Nice Girls Don't Live Forever

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Authors: Molly Harper

Tags: #Threats of violence, #Man-woman relationships, #Vampires, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Romance, #Werewolves, #General, #Contemporary

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Nice Girls Don't Live Forever (Jane Jameson, Book 3)

Book Jacket

Jane Jameson [3]

SUMMARY: UNEXPECTED UNDEADBREAK-UPNothing sucks the romance out of world travel like a boyfriend who may or may not have broken up with you in a hotel room in Brussels. Jane Jameson's sexy sire Gabriel has always been unpredictable, but the seductive, anonymous notes that await him at each stop of their international vacation, coupled with his evasive behavior over the past few months, finally push Jane onto the next flight home to Half Moon Hollow -- alone, upset, and unsure whether Gabriel just ended their relationship without actually telling her.Now the children's-librarian-turned-vampire is reviving with plenty of Faux Type O, some TLC from her colorful friends and family, and her plans for a Brave New Jane. Step One: Get her newly renovated occult bookstore off the ground. Step Two: Support her best friend, Zeb, and his werewolf bride as they prepare for the impending birth of their baby...or litter. Step Three: Figure out who's been sending her threatening letters, and how her hostile pen pal is tied to Gabriel. Because for this nice girl, surviving a broken heart is suddenly becoming a matter of life and undeath....

Nice Girls Don't Live Forever (Jane Jameson, Book 3)

Book Jacket

Jane Jameson [3]

SUMMARY: UNEXPECTED UNDEADBREAK-UPNothing sucks the romance out of world travel like a boyfriend who may or may not have broken up with you in a hotel room in Brussels. Jane Jameson's sexy sire Gabriel has always been unpredictable, but the seductive, anonymous notes that await him at each stop of their international vacation, coupled with his evasive behavior over the past few months, finally push Jane onto the next flight home to Half Moon Hollow -- alone, upset, and unsure whether Gabriel just ended their relationship without actually telling her.Now the children's-librarian-turned-vampire is reviving with plenty of Faux Type O, some TLC from her colorful friends and family, and her plans for a Brave New Jane. Step One: Get her newly renovated occult bookstore off the ground. Step Two: Support her best friend, Zeb, and his werewolf bride as they prepare for the impending birth of their baby...or litter. Step Three: Figure out who's been sending her threatening letters, and how her hostile pen pal is tied to Gabriel. Because for this nice girl, surviving a broken heart is suddenly becoming a matter of life and undeath....

Nice Girls Don't Live Forever (Jane Jameson, Book 3)

Book Jacket

Jane Jameson [3]

SUMMARY: UNEXPECTED UNDEADBREAK-UPNothing sucks the romance out of world travel like a boyfriend who may or may not have broken up with you in a hotel room in Brussels. Jane Jameson's sexy sire Gabriel has always been unpredictable, but the seductive, anonymous notes that await him at each stop of their international vacation, coupled with his evasive behavior over the past few months, finally push Jane onto the next flight home to Half Moon Hollow -- alone, upset, and unsure whether Gabriel just ended their relationship without actually telling her.Now the children's-librarian-turned-vampire is reviving with plenty of Faux Type O, some TLC from her colorful friends and family, and her plans for a Brave New Jane. Step One: Get her newly renovated occult bookstore off the ground. Step Two: Support her best friend, Zeb, and his werewolf bride as they prepare for the impending birth of their baby...or litter. Step Three: Figure out who's been sending her threatening letters, and how her hostile pen pal is tied to Gabriel. Because for this nice girl, surviving a broken heart is suddenly becoming a matter of life and undeath....


—Susan Andersen,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Bending the Rules*

Acclaim for the “wry, deliciously
fun”* series featuring Jane Jameson,
a librarian with a really long shelf
life … check out Molly Harper’s
Nice Girls Don’t Date Dead Men

“Harper’s latest is just as fast-paced, mysterious, passionate, and hilarious as the first…. This great sequel is sure to please fans and keep them laughing as they navigate their way through one awesome story.”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars)

“With its quirky characters and the funny situations they get into, whether they be normal or paranormal,
Nice Girls Don’t Date Dead Men
is an amazing novel, deserving of
Romance Reviews Today
’s coveted Perfect 10.”

—Romance Reviews Today

Nice Girls Don’t Have Fangs
A Romantic Times
April 2009!

“Jane is an everygirl with a wonderful sense of humor and quick sarcasm. Add in the mystery and romance and you have your next must-read novel!”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars)

“Hysterical laughs are the hallmark of this enchanting paranormal debut…. Harper’s take on vampire lore will intrigue and entertain…. Jane’s snarky first-person narrative is as charming as it is hilarious…. Harper keeps the quips coming without overdoing the sarcasm.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)

“Quirky characters, human and vampire alike.”


“Charming, sexy, and hilarious…. I laughed until I cried.”

—Michele Bardsley, bestselling author of
Over My Dead Body

“Wicked fun that had me laughing out loud…. Molly Harper has a winner…. I read it all in one delicious sitting!”

—Candace Havens, bestselling author
Dragons Prefer Blondes

“A brilliantly written adventure chock full of clever prose, hilarity, and hunky vampires!”

—Stephanie Rowe, national bestselling author of

“Molly Harper’s debut novel is the first in a hopefully long line of books featuring Jane and her entertaining crew.
Nice Girls Don’t Have Fangs
is a wonderful treat.”

Romance Reviews Today

“If you are a fan of humorous vampire stories, please pick up
Nice Girls Don’t Have Fangs
. Jane is such a great character, and there are so many funny lines and scenes that I dog-eared my copy just to go back and re-read them. This was a fun book all around and right now it’s my choice for my favorite humorous romance for this year.”

—All About Romance

“This debut novel is very lovable. The author has not only managed to create a new vampire type and make it her own but she has also managed to make it fresh and original…. Fun, witty, and very tasty, this looks like a series to watch.”

—Amberkatze’s Book Blog

“The word that just keeps popping into my head is … incredible. That about sums it up.”

—Books, Books and More Books

Other Jane Jameson adventures
available from Pocket Star Books

Nice Girls Don’t Have Fangs

Nice Girls Don’t Date Dead Men



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Pocket Star Books
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,
and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination
or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales
or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2010 by Molly Harper White

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book
or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address
Pocket Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the
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First Pocket Star Books paperback edition January 2010

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ISBN 978-1-4165-8944-0
ISBN 978-1-4391-6669-7 (ebook)

For Brandi Bradley,
Long Live the Dead Virgins Club


Many thanks to my husband, David, for putting up with a sleep-deprived and occasionally cranky spouse who has conversations with people that don’t really exist. To my mom, the one-woman maternal marketing machine: I would not be here without you. To my dad: many fathers wouldn’t know what to with a daughter who writes this sort of thing, so thanks for showing me how proud you are every day. To Russ and Nancy, who probably didn’t expect nearly this many vampire-related family dinner conversations when I married your son: thank you for all of your support.

And finally, the Jane Jameson books would not have seen the light of day without the enthusiasm, patience, and subtle prodding of my agent, Stephany Evans. My endless gratitude, darlin’.


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