New Recruit (6 page)

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Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Erotic Contemporary Romance

BOOK: New Recruit
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The door was half-shut and he sent it flying with a kick. “Time for me to show you how skilled I am with my garden tools.” He bit her earlobe, and she looked up into his eyes. With his T-shirt twisted in her fist, his eyes hooded and his blood boiled.

He sank to the edge of the bed and she threw her leg over him, straddling him, her pussy scorching hot against his denim-covered erection. She angled her head and kissed him with all the pent-up need he’d also been harboring for weeks.

While she wriggled against his cock in a lap dance that threatened his control, he drank in her flavors, her scents. Seeing her bidding on Dirty-D made him want to punch something—hard. The firefighter was known for his skill with the ladies, and Hanna wasn’t getting within a hose spray of Dirty-D.

Jagger lifted her. She locked her ankles behind his back and bucked her pussy into his cock. He growled, low in his throat. “You’d better stop that right now, beautiful, or you’re going to get what’s coming to you.”

Deliberately, she rubbed on his cock. His eyelids fluttered at the sensation building in his balls. He’d been jerking his cock to fantasies of her perky tits and full hips for weeks. Now that she was unable to escape, he wanted to take it slow.

He began popping the buttons of her floaty blouse. The color seemed to highlight the flush she wore when excited, and that made his balls clench tighter.

Reaching around him, she caught his shirt and yanked it overhead. His hair fell into his eye, and he shook it aside while moving in for another mind-stealing kiss. Her plump lips, her delicious tongue…they were driving him to the peak fast.

He had to slow it down.

Dragging his mouth away, he stripped her. Her blouse fell over the side of the bed, and her bra was lost in her rumpled sheets. Her sexy-as-sin heels hit the floor, followed by a pair of dark skinny jeans that would have drawn every single man in East Street to her. And most of them
single, in their primes. And in love with their jobs.

Jagger sucked her nipples while he skimmed his hands over her ass. Hooking his finger in the string of her thong, he let it snap. She made a hissing noise, and he did it again. And again.

He dived between her thighs and pushed aside the patch of fabric covering her sweet pussy. Her scents of arousal etched deep into his brain. He wouldn’t forget her taste anytime soon. If he had his way, he’d have his tongue buried in her wet pussy for a week.

Her nimble fingers worked his fly. When his cock spilled into her palm and she stroked him from root to tip, he pressed his lips to hers and said, “You want my cock, don’t you? Get on your knees and show me how much you want my cock.”

Her eyes darkened two shades. Then she slid from under him, bounded off the bed, and her knees hit the carpet.

Groans rolled from his throat on constant loop like a big cat standing over his prey. Holding his cock, he rubbed the swollen tip over Hanna’s pink lips.

“Let me see how swollen we can get your pretty lips, beautiful. Suck my cock.”

She opened her mouth, her wet tongue grazing the slit in the tip of his shaft. Her eyes flashed, and hell, he wanted to buck into her mouth hard. But no, she was too good for that. He inched in slowly, filling her mouth in small increments.

When his cock bumped the back of her mouth, his eyes closed. Reopening them, he stared at her lovely face. High cheekbones flushed, her eyes hooded. Hair rioting around her shoulders.

Pure possessive fueled him. “Curl your fingers around my base and suck me down to meet your fingers.”


“That’s my girl. Nice and slow. I know you can take me.”

For five pounding heartbeats he could only think of the warm, wet cavern of her mouth. Then he caught her movement and realized she’d eased her fingers between her legs and was stroking her pussy.

Now that wasn’t acceptable. “That’s my pussy. Put your hands behind your back.”

She stopped her rhythmic sucking and met his gaze. A question lived there, but after mere seconds she did as he’d commanded.

She’d been so turned on, she couldn’t help herself, the voice in his head spoke. The idea made him wild. The urge to grab her hand from behind her back and lift her fingers to his lips burned.

Hands-free, Hanna sucked his cock. Watching himself disappear into her mouth stole the last thread of his control.

“Get up.”

She glided to her feet, her nipples distended and that sex flush coating her whole body.

“Lie down and spread your legs. Wide.”

She didn’t question him but did his bidding. Knowing he had full cooperation would be the death of him. And his need to own her wholly was a new one. He had no idea where the man saying these things had come from. He was always in control, but never so much in the bedroom.

He needed Hanna to be his. All of her.

“From now on you only feel good when I touch you. And your orgasms belong to me. Do you understand?” He lightly bit her inner thigh. She cried out, her scents of arousal fresh in his nostrils. He ran his tongue all the way up to her pussy but stopped short of licking her distended clit. Bracing himself on his elbows, plucked her thong away from her body. The cloth was wet with her juices. He tugged her panties up and off her body, and she maneuvered her legs to assist him.

When he had her bared, he slapped her inner thigh lightly. The cracking sound made her eyes startle wide. “Spread your beautiful thighs and let me look at your pussy.”

“Oh God. Jagger…I need…” Her stomach dipped and her breasts jiggled.

“Shhh. I know what you need, beautiful. I got this.” With that, he dropped his head and opened his mouth over her delicious pussy.


Somebody call the fire department. She was wreathed in flames.

Jagger’s mouth scalded her soaking pussy and his hands were pure torture roving all over her body. Through heavy eyelids, she watched him. Could he get any more gorgeous?

How she’d landed in bed with him not once but twice was mind-boggling. But she wouldn’t let it happen a third time.

Although now he knew where to find her, and he was acting so possessive he wouldn’t just forget about her.

No relationships, no relationships, no relationships
. Her insides contracted. She shot upward.

And came with a cry. As she scrabbled for something solid to cling to, he lapped her wildly. More pulsations struck, and he spread her wider, fitted two fingers to her opening, and shoved deep.

She peaked again. Moaning, unable to hold still as he drove her into a dream state.

He flipped her onto her stomach, grasped her hips, and slid his cock between her legs, over her slippery folds. She ached to feel him stretch her, but he just rubbed her with his shaft without entering her.

“Condom,” she panted, twisting her face on the bed to see him.

“Not. Yet.” Extreme concentration stole over his features. She wondered if he looked this way when he was fighting fires.

His swollen cock head burrowed through her folds again and caught her clit. She pushed back with all the urgency of the woman who’d wanted Jagger for weeks.

“In my drawer.” She pointed to the nightstand.

With a growl he drew away from her. Immediately she missed his intimate torment. He dived across the bed and ripped open her drawer. It might have been amusing if he didn’t look like a storm cloud about to let loose.

“Keeps condoms beside her bed,” he muttered.

She didn’t have time to respond before he was encased in rubber and positioned behind her again. When he eased his fingers over her slick folds the same way he had with his cock, a deep shudder tore through her.

Reaching back, she tried to grip his cock and guide it inside her. In a flash, he had her hands pinned in one of his. In one hard shove, he filled her. Her over-sensitive tissues stretched. His cock bumped her deepest point.

“You can’t run from me, Hanna.” His low words tickled her ear. “I’m going to keep you in this bed coming until we have to call for a ladder truck to peel you off the sky.”

She pushed her hips back into him. With a grunt, he bottomed out. And again.

“Fuck, I’m too close.”

“More,” she whispered, her throat desiccated.

“You want this?” He released her hands and splayed his fingers across her ass, lifting her to meet his thrusts. “And this?” He spread her cheeks and pressed on her pucker. The tip of his thumb sank into her ass.

“Oh God.” Need lashed her insides. Unable to stop her movements, she jerked into his thumb and cock. Nothing existed but Jagger. Her room vanished, the sounds outside the window on the street were gone. Only the rasping of his breath and her own noisy moans remained.

“Tight…pussy. Hot…ass.” He worked his thumb deeper. She climbed fast and high. With the haze off ecstasy swirling around her head, she screamed as the biggest orgasm of her life slammed her.

“Ffffuck,” he bit off, pistoning his cock into her fast. Waves of bliss rolled over her. While she lost all control, Jagger tensed, groaned deeply, and then liquid heat filled her.

Her mind seemed to float in a sexual haze for long minutes. When she finally returned to her body, she realized Jagger had pulled out of her. She’d collapsed and his weight was off to one side, though his chest rose and fell against her back. His lips lit on her earlobe, skimming back and forth with the lightest of touches.

Suddenly, her chest was too full, but she refused to consider why. He groped a hand up her side, his touch ticklish but not unbearable. Then he skimmed his fingers over her arm and meshed their hands. The feeling in her chest compounded.

As he nuzzled her ear, she squirmed, her ticklish tendencies finally overtaking her. “Beautiful woman,” he murmured.

The part of her mind that had been hurt wanted to examine everything they’d just done, but her more carefree self accepted it without question.
Nothing but fun. Two people slaking their lust and burning off some steam.

He rolled onto his back, taking her with him. She landed on his muscled chest with her nose buried against his sun-scented skin. Wiggling, she fitted her lower half to his. His hairy legs against hers felt entirely intimate.

And so good.

“Who are you rappelling with in that picture?” His normally rough voice deepened. From the after-effects of orgasm or something else?

She followed his gaze to the photo on her nightstand of herself in sleek spandex, her hair in a ponytail, pushing off a rock face with her feet. “A friend of mine, Mick.”

“Should I be worried that this Mick guy could walk through that door and want to re-sculpt my nose?”

So he was worried for his good looks. “No,” she cooed, sliding her hand over the warm steely flesh of his shoulder and feeling his cock stir against her leg. “He’s just a friend. I don’t date.”

He raised his head and pierced her in his golden-flecked gaze. “What the hell is this thing we’re doing?”


“And you only do sex?”

“That’s right.”

His lips tightened and relaxed just as swiftly, but a dark warning light shone in his eyes. The one that made her want to climb inside his head and know all the bad things he’d do to her.

“Dammit, you’re looking at me that way again,” he grated out.

“Like what?” She arched a brow.

“Like you’re going to take extreme pleasure in what you’re about to do next.”

“Hmm. Maybe I
thinking that.” She trapped him with her thigh and shimmied over him to sit upright, her wet pussy pressed against his hard cock, still encased in the condom.

He snapped his hands over her breasts. “Damn, I want nothing more than to suck and kiss these beautiful tits for hours. But first I have to take care of the condom.”

Without his asking her to, she rolled off and tugged the sheet over her nudity while his lightly-furred ass disappeared out the door. Minutes later he returned, sporting a cocky grin and an impressive erection.

He curled his fingers around her ankle and yanked her to the bottom of the bed. Squealing, she was forced to throw off the sheet. Then his mouth was on hers again and her thighs spread wide.

“So you’re into extreme sports?” He stared into her eyes as he slipped callused fingers over her nubbin. Her clit swelled to greet his touch, and she swallowed a moan.

“Just extreme conditions. I like to push myself.” Again, she gasped.

Applying steady pressure to her bud, he nodded so his hair tumbled into one blazing eye. “I know the lust for life. I get that rush when I’m in a burning building.”

Rendered speechless by his rugged beauty, she merely nodded. Then he pressed her clit into her body until she writhed. Suddenly no bridge-jumping compared to what he was doing to her. Her heart tripped too fast and her chest burned to gain more oxygen. Yes, so much adrenaline coursing through her veins. All for Jagger.

“Can you come for me again, beautiful? Come on. All over my fingers so I can lick them off and start over.”

“Oh God,” she murmured, bowing her back to get to his amazing fingers.

He bit off a grin. “The name’s Jagger, but you can call me Master.” He only sounded as though he were half-joking but when she swung a fist at him, he laughed and then leaned in and stole a kiss.


Chapter Four

Jagger stood at Hanna’s bedroom window that overlooked a cement block wall and an alley with a dumpster. She didn’t even have a window covering, and the thought of the perverts being able to see into her bedroom made his blood simmer.

“You have a better view at your place,” she said from behind.

He turned, opening his arms automatically. She hesitated for a moment, giving him time to wonder just why she was so man-shy. She exhibited all the classic signs of woman who’d been hurt—the wavery smile, the cold detachment—at least when he wasn’t making her scream with release.

As soon as he tried to get to know her, she’d crawled out of bed, wrapping her nudeness in the sheet, and disappeared into the bathroom. He hadn’t known her long, but it was obvious Hanna was a tender heart, and whatever had happened to her had erected a fortress around her.

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