New Leaves, No Strings (8 page)

Read New Leaves, No Strings Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: New Leaves, No Strings
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Who said three times?
It was four. After some pretty amazing dreams I woke up hard again and had to
attend to it. Energy wise don’t worry, I’ve never failed to rise to the
occasion :-) 3 ½ hours until I can finally kiss those pouting lips. By the way
I won so I’m planning on celebrating with you

3 hours until I see
those rippling abs. Well done on winning Gabe. I’ll have to give you a special
prize ;-)

Lexi came into my bedroom with a
towel wrapped around her. ‘Take it you need some help with your top as you’re
flashing me your tits?’

‘Please, I can’t reach the ties on
my own.’

Lexi stood behind me and obliged
and I turned around for the verdict. ‘Wow, you’re so lucky your big tits stand
up on their own. Grand canyon cleavage, glowing skin and good call on the
knickers they really show off your curves. I’m off to catch up.’

I put on my skirt, pulled on the
boots and zipped them up checking myself out in the mirror. Lexi was right, my
skin had an amazing shine and with the tiny top, there was plenty of skin to be
seen. I wasn’t sculpted like his ex, Julie, but I was nicely toned with a
slight roundness to my stomach and a real curve to my arse that Lexi insisted
men found attractive. I put in a silver diamante drop belly bar and riffled
through my jewellery box and choose a set of silver bangles and layered on some
silver stack rings. ‘Lex are you sure you haven’t seen my large silver hoop
earring?’ I yelled.

‘No sorry.’

‘Damn it,’ I muttered. I picked out
some plain silver drop earrings instead. I applied some fine black liner around
the eyes, lashing of my jet black mascara and plain Vaseline on the lips. A
spray of my favourite perfume and I was done. I examined my reflection in the
full length mirror on the back of my door. I could pass for a Spanish flamenco
beauty I thought. I even felt good next to Lexi who strode in wearing high
heeled ankle boots, black fishnets, leather mini skirt and a purple Basque. Her
hair had been re-dyed to match. Damn it, she could make a sack look good.

‘Here Mia, have some more wine to
chill you out, you’re starting to look a bit tense,’ she waved the bottle at

‘No thanks. I don’t want to be
totally pissed on top of the nerves. What if they don’t let us into Fazeleys
Lexi? We’re under age, it’s a 21 and over club.’

‘We’ve been underage for the last two
years at clubs back home, has that stopped us?’ My phone vibrated as another
message from Gabe arrived. ‘Is it Aquaman?’

‘Yes, give me a second.’

Rippling abs eh? So you
did like my photo :-) I hope the real thing lives up to your expectations. Can’t
wait to be presented with my prize. Are you wearing the boots yet?

I’ve a feeling that you
may exceed my expectations Gabe. Boots are on, along with the very, very small

No bra remember!

No, as instructed no
bra. What concession are you making?

What would do it for

‘Are we going or are you two just
going to bloody sext all night instead of actually doing it,’ asked an
impatient Lexi.

‘Ok ok, let me just send this one,
why don’t you go and grab a taxi from the street while I finish off.’

‘Valuable drinking times a wasting,’
she retorted as she headed downstairs.

Go commando. Over and

Message received and
understood Mia. Now who’s bossy? I like it ;-)

Stop texting me and let
me get out! See you in two hours

You won’t regret it x

The kiss at the end of his text
made me tense up. Damn it, was he trying to turn this into more than the
satisfaction of mutual sexual attraction? I
wasn’t ready for that.

Lexi was already sitting in a taxi
when I made it to street level and we were dropped off ten minutes later at the
end of Princes Road, where all the popular bars were situated. We were
surrounded by men in the bar, I felt more at ease and sexier than ever flirting
with them. I refused to give out my number a few times, as I kept comparing
them to Gabe and none of them matched up.

I was nervous and excited at the
same time. 3 months with Kai and I’d never felt any interest in going any
further with him than snogging, or the odd drunken over the clothes grope. Five
encounters with Gabe and I was sending sexy pictures and texts and agreeing to masturbate
for him. I checked my phone for any new messages and realised it was nearly ten
already and grabbed Lexi and headed out of the bar. It was past ten as we
approached the club and my hands started to tremble. There was a bouncer on the
door the size of a cruise ship, completely solid all the way down, I was
dreading him not letting me in. We joined the line up as my phone started to buzz,
it was Gabe texting again.

Where are you Mia? You’re

I’m queuing up outside,
I’ll be in shortly. You’re very impatient!

Impatient? I’ve waited
days for this. Hurry up x

We made it to the front of the line
and as the bouncer eyed us up and down, I prayed he wouldn’t ask me for ID. I
sighed with relief as he gave an approving nod and held the door open for us. As
we passed through, there was a foggy haze creeping into the lobby from the club,
the evening heat was intensified by the crowds waiting to enter and I could
feel my heart beat change, to match the timing of the dull pounding of music that
filtered through. We followed a group of girls through a second set of doors
and the wall of sound hit us. The lights were dimmed and you could feel the atmosphere
of people high on drink, dancing and sexual tension.

‘Wow, look at Blondie over there. He’s
a looker,’ shouted one of the girls in front to her friend and I just knew she
was talking about Gabe. As she took a few steps forward, my eye line filled the
space she’d just vacated and there he was. Leaning back against the bar,
propped up on both elbows, his blonde hair all sexily messed up. He was wearing
a crisp white shirt slightly open at the neck, the darkest pair of blue jeans
and a pair of navy converses. He spotted me immediately and his eyes travelled
hungrily over my body, the way he looked at me told me I’d blown his
expectations without him needing to say a word. He flashed the most disarmingly
boyish grin and nodded at me to come over to him. How did someone so young
manage to have so much charisma and raw masculinity? I could see women at the
bar giggling and looking his way, but his eyes were fixed firmly on me. My
stomach warmed as did my clit and I clenched my thighs tightly together and

‘O my god he’s bloody gorgeous. I’m
so in lust,’ I squeaked at Lexi.

‘I’ll say you are. Ok good luck. Remember
act confident like you know what you’re doing. I’ll be around some where if you
need me,’ and she vanished into the crowd. I took a deep breath and walked
forward, trying to look casual and sexy, while trying to concentrate on not
falling over. These boots were killers.

‘You’re nearly 15 minutes late,’ he
chastised. ‘But you’ve made up for it by looking absolutely stunning Mia.’ He
leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, which I felt through my entire body and
had to close my eyes quickly and take a sharp breath.

‘Thank you Gabe. You’re looking
pretty good yourself.’ I moved up against the bar next to him, I needed to hold
myself up and I couldn’t look into his eyes. They were telling me exactly what
he was thinking and I was embarrassed.

‘Every guy in here’s looking at
you. I’m not sure if I’m ok with that,’ he whispered in a low sexy tone.

‘Like you don’t know that you’re
surrounded by women, all trying to get you to notice them,’ I said over my

‘Best I make it clear that we’re
both unavailable then.’ He moved in behind me, pressing his hips up against me,
pinning me to the bar and I could feel the outline of an erection already. He
was so easily turned on, then I realised I was pot calling the kettle. He
reached up with his right hand and tucked a tress of hair behind my ear and
very gently kissed the side of my neck. It felt like hot acupuncture needles
and I gasped at the effect it had on me, my body was hypersensitive to him.

‘Where’s your friend?’ I managed to

‘Doug? He’s somewhere around. Let
me get you a drink,’ he murmured his lips grazing my cheek. I felt his hands go
to my hips and his fingers splay out across my bare flank pulling me back into
him. I leaned my head back against his shoulder and as his face touched mine
and I breathed him in, his scent was intoxicating.

‘God you smell good,’ I groaned.

‘Fuck it, forget the drink. I can’t
wait another moment to kiss you and the way I want to isn’t for public eyes.
Come with me,’ he commanded as he pulled back, grabbed my hand and led me to
the club exit. My head was spinning, girls were staring at me with jealousy
written all over their faces and I stifled a giggle. He turned and smiled,
melting me again.

‘What’s so funny?’

‘That you want me, of all of these
girls you could pick to have sex with, you went for me and I don’t understand why.’

‘Girls usually want me, for my
looks or my body, but I can see that with you it’s deeper. I feel a connection
with you Mia, I think you feel it too. I’ve already told you that I’ve studied
you and there’s nothing that I’m not attracted to. I even love your feisty attitude.
We haven’t even kissed yet and I don’t think I’ll ever get over you.’

Christ, he was so full on, he had
no trouble expressing his thoughts, wants or desires and I wasn’t used to it.
His directness added to my nerves, but also really turned me on.

‘Didn’t you feel that way about Julie
or your other women?’

‘No, not about anyone. I was
passing time with them, but you … you’re different, you’re … how I imagined my version
of perfect to be,’ he said after a considered pause.

O god he was too much, but it was
too late to turn back, I wanted him. He was right, it wasn’t just normal
physical attraction, I was hungry for him in a way I’d never been with any
other guy before. The heat between us was burning my lungs.

As we exited the club and the cool
air of the outside came rushing to meet us, I gulped it in and saw he was doing
the same. We walked hand in hand, in silence, around to the back of the club
which backed onto the river. The moonlight bounced off the water and a gentle
breeze rushed through the leaves of the trees. It was a startling contrast to
the headiness and noise of the club we’d just left. You could barely hear the
pounding of the music through the thick brick walls of the building, but I was
sure Gabe could hear my heart pounding.

‘Where are we going? There’s
nothing but bushes, trees and water and I’m in some seriously dangerous heels.’

‘I’d noticed. Very impressive boots
that are having the desired effect, believe me.’

He smiled at me then pushed his way
between a huge conifer and the club wall, pulling me behind him. As we passed through,
it opened up into a small grassy clearing. It was like a scene from The Lion, the
Witch and the Wardrobe, how many girls had he spirited here I wondered? He
gently pushed me back against the wall and stood with his hands either side of
my shoulders looking me up and down. I gasped as my nipples hardened and pushed
against the confines of my top, I started to throb as all my blood surged to my
pelvis and I could feel myself becoming wetter in anticipation of what was to
come. He didn’t even need to touch me, I could come right here with just a look
or a command.

‘Mia,’ he sighed as he put one hand
on my hip and the other against my cheek to cradle my face.

I watched with bated breath as he
leaned in, his lips approaching mine again. I held my breath, giddy with
anticipation and this time, he finally kissed me. He was so gentle at first, I
could feel his soft lips covering mine, swelling the more he kissed me. The
sensation was like champagne bubbles exploding in my mouth and tinkling up to
the top of my head. I moaned into his mouth as he slowly flitted his tongue in
and out. He groaned and pushed harder against me with his lips and body and I
could feel his large erection pressed against me as his fingers dug into my

His hand moved from my face to the
back of my head to draw my mouth closer to his as our kissing became harder and
faster, his fingers tangled in my hair while the other reached around to caress
the small of my back making my skin sizzle. Christ he could kiss. I was feeling
things I’d never felt before from a kiss. He was going to devour me and I him.
I reached around and grabbed his bottom with both hands and pulled him even
closer to me, our hip bones came together, leaving no space between them.

I moved one hand onto his chest, he
was so solid, firm and muscular under his shirt, his scent was more intense and
alluring than anything I’d ever smelled before. Our kissing was increasing in
ferocity. I’d never experienced anything like it. It was as if it was our first
and last ever kiss and we both knew we had to make it count, but I already knew
there was no way I was wanted this to be a one off. He was too good at this to
just have a one night stand with him. His hand slid up my back and deftly undid
the bottom tie of my top allowing him to work his hand around to the front to firmly
cup my breast. This time I groaned, whilst I’d let my boyfriend’s grope my
breasts, I’d never really experienced any pleasurable sensation from it.

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