New Species 01 Fury (29 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 01 Fury
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movement. She had the urge to throw her head back and her eyes nearly closed from the pleasure. Fury’s hand cupping her face tensed, holding her in place.

“Keep looking at me,” he ordered. “I want to see your eyes when you come.” Ellie stopped thinking, only able to feel and do as he commanded. It became near torture as Fury slowly thrust in and out of her. The feeling intensifying but she wanted him to move faster. Her eyes nearly closed again but Fury growled as his hips plowed into hers hard.

“Look at me.”

“Faster,” she begged. “I can’t take this. It feels too good. I ache. I need…” Fury thrust into her faster, kept eye contact with her the entire time, and Ellie clutched him tighter as he pounded into her. She tensed, feeling something akin to pain slide through her abdomen before rapture exploded when the climax struck. She never looked away from his gorgeous eyes.

She watched his eyes narrow and then his face twisted into savage satisfaction. The brown of his eyes seemed to turn black as his mouth opened to growl her name. She could feel his cock swell inside her as heated semen poured into her from his release.

Fury smiled.

“Tell me that didn’t feel better.”

She realized her fingernails had dug into his shoulders. Horrified, she released him.

There were indents where her nails had been and blood welled inside the tiny marks the second her fingernails were gone.

“I’m so sorry!”

Fury laughed. He twisted his head to glance at the damage to one shoulder. His gaze met hers. “I’m glad.”

“You like scratch marks?”

“Wait until you see the back of your shoulder. I don’t feel so guilty now.” She tried to look at her shoulders but Fury collapsed on top of her. He didn’t crush her but he definitely pinned her down. He kissed her quickly and then he lifted his head to grin down at her.

“I bit you, Ellie.” He winked. “I kind of broke the skin a little. Ready for a shower?”
He actually bit into me?
Ellie knew she probably should be upset, maybe horrified, but she didn’t feel that way at all. It hadn’t hurt when he’d gripped her with his teeth, thinking at the time that’s all he’d done, so she had no complaints if he’d drawn blood.

She smiled instead.
No harm, no foul
, she decided.
It can’t be worse than my nail marks.

“Yes. And I’m hungry too. We missed lunch.”


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Chapter Fourteen

Ellie studied Director Tom Quish with suspicion. The blue-eyed man had a handsome face for someone his age. She guessed him to be in his mid-sixties and in remarkably good shape. She could see that clearly since he wore a tank top and a pair of sweatpants. He’d been jogging before he stopped at Fury’s house. It had come as a surprise to find him on the doorstep when the bell had rung. She recognized him from the conference room, could never forget the man who fired Director Boris. It had been a satisfying thing to see.

“May I come in?”

Ellie stepped out of the house and onto the porch next to him. She spotted two New Species officers across the street, knew Fury had them watching the house, but as she met their gazes, she didn’t see alarm. They obviously didn’t believe the new director was a threat to her safety. They’d have stopped him from reaching the front door otherwise. She relaxed a little.

“It’s not really my house, as you know, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable inviting you inside.” She took a deep breath. “May I help you?”

“I hope so. I’m here to offer your job back at the women’s dorm. The women highly respect and like you, Ms. Brower. They decided to replace the current house mother and your name came up.”

Ellie tried to hide the dismay his statement caused. The man’s eyes were cold and blue, reminding her of chunks of ice. He had laugh lines around his mouth though, which deflected his chilly, disconcerting look. He seemed nice enough and she believed his motives were honest, but didn’t know how to respond. If she took the job she’d have to move out of Fury’s home and didn’t want to do that.

“Can I think about it?”
, she ordered herself. “It was quite traumatic for me when I was fired. It left me homeless and jobless at the same time.” He swept his gaze up and down her. His eyes were intelligent, maybe too much so.

“Of course you may think about it. The job is yours if you want it. I would just request that you decide soon. We need a new house mother inside the dorm as soon as possible.

As you know, we have more women arriving within the next few weeks.”

“I didn’t know that,” Ellie admitted. “I thought they were only going to send in a few dozen women at first to make sure it would be a good environment.”

“They’ve decided it is.” He smiled. “You helped them make that decision. Every woman at the dorm highly endorsed you as a positive role model. I heard your cooking classes were a favorite.”

Ellie smiled back. “I tried to make it fun.”



“And you succeeded. They are very fond of you.”

“I do miss them,” she admitted. “I am fond of them too.”

“I heard they needed help learning how to do almost everything.” Ellie shrugged. “They were locked inside sterile cells inside the testing facilities.

Learning how to dust, make coffee, and cook pancakes wasn’t exactly something they had the opportunity to learn where they were raised. I remembered how daunting a washing machine could be when I became a teen and my mom told me I had to wash my own clothes. When you are raised with all of that stuff, you learn it a little at a time.

They’ve had all this technology shoved at them suddenly. It’s all the things we took for granted. Imagine facing an answering machine when you didn’t even know what a telephone was a year before.”

Interest sparked in his gaze. “Did they talk to you about their lives before they were freed?”

Ellie studied the man warily. She refused to share private details she’d been given in friendship. “Some. Why?”

His expression softened. “I’ve read the reports and talked to a lot of them. It’s horrible what they had to deal with all their lives. I swore to Justice North that I’d do my damnedest to make sure the rest of their lives were nothing similar to the past. It’s very important to me that the New Species be happy and safe. I want what is best for them and I think that’s you, for their women.”

It touched her. Ellie would have taken the job back in a heartbeat if it weren’t for having to leave Fury. She caught a glint of satisfaction flash inside Tom Quish’s eyes and opened her mouth.

“You’re really good at manipulation. You know that, right?” A grin curved his lips. “It’s my job. How else do you think I’ve been able to get all the funding for Homeland so quickly and talk the military into giving it up? The reason it’s nearly completely built and we could move into it so fast is because it had been slated for a new Army base. Charm and good friends in high places have their advantages. Will you take the job, Ms. Brower?”

She wanted to but couldn’t. “I have to think about it still.”

“You look as though I’ve held out candy to you that you want really bad but you’re afraid to take it because you were taught to never trust strangers.” She grinned. “I couldn’t have put it better myself.”

“I’m good with words too.”

“What is going on?” Fury stormed up the sidewalk glaring at the new Homeland director. He moved to Ellie’s side, tense and angry.

Ellie glanced up at him and wanted to flinch. He looked as if he were a jealous boyfriend, which she guessed he was. If he didn’t get a leash on his emotions the director would be an idiot not to see they were involved. She peered up at him and 153

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gave him a warning look but he refused to glance at her. He was too busy glaring threateningly at the director.

Tom Quish took a few steps back. “I’ve been just talking to Ms. Brower. It’s good to see you again, Mr. Fury.”

“What do you want with her? She stays here. You have no power to make her leave.”

Quish’s gaze darted from Fury to Ellie and back. Ellie could almost see the man’s mind taking in the scene, his thoughts going where she feared they would, and it just confirmed it when he took another step back. A wary, “oh shit” expression paled his tan features.

“I came to offer Ms. Brower her job back. Your women really miss her and they fired the last woman who held Ms. Brower’s position. They’ve stated they wish Ms.

Brower to return to the dorm. I’ve been told by Justice that the women could choose their own house mother. I came here to let her know the job is open and available for her if she’s interested.”

“She doesn’t want it,” Fury stated firmly in an angry snarl.

, Ellie thought.
Fury isn’t keeping his cool at all
. Her gaze flew to Tom Quish. He studied her and then he looked at Fury again. “She could remain living inside your home if you are worried about her safety. She could work at the dorm during your working hours. It’s not exactly what the job hours entailed but I’m sure everyone would be able to work around a schedule that you would find suitable.” Fury finally glanced down at Ellie. “What do you think?” It amazed her that he’d thought to ask her for her opinion at all after how he’d first reacted by refusing her job offer. She nodded. She knew Tom Quish watched both of them with fascination. Fury nodded back. His focus returned to Tom Quish.

“She will take the job on the condition that she lives with me.” Tom looked amused suddenly. “Great, Ms Brower. Can you start tomorrow at nine?”

“Yes,” she answered before Fury could open his mouth and speak for her again.

The director seemed pleased. “Terrific. I’ll make the calls and have everything set up. Someone from security will drop by later with your new badge.”

“Thank you,” Ellie called out as she watched the new director jog away and out of sight before she dared face Fury. She shot him an annoyed look. “Damn it. You should have kept your cool. He knows we’re a couple. You acted like my boyfriend.” Fury’s gaze darkened as his mouth tensed into a line. “I am.”

“Well, no one is supposed to know that. Remember? And thanks for letting
make a decision finally.” She stormed inside the house.

“Why are you angry?” Fury followed her and closed the door.

Ellie spun and put her hands on her hips. “We are supposed to hide our relationship, remember? Do you want those doctors bugging us to do tests and have 154


people in our faces demanding we tell them how we have sex? I don’t. What if they want to video it? And you told him I didn’t want the job without even asking me first. I miss the dorm but I want to live here with you too.” Fury knew he’d messed up. He’d been instantly alarmed when he’d gotten word from his men that Tom Quish, the new director, had come to his door. There could be no reason for a human to be in that section of Homeland except for Ellie. He’d quickened his pace knowing that everyone on the human side preferred Ellie not live with him. He’d heard their concerns and ignored each one.

Ellie loved working with New Species women, he knew how much they meant to her, so when he heard Tom offer her job back, he’d instantly said no without thinking. It had to be a lure to get her to leave him but one look at Ellie’s face told him that he’d messed up by answering for her. Human women could be as stubborn as New Species ones. They demanded the right to make their own decisions, and while they appreciated some protection, they were by no means weak enough not to be able to fend for themselves if the need arose.

He’d backed off when he received the assurance that Ellie could live with him and the job wasn’t a bribe for her to leave his house. He’d relaxed when the new director walked away but Ellie’s anger remained. He studied her features and knew she was still ticked off at him. He’d overreacted but he just wanted to protect and keep her with him.

He’d grown tired of hiding their relationship. He was proud to be with Ellie, even if some of his people didn’t understand. Some of them were still a bit bitter toward humans. That was their problem to deal with and as long as they didn’t take it out on Ellie, they could slowly release that bias in their own time frame.

He knew he needed to defuse Ellie’s anger. She had a quick wit, a great sense of humor, and she didn’t hold grudges for long. All things he’d learned about her. Sex also worked to soften her up and get her to forgive him.

A smile curved Fury’s lips. “Do you know how appealing you are to me when you’re angry? Videos, huh? I could buy a camera and tape us having sex.”

“No!” Ellie glared at him. “You better be teasing about that last part.” He laughed. “I am. I don’t want to video our sex. I just want to have it.” He stepped toward her. “You are sexy when you’re mad at me, sweetness. I’m not kidding about that. I’m hot for you.”

Ellie backed up and let her hands drop from her hips. “I’m mad at you. Don’t you

‘sweetness’ me, Fury. I want to yell at you. You didn’t hide the fact that we’re together and you told that man I wouldn’t take my job back. That’s my choice.”

“You are right, I am wrong, and I’m sorry.” He grinned as he inched closer to her.

Ellie backed up more. “You’re humoring me, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” He winked. “Now let’s have sex.” He lunged, opening his arms, and tried to grab her.


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Ellie spun toward the kitchen, amused at his playful demeanor. It was great to see the usually serious man so lighthearted.
Damn, how can I stay mad at him when he acts this
She couldn’t. She entered the kitchen and dodged around the small island. She grabbed it and her gaze narrowed when Fury stopped on the other side.

“We’re talking. Stop it.”

“We’ll talk during sex.” He edged to the left.

Ellie shook her head and moved to keep him on the other side of the island. “Damn it, Fury. I’m trying to be mad at you. Wipe that grin off your face.” He paused and his smile faded. “I won’t grin.”

Her gaze narrowed and watched his lips twitch. Amusement sparked inside her.

She almost laughed. She had to struggle to remember why he’d made her mad in the first place.
Oh yeah.

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