Nicole: Star Crossed Lovers (A Wish for Love Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Nicole: Star Crossed Lovers (A Wish for Love Series Book 2)
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She stood up, and looked down at him with a strange feeling of satisfaction.

"I've told you all this so you'll understand why there isn't a chance in the world that I'll be yours again, not even for a single night."  She felt drained, but kept on standing.

Daniel got to his feet, ignoring the sand scattering from his clothes to the floor.

"Is that the reason you were so quick to marry someone you didn't love?"

"Eric was good to me.  The rest does not concern you."  Her voice receded.   She swayed as a second wave of weakness washed over her.  "You'll have to excuse me, I don't feel very well."  The blood drained from her face and she grew faint, glimpsing his worried face before sinking into the darkness. "Something is wrong with me…" she managed to say.

Daniel caught Nicole before she slid to the floor.  He lifted her in his arms and easily carried her up to the bungalow's porch.  He took a key out of his pocket and opened the lock, kicked the door with his foot and entered.  Nicole stirred, struggling to emerge from her faint.  He lay her gently on the sofa, crossed the room and filled a glass with water.  Nicole tried to open her eyes, her lashes fluttering like butterflies on her cheeks.  From the haze surrounding her she tried to understand what had happened.  Why was she lying on the sofa?  How had he opened the door?  The thoughts danced in her head as she felt his hand supporting her back, helping her sit up.

"Drink this," he ordered. 

She did as he said. "Did I faint?"


"I don't know what got into me tonight."

"No wonder you're shattered," he said dryly, "I bet you haven't told a soul about all you've been
through.  Nobody, not even the strongest person, can suppress such great pain without it bursting out in one way or another."

Daniel went over to one of the chests and opened the lower drawer.  He took out sheets and a summer blanket.

"What are you doing with those?" Nicole asked sharply.

"Putting you to bed."  His voice was stern, with no hint of laughter and Nicole wondered what his intentions were.

"Don't worry."  He read her like an open book.  "I won't seduce you.  At least not tonight.  You need to rest and even though I intend to get some straight answers to some very troubling questions, I can wait."  He spread the sheets and Nicole, reluctantly, allowed
him to finish the task at hand.   She felt helpless and frustrated.  He had taken over too easily, too efficiently and she didn't like it at all.  She had no intention of letting Daniel Miller back into her life again!

"Go to sleep," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle, "I'll wait here until you do."

She knew there was no point arguing with him.  She knew him too well.  "Can I have a bit of privacy while I undress and wash up?" she asked sarcastically.

"Certainly," he answered politely, "I'll wait outside."  She heard his steps recede as he left the room and strode into the darkness.

Nicole undressed and rummaged through the drawers of the chest.  She was exhausted and weak.  She would not have Daniel think she wanted to look sexy and inviting for him.  She wore old pajamas and slid under the sheets, drawing them up to her chin, and waited for him to come in.  Suddenly she felt like a five-year-old waiting for her bedtime kiss.  The thought made her remember
the sensual feel of his lips on hers just a short while ago and a heat wave flashed through her body.

When Daniel knocked softly and walked in a few minutes later she was already asleep.  He looked at her for a long moment, his features softening.  He turned and surveyed the room, trying to discern any changes.  He felt at home
The past flooded back.  The disarray in the room seemed to him orderly, just as it had so long ago. He entered the studio.  Canvases, brushes, paints and fabrics with splotches of color were everywhere.  His eyes were drawn to an easel in the corner of the room.  After a slight hesitation he removed the cloth covering it.  He stared in disbelief.  The man in the picture was himself.

Almighty God!  was all he could think at that moment. Suddenly he felt calm and powerful, as the passion, the energy and the vitality that flowed from the picture filled him with renewed strength.


In the early hours of the morning Nicole awoke with a pleasant sensation of serenity. The sun began its crimson journey to the center of the sky and the seagulls screamed at the shore.  She awoke slowly, her sleepy brain struggling to shed its blanket of forgetfulness.  She turned over on her back and then abruptly sat
up.  The room, flooded with light, was empty.  She threw off the blanket and went to the studio.  Her eye caught sight of the uncovered easel and the cloth thrown carelessly over the chair.  She sighed in despair, the scenes of the evening before slowly coming back to her.   She dragged herself to the tiny bathroom, contorting her face in the mirror, sticking out her tongue.

"You are really dumb, Nicole West," she said out loud.  How could she have responded so readily?  Been so open with him?  She was mortified to remember how she had fainted in his arms like a rag doll. Go to hell, Daniel Miller.  She drew her hand into a tight fist and struck the marble top in frustration.  There's no place for you in my life.

She showered and changed into jeans and a t-shirt.  She poured herself a glass of orange juice and sat at the counter separating the kitchen and living area. Leaning her elbows on the top, she cupped her face between her hands as her eyes fell on the rumpled sofa.  Everything would have turned out so differently if Daniel hadn't left her eight years ago.

*  *  *

He was twenty seven, a graduate of New York University's School of Film and Television,  already gaining recognition among students and faculty for student movies he had directed. The son of an Italian mother and an Irish father who came to America as teenagers and now earned a modest income, he paid his tuition by working in a moving company, and after being accepted to university, by winning scholarships.  At the close of the school year he received an offer from a well-known studio specializing in documentaries. Shooting would take place along various points of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.  The film was to describe the lives of the local inhabitants and especially the underwater life along the glorious reef that drew tourists and divers from all over the world.  He jumped at the offer
although his ambition was to direct full-length features
He knew this was a golden opportunity to see the world and expand his horizons.

*  *  *

Despite her anger and frustration Nicole couldn't help smiling as she recalled their first meeting. 

*  *  *

Twenty-one year old Nicole visited the marina almost every day.  Familiar with most of the yachts which belonged to the locals and whose homeport this was, she was a frequent guest on short diving and fishing trips.  Nicole was on her way to the Cavendish family yacht when she first caught sight of Daniel.  Passing the docks, dressed in a bikini, a bag with diving attire slung over her shoulder, she couldn't help noticing the new boat that must have arrived in the early morning hours.  The name emblazoned on its hull was
Crazy Max
and Nicole burst out laughing as she saw
the square sails.  On each sail was a cartoon of an amusing panther painted in clear, bold colors.  Her smile faded only when she noticed the man on deck, leaning nonchalantly on the railing and looking at her. 

Nicole knew something about masculine beauty.  Any number of good-looking men was to be found in town and Nicole was the recipient of much of their attention.  But no man she knew could match the fascination and allure of the one who now looked at her.

"Hi," he called. "Want to come up?"

Nicole instinctively looked back over her shoulder, sure he was hailing someone standing behind her, but the pier was empty and she understood he was addressing her.  He still didn't move as she took a few hesitant steps towards the boat, enjoying the clear gaze of his eyes.

"What do you think of
Crazy Max
?” he asked as he extended an arm and helped her board.

"Mmm… interesting... he's cute," she stammered, clearing her throat.  She was totally mesmerized by
the eyes of the man
still holding her hand.  She completely forgot about Crazy Max.

He suddenly smiled, tightening his grip on her hand, and she smiled back, her eyes traveling down to his mouth, feeling her body melt. 

*  *  *

Nicole remembered the sheer bliss of that moment.  The elation that passed like a bolt of lightening through her body, arousing emotions she had not known till then.

*  *  *

"Daniel," a masculine voice boomed from the depths of the boat, "are you coming?"

"Just a minute," he called back without taking his eyes off Nicole.  "I'm Daniel Miller.  What's your name?"

"Nicole West."

"I have to go, Nicole, we're casting off in a few minutes."

She felt a stab of disappointment, but he continued, "we're having a barbecue tonight on the South Shore. Would you join me?"

Nicole nodded, not believing her good luck, neither moving nor speaking, afraid he would change his mind or that she would wake up and discover it was all a dream.

That evening Daniel picked Nicole up at the end of the gravel path that led to her parents' house with the jeep that served the film crew.  They tore through the village until the far shore, a distance of a few miles.  A large and very merry group of people greeted them.  Daniel introduced her to all the members of the crew and Nicole enjoyed the attention
they showered
on her.  She also felt a strange pride in being Daniel's partner, even though she knew almost nothing about him.

Later, when all were stretched out by the fire, sated and relaxed, and Daniel was gathering driftwood for the fire, Howard Mann, the director, sat beside Nicole.  "Hi," he smiled sociably.

"Hi," she answered, grinning back at him.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, everybody is so nice and friendly." 

"I assume part of your enjoyment is connected with my young assistant director, Mr. Miller.  Am I right?"

Nicole blushed at his bluntness and turned to
face the dancing flames.  "I like him alot."

"I'm not surprised," Howard responded affably. "I believe he has a great future." He paused for a minute before continuing, "and I'm afraid that on his path to glory there won't be much room for a woman. I mean a
serious relationship."

"Are you trying to tell me something?"

He suddenly noticed how young and innocent she was.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interfere in matters that don't concern me. I'm sure Daniel can take care of his own affairs.  The truth is I want to make
a business proposition."

Nicole started.  He was most disconcerting.

"In two weeks we're starting to shoot underwater.  Daniel tells me you're an experienced diver and now that I see how beautiful you are I thought you might agree, for a fee of course, to be interviewed as a local and be photographed in the water."

"I know you'll enjoy working with us." Daniel sat down behind her.

"Think about it. You can give me an answer tomorrow," said Howard smiling at her as he got up to join the group sitting not far from them.

Nicole wondered if Daniel's interest in her might not be purely business.  The thought made her shiver and she drew herself in, clasping her hands tightly around her knees.  Daniel pulled her closer until her back leaned against his chest.  His arms encircled her as his hands penetrated her unbuttoned cardigan. His lips brushed her ear.  "It wasn't my idea.  I simply agreed with Howard, after he saw you tonight, that you would add something special to the film.  That's all."

He was a mind reader.  She tried to distance herself but he held her even tighter.

"Don't go," he murmured in her ear, "please stay."

And she stayed.

*  *  *

Her phone rang, tearing Nicole from her thoughts, disturbing the peace.  She hesitated a minute but answered the unfamiliar number.

"Good morning, did I wake you?"

She was ready to swear that his lips were lifted in an amused smile. "Yes,
you did.  I'm still sleeping.  And if I hear your voice I must be having a nightmare."

Daniel laughed before becoming serious.  "I wanted to make sure you're alright.  I stayed with you till dawn and then had to leave for the day's shoot."

"It might interest you to know that I couldn't care less when and where you go," Nicole shot back.

"I was worried about you," he said, calm despite her attack.

She refused to soften.

"I was perfectly fine until you startled me so," she responded, a note of anger breaking through.  If only you hadn't touched me, the thought flashed through her mind, unsaid.

"I'd like to have dinner with you tonight.  I hope you're free," he added with exaggerated politeness.

"I happen to have a free evening but having no desire to see you again, as I made very clear last night, let me refuse your very kind invitation.  I hope you don't take it personally," she added sarcastically.

BOOK: Nicole: Star Crossed Lovers (A Wish for Love Series Book 2)
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