New Species 09 Shadow (19 page)

Read New Species 09 Shadow Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: New Species 09 Shadow
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Her shoulders sagged. “It’s stupid.”

“Everything you say matters.”

“Okay. I was just thinking how pathetic you must see me. I made you food and I’m listing off my domestic qualities.”

Confused, he forced her head up gently with a firm grip on her chin. “Those are nice skills. I’m bad at laundry.” The need to assure her was strong. “Do you want to know what new black uniforms being washed with new white socks does? It turned the socks an ugly gray. The team laughed when they saw them the first time we hit the mats to train. No one told me whites should be separated from dark colors, especially ones that have never seen the inside of a washer before.”

“Ellie would never allow us to make that mistake. She’s our house mother who teaches us living skills.” Humor lit up her features before it faded quickly. “I have nothing else to offer you.”

He tried to make sense of what she was saying. He shook his head, at a loss. “I don’t ask for anything.”

“I live with our women. I know they train with our men and they play sports sometimes. They work together at jobs outside the home. I am not trained for anything but house chores.” Color bloomed in her cheeks. “They have a lot of experience with sex too. I don’t. I keep thinking that all I can offer in our relationship is to keep a good home if we were to share one and make you meals instead of you having to eat at the cafeteria. We won’t be able to share work stories or play rough together the way they do. I know nothing about sports or the hundred other things they could talk to you about to keep your interest.”

He struggled to find the right words.

“It’s pathetic.” She tugged out of his hold but kept eye contact. “You didn’t even want to be here.”

He hated the way she gasped when he lunged. The last thing he wanted was her fear but he didn’t stop. She was light when he just scooped her out of the chair to settle across his lap. He liked her there.

“I was afraid I might hurt you but I’ve wanted you since the moment we met.” He hugged her tighter to him. “I’m damaged and was worried that would cripple me when it came to sharing sex.” His fingers stroked her arm, glad she relaxed. “There isn’t a damn thing pathetic or lacking in you, Beauty.” He mentally ticked off her list. “I avoided Species women. It wasn’t just my hang-ups but they are kind of scary.” He softened his tone, smiling.

“Nothing scares you.”

“A lot of things do.” He wouldn’t lie to her. Pride was a small price to pay when it came to making sure Beauty knew her value. “I used to consider sharing sex with one of them and feared my body wouldn’t function. Can you imagine what one of them would do if I couldn’t get an erection?” His eyebrows lifted. “It wasn’t a pretty situation in my thoughts. What if I froze or had a flashback? They are great females but our males don’t seem to have those issues. I imagined them laughing or worse. Pity.”


Beauty saw sincerity in his steady gaze. It made her chest hurt as she snuggled into him, putting her arms around his neck. She loved being held so close to him on his lap.

“I wasn’t put into the breeding experiments much. They rarely sent a female to my cell at Mercile. Then they took me from there and…” his voice trailed off as he swallowed hard. “Abused me with machines and videos of human females. I don’t have that much experience either. It’s been years since I had a real female under me. Don’t you think I was worried that I wouldn’t be good at it anymore? You were abused too. It left me shaking inside thinking I’d remind you of that when I touched you.”

“You don’t. There’s no comparison. You’re really good at it.”

“I’m glad.” He grinned. “
glad. You are good at it too. I haven’t had a complaint.”

A load of concern lifted from her shoulders.

“All those skills you mentioned are wonderful ones. I had to learn how to cook a little, living at the task force headquarters but I’d hate to have to live off the ten things I know how to make for the rest of my life or always need to stand in a line to find a good meal.” He nuzzled her cheek with his nose. “I’m not a big fan of sports and I’m glad you don’t work with me. I’d be too afraid you’d get hurt to be effective in my duties.”

Her joy dimmed. “I’m weak.”

“Never.” His tone deepened into a scary growl. “You’re stronger than you realize. It’s not just about size or muscle when it comes to strength. You have so much of it inside. You attacked a male. Did you think you’d win?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“But you did it anyway. That’s brave.”

“It was because he was attacking you. Otherwise I would have fled or hid.” She paused. “Maybe completely freaked out.”

“I’m honored.” He nuzzled her again, kissing her cheek this time. “That means a lot to me.”

“Really?” The frail ray of hope shone inside that maybe they had a chance of a future.

“Yes.” He suddenly stood, adjusting his hold on her. “Let me show you how much.”

Her arms tightened. “What does that mean?”

He chuckled, striding quickly from the kitchen and up the stairs. “You don’t believe I really want you, while I’m worried about how I’m going to keep my hands off you now that I’ve had you under me.”

Understanding dawned. “You were hurt.”

He chuckled. “Never that badly, love.”

Excitement sparked inside Beauty at the idea of what awaited her. Shadow entered his bedroom and closed the door with his foot. He strode to the bed and bent, gently placing her on the mattress. It came as a surprise when he spun away, walked to the dresser and dragged it in front of the door.

“What are you doing?”

He smirked, reaching for the hem of his shirt. “No one is going to sneak up on us this time.” He pushed the nightstand against the bathroom door to block it.

She understood. Someone would have to break down the door, plow through a wall, crash through the window or tear through the roof to reach them.

Muscled, tan abs grabbed her attention as the shirt was tugged upward, revealing every glorious inch of Shadow’s torso. He had broad shoulders. The thickness of his biceps registered next when his arms lowered to drop the discarded clothing on the floor.

“I love to look at you.” She hadn’t meant to admit it but the confession was out before she could mute it.

“Good.” He gripped the front of the sweats, bending to tear them down his legs. His chin tilted until his gaze held hers. “The feeling is mutual. Take everything off, love. I want you bare so I can touch everywhere.”

Her breathing increased as she shifted her body, going to her knees. She clawed at her clothing, wanting the same thing. There had been a time when she would have been horrified if someone predicted she’d be locked inside a small room with a naked man, eager for him to put his hands on her body. That had been before she’d met Shadow. He’d changed her life. She shed her clothes.

Possibilities were suddenly endless and things she’d never dared to dream of filled her fantasies. The rest of her life didn’t have to be a lonely existence. Laughter and love were within her grasp thanks to the sexy man just feet away.

Shadow straightened to his full height, going absolutely still. “Are you okay? We don’t have to do this.”

Her gaze lowered down his body. He was perfect, magnificent, and aroused. The thickness of his cock as impressive as the length. “I want to.”

He inched closer and crouched beside the bed, hiding the lower half his body from her sight. “Are you certain?”

“Oh yeah.” She smiled. “I want you, Shadow. I love how you make me feel when we touch.”

The tension eased out of his features. “Lie back flat.”

So demanding.
She liked that about him. It made her feel less shy since he was in charge. Her back hit the mattress.

“Spread your thighs.”

She parted her legs and didn’t jump when he gripped her ankles, positioning them on the curves of his shoulders. He released them to grip her inner thighs, pushing them farther apart. He growled when his heated gaze lowered to focus on her exposed pussy. His tongue swiped his lips and then he lowered his face.

Beauty threw her head back the second Shadow attacked her senses. Her fingers dug into his hair as his tongue licked her clit, pleasure exploding with each strong flick. It was wild, completely untamed, but it didn’t frighten her. This time he wasn’t gentle as he manipulated her body—almost a frantic hunger to make her come as fast as possible. She was on board with that plan since jolts of need shot through her rapidly.

“Yes,” she moaned, her body tensing, the muscles in her legs shaking as she used her braced feet to lift her hips higher, tighter against his mouth.

Shadow growled low and deep, vibrations adding to the mix. Beauty closed her eyes since the ceiling blurred as the climax slammed into her. A harsh cry passed her parted lips as she jerked from the violent rapture.

His mouth tore away from her spread thighs and she barely registered it when he gripped her legs, using them to flip her over onto her stomach. Her face rubbed across the bedspread as she was dragged closer to him until her legs were eased off the bed. Shadow curled around her bent body and she gasped when his thick cock slowly penetrated her. Nails clawed at anything they could latch on to as he began to move, fucking her with a frenzy that seemed to be born of pure desperation.


Shadow wanted to howl as he held Beauty’s hip and managed to maneuver his hand between her and the bed. Her swollen, sensitive clit was easy to find with a fingertip as he rubbed against it. Vaginal muscles clenched, almost fisting his cock in a death grip. Her moans were driving him on, making thought difficult. She was heaven and hell, pure rapture and pure need to him.

“Beauty,” he rasped, his lips brushing kisses on her shoulder and the side of her throat when she turned her face his way. He wanted to see her eyes. Needed to. And then her sensual dark gaze met his.

He saw her need, her pleasure, and it was all directed at him. His heart pounded, sweat broke out over his body and he clenched his teeth to hold back his own release. He wouldn’t come without her and he could see she was close. His fingertip pressed a little tighter as his dick drove into her faster.

“Fuck. I can’t last. Want you too much.”

He was about to lose all control when his shaft hardened to the point that he knew he was done. A tight throb tingled at the base of his shaft when the swelling began, a sure sign. Her muscles suddenly quivered, milking him, and her second climax creamed the tip of his dick with wet warmth. She cried out his name and that was it.

Searing pleasure tore through him as bursts of his semen released. His hips jerked from the force of it, his body seized and her pussy tightened even more.
No, I’m swelling.
He shook from the force of his cock pumping cum inside her, jet after jet of it making him groan and revel in sexual satisfaction. He stilled. He was locked inside her the way only a Species canine could.

“I love sex,” she admitted, obviously content to lie there with him curved around her.

“I love sex with you,” he panted, brushing another kiss on her throat. “Was I too rough?” He worried he might inadvertently harm her frailer body.


Even in his frenzy, he’d taken care with her. Some of his confidence returned.
Perhaps I’ve really grown beyond my past.

“It was perfect.”

“I’m glad.” He kissed her again. His cock flexed inside her, almost with the rhythm of a heartbeat as it did it again and again. “Are you up for another round? The swelling is fading.” Need and desire for her were a living, breathing thing inside him. He’d never get enough of his Beauty. Touching her, tasting her, being inside her sweet body.

Beauty smiled. “Good.”

Everything felt right in his world.

Chapter Fifteen


“You’re doing great.” Torrent chuckled. “See why they call it dog-paddling? We’re good at it.”

Shadow wasn’t amused. “You could have told me to keep my chin up.”

“You’re smart. You learned before you swallowed too much of the river.” The male moved to shallower water, standing when his feet touched bottom. “I think that’s enough for today. You are passably skilled and won’t drown. It’s good that you pick things up quickly.”

“Beauty’s life is in my hands.”

Torrent nodded. “We do what we must to protect our females.”

“My female.”

Torrent shoved his wet hair out of his face. “It will score you points with impressing her. Maybe I should give Beauty lessons now.”

The snarl was instant. Shadow glared at the male. “Don’t speak of her or go near her again.”

“Fine.” His hands disappeared into the water. “I apologized. No one gave me the heads-up that you two were bonding. I guess it’s serious?”

Shadow swam to shallower water and stood. “I need to get back to her.” He strode out of the water, stripped out of his wet shorts and picked up a towel to dry his body.

“How are things going?”

Shadow faced him when he came out of the river too. “That’s none of your business.”

“She’s like a human, isn’t she?”

“Again, none of your business.”

“I’ve spent time with them. Do you want some advice?”


A grin split the other male’s lips. “Take things slow. We’re scary to them.”

“Drop it. Thank you for the swim lesson.”

“You need to learn more. You won’t drown but you aren’t too skilled just yet. I think giving you both lessons would be safer. I won’t flirt with her but I’d hate to think of something bad happening if it comes down to a worst-case scenario.”

Shadow decided to be blunt. “I don’t want you near her.”

“That’s why you met me away from the cabin?”

“She’s fragile.”

The male grabbed the other towel and rubbed water from his face and chest. “I wouldn’t say that in front of her. She might take offense.”

“She’s not typical of our females.”

“No shit.” Torrent chuckled. “I got that immediately when I found her in the woods that night. They would have had those wolves running for their lives instead of the other way around. She also attacked me.”

That reminder didn’t amuse Shadow. “How much danger lurks here?”

“Besides the wolves, bears, lions and tigers I already mentioned?” He paused, the towel over his chest. “A few cougars, we’ve taken in some pit bulls that humans found too difficult to tame, and then there’re the residents. Some are okay but some you shouldn’t turn your back on.” He tapped his head. “They aren’t all there.”


“In spades. They were tortured and in some cases, had no interaction with anyone but the assholes who abused them. Freedom is a concept some refuse to believe. All humans are considered threats to them.”

“Beauty isn’t human. She’s Species.”

“She is small and appears more human than most. They may take issue with her. Valiant has warned them sternly to avoid this area. He keeps them in control for the most part. Leo is also good with intimidation. He’s a wild bastard though.”

“Who is Leo? Is he a danger?”

“Another feline. He won’t come after the Gift. I’d worry more about him playing pranks but he’s got heart. He’s sane but doesn’t follow rules. He enjoys giving the officers headaches.”

“What about Vengeance?” He remembered how the male had gone after Wrath’s female. “Is he still here?”

“Yeah.” Torrent tossed his towel down and grabbed a pair of cargo pants. “He has a habit of going after any female he feels might mate with him. He won’t come near your female though.”

“I’ll kill him if he comes after Beauty.” Shadow meant it. He’d seen how terrified Lauren had been after her attack at headquarters. Vengeance had tried to force mate the human. He’d never give that bald Species a chance to put his hands on Beauty. “He is lucky to be breathing.”

“You’re referring to what happened with Wrath’s mate.” Torrent nodded. “I heard about that. Tiger wasn’t much of a fan of Ven’s either after he went after Zandy once. They worked it out though. Ven has…issues.”

“I don’t care. He better not go after my female.”

“He’s being kept busy while you’re at Reservation. Humans abandoned a litter of puppies at our gates so Tiger and Valiant decided to give him that assignment. They need around-the-clock care due to their very young age.” Torrent laughed. “Ven’s pleased with the task. No way would he leave them to come after your Gift.”

“Good. He’ll live.”

A phone rang. Torrent grimaced, yanking the cell from a pocket of his pants. “Yeah?” He paused. “Shit. How bad was the attack at the gates? Is anyone hurt?” Torrent listened and snarled as the details were given.


Shadow tensed. Someone had attacked the gates? That wasn’t good.

“Where?” The male’s gaze hardened as he met Shadow’s interested stare. “I’ll warn them.” He closed the phone. “One of our males was shot at the front gate by a sniper but it wasn’t with a bullet. They seemed to have tranquilized him. Security called ten minutes ago to inform us we’ve been put on lockdown but we were in the water. A report just came in from an officer patrolling this side of Reservation. We have intruders. They think Moon and other officers were shot at to pull our resources to that location. Moon was the first one hit so the others took cover.”

Shadow’s senses went on alert instantly. “Where were the intruders detected?”

“A few miles from here. An officer scented at least four different humans in the Wild Zone near one of our walls. Return to your cabin while I meet Security to search for them.” He threw back his head and howled. “Warning to the residents.” He took off in a flash, racing away.

Shadow spun, not bothering to dress or grab his discarded clothing. Beauty’s safety came first. She wasn’t alone but that didn’t matter. She was his to protect.

* * * * *


Beauty smiled. “You don’t have to babysit me, Breeze. I’m okay. I was just really upset yesterday when I called. I appreciate you dropping everything to come.”

“I’m here now.” The Species grinned. “Am I cramping your style? Don’t worry. I’m going to stay at the hotel once toga boy returns so you two can continue what I interrupted. I figure it will be a nice break if I stick around a few days to spend time with the females on assignment here.”

“Why do you call Shadow that?”

“Toga boy? It annoys him. Plus,” she laughed, “I’ll never forget what he looked like wearing that flag. It was kind of hot.”

Jealousy surged inside Beauty. “He’s mine.”

Dark eyebrows rose and Breeze grinned. “Feeling possessive? You just hissed at me.”

“I’m sorry.” Beauty was surprised by her unexpected strong reaction.

“He’s all yours. I can look but won’t touch. All our males are impressive, if I say so myself, and I do. Is he feeling possessive of you as well?” She grinned. “Never mind. He will. It’s who they are.”

“I feel things for him.”

“How is the sex?”

Beauty hesitated but then answered. “Amazing!” She blushed but refused to look away. “It’s so much better than I ever suspected.”

“Score points for toga boy!” Breeze chuckled. “I’m glad.”

“Please don’t call him that. You have to notice how that muscle in his jaw twitches every time you say it.”

“I know. It’s cute, isn’t it?” Breeze stood. “It’s good for males to be teased. It reminds them not to be serious all the time. What do you have to eat around here?”

Beauty followed her into the kitchen. “I really am sorry for asking you to come here yesterday. You have a busy life.”

“It was good to get away.” Breeze waved it off. “No problem. I’m just sorry I got delayed until this morning.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Creek called me to say you were holding up well after the initial shock and then Justice called an emergency meeting.”

“I hope it wasn’t over me.” The idea that her ordeal had caused their leader to hold a meeting made her feel a little sick.

“No. It wasn’t about you. We got some high-priority incoming threats at Homeland. It happens but these jerks sounded authentic enough to be alarming and the calls were traced to a few blocks away. They said bombs had been planted and a few were set to go off at midnight so the task force brought in their sniffing dogs just to be sure.”

The idea terrified Beauty. “Was anyone hurt?”

“They were full of shit. There weren’t any explosives. We’d have found them. Justice had us on lockdown though. Nobody is going to forget we’ve already had one helicopter shot down. I was allowed to leave once we were sure it was safe.” She pulled lunchmeat from the refrigerator and turned. “So, how amazing was the sex? What was the best part in your mind? Did he take you facing him?”

Beauty opened her mouth but then a loud sound distracted her, making her heart race as something large seemed to land on the porch. A second later the front door was thrown open in the other room and hit the wall.

“Beauty?” The snarl was recognizable.

Beauty rushed into the living room to gape at Shadow. He was naked, his body tense, every muscle from his shoulders to his thighs defined. He sniffed, his head jerked her way and he stepped completely inside the cabin. The door slammed with one forceful shove of his hand, he locked it and revealed his fangs.

“Go upstairs to my bedroom.”

“Holy shit,” Breeze mumbled. “Impressive. I guess the sex was amazing. He wants you bad.”

Shadow’s furious expression changed to confusion before glancing down his body. “Shit.” He cupped his semi-erect cock, attempting to hide it with one hand, frowning. His gaze shifted from Beauty to Breeze. “Human intruders have been scented a few miles from here inside the Wild Zone.” He glanced at Beauty. “Go upstairs, stay away from the windows and toss me down some pants.” He took a deep breath. “Please.”

He spun away, marching toward the closet, revealing his beefy ass. “There’s a shotgun and ammo in the kitchen above the fridge, Breeze. Secure that area.”

“I’m on it.” Breeze dropped the lunchmeat package aside and jerked her head toward the stairs at Beauty. “Move it. Get him some pants and avoid the windows.” She spun away and jerked open the cabinet that stored the weapon. “How many, Shadow? Are they armed?”

“At least four, possibly more.” Shadow yanked open the closet and withdrew a duffle bag. “Officers are hunting them but that’s all we know.”

Beauty rushed up the stairs. Her hands shook as she yanked open dresser drawers to find a pair of sweats and then darted out of Shadow’s room. “Here.” She tossed them over the balcony so they landed on the floor below.

Shadow appeared in seconds, a handgun gripped in his fist. He tilted his head to look directly at her. “I want you inside the bathroom, curled into a ball in the tub. You’ll be safe from stray gunfire.”

She wanted to protest. “I could fight with you if they come.”

His horrified expression hurt. “No. Go where it is safe. Now, Beauty.”

He put the gun on the table and bent to tug the sweatpants up his legs. Breeze appeared gripping the shotgun and paused by his side. A box of ammunition showed under her shirt where she’d stuffed it to keep her hands free to use the weapon.

“The door in the kitchen is locked and I shoved the table in front of it. We’ll hear them if they attempt to enter the cabin that way.” She glanced at the front door. “Do you want to cover the front or the back?”

“You take the front and I’ll take the back. Humans tend to be sneaky and think we’re stupid. They would choose to attack us from behind if their intent is to steal the Gift.”

Shadow’s words stunned Beauty. “Why would they come for me?”

Breeze glanced up, anger clear on her face. “You heard Shadow. Get inside that tub and stay down!”

They think I’m useless.
It stung as Beauty backed out of their sight but stayed close enough to hear their conversation.

“Do you think they are really after her?” Breeze lowered her voice. “How would they know where to find her?”

“There were meetings about us coming to Reservation, weren’t there?” He growled his words, obviously still furious. “Why else would they suddenly breach this area? It’s less protected than Homeland. Someone must know she’s here.”

“I don’t know.” The shotgun pumped—a distinctive sound. “The humans really are curious about Species females. Justice and the council have purposely avoided our pictures being publicized by using victim laws to protect our privacy. They might just want to take pictures. Humans would know she couldn’t put up much of a fight. She’d be the perfect target in that case. They might also be after her for ransom if we do have another leak of information. Gifts are our weakest members and they think we’d pay the most for them.”

Shadow hesitated. “The asshole who owned her wants her back. I know I’d do anything to retrieve her if she were taken from me. I made it my business to learn about him after I met Beauty. The few guards captured when she was rescued stated the human was obsessed with her. They feared death by him for allowing her to be taken.”

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