Nicolas: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Nicolas: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance
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“I’m aware of that.”

Janis took a deep breath. “I think I should sleep elsewhere, that way neither of us believes something that is obviously not happening.”

“If you wish to sleep in the other room, then I’ll take you to it. I’ll sit outside the room so I don’t disturb you. I didn’t realize you were afraid to lie by my side. You curled up next to me earlier, but I’ll respect your wishes.”

“Slow down, big fellow. I think I’m lost. Why would you sleep outside the door?”

“I don’t want to be away from you. If you’re in the other room that will be too far for both me and my other half.”

She looked up into his eyes. All she saw was sincerity as the navy of his eyes deepened. She sensed he had no intention of allowing her to get away. Breathing room is what she needed in lieu of stripping naked and asking him to plunder her unexplored depths.

Talking a deep breath she chose a different path. “How about we compromise? I walk into what I bet is the best bathroom an earth and sink into your tub. You stay out here and wait for me. After I soak, then we’ll talk more. Deal?”


The thought of lying beside him wearing little was making her body wake up. She wanted him, her nipples hardened as a thrill of something sinful hit her stomach. She never realized her body could become so sensitive just standing in the presence of a desirable male. She did her best to hide the naughty grin that was trying to take over her face.

The bathroom was beautiful. There was a deep soaker tub which was exactly what she needed. She dropped her clothes and strode towards it. She may have to give all of the females a big hug the next time she saw them. They’d gotten together and made a mall trip, giving her a basket of bath products.

She liberally used the scented bath salts and sprinkled a little of the bubble bath in with them. She stepped in and allowed the hot water to soothe her aching body.

Closing her eyes, she leaned against the slanted back of the tub. A picture of a shirtless Nicolas formed. How she wanted to explore his body and touch those muscles that called to her.

She sighed as she heard the word mate ring through her head. She shook her head in denial. It wasn’t possible. She’d already come to terms with the fact she’d never marry or have children. Even if she could suffer through a man’s touch, how could she take the chance of passing on the curse? No, marriage was out of the question.

You wouldn’t suffer if Nicolas touched you, a little voice in her head whispered. She stroked her hand through the water, ignoring the voice.

Imagine what it would feel like to feel his mouth on your nipple. Her nipples hardened at the thought. She could almost feel his strong fingers tugging on them before he lowered his lips to catch one between his teeth. Would he bite down or suck it deep into his mouth?

A soft sigh escaped her, as her hand found one hard bud and pulled. She moved her hips back and forth in the tub, feeling her body get needy.

Was it really a long stretch for her to imagine staying with him? Finding out what he meant by the word mate? She wanted to give him a chance.

There was a knock at the door. “Janis, is there something I can help you with?” His voice was low and husky, making her want to stroke herself.

Damn, she cursed to herself. Of course he could smell her. He was an alien. Wasn’t that a trait they all shared?

“No, I’m good. I’ll be out soon.”

Knowing that staying in the tub would only prolong her torture, she got out, dried off, and looked for something to sleep in. Was this a nightgown or an outfit meant for seduction? Her own nightgowns were sturdy pieces of cotton that came to the knees and showed nothing.

She tugged on the gown that seemed to emphasize her breasts and stopped mid-thigh. This would definitely send the wrong message. She grabbed the matching robe. It didn’t offer much more, but it was better than nothing. Taking a deep breath, she walked out into the next room.

“See.” She gave him a smile she wasn’t feeling. “I’m fine.”

“Yes. You’re beautiful too.”

Where was he when she was a teenager? Forget it. She was just glad he’d finally shown up.

“I think we should talk.”

“Alright, let’s sit out here.” He led her to the sitting room and took a seat on one of the plush loveseats.

Janis sat on the other loveseat and bent her knees, placing her hands on them.

“Nicolas, I know you think I’m your mate, but I can assure you I’m not.” She gave him a gentle smile, not wanting to hurt him.

“Ok, do it.”

“What?” No, no, no she didn’t want to convince him that someone else was his mate not her.

“Assure me that you’re not my mate.”

What did you say to a man when he said something like that to you? Janis found herself casting around for words to say. She never thought he would challenge her statement.

“Ok. We haven’t known each other long enough to even think that could be possible. You only think you want me because you saved my life.”

He stood and walked over to her. “You have such small, beautiful hands.”

He picked up her small hand and examined each finger before moving to her palm. Tracing the patterns there, he watched her chest rise and fall.

“Can you feel my touch, Janis?”

“Yes.” Her voice came out slightly breathless. She felt the joy of his touch move through her. Again the sensation of pleasure and not pain had her wanting to throw herself at him.

“Good.” He took her hand and placed it over the bulge in his pants. “Can you feel me, Janis?”

“Yes.” She managed to get out without choking. “I definitely feel you.”

“Then we can do away with the word think. I want you. Do you know how many other women have been in my house? How many have been in my room, touching my intimately?”

“Every woman in her right mind?” Her hand was still pressed against his thick bulge. She was burning in the most pleasurable way. She wanted to wrap her hands around him. Stroke him.

The wave of jealousy she felt at the thought of other women was unreasonable. She knew that, but it came anyway. She’d hurt anyone who tried to touch him as long as she was around, even though she wasn’t his mate.

“None. Not one woman, Janis. I didn’t invite you here by mistake. Now, for your first statement. Time. How much time do you think it takes to know the person you want to spend the rest of your life with? Tell me when you met me you weren’t immediately drawn to me. Tell me when you met my eyes all those months ago, you didn’t run because of the overwhelming need you felt to be with me. Tell me something I can believe, Janis.”

She closed her eyes, trying to deny his words. She’d convinced herself it had been her imagination. She’d been so confused, she locked the memory up and forgot about it until now. No wonder she felt so comfortable with him. She remembered him, being drawn to him.

The desire to walk over to him and offer herself up like some goddess of love overwhelmed her and terrified her at the same time. She was willing to deal with unbearable pain to feel his caress on her skin. Instead she turned tail and ran for her peace of mind and for her safety.

She flexed her fingers and gripped his cock, feeling herself go up in flames. Someone help her. She wanted this male. How was she going to give him up like she knew she should?

His indrawn breath made her look at the hand that was caressing him. “You know I have never touched a male before. I don’t know what it feels like to caress the skin of one, to feel my hands on his stomach, tracing his muscles.”

“We could change that.”

“What do you mean?” Her voice was throaty, but she couldn’t help it. Was he agreeing to something that might change her life?

“You could touch me, however you wanted to. Clothes on. Clothes off. I would lie on the bed, keeping my hands to myself, unless you begged me to touch you.”


“A male needs some dreams.”

Her lips twitched despite herself. The more time she spent with him, the more she liked him.

When would she get another chance like this? He made the offer, even with her wearing the half revealing gown that he was watching keenly with an air of desire.

“No touching me unless I ask?”

“Unless you beg.”

Chapter Nine

Janis watched as Nicolas backed away from her. He reached down to grasp the hem of the shirt he was wearing. The muscles in his arms flexed and she licked her dry lips. He pulled the shirt up slowly, revealing cut abs that made her palms sweat.

The speed of her heart increased with every inch of skin he revealed. His concave stomach came into view and her breathing became slightly erratic. She was never going to get a chance to touch him. At this rate, she might not survive him pulling off his shirt.

His shirt covered his face, revealing his male chest with those flat enticing nipples. She bit her bottom lip to keep from gasping. She had to touch him. It felt like a biological imperative.

He took the shirt off and casually dropped it beside her on the loveseat. Turning, he walked into the other room.

She followed like a puppet on a string.

He went to the closet and toed off his shoes before bending over and peeling off his socks. His toned ass flexed. She almost swallowed her tongue.

He turned to look at her and winked; before going to the king sized bed and the immaculate comforter that covered it. He stretched out with his hands laced behind his head.

She licked her lips, trying to get moisture into her dry mouth. “I can touch you anywhere?”

Her voice sounded unfamiliar to her ears, but it was the best she could manage.

“Touch me anyplace you want, Angel. Command me to take off any article of clothing.”


“Your planet has a legend that says angels have the power to bring both pleasure and pain with their touch. Please me.” He looked at her small pale hands. “Torment me, Angel.”

Janis crawled up on the bed beside him. Her normal thoughts of running had abandoned her long ago. She was going to touch this man. Explore every inch of his hard body.

She knelt next to him, allowing her eyes to trace every ripped muscle. Dragging her eyes from his chest to his face, she watched his dark gaze devour her.

Reaching out, she traced his lips with her fingers. They were firm, reminding her of the kiss they shared and her desire to do it again. She leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on his mouth, before stroking those beautifully chiseled lips with her tongue.

She pressed harder against his lips, asking him silently to let her in. His mouth opened and her breath invaded him before her tongue followed suit. She stroked his tongue, feeling her body respond to the kiss, the need in her igniting a desire for more.

Her fingers along his jaw line. She followed her fingers with her tongue. He tasted so good. He was a combination of wildness and sophistication. It was a heady taste combined with a devastating scent. The need to draw him in was overwhelming.

Trembling fingers grazed the column of his neck tracing downward. Placing the palms of her hands on his hard chest she caressed him. The feel of his hardened nipples intrigued her. Running her hands over them several times, liking the tingling in her palms and the fluttering between her legs.

Reaching out she grasped a nipple between her fingers, pinching it — watching as his nostrils flared and eyes lowered for a minute. Smiling wickedly she repeated the act. He liked it. Leaning over, she took the other nipple into her mouth and sucked.

A low groan emerged from his lips. It caused a shiver of desire to climb up her spine. The tingling between her legs was noticeable as she tried not to clench them together.

She laid her body on his as she licked and sucked at his nipple. The feel of the heat from his body invading hers, from her breasts down to her core made her head spin. She slid her body over his, thrilling at the full body contact she’d never experienced before.


She looked up and gave him a shaky smile. How did you explain to someone you thought you would live and die without ever experiencing what most women took for granted?

“I’m good.”

“Then my other nipple is feeling deprived.”

A naughty smile swept across her face before she bit it. She licked his nipple, and then blew on it. She loved how it got hard. She latched her mouth onto it and sucked, slowly rocking her needy core along the long length of his hot, thick cock.

Releasing his nipple with a small sigh, her tongue traced from the center of his chest downward, until she found herself smoothing his abs with her hands. His stomach was so flat, tight and hard. The feel of him under her hands was making the beat of her heart painful.

“You’re so handsome. Your body is made for magazines or film, not for me.”

“You’re wrong, Angel. I was made for you and you were made for me.”

“You don’t understand.”

“I do. I understand you have the generous breasts that will fit my hands perfectly. I can’t wait to take them in my mouth and suck them, lick them, and bite them.”

She moaned as more of her juices made their way down her thighs.

“I understand that one day you’ll lie on this bed, begging me to take my tongue and lick your juicy center. I understand that one day you’ll ride my cock, sitting on me with your hair flying behind you. I understand.”

Her cheeks burned with the pictures his words painted for her. She wanted all that more than anything.

She lowered her eyes and traced his abs with her tongue, counting each definition in her head. He was panting. The more she licked and kissed him, the faster his breathing hitched.

Sliding her hands to the edge of his pants, she traced the line where they met his body. Indecision lit her eyes. She wanted to be brave enough to command him to take them off, but the timid woman still lived inside of her and she couldn’t. Her head lowered in failure.

“Angel, would you like me to turn over?”

Why hadn’t she thought of that? “Yes. Turn over.”

She smiled as he turned over managing not to dislodge her from where she was sitting on him. Oh, sweet heaven. His back was almost as gorgeous as his chest. Who knew men could have such perfect definition in their backs?

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