Night Hungers (18 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #~~Aaron’s Kiss~~ Book 10, #paranormal romance, #Erotic romance

BOOK: Night Hungers
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Something…he wasn’t sure what it was, but it gave him the willies. Driving to the lot to be picked up by security, Simon tried to remember the couple and why the name MacManus seemed so familiar.


Zane knew the moment that Aiden walked up behind her. She’d come outside for a little fresh air, which she just couldn’t seem to get enough of lately. He didn’t say anything for long moments, but she felt her peace interrupted all the same. She knew they had a lot to talk about, but she just wanted…no, she needed it to be quiet.

“I can feel your frustration with me. I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were all right. And to ask you about the tats.”

“What about them?” She wasn’t going to deny her frustration. What would be the point?

“I don’t know how to use them. I mean…they appeared just after rising tonight and I don’t have a clue what the fuck I’m suppose to do with them. In actuality, they scare the shit out of me.”

Zane turned to him. She was surprised by his admission. She’d expected him to want to show her how to use them or even to tell her that she couldn’t until he let her. She stood up and walked toward him. “You’ll need to touch them, all of them to let them…I don’t know, get to know you, I guess. They can’t be taken from you unless you allow it.

Here, take off your shirt and I’ll show you.”

Her breath caught when he pulled the shirt he had on over his head. She’d had sex with his man several times, but this was the first time she’d actually gotten a good look at him. She was very glad for the full moon.

“You keep looking at me like that, Allison, and the lesson won’t get very far.”

Zane looked up into his eyes, searching for his reason for saying something like that to her. All she could see was need and something else she’d never seen before in a person’s face. She shook her head. She was being fanciful because she was sure it looked like he needed her for more than sex.

“You’re left handed so reach up and put your hand around the pommel of the blade at your back, like this.” She turned around and showed him how to do it without removing her own shirt.

“Show me. Take off your shirt and show me. No one will see us and if someone did come up, it’s not like we wouldn’t know it long before they found us.”

He was right. She pulled the t-shirt over her head and left on her bra. She didn’t usually wear one like this, but after they’d had sex she wanted something pretty against her skin. She could have made herself anything she wanted, and was slightly embarrassed that she’d chosen this one. She flushed when he drew in a sharp breath and she started to pull her shirt back on.

“Don’t. I…Christ, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Show me this before I forget what we’re doing and I take you right here on the ground or against that tree.”

Her body responded to his words immediately and Aiden growled low in his throat.

She didn’t know what he’d meant to do with that growl, but all it did to her was heat her up more. Turning around so that she could show him how to pull his blade, she tried to get a handle on her body.

“Reach behind you and you’ll feel the heat of the weapon before you touch it. It will almost feel as if it moves into your hand. Feel it?”

“Yes.” She smiled at the excited tone in his voice. “Will it be painful when I pull it away?”

“No. It won’t feel like anything. Just pull it out in a long pull or it will return to the scabbard.”

Zane turned and watched him pull it from his back. He pulled it as though he’d done it before. That’s when she realized that at his age, he probably had. When he came around to face her with the blade in his hand she saw that the mark had adjusted to fit him and his body mass. She waited until he was comfortable with the weight then she moved in with her blade drawn.

“They won’t fight one another if we are of the same mindset. See.” She tried several times to show him how they repelled each other and wouldn’t even come together. “Now think about learning to fight with it and me showing you.”

When he nodded, she hit his blade hard enough to make it sing. He grinned like a kid with his first toy.

They moved along the forest floor for several moves before they started to get used to each other. Zane was impressed with Aiden’s ability. She would have thought he’d be a novice, but was glad to see that not only was he very competent, but he seemed to listen to her when she told him what to do. And after only an hour he seemed to know what to do and how his body would move with the blade. He returned it to his back before she could warn him. He was on the ground in seconds.

“You have to feed it before you return it. I’m sorry. You were too quick for me.”

He glared up at her from his position on the ground. “Feed it? And just so you know, I can hear your laughter about this and don’t think for one second I won’t make you pay.

Tell me how to feed my blade.”

She gave him her arm and he pulled his body up with hers. He looked down at her from his imposing height and then kissed her on the mouth. It was quick, but no less scorching. Zane stared at him until he said her name.

“Feed it. Right. It is a part of you so it will require nourishment as well. Blood.

Yours now, but in battle or fights, it will feed from your enemy. The more you fight with it, the more it will require. But it will continue to feed as long as you need it.”

She thought for sure he was going to balk at it, but he just nodded at her. She sliced the blade along her forearm and then laid the flat of the blade in the blood. They watched as the blade, dull from their play, brightened and gleamed as it took her blood across its design.

Aiden did the same. He looked up at her as his blade fed. “I have two guns on my hips; please tell me that I don’t have to shoot myself to feed them.”

Zane laughed. She couldn’t help herself. He’d been so serious that she couldn’t hold it in. “No. Not shoot. The guns feed differently because you don’t keep the bullets. They require you to feed them before you load your gun. Same with the extra clips. Just open a little slice and let them touch it.”

She showed him how to use the other armament on his body along with how to put them away when finished. He’d been very serious with her and listened to her every word. When it was nearing dawn, he walked her back to the mansion.

“I’m not used to a mate any more than you are, Zane. I think we have a lot to learn about each other. But when you’re sad or frustrated with me, it’s in my blood to make you better or happy. Give me time is all I ask.”

“I don’t know a lot about being around people. I work for Danny and before him, others like him. People that leave me alone and don’t ask questions. Danny is the longest I’ve stayed in one spot. I love him and Russell.”

Aiden nodded. She could feel his own frustration at her liking another male, but she wasn’t giving up their friendship just because he got his panties in a twist over them. He stopped suddenly and she tensed for whatever he had felt. But his mouth covering hers prevented her from asking what.

As he walked her backwards she started to stumble. He simply lifted her up his body by cupping her ass and brought her mound over his hard cock as he kept walking. When she felt the tree rub against her back she arched into his body.

“Watching you swing that blade, it was everything I could do not to toss you to the ground and fuck you. Christ, woman, the things you do to me. Make us naked, Allison. I want to feel your body touching mine.”

She started to do it then stopped and pulled his head up so that she could look into his eyes. “You do it. You have every ability that I do. Will them away. This is…oh yes, Aiden, that’s perfect.”

His body was hot and hard and she could feel his cock nudging her ass cheeks even as he suckled at her breast. His fangs scraping across her nipples made her want him to bite her there, suckle for real as he fed from her. Before she could beg him to take her he growled low in his throat, dropped her down, and stepped back.

“Lean back against the tree and spread your legs. I’m going to lick that pussy of yours until I get my fill, then I’m going to fuck you until neither of us can stand.”

Aiden reached to his ankle, pulled the smaller of the two knives there free, and stabbed it into the tree behind her. “Hold your hands around that. If you let go I’ll quit and fuck your ass hard. Stay there until I’ve had my fill and I’ll fuck you in your ass hard.” He grinned. She reached up and wrapped her hands around the handle of his blade.

“You’ll have to feed your knife before you put it back.” Zane almost didn’t recognize her voice; it was hard and husky.

“Not until I have my fill.” He dropped to the ground in front of her and looked up at her as he ran his fingers along her knee to her thigh. “I’m going to fuck you with my mouth and then when you come, I’m going to bite you here.”

Zane moaned and nodded to him. She wanted that more than she wanted her next breath. Slowly he leaned his head toward her and she could already feel her juices start to trickle down her thighs. Using his hands he spread her nether lips open and worried her clit with his tongue, not touching anything else.

“Please, Aiden. I need your mouth to take me. Please, now.”

He wouldn’t be rushed apparently and no matter how much she tried to get him to move into her he continued to play with her nubbin. When she felt his fingers just at her entrance she nearly let go of the blade to guide him where she wanted him, but his slight hesitation made her remember what he’d promised. When he moved lower, pressing his finger just inside of her, she wanted to scream at him to finish, but knew that would only make him go slower.

When he lifted her leg up and settled it over his shoulder Zane was beyond thought.

Her body was aching with unfulfilled need. When his finger moved inside of her she rode it with abandonment and need. When she felt him stretch her, moving more fingers in, she started begging him to let her come. The closer she got to paradise the more he backed off a little more. She was going to take her knife from her back and remove his fucking head if he kept it up. When she was ready to do just that he plunged his finger into her ass as he took her with his tongue. She came with a scream.

Over and over he fucked her pussy with his tongue and her ass with his finger.

Climax after climax ripped through her until she was no longer holding the blade at her head to keep from touching him, but merely to hang on and keep upright. Her body couldn’t take much more and he didn’t seem to care. Until, panting, Aiden stood up, his cock a mouthwatering display of male. She wanted to take him as he’d done her, but he growled at her to get on the ground on her knees.

Dropping down, she was just getting up on her knees when she felt him behind her.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back to him and straight onto his cock, impaling her onto him. She screamed out his name as another powerful climax ran over her.

Aiden leaned down and covered her body with his, pressing her head to the ground and his hips over hers. When he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back she felt the pain/pleasure of his need all the way to her core. His cock thickened inside of her until she was sure he was going to hurt her, but he bit her shoulder and nothing else mattered.

He slammed into her, hard, quick jabs until she was sure he was going to be raw from it. Over and over Aiden fucked her. When he pulled her back as he sat up on his heels she felt his cock press against her womb tight, almost painfully so. He moved her hair then, her blood trickling down her shoulder from his bite, and he licked her pulse at her throat. When she felt his fingers pinch her clit she came again, screaming his name until she was hoarse, his own cries of completion mingling with hers.

They sat that way for several minutes. Each of them breathing hard with sweat pouring off them. She knew he had to be hurting, his ankles screaming in pain, but he pulled her back when she started to move off him.

“Don’t, baby. I just need to hold you for a minute longer.”

She stayed until she had to move or fall asleep over him.

At minutes before the dawn they were in the bath in his room, Aiden holding her as she washed her legs. Neither of them said anything, not about the sex in the woods nor the new tats he had on his body. They talked about mundane things. Aiden about his family and Zane about her odd jobs.

“I have to go to Danny’s in a little while. I have to put an engine in an SUV. The idiot didn’t maintain it so it seized up. I promised Danny I’d do it.”

She thought he was going to try and tell her she couldn’t go, but he surprised her again. “How long will it take you? I could…I could come and get in your way for you.”

Zane laughed. It was becoming less harsh sounding the more she did it. She was also getting less and less startled by it when it burst from her mouth. She lifted her leg and rubbed the sponge along it. Aiden’s growl made her feel something stir again.

“It’ll take a couple of days. I’ve already got the old one out, but the new one will have to be lifted up while I put all the parts back on it where they belong. Then I have to do the timing chain and belts. I’m sure you would be a professional at getting in my way, but I really need to concentrate on what I’m doing and you’d be a distraction.”

He didn’t say anything more until they were getting out of the tub and he was drying her off. “I want to tell you to stay here.” Zane started to object, but his raised hand stopped her. “But I know that you are more than likely better equipped and trained at taking care of yourself than I am. I hate that, but it’s the truth. Could you at least promise me that you’ll try to stay safe until I can leave to come to you?”

Again, he surprised her. She almost said that she’d stay here with him, but she’d made a promise and couldn’t break it even if she wanted to. It was the queen’s rule and she was stuck with it.

“I’ll give it my best shot, but I can’t make any promises.” He kissed her, then lifted her up and took her to bed. She was beginning to enjoy snuggling. She’d never been much of a “snuggle” type of girl, but with Aiden she could get used to the idea.

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