the additional tingles. “You deserve better than this,” he said softly.


Kira could feel his lust battling with his sense of honor—and she wanted his honor to
“Dingy equipment room it may be, but for once, we’re alone,” she whispered back. “Let’s not waste that.”


His mouth teased her skin while more tingling ripples traveled over her body. She let out a short moan. She knew it was his power caressing her with a thousand invisible strokes, some of the touches shockingly intimate. Her fangs extended of their own volition, and a shudder went through her.


“Is that a yes?” Kira managed.


His lips slanted over hers in reply. Her mouth opened at once, stroking his tongue with hers and matching the urgency in his kiss. She moaned again as those phantom touches increased, the sensations fueled by the feel of his hands beginning to travel over her as well.


She reached for the buttons on his shirt, ripping them because she forgot to tone down her new strength. Mencheres stripped his clothes off without taking his hands from her, all the seams separating and pulling away from themselves until the remaining pieces dropped to the floor. Kira felt her own clothes fall away in the same manner, until the two of them stood naked with their ruined clothing at their feet.


A primal sound escaped her when she felt the hard length of him pressed to her belly. Then an almost painful clench of desire flooded her when she closed her hand over him and felt him grow even bigger. After all the starts and stops, the interruptions, she wanted him inside her now. The need was too great to delay with foreplay.


“Take me. Don’t wait,” she got out in a ragged voice once he freed her lips to trail his devastating mouth down her neck.


His fingers found her depths in the next moment, making her cry out at the sizzle of sensation. He stroked her far more slowly than she did him, her faster rhythm wringing deep, throaty groans out of Mencheres that spiked her lust.


“You are not ready yet. I would hurt you,” he rasped.


She felt his need as if it were a living thing trying to claw its way out of him. The intensity, the overwhelming force of his desire fueled her impatience. Yes, that was how she felt. Like she’d die if he wasn’t inside her
right now


“Wanting you hurts even more,” Kira choked.


A harsh noise came from him right as she felt his careful control snap. The coolness of the wall met her back in the next moment, Mencheres parting her legs and lifting her. His mouth claimed hers in a torrid kiss as his hard, thick flesh pressed against her core.


Her nerve endings electrified at that intimate touch, then a cry wrenched from her when his thrust burned into her like a brand. She was wet, but not enough, not for his size. Still, Kira lashed her arms around him and arched toward him, her need rivaling the initial ache she’d felt.


“More,” she moaned into his mouth.


The muscles in his back bunched beneath her hands, then another searing thrust brought him deeper inside her. She whimpered as the bliss combined with a quicksilver flash of pain, yet still, she didn’t want him to stop. Nothing had felt this incredible as Mencheres raked her mouth with his tongue while his body stretched hers to its limit.


Another thrust made her head fall back as the pleasure drowned out those initial twinges of pain. She felt every rasp of the wall against her back, each stroke of his tongue, hands, and power while that hardness moved deeper inside her. Her hips twisted with a compulsion she couldn’t control, urging him deeper still, until a groan tore through him and he buried himself completely with a hard arch of his hips.


She didn’t need to breathe, but Kira was almost gasping at the bombardment of sensations. Mencheres’s skin crackled with energy, every touch sending more tingles through her, until her body felt like it was vibrating with the same pulsating power his contained. That fullness inside her was overwhelming, making her nerve endings throb even as that hungry urgency demanded more.


He drew his mouth away from hers, staring into her eyes while he slowly pulled out of her. His thumb traced her lip as his other hand held her aloft, keeping their hips together. Deep, bone-melting pleasure surged through Kira’s subconscious as he thrust forward again, almost causing her to shout at the crush of rapture filling her.


“That is what I feel when I’m inside you.” His voice was low, eyes lit up with blinding green. “And you will feel every measure of the same, I promise.”


A curtain fell over his emotions then, until the sensations Kira felt were hers and hers alone. She curled her hands into his hair, about to tell him to drop that wall so there were no barriers between them, but a clench of pleasure gripped her before she could speak. It cleared her mind of thought, wringing a cry from her instead of words. Mencheres slowly began to move, his mouth parting as he stared at her while his body merged into hers. Another clench of pleasure seized her, causing her to gasp out his name while those rapturous bands inside her tightened.


He smiled, so sensual and beautiful, it was another form of bliss just looking at him. Kira’s hands unwound from his hair to caress his back, growing more excited by every flex of his muscles that meant another amazing thrust inside her. His mouth closed over hers again, his kiss somehow darker and richer. Their tongues twined together with the same silkiness as his movements within her, Kira’s heightened passion making her body able to smoothly receive all of him.


His hands traveled over her while he slowly began to increase his pace. Her moans were smothered by his kiss, joining the hoarse, throaty noises Mencheres made as they moved together. Each new thrust built the intensity inside her, spreading it until her whole body throbbed instead of just her loins. Even her skin ached with a beautiful torment for more contact with his, making her grasp him even more feverishly while her legs slid around to encircle his hips.


He caught the back of her thigh in a strong grip, holding her closer as his thrusts intensified. The waves of pleasure cascading from her core had her crying out against his mouth, her fangs cutting into his lip as her head began to toss with growing urgency. His hand tangled in her hair, keeping her steady, while his kiss became scorching, his mouth ravaging hers with a hunger that was too fierce to be contained.


Her nails dug into his hips as he began to move even faster, shattering her reason with that ceaseless rhythm. The sensual pressure built until it felt like she’d explode if he didn’t stop—and she didn’t want him to stop. She wanted him to take her past the edge, into the free fall beyond.


Mencheres tore his mouth free with a shout that echoed inside the small room. His pace suddenly increased to a degree that would have frightened Kira were it not for the ecstasy blasting through her. Her eyes closed while her loins finally convulsed from the overwhelming bliss, flooding a sensation far too great to be called pleasure through her.


Words spilled out of Mencheres’s mouth in a language she didn’t understand. She clutched him as the orgasm continued to throb inside her, shocking her with its intensity. She wanted him to feel the same thing she was feeling. To have him let go of that last bit of control.


“Come inside me,” Kira gasped, her voice almost raw. “I need to feel you come now, Mencheres…”


Another slew of words she didn’t recognize hoarsely tumbled from his lips, but then he kissed her with a passion that matched the burning demand of his body. She locked herself around him, moving with him, her mind sliding away from reality into pure sensation.


She felt the tremor deep inside her then, the shudder that passed from his body to hers. It flexed and contracted even as a harsh shout tore from his throat. Mencheres arched, thrusting inside her so forcefully that she gasped. His head fell back, dark hair fanning behind him as another, longer groan came from him. It matched the spasms reverberating within her, his climax thundering through her loins with powerful, rhythmic vibrations.


Her arms curled around his neck as she savored the tremors that still shook him. A profound sense of belonging filled her, as if something long restless inside her had found its home. For several extended moments, she didn’t even want to speak, lest words break the rightness she felt.

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