New Girl (3 page)

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Authors: Titania Woods

BOOK: New Girl
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like it,' laughed Sooze. She came flitting over with a few of the others to say hello. Twink could tell straight away that they approved of the new girl, which just made things worse, somehow.

‘Where would you like to sleep, Kiki?' said Bimi eagerly.

Twink saw that her and Bimi's old beds from last term were still vacant, and she held her breath.
Oh, please,
she thought.
Let the crystal be wrong. Let Bimi want to have the bed next to me, same as always!

‘Well, why don't we all three sleep in a row?' suggested Kiki, including Twink in her smile. ‘See, there are three beds together here – perfect!'

‘Great!' Bimi flitted to the middle bed and put her things down. Kiki placed her own bag on Twink's old bed, and the two girls began to unpack.

Twink flew slowly to the bed that was left. At least she was beside Bimi . . . but somehow it wasn't at all as she had imagined. Bimi hadn't even looked at her to see whether she was happy with the arrangement.

‘Where did you go to school before, Kiki?' called Mariella from across the branch.

Mariella, a pointy-faced fairy with long, silvery-green hair, had been thoroughly horrid for most of the time Twink had known her . . . until the previous term, when she had finally been forced to face up to her unpleasant behaviour. Now she was something of a reformed character, though Twink sometimes thought she was just as unpleasant as before, only in a different way!

Kiki made a face. ‘Emerald Leaf.'

Mariella's jaw dropped. ‘
' she gasped. ‘I'd give anything to go there!'

‘Rather you than me,' said Kiki, arranging a drawing of her family on her bedside mushroom. ‘The girls there were all stuck-up little beetles!'

The branch burst out laughing at the expression on Mariella's face.

‘You don't know it, Kiki, but you're talking to the
stuck-up little beetle,' said Sooze with a wicked grin.

‘Oh, shut up,' snapped Mariella, tossing her hair. ‘But Kiki, your family must be awfully important for you to go to Emerald Leaf.'

Kiki shrugged. Twink saw the tips of her pointed ears turn red. ‘Not especially.'

Without warning, Mariella skimmed across the branch and picked up the drawing of Kiki's family. ‘Are these your parents?' she asked innocently. ‘Your mum's really pretty.'



Kiki started to say something and stopped, colouring up.

‘Mariella, put it down!' burst out Bimi. ‘It's none of your business.'

‘Watch it, Mosquito Nose,' said Sooze warningly, narrowing her eyes at Mariella.

‘Hang on, I think I recognise her,' said Mariella, squinting at the drawing. ‘She's not wearing that glittery make-up she wears in the petal mags, but . . . oh, I know!' she squealed suddenly. ‘It's
Mirabel Moonglow,
the fashion designer!'


Chapter Three

Kiki grabbed the drawing back. ‘Yes, all right,' she said crossly. ‘But don't go
about it, will you?'

Mariella's eyes were like shining stars. ‘
she used to be a famous model!' she breathed. ‘Oh, you're so lucky! You must know so many famous fairies! You –'

Kiki let out a heavy sigh. ‘You see what I mean?' she said to Bimi.

‘Kiki doesn't want to be treated any differently because of who her mum is,' Bimi told the branch. ‘She just wants to be herself.'

Pix, a clever fairy with short red hair, nodded approvingly. ‘I don't blame you, Kiki. Don't worry, you won't get any special treatment from us!'

‘That means
Mosquito Nose!' put in Sooze, flitting across and dragging Mariella back to her own bed.

‘What?' protested Mariella as Sooze sat her down firmly. ‘I didn't do anything!'

Twink had kept quiet through all of this, woodenly unpacking her things. Placing a drawing of her own family on her bedside mushroom, she stared down at their smiling faces with a homesick pang. She could tell already what a miserable term this was going to be.

With a rustle and a thump, Mrs Hover the matron arrived. ‘Whoo!' she huffed, patting her light pink hair into place. ‘I certainly get my exercise, flying all the way up here! Has everyone arrived?'

She counted them quickly, and nodded. ‘Excellent! Now come along, everyone, it's time for the opening session in the Great Branch.'

As the fairies flitted towards the door, Bimi took Twink's arm, holding her back. ‘What's wrong?' she whispered. ‘You've hardly said two words to Kiki!'

Twink lifted a wing. ‘I don't know. I'm just sort of . . . tired, that's all.'

Bimi looked cross. ‘Like you were tired this morning, and last night? Twink, what's
with you? Why can't you tell me what's wrong?'

wrong, I keep telling you!' insisted Twink, pulling away. Bimi had read her mind so many times before – surely she'd know how sad and frightened Twink felt now, at the prospect of losing her best friend?

But Bimi just shook her head. ‘Fine, have it your way,' she said wearily.

Skimming quickly away, Bimi caught up with Kiki at the door. The two fairies flew out of the branch together without a backward look.

The Great Branch was the largest branch in the school, with high, arching windows and rows of mossy tables. A different flower hung over each table for each of the branches, making the long room look like a garden wonderland.

When Twink arrived at the Peony Branch table, she saw Bimi and Kiki already sitting side by side. Her cheeks on fire, Twink hastily sat down on the first empty mushroom she saw, beside a tall fairy called Zena.

‘Hi, Zena, how were your hols?' she asked brightly.

‘Great!' said Zena, tucking back a strand of yellow hair. ‘We visited my cousin at Shining Lake, and I learned how to surf on the back of a fish – it was glimmery! How about you?'



At the other end of the table, Bimi and Kiki were chatting away as if they had known each other for years. Sooze and Pix leaned towards them, joining in. As Twink watched, Kiki laughed at something Bimi had said, fluttering her purple wings.

A sour taste twisted at the back of Twink's throat. And Kiki had said she didn't like a fuss made over her! Well, she looked as if she were enjoying it, thought Twink. And making them promise not to say who her mum was – why, she had probably been
when Mariella worked it out!

‘Twink?' Zena raised her eyebrows questioningly.

Twink started. ‘Oh! Sorry – what did you say?'

Before Zena could reply, Miss Shimmery, the HeadFairy, took to the air at the front of the Branch and clapped her hands for attention. The Great Branch fell silent as the students all turned to face her.

‘Welcome to a new term at Glitterwings,' she announced in her low, rich voice. Her rainbow wings caught the light as she hovered. ‘And a very special welcome to all our new girls – we hope you'll be very happy here.'

She smiled warmly at the Peony Branch table. Kiki smiled back, and Twink made a face before she could help herself.

Noticing Zena looking strangely at her, Twink stared down at the table as Miss Shimmery made the usual announcements: no high-speed flying in the school, uniforms required from tomorrow, complete with oak-leaf cap . . .

The HeadFairy gazed meaningfully at the older years, who left their caps off at every opportunity. Good-natured groans filled the Branch.

‘And finally, I've some exciting news,' said Miss Shimmery. ‘Though we had our annual school exhibition early last year, our older girls will know that it normally takes place now, in the autumn term.'

The exhibition! Twink looked up as a prickle of interest raced across her wings. Last year, there had been a massive Flying Exhibition, with obstacle courses and prizes for the best fliers. What would they do this year?

‘We've decided to do something a bit different this time.' Miss Shimmery's blue eyes held a slight twinkle. ‘Each year is to decide for itself what sort of exhibition you'd like to put on for your parents. It can be anything you like, but you're to be responsible for every aspect of it. Then, when the parents come, there will be prizes for the best work.'

An enthusiastic buzz swept the Branch. The Peony table exchanged eager glances. A whole exhibition that they planned themselves!

‘And now, I think it's time to eat,' smiled Miss Shimmery. She raised an arm. ‘Butterflies commence!'

As she drifted back down to the platform, the school's butterflies fluttered into the Great Branch, carrying oak-leaf platters piled high with seed cakes and fizzy nectar. A bright blue butterfly served the Peony table, dipping its wings gracefully.

Twink slowly helped herself to a cake. All around her, the others were talking excitedly to Kiki, telling her about last year's exhibition.

‘How exciting!' breathed Kiki. ‘We never did anything like that at Emerald Leaf. Everyone was too busy seeing who could be the snobbiest.'

The other girls laughed.

‘And Twink won the prize for best flier in the school,' put in Sooze. ‘Didn't she, Mariella?' She smiled innocently at the pointy-faced fairy, who had been extremely miffed that
hadn't won the prize. Mariella made a face at her.

you, Twink? That's fantastic!' Kiki's smile was wide and genuine. ‘Your parents must have been really proud.'

‘Mm, I suppose,' muttered Twink.
Oh, stop pretending to be so nice,
she wanted to shout.
You don't care at all, really!

Suddenly she realised that the others were staring at her. Bimi looked stricken, and Kiki had a hurt, puzzled frown on her face. ‘Anyway, let's talk about
year,' Twink said quickly. ‘What are we going to do?'

To her relief, they all started talking and swapping ideas and the moment passed. But that evening in the second-year wash branch, Bimi came over as Twink was scrubbing her arms with a mossy sponge.

‘Twink, what's up with you?' Her pretty face was flushed and upset. ‘You were so rude to Kiki at dinner tonight!'



‘I wasn't rude.' Twink concentrated on her washing, not looking up.

,' insisted Bimi. ‘She was only trying to be nice!'

‘Well, who asked her to?' burst out Twink. She threw her sponge into a bucket with a splash. ‘You seem so – so
with her, Bimi. Just because she's new, and has a famous mother!'

Bimi's mouth dropped open. She closed it with a snap. ‘That has nothing to do with it! She's
, that's all. Twink, why are you acting this way?'

‘What way?' Twink met Bimi's gaze with a scowl. Across the branch, she could hear the shrieks and splashes of a water fight going on, and Sooze shouting, ‘Take that!'

‘Like –' Bimi stopped suddenly. Her wings went still as she peered at Twink. ‘You're
,' she said in amazement. ‘Just because I've made a new friend!'

Oh, so they were
already! Twink grabbed a peppermint twig from the rack on the wall. ‘I am not! I don't care
you're friends with – only I think you could choose someone a little better than Kiki, that's all.'

‘What's wrong with Kiki?' The look of surprise on Bimi's face was almost comical.

‘What isn't!' cried Twink. Her voice trembled. ‘She puts on this act of being all humble and nice, but you can
how much she loves being the centre of attention. It's sickening the way you were all fawning over her at dinner. And she was lapping up every second of it, too!'

Bimi stared at her, her blue eyes wide. Twink turned away and rubbed her teeth with the twig, glaring into the dewdrop mirror. Deep down, she knew she was being unreasonable, but she couldn't help it. Was she supposed to
Kiki, when the new girl was stealing her best friend?

‘You know, Twink, this is really unfair.' Bimi sounded close to tears. ‘It's perfectly all right for you to go off with Sooze whenever you feel like it, but if
have another friend, you get your wings all in a twist!' She flitted out of the branch, her silver and gold wings flashing in the steam.

Twink stared at her reflection in the walnut-shell bucket. It was true that she'd gone off with Sooze on occasion, but that had been different – Sooze had never tried to steal Bimi's best friend, the way Kiki was doing!

And besides, it's true what I said,
she thought sullenly. Anyone with eyes in their head could see that Kiki loved being fussed over. Wringing out her sponge, Twink threw it in the bucket. Her reflection vanished in a splash.

The fairies were still talking eagerly about the exhibition the next afternoon in the second-year Common Branch – a long, comfortable branch filled with cosy mushroom seats and desks. A cluster of fire rocks sat at its centre, giving off a welcome heat in the autumn chill.

‘We want ours to be the most glimmery exhibition ever!' said Jax, a fairy with spiky green hair from another branch. ‘We've got to show those Third Years that we're the best.' She pounded her fist into her hand.

Lola, her best friend, nodded. ‘How about a fairy cabaret?' she suggested brightly.

‘No, let's do a play!' shouted someone else.

‘But what if you can't act?' pointed out Pix. She was sitting perched on the fire rocks, writing down everyone's ideas in a petal pad. ‘I think we should do something that includes everyone.'

Twink sat to one side with Sooze and Sili, trying to look interested as everyone called out suggestions. All the girls from Peony Branch were dressed in their new peony petal uniforms, made for them that morning by Mrs Hover. Bimi's and Kiki's dresses were the exact same shade of pink, noted Twink glumly.

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