New Species 01 Fury (41 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 01 Fury
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Breeze leaped on Fury’s back and both of them crashed to the floor almost at Ellie’s feet.

“Get out of here,” Breeze panted, fighting to keep Fury down. “He’ll kill us both.


Fury threw Breeze away from him and she slammed into the nearby wall. Ellie heard the thump when Breeze hit the plaster. Broken glass from the mirror crunched under Breeze’s body when she landed. Fury rose up to a crouch and his wild eyes were locked on Ellie. He growled again viciously, deep within his throat. She saw a stranger staring at her, someone who wasn’t all there, totally insane. She took a step back and then another as Fury rose to his full height.

“Drop to your knees,” Breeze groaned, pushing up from the glass-littered floor.

“Don’t look into his eyes. Put your head down.”

Ellie was so terrified she didn’t hesitate to follow Breeze’s orders. She dropped to her knees and curled into a ball. Her eyes squeezed tightly closed and she was afraid to look up at her seriously drugged-out boyfriend. She knew Fury hovered over her now, stood very close, because she could hear him breathing heavily.

“Fury?” Breeze growled when she spoke. “Listen to me. You don’t want to hurt Ellie. You love her. Remember?” Material tore. “Look at me, Fury. Here.” Ellie lifted her head and opened her eyes. Breeze had torn her shirt wide open to expose her breasts. She rubbed her hand across some of the cuts on her arm from the broken glass she’d fallen into and wiped the blood across her breasts. She held her hands out to Fury slowly, as if to make certain the blood there drew his attention. He sniffed, growled, turned away from Ellie to face Breeze.

“That’s it,” Breeze crooned softly. “Come to me.” Fury took a few hesitant steps toward her. He started growling again. Breeze shook with fear and paled more but she didn’t back away. She did drop her offered hand slowly to her side where it fisted.

“Get out of here now,” Breeze ordered her softly.

Ellie knew Breeze spoke to her as she struggled to stand. “What’s wrong with him?”

“That nurse worked for Mercile. I think she gave him something that’s made him totally violent,” Breeze whispered. She slowly eased back into the corner until her back pressed flat to the wall and turned her head cautiously until she could glance at Ellie.



“Get out of here while he’s focused on me and the blood. I don’t know if he will breed me or kill me.” She gave Fury a worried stare.

Breed her?
Ellie shook her head. “I’m going to distract him. Get out of here, Breeze.

Tell everyone to stay out. He won’t kill me.”

Breeze’s head snapped back in her direction to give her a shocked look. Fury stood mere inches from the other woman now. He sniffed at the blood on Breeze’s chest and growled. He gripped one of Breeze’s hands suddenly and yanked it to his mouth.

Horrified, Ellie watched Fury sniff at the blood smeared on her palm. She guessed it was better than biting her hand off.

“Get out of here, Ellie,” Breeze whispered.

“You go!” Ellie quickly removed her clothes. If Fury wanted a woman, he would get one—her. “Leave, Breeze. He won’t kill me. Tell them to stay out of the house.

Fury?” Ellie walked slowly toward him. She raised her voice. “Fury! Let that woman go, damn it!”

Fury’s head snapped in Ellie’s direction. For one instant panic set in when his dark look hungrily fastened on her bare body. She still didn’t see Fury in those eyes.

“Hey, big guy. Remember me? I’m Ellie. I love you and you love me. Let her go and come to me if you want to touch a woman.”

He released Breeze’s hand and turned. His gaze ran down her body again and his nostrils flared as he sniffed. Ellie’s heart beat erratically. Breeze grabbed at Fury, trying to pull his attention back to her.

Fury flung out a hand, hitting Breeze in the side of the head. He knocked her toward the door where she sprawled on the carpet. Fury took a step toward Ellie and then another. She nodded at him and inched backward in the direction of the bathroom.

She prayed he’d follow her in there. She could lock the door and hopefully he wouldn’t be able to throw her around in the smaller space.

“That’s it, Fury. Come on, big guy. It’s Ellie. Let’s go inside the bathroom where we have more privacy.” Ellie glanced over to see Breeze on her hands and knees, getting up.

“Breeze,” Ellie urged softly. “Leave. Tell them to stay out no matter what.” Ellie backed up more. Fury growled at her and slowly stalked her. She moved closer to the bathroom.

“Come on, baby,” Ellie crooned to him. “Come to Ellie. Let’s both play nice.”

“Fury!” Breeze growled his name.

“Stop it, Breeze. Stay out of this,” Ellie demanded. “Don’t look at her, Fury. Focus on me. I’m right here.”

That scent called to him. Fury sniffed, fighting the daze that gripped his mind, making it nearly impossible to for him to think. He knew rage and pain, so much agony. His vision cleared as he fought the darkness that fogged his mind.


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A human woman stood naked feet from him and she looked familiar to him. Her blue eyes were wide, terrified, and he sniffed again, fighting to think. He was back inside his cell, they’d done something to him, and the human had to be responsible but other images suddenly filled his mind.

That human smiling at him, the sound of her laugher, and his hand caressing her cheek flashed through his confused memories. He knew her well, even though he couldn’t think clearly. He sniffed again, her scent filling his nose, and more flashbacks replayed inside his mind.

His gaze lowered and pure lust slammed him. He wanted to grab her, throw her down and take her. He hesitated though. He knew he’d hurt her and it mattered to him for some reason that he not do that, shouldn’t want that. She was important to him somehow. He fought to push back the haze that dimmed his ability to think. He struggled to remember who she was, why a human would mean a damn thing to him, since they were all his enemies.

More images surfaced in a confused montage. Her smiling while she ate at a table across from him, her sitting on his lap with her arms around him. They were sharing a shower together while she washed his chest with her pale, small hands, and he leaned down to kiss her. Her name was there just on the tip of his tongue and then as he fought with the pure scalding-hot pain, his brain burst with knowledge.

Ellie had become his entire world, the woman who made him happy, and he stumbled a foot closer to her, fighting the rage that threatened to consume him and the painful stabs of agony that threatened to take him to his knees. He needed to hold her, to touch her, and he knew her name. He loved her. Her scent helped him and he needed to get closer to her.

“Ellie,” he growled the word.

Something finally flickered inside Fury’s eyes, a hint of recognition and real emotion. Ellie smiled. “It’s me, Fury. Come to me easy. You don’t want to hurt me.” He took big stumbling steps forward and suddenly paused in front of her. She reached for him slowly, wanted to comfort him, and then he had her. His arms wrapped around her waist and her back slammed into the wall hard enough to knock the breath from her lungs. Fury shoved his face into the cradle of her shoulder and neck to breathe against her skin. Ellie sucked in air. Breeze stood in the middle of the room watching them with a worried expression.

“I’m fine,” Ellie whispered. “You can leave.”

Breeze hesitated.

“Ellie,” Fury growled.

Ellie wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, hugging him. “Yeah, baby. It’s me.”



He growled again but then licked her neck. He panted. His hand around her waist moved to cup her ass, one large hand gripped her soft flesh in a near-bruising hold.

Ellie nodded assurances at Breeze over his shoulder. Breeze nodded, backing up. Ellie watched her exit the bedroom and close the door.

“Ellie,” Fury growled.

“I’m here.”

He shifted his stance. He pressed his chest against hers and one of his hands left her hip. Material tore. Ellie closed her eyes. She tried to calm her breathing.

“Fury? Can you hear me? Talk to me.”

He growled. One of his arms wrapped almost painfully around her waist. The other hand gripped her thigh. He forced them open by pressing his hips between hers. She gasped in pain. Fury viciously growled but stopped crushing against her so hard.


He instantly released her and stumbled away. Ellie trembled as she struggled to gain her balance after he suddenly let her go. Fury dropped to his hands and knees and made a horrible sound filled with pain and misery that make Ellie wince. She lowered to her knees behind him and didn’t hesitate to curl her body over his back and wrap her arms around his waist.

“I’m here, Fury. You’re going to be fine. Can you hear me? I love you.” He moved suddenly, turned his big, strong body, and it sent Ellie from a bending position to landing on her ass sitting on the carpet. Fury ended up pressed against her in a heartbeat. He curled onto his side facing her, using her thighs for a pillow, and curved his legs around her back. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and clung to her. His face pressed into her stomach and a soft whimper came from his throat.

Ellie looked down, seeing him that way that tore her up and tears filled her eyes.

She blinked them back. The look of fear and confusion on his face broke her heart. She trembled slightly as she combed her fingers through his hair with one hand while she rubbed his back with the other one.

“It’s okay, Fury. I’m here. We’re both going to be all right.”

“What’s wrong with me?” He groaned and held her tighter.

“They think one of the healing drugs you were given is making you a little nuts. It’s going to be fine.”

He shook his head. “No. They are wrong. I have been on those drugs before but this is different. Sudden.” He shivered hard, his big body quivered around her. “It’s hard to think and I feel so much rage.”

“It’s going to be all right,” Ellie promised softly. “We’re together and I’m going to sit here with you for however long it takes for you to feel better. You aren’t going to hurt me. I know you won’t because you love me as much as I love you.” 221

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His face brushed against her stomach. His tongue came out and he licked the underside her breast. It tickled. Ellie jerked away so he couldn’t do it again.

“That tickles.”

“You’re naked.”

“Well, yeah. I needed to get your attention.”

“You always have that.”

Ellie’s gaze ran down Fury’s body and noticed that he’d torn open the front of his jeans—the source of that ripping sound when she’d heard material tear when he’d pinned her to the wall. She shivered. If she hadn’t calmed him down, hadn’t reached him emotionally, he would have taken her against the wall aggressively without care or regard to her pain or his injuries. Ellie continued rubbing him as her fingers brushed through his hair.

“Talk to me. I’m fighting to stay with you but the blackness is so near.” Ellie peered down at Fury’s head resting on her lap to discover him staring at her.

His dark gaze was filled with confusion when their gazes met.

“I’m right here, Fury.” She forced a smile, trying to hide her alarm and worry. “I’m going to hold you until you feel like yourself again.”

“Did I hurt anyone? I’m having a difficult time thinking and remembering.”

“Everyone is fine.” She hoped Breeze wasn’t too hurt but she wouldn’t bring that up.

He squeezed his eyes closed. “I want you.” He growled softly.

Ellie tensed. “Fury? Let me go put some clothes on.” He shook his head. “It distracts me from my rage and it wouldn’t matter. I’d still scent you no matter what you wore. You’re bleeding. Did I hurt you?”

“No. I got some cuts and scrapes from climbing the back fence to reach you.” She turned her foot until she could view it more easily. The cut looked bigger than she thought and she saw a smear of her blood on the carpet. “My foot is bleeding. If you move a little I think I can reach something to put under it. Otherwise I’ll get blood on the carpet.”

“I don’t give a shit.”

Ellie laughed. “You say that now when you’re not feeling like yourself but wait until tomorrow when we’re trying to find a piece of furniture to put over the stain to hide it.”

Fury groaned. “I love you, Ellie.”

“I love you too. How are you feeling?”

“Rage,” he growled. “So much rage and pain. My skin feels on fire.”

“Just hold me.”

“I don’t think I could let you go. Are you sure I didn’t hurt you?”

“I’m sure. You didn’t hurt me. You just scared the―” 222


The bedroom door cracked open. Ellie glanced over to the door. Fury tensed, growling.

Trisha’s face appeared as she peeked inside. “Are you okay?” Ellie rubbed Fury’s back, trying to calm him. “We’re good now,” Ellie spoke loudly for all of their benefits, hoping it was true. Her voice softened. “Relax, Fury. It’s just Doctor Trisha.”

“May I come in?” Trisha whispered. “I need to examine him if I can.” Ellie wasn’t sure if he could take other people being close to him as she studied him. “Just hold onto me, Fury. Trisha really needs to examine you so she can help.”

“No,” he growled. His arms tightened painfully around Ellie as he turned his head to stare up at her. “You’re mine. They can’t take you from me.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I won’t move, okay? Please let the Doctor check on you.

We’ll just stay this way while she does.”

Fury took a shaky breath and blinked up at Ellie. He jerked his head in a nod and turned his face into her stomach. Ellie glanced at Trisha.

Trisha stepped into the room slowly and eased out from behind the door. “I need Ted in here too, Ellie. He might be able to identify whatever drug Fury was given by his symptoms.”

Ellie winced over her naked state. “Could you hand me something first?” Trisha stepped over debris to reach the bed. She yanked the sheet from the mattress and hesitantly approached them. She tried to wrap it around Ellie carefully, making sure she didn’t touch Fury. Ellie hesitated, realized that to cover herself, the sheet would have to cover Fury too since he molded to her body and wrapped tightly around her.

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