Nick and Lilac (15 page)

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Authors: Marian Tee

BOOK: Nick and Lilac
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Forget about what was right,
Lilac thought in a daze as her arms went around his neck like it was her only anchor.
was what had kept her awake the whole night, the thing that had her tongue-tied the moment she had seen Nick outside her front door, the thing that had her body shaking so hard now it was almost as if she had an earthquake of need to quench inside her.

“Can we cheat for tonight, sweetheart?” Nick asked hoarsely as he reluctantly let go of her lips to allow Lilac to breathe. He pulled her turtleneck down so he could kiss his way to her collarbone then going back up to suck on her neck.

“C-cheat?” She arched her neck, arched her
body just to give him access. It made her feel deliciously wanton, and the heady feeling had her grinding her soft mound against his rock-hard erection.

Nick let out a guttural sound of satisfaction and need, his fingers digging into her hips even as he sucked harder at her neck. As she moaned, he gritted harshly, “Let’s be bad for tonight.” He lifted his head up and saw her doll eyes widen in confusion. His hips rose up in response, trying to push his restricted cock into her equally covered softness.


The word sounded even sexier when she whispered it with such innocent sweetness. He bit her lip, making her whimper. “Yes,” he growled. “Let’s be bad. No excuses about what we’re doing. Just how hot I am for you.” He grabbed her hand and brought it to his cock. She gasped, but her fingers curled around his length at the same time.

Nick’s breathing hitched at the incredible sensation of having Lilac hold his cock. “Do you feel how hot I am for you?” At her nod, he released her hand to delve into her softness, pressing on her tiny nub of pleasure. She moaned.

“Yes,” he rasped. “I feel it, too,
manari mou.
You’re fucking hot for me, too, aren’t you?”

Lilac only whimpered and bucked her hips in answer, silently telling him she wanted more of his touch.

“You have to tell me clearly you want this, too.”

She glared at him in frustration.

He managed a smile even though he felt his cock was close to bursting. “Say you want---”

Lilac cupped his face with both hands and kissed him, her tongue aggressively pushing into his lips, answering his question better than any words. Nick’s laughter was triumphant and dark, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was more of Nick and his drugging caresses.

His hands were busy now, impatiently pulling her turtleneck dress up and over her head. He tossed it into the passenger seat next to them and a few seconds later, her bra followed.

She heard a clicking sound right before they fell. “Ah!” Lilac exclaimed in surprise as Nick’s seat fell back, causing her to fall on him as well and smashing his face with her bare breasts. “Oh!” She turned red.

“Heaven,” Nick growled just before he cupped her breasts and took one nipple in.

A strangled moan escaped her, and she could only grip his shoulders as he sucked long and hard at her nipple. Another moan came out of her lips when Nick did the same to her other nipple, Lilac’s fingers tightening around his shoulders.

“Nick.” She moaned out loud, her body on fire. She tossed her head back even as she found her fingers moving up to grip his head.

Nick shuddered when Lilac’s grip on his hair tightened, using it to push his head forward as if wanting him to suck her nipples harder. It was a hell of a turn on, having the usually placid Lilac be this demanding. It made his cock rear up, so painfully hard he knew he would be experiencing a mind blowing orgasm later.

He let go of her nipple just long enough to command, “Take off your panties.” Then he went back to sucking her nipples, deliberately making noise as he did.

The sound of Nick sucking on her nipple was the hottest sound she had ever heard, enough to make her eyes dilate, her toes curl, and wetness to flood her core. She hurried to do as bid, her fingers clumsy, and her wriggling movements only forcing her to press her body more insistently against Nick. It pushed her nipple further into his mouth, so much that Nick was now sucking a part of her breast.

“Oh.” The sensation was unbelievable, the pleasure she experienced so agonizingly vivid she was in a daze as she finally managed to throw her panties to the floor. Before she could tell him she was done, it seemed that Nick already knew, his fingers moving down. She held her breath when he reached the edge of the triangle between her legs, and she inhaled more sharply as he traced the diagonal line of her hip.

“Nick.” It was all she could manage to say.

He finally let her nipple go, and his hand immediately rubbed it soothingly. Nick looked up at her as his other fingers drifted closer to her core.

“Do you want me, Lilac?”

She nodded.

“Do you want me to take you with my fingers?”

She nodded then gasped because he was already doing it, sinking two fingers into her folds at the same time. Just like that and she already felt too full, making her wonder how it would be like if it was his enormous cock pushing inside her.

The thought was more than enough to have her head spin, making her even more slippery with wetness inside.

“Sweetheart, you’re so wet it’s fu…it’s killing me.” Out of the blue, the thought of having his crude words remind Lilac of James Caruthers cropped up, and Nick swiftly changed his words.

She shook her head at him, her long dark hair swaying behind her like a beautiful veil. “It’s…okay.” Lilac’s smile was even more exquisite, and a bolt of pure pleasure shot through him at the sight of it. “You can talk…dirty.” She leaned forward, saying awkwardly, shyly, “I…like it if…it’s…you.”

“Ah, fuck, Lilac, fuck, fuck, fuck.” He hauled her down to kiss her hard and she giggled against his lips. He started fucking her with his fingers, too, and her giggles quickly disappeared, replaced instantly by whimpers.

He fucked her long and hard, a part of him wanting her to be ready for his penetration, if there ever would be a time he would have Lilac’s virginity, for better or for worse. He groaned when she started moving in rhythm with his fingers, the raw sounds of his fingers sliding in and out of her erotic beyond belief.

“Lilac, goddamn, no…” He groaned loud when Lilac’s fingers slipped into the waistband of his pants, into his briefs and then down to brush against the head of his cock. And then she was gripping him, her fingers curling around his cock.

His entire body jerked, his cock shooting up in her hand while his fingers thrust into her harder.

Both of them let out strangled sounds of pleasure, their desire-glazed eyes meeting.

“I want you…to come.” His little lamb wasn’t so shy anymore, and the determination in her voice just pushed him closer to the edge.

“We’ll come together,” he agreed rawly and this time when he started moving his fingers in and out of her, she did the same, matching his rhythm with the way she rubbed his cock up and down.

“Faster.” He thrust his fingers faster and even as she gasped, she was doing the same to his cock, making Nick gasp as well.

“Harder. Squeeze me.” As he increased the strength of his fingers’ thrusts, she mimicked his strength, squeezing his cock hard even as she continued with her sure, steady, and fucking hot strokes.

“I’m about to come,” he gritted.


He didn’t wait for Lilac to say anything else, simply moving his thumb up so he could press down on her clit even as he continued fucking her with his fingers. She came with a scream, her fingers tightening reflexively around his cock, her thumb moving up to press down on the wet sensitive slit of the head of his cock.

“Fuck! Lilac, don’t fucking stop.” Nick threw his head back as he came as well, body shuddering as Lilac continued stroking his cock while her thumb caressed the head of his cock.

Lilac collapsed against his chest after, her hand still curled around his semi-erect cock. Nick kissed her hair as he carefully pulled his fingers out, the popping sound making Lilac whimper in embarrassment.

He chuckled.

She pinched his shoulder, weakly.

He laughed.

She growled.

Nick kissed her hair again. “Lilac.” He came to a decision. “I want to fuck you for real.”


“This isn’t…

His hand went around her nape, a possessive hold that had her shivering. And then Nick was making her look up, Lilac obeying the silent command because she couldn’t help it. “Don’t play word games with me, sweetheart. You know what I mean.” His hold on her nape tightened, and his voice was rough with passion as he told her, “I haven’t fucked anyone else since we started being friends, Lilac. I just want you.”

His words made it hard to breathe. Lilac wanted to look away, but Nick’s blue eyes weren’t going to let her go so easily. Fear made her mouth dry at what Nick was asking. “Nick…I’m

Nick’s face remained implacable. “Friends trust each other, Lilac. So
trust me.
” His heartbeat was like an unstoppable bullet train inside him as he waited for her answer. Maybe if he wasn’t selfish, he would have cared that he would be taking Lilac’s virginity – something that should belong to a man who could truly love her as she deserved.

But he wasn’t that kind of man.

He was Nick Christakos, and he wanted Lilac like he had wanted no other – not even Karla.

“Lilac, look at me.”

Her eyes rose up to meet him once more, pale violet wide like a doll’s that he could never get tired gazing at. Nick said fiercely, “I might not be able to love you like other men could but with me, sweetheart, you’ll never have to be scared---”

Lilac’s breath caught as he held her cheek, his touch so reverent it made her swallow.

“With me, you will always be a
lady. My lady



The Thirteenth Encounter


Nick Christakos took a
time to shower.

It was a startling fact, and it helped somewhat calm Lilac’s still-racing heartbeat. By tacit agreement, they had chosen not to talk about what Nick had asked, fingers twined with each other as Nick used his private elevator to go straight to his office. “I need to change,” he told her with a rueful look at his pants.

The dark spot staining the crotch area made Lilac turn red, but Nick had only chuckled. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I know this won’t be a problem soon enough.” He caressed her cheek, saying teasingly, “Right?”

She could only turn redder and was beyond relieved when he didn’t push it. But they both knew Nick was just biding his time before he would ask her again – and when that time came, Lilac would have to answer.

It was very, very nerve-wracking.

And she did not want to ruin the rest of her night by worrying over it.

“You still okay there?” Nick shouted from the shower.

Her lips twitched, but she kept silent, knowing it would annoy Nick.

“Lilac, if you don’t answer, I’m coming out naked---”

“Still…okay!” she yelled back as quickly as she could. With Nick, one never knew if he was teasing or not.

His rich dark laughter spilled out, the faint sound reaching her even though she stood a small distance away from his private quarters. Another minute passed, but there was no sign of Nick coming out anytime soon.
BBFs were so high maintenance,
Lilac thought with a sigh as she parked herself in one of the hugely luxurious chairs in Nick’s office and tucked her legs under her. Picking Nick’s phone from the center table, she resumed reading the rest of the contract of Nick’s latest acquisition.

An immeasurable amount of time passed when the sound of a door opening had Lilac looking up. She blinked in confusion upon seeing Nick coming in from the
. Maybe his adjoining private quarters had its own exit door to the reception area?

 And then Lilac saw what Nick was wearing, and her jaw dropped. She forgot everything else, her whole attention now centered on Nick.

He still looked beautiful, of course, but this was also the most casual she had seen Nick. Dressed in a checkered polo, white shirt, and jeans, all Lilac could say was, “Wow.”


At the unexpected sound of a female voice in his brother’s private office, Jason’s head snapped towards it even as his body went taut. A part of him was afraid it was Karla, his brother’s greatest weakness, but instead it was the opposite.

This girl, Jason realized with what felt like a punch to his guts, was going to be
weakness. His jaw went slack. No, he thought. She was already his weakness, and he was getting goddamn weaker by the second.

She was one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen, and of course he had seen a lot. Long dark hair that appeared silky smooth like a mermaid’s, big lilac eyes like a cosplay princess’, alabaster skin like a porcelain doll, and the most amazing curves that even her ghastly turtleneck dress couldn’t hide.

The intense gaze made Lilac blush. “Stop staring.”

Her voice was soft, soothing, with just the slightest hint of rustiness to it, like speaking wasn’t her first form of communication. It just added another layer of mystery to her, making the girl even sexier in his eyes.

His eyes still devouring her, Jason answered honestly, “I can’t help it.”

Lilac waited for him to walk closer but he didn’t, forcing her to ask awkwardly, “Shall we go?”

Yes, they could go. He wanted her to go with him, but…it wasn’t his fucking time to take this girl with him…
. Jason glimpsed the phone in her hands, its distinct platinum casing letting him know instantly whose phone she was holding. He asked curiously, “What are you reading?”

Lilac frowned. “The report…why?”

Jason raised a brow. “The report?”

Wondering at the odd note of the man’s voice, she answered, “Yes. The report…on
. It’s very…interesting.” She beamed, getting carried away while remembering the details of the report. “The developer…you chose for this…project…he’s amazing. He’s…

But Nick hadn’t chosen the developer. It was him. Jason wanted to tell her that, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Not even as his heart splintered into pieces at her words, everything in him demanding that he tell this girl it was
who would be perfect for her, the same way she was perfect for him.


Hearing her say his brother’s name was like a goddamn nail to his coffin. Jason asked with unintentional abruptness, “Why do you say the developer’s perfect?” A look of surprised hurt flickered in her big beautiful eyes at his tone, and Jason silently cursed himself. Gentling his voice, he said, “I really want to know. My brother thinks I’m crazy for trusting him, considering his age.”

At the note of genuine interest in Nick’s voice, she relaxed, answering, “He may just…be nineteen…but that doesn’t…matter because---as you should…know---he’s also…the developer of
Samurai X.
The game…I mean. If he did that…justice…then he will do…
…justice, too.”

A smile touched his lips at how she so carefully but passionately defended
choice – not Nick’s. “Do you think it will sell then?”

She gave him a thumbs-up sign. “Absolutely.” Then with a smile, she gestured for him to come closer. “I want to…show you…something.” She waved his phone at him. “I found something…online that you will…find…interesting.”

Jason shook his head.

She blinked. “Nick?”

, Jason thought as he took a step back. His heart banged against his chest. He suddenly had a bad feeling about this.

This time, Lilac was very sure something was wrong. When she started walking toward Nick, he started backing away. “Stop---”

She reached him. “What’s wro---” Her voice trailed off. She rubbed her eyes. She looked up, and then she rubbed her eyes again. But still it was the same. Lilac stumbled back.

“You’re not…Nick,” she whispered.

“No.” The tone was harsh. “I’m not.”

The door behind Lilac opened and she whirled around, shock making her dizzy when she saw
another Nick.

The second Nick cursed. “Lilac---”

Behind her, the first Nick grated out, “Lilac?”

, she answered numbly in her mind. She was Lilac, and she was going to faint.


Nick tasted fear like no other as Lilac’s body fell in slow motion before his eyes. The next thing he knew, he was sixteen fucking years old again, and ten men wanted to fill his ass with their cum---


He was struggling, panting, his vision going black.

No, no, no!

They were too many, and he was too fucking weak. He wasn’t a man. He wasn’t a child. He was just a stupid weak fool who thought he was better than everyone else, and now he was going to pay for it.

His pants falling to the ground, someone forcing him to bend backwards, jeering laughter around him---


He managed to throw one off him, but he got one punch after another as punishment. And then there was the most searing pain----



Suddenly, it was no longer Nick with his ass bare. It was Lilac, and her eyes were filled with so much pain and betrayal. “Help me,” she begged him.

Nick wanted to, oh fuck, he wanted to but he couldn’t. Because he was weak---


Nick came to with a gasp, white-faced. But he forgot all about his fear when he saw an unconscious Lilac in his brother’s arms. “Give her to me!” He needed, God he so fucking needed to have Lilac close to him.

“Nick---” There was a strange look on Jason’s face, and his tone mirrored it.

“Call the doctor,” he cut Jason off sharply. Without looking back, he pushed the door to his room open with his shoulder.

He laid Lilac gently on the bed. But when her head fell facing him, all he could see was Karla’s stunning face streaked with tears.

I still love you, Nick. I’ll always love you. I will always think you’re the strongest and most beautiful guy in the world. I won’t ever leave you.

But she did. She had. And she should have – everyone should leave him because he was weak and ugly where it counted the most.


When Lilac woke, the first thing she saw was Nick – or was it really Nick?

“It’s really me, sweetheart.” The grimly voiced endearment set her heart at ease in an instant. Yes, she thought, body shaking with relief. It was

The world spun around her a little as she tried to force herself up, making Nick snap, “Take it easy, dammit.”

, she thought ruefully. That really was Nick.

But his touch was incredibly gentle as he helped her up, murmuring soothing words and stroking her hair after. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You scared me to death,
manari mou
,” he muttered accusingly.

When he took a seat next to her, it was only then Lilac realized she was half-lying on a bed with silk covers in a beautifully and cozily designed room that was completely unfamiliar. “Where are…we?”

“It’s my private room here in the company,” Nick answered briefly, his gaze still narrowed with concern. “I crash here when I’m working late and I don’t have time to go home.”

Slowly, and with more interest this time after his answer, she looked around. Black soundproofed walls, steel embellishments, and a full-length frameless mirror mounted on the wall next to the ceiling-high windows, its curtains drawn back. No T.V., not even a table or a couch. It was surprisingly bare, considering the sophisticated image that Nick presented to the world.

“It seems…too simple…for your taste.” Something nagged at her, but she couldn’t make herself ask the question.

“I told you. It’s just for when I’m too tired to go home.” Nick sounded impatient, but his touch was still gentle when he cupped her chin and made Lilac face him. His eyes widened. “So that’s what you’re worried about.”

She shook her head quickly, but that soon proved to be a mistake. Pain assaulted her head once more, and a groan slipped past Lilac’s lips.

Nick’s own lips tightened. “Idiot,” he growled at her but he was already massaging her temples, his fingers surprisingly adept at kneading the pain away. “This really is just a place for me to crash. It’s not a fuck pad.”

Knowing better this time, Lilac took care as she moved her shoulders with what she hoped was a nonchalant shrug.

He slowly tipped her chin up, asking teasingly, “Jealous?” He laughed when he got a disdainful glance, the kind only someone like the aloof Lilac York could ever give. It was arousing, which was also unfortunate since Lilac wasn’t fit at all for a second round of going bad.

“You need glasses again.”

Lilac took a second to react. “Nick!”

“Can’t help it, sweetheart. It seems like everything you do these days is a turn on.” With a sigh, he caressed her lips, with the need to touch Lilac a constant urge. “How do you feel now?”

“Be better…if you don’t stop…the head massage.”

Laughing, he returned to kneading the sides of her temples and was rewarded by Lilac’s blissful sigh. “The doctor will be here anytime soon.”

Her eyes flew open. “I don’t need---”

Nick glared Lilac into silence. “You’re going to see the doctor and that’s fucking final.”

“Arrogant…billionaire.” Lilac muttered the words under her breath.

“Damn right I am,” he growled. Cupping her face, he told her with a snarl, “You almost killed me with worry back there so don’t you fucking faint again!”

Unable to believe how it suddenly seemed like everything was her fault, Lilac could only blink.

“And don’t you try blinking at me to make me less angry,” Nick growled.

Lilac didn’t know whether to laugh out loud or growl back. Unable to stop herself from blinking at the utter absurdity of Nick’s words, she protested, “But I---”

“It’s not a fucking joke, Lilac,” Nick said tightly.

There was something in his words that made her pause.

“Seeing you fall like that…” Nick’s breath hissed out. “It brought everything back. And when you didn’t wake, it became worse. This time, I keep seeing
. It’s you those fucking asses were trying to hurt and---”

With a choked cry, Lilac threw her arms around Nick and hugged him as tightly as she could. His voice had sounded so terribly haunted when he spoke, and she hated herself for being so blind. “Sorry,” she whispered against Nick’s neck.

“I couldn’t help you.” His words were filled with agony. “Even in my dreams, Lilac, I couldn’t---”

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