Next to Me (33 page)

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Authors: AnnaLisa Grant

BOOK: Next to Me
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“You won’t know if you don’t at least reach out to him and try,” Mercy tells me.

“You have to tell him what you want from him,” Demi says.

“What…just call him and tell him that I’m still in love with him and that

I want to spend the rest of my life with him? You guys weren’t there. You

don’t know…” I murmur.

“We would know if you’d tell us,” Mercy says softly.

“Now is not the time or the place to talk about this. Today is about Demi and Jack. Let’s just focus on that, ok? After the wedding you can drown my romantic sorrows with me and some cookie dough ice cream.”

The car stops in front of Duke’s and Mercy and I get out first, making sure Jack is inside. Demi’s dad is outside waiting for her. When she steps out of the car he can barely hold it together and immediately begins to wipe his eyes.

“You look like a million bucks, Dem. A million bucks.” Demi’s dad is a born and bred Chicagoan and spent some time in some of the rougher parts of the city when he was younger. He’s a little rough around the edges himself, not so great at sharing his feelings, so this just might be the best compliment he’s ever given her.

“Thanks, Dad.” Demi gives her dad a kiss on the cheek and he looks at her like she’s his pride and joy. It warms my heart because I remember that there was actually a time when my father looked at me that way…before Paris.

I go inside and make sure everything is all set up and ready before Demi and her dad come in. Spring is going to get the door when Mercy and I are at the front of the room and it’s time for Demi to come in.

“You look gorgeous, Jenna,” Jerry says as he kisses my cheek. “Thanks for helping with the dance stuff. I think Mercy is going to be really happy when we do more than shuffle and sway from side to side on the dance floor.”

“Thanks, Jerry. You were a good student. You picked it up really fast! I know Mercy is going to flip. Oh, and thanks for the limo. That was really cool,” I say.

“What limo?” Jerry says, puzzled.

“You didn’t send a limo to pick us up at the hotel?” Jerry just shakes his head. “Hmm…must have been Jack. Where is he, by the way?”

“Back room. I’ve kept him in there for the last half hour to make sure he didn’t see Demi. Mercy’s orders,” he tells me with a small laugh.

I find Jack in Jerry’s office, pacing back and forth.

“You ok in here?” I ask, startling him.

“I’m great. Jerry threatened me within an inch of my life if I came out of here. I’m glad to see you. That means Demi is here and I’m that much closer to making her mine.” Jack leans against the desk and smiles like a fool in love and it’s the greatest smile I’ve ever seen on anyone.

“She’s just as excited as you are,” I tell him. “We made sure she ate today. Lots, actually. So don’t worry if she doesn’t eat too much this afternoon. Just offer her some fruit periodically if you don’t see her eating. Gotta keep her and the baby’s strength up! You ready?”

“More than ready. Let’s get this show on the road.” Jack stands straight up and follows me out into the bar.

I poke my head out the door and let Mercy, Demi, and her dad know that it’s time. I’m the last one to get my flowers from the florist as she’s already delivered them to Demi and Mercy. They’re a sweet mix of seasonal end-of-summer flowers that work surprisingly well with both Mercy's and my dress.  Of course, anything looks beautiful against the bride’s soft white dress.

The music for Mercy and me starts playing and we make our way down the short aisle to the front of the bar. There are normally a dozen small tables barely big enough to seat four people filling this area. Jerry’s sister has performed a miracle with how she’s rearranged the whole bar for the ceremony. The tables are lining the walls so that no one can sit at them. Their chairs are being used for guests anyway. She’s draped pink and white chiffon around the room to cover the exposed brick walls. There are lines and lines of little white lights behind the chiffon to make it glow. It’s a really cool look with the contrast of the brick being covered by these soft materials

and light. I hope Demi loves it as much as I do when she comes in.

Demi’s music starts to play and her mom stands up to cue the rest of the 50 or so guests to stand with her. The light from outside is so bright behind Demi and her father that we can’t see them until Spring closes the door behind them. When Demi sees how transformed the bar is, her face lights up. And when Jack and Demi come into each other’s view, they both start to cry.

The reverend takes them through the ceremony and I can’t help but giggle a little at the thought that this is probably the first wedding he’s performed in a bar. I’m sure he’ll have a great story to tell.

Demi said she didn’t want them to write their own vows. She’s always felt like that was a super personal thing and it always makes her uncomfortable as a guest. So they did the standard vows that were just as beautiful. They say
I do
and Jack gives her the sweetest first married kiss I’ve ever seen, but I may feel that way about every first kiss at a wedding.

The ceremony ends, pictures are taken, and the tables lining the walls are moved in just enough to create space but also make room for dancing.

“Demi, my incredible wife,” Jack says holding the microphone that’s been threaded under the pipe and draping. “I have a gift for you. Well, this is my first wedding gift to you.” Demi looks at Jack, standing where only moments ago they said their vows, with a suspicious look in her eye.

Before she can say anything, Jerry and Matt pull the draping down, revealing Sharper Image on the other side. I swear Demi’s scream was heard by dogs on the other side of the city. She was more excited than I ever anticipated she would be.

Without hesitation she grabs Jack and kisses him like there is no tomorrow. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Best husband ever!” she chants in between kissing him.

“He’s never going to live up to this mega gift ever again,” Mercy says with her trademarked sarcasm.

“Yeah, but every time they have an argument and she wants to talk about

how he’s screwed something up, he’s going to have this to refer to.
Uh, I got you your favorite band for our wedding
, I win!” Jerry laughs.

The band plays a few of Demi’s favorite songs while some people eat and drink or just mill around. When they begin a slow song I watch Jerry take Mercy’s hand and lead her to the dance floor. She settles in for their standard shuffle and sway, but Jerry wastes no time in showing off the moves I taught him. Before she knows what’s happening, Jerry has Mercy moving all over that dance floor in beautiful and sexy fluidity. I sigh, happy that they’ve found each other.

I scan the dance floor and spot Demi and Jack, and Matt and Spring. Something churns inside me as I watch them smile and hold each other close. The smile I was wearing fades. I didn’t want to feel this way today, but I guess this is harder than I anticipated it was going to be. I’ve never been the girl who was jealous or felt like a third or fifth wheel because her friends were all with someone and I wasn’t. I was always happy for them. I
happy for them.

I wish Landon could be here with me, but I nailed that coffin shut and there’s no way I can pry it open. I move behind the bar and start tidying things up. It’s a little after 6:00 and I know Demi and Jack will be heading out soon. They’ve just got to cut the cake and then all the official wedding moments are done.

“Can we have everyone’s attention, please?” I hear Jack say through the microphone. “First of all, thank you all so much coming today. We know it was short notice, but you all know that I’m not that great of a planner, which might be why I just got married in a bar,” he says and we all laugh. “Demi and I are so grateful for all of your love and friendship. We couldn’t have pulled off such an incredible day without you. So we want to raise a toast to all of you and wish you all the happiness that we have today.” Everyone raises their glasses and gives a cheer.

“Before we cut the cake, there’s one tradition that we didn’t want to leave out: the bouquet toss and the garter!” Demi says too excitedly.

I hate this tradition. A bunch of desperate, single women in the middle of the room, clawing at each other for a shot at a bouquet of flowers that is somehow supposed to determine whether they’re the next one to get married or not. Then, there’s a group of single guys desperate to get laid so they push and shove each other so they can grab the garter and get a little leg action when they put it on the single tramp who punched another women for the bouquet. Good times.

“We’d like to do things a little differently, though,” Demi begins. “Instead of having all the girls and all the guys out here, and make you fight your way for the bouquet and garter, Jack and I have decided to give the bouquet and garter to two people who are more than crazy about each other and are destined to live a long and happy life together. We’re going to call them up here and they’re going to share a special dance.”

I come out from behind the bar and look for Mercy and Jerry. I wonder if his pleas for dance help were because of this. I bet he set it all up with Jack and Demi so he can propose!

“Would you all please clear the dance floor for Jenna Rockwell and Landon Scott?” Demi finishes and looks at my stunned face.

My heart stops and Landon emerges from the other side of the room. Has he been here the whole time? My legs feel like cement until Spring comes behind me and nudges me, forcing my first step. Landon stands in the middle of the floor, holding out his hand. I bite my lip to keep from exploding into the ugly cry.

“You’re here,” I say quietly.

“I’m here,” he says.

Landon takes me in his arms and holds my hand in his at his heart. Music starts to play but I don’t pay enough attention to it to recognize what it is. We move together silently for a little while, neither of us sure what to say to the other.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Mercy called me. She told me if I didn’t get my ass back here and make things right with you that she was going to let Jerry use my head for batting practice. So…” Landon smiles and I give a breathy laugh..

“They don’t know anything,” I say. “Well, Spring knows everything, but the others don’t,” I tell him.

“They do now,” he says. “Spring called me first and asked when I was coming back. I told her you made it clear that you didn’t want me around and that’s when she let me know that you had given her the whole story…and when she told me that Dellinger was off your back. Why didn’t you tell me, Jenna?”

“I was scared. I was mean and unkind, and I pushed you away on purpose.” Tears fill my eyes and I can’t keep them from falling over. “I’m so sorry, Landon.”

“There’s nothing for you to be sorry for, Jenna.” Landon looks into my eyes, locking ours together. By now Demi and Jack have joined us on the dance floor and invited everyone else to dance as well. “You didn’t push me away. Dellinger did. Your father did. If you didn’t feel like we were all in danger, you wouldn’t have pushed me away,” he says a bit sternly.

“I’m still sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”

“I sent a limo to pick you up at the hotel, didn’t I?” Landon smiles and flashes that sexy smirk and I think all might be right in the world.

“Well played, Mr. Scott. Well played.” I smile, relieved that at least for now, everything seems to be moving in the right direction. There’s still something that’s weighing on me, though. “I’m still scared, Landon. Your job…”

“My job isn’t nearly as important as you are. I work for myself and I just gave myself early retirement.”


“You want to argue with me about my plans to spend forever with you?” he says. I nod and Landon puts his hand behind my neck and pulls me to him. Our lips press together and I don’t hesitate for a moment to give in. I’ve missed him so much and I’m so hopeful that we can love each other the way we did before the craziness of my father and Henry Dellinger.

“I have to ask you something,” Landon says, releasing me from our kiss. He steps back and somehow the crowd parts like the Red Sea. “I really would have done this in Paris had you let me.”

As if on cue, the band has stopped playing and I see that Demi and Jack, and Mercy and Jerry are responsible for the space we’ve been given. The four of them are standing there like proud parents filled with excitement for their little girl.

In a moment Landon is down on one knee, holding a black, velvet ring box. My heart is pounding and more than the feelings of love I have for Landon, right now I’m feeling so incredibly grateful. This dream had died and now it’s been brought back to life. There isn’t a long road of recovery and forgiveness ahead of me. Landon understands why I did what I did and he kept his promise to never leave me alone. I want to shout out my answer right now, but I have to give Landon his moment to say what he needs to say.

“Jenna…there is no one else I want to spend the rest of my days with. Please, please,
…marry me.” Landon opens the ring box and I’m too shocked to answer. There’s no ring. Where the ring should be gently nestled between the satin is a coin. Landon stands and comes closer to me, seeing the shock and confusion on my face.

“I don’t understand,” I stutter.

“I had Jace make two copies. This is the original, and last, 1913 V Nickel,” he says.

“So that means…”

“Both Ambassador McKay and your father have the copies. When I went to get my tux from the concierge, I had them put this one in the hotel safe,” he explains.

“Why didn’t you just tell me? We could have still given them the fakes and then used the real coin to bargain with Dellinger,” I offer.

“I tried to tell you that night, but you wouldn’t listen to me. You just shut down…and then you left,” he says. It’s still painful to think about. “You said that after what he did to you and your family, you never wanted him to have it. I agreed with you and took measures to protect it. And…from what Oz tells me, you didn’t need that coin as a bargaining chip with Dellinger. He told me about the insurance information and said you played Dellinger like a fiddle…said he was sweating bullets,” Landon smiles. “I’m proud of you, Jenna.”

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