New Beginnings (87 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Douglas

BOOK: New Beginnings
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“Yes.” I bit my lip as I fisted his expensive blazer. “Now.”

“Not yet.” He slowed my roll, forcing me to look him in the eye. “Not until you tell me why you have this interest in Nate.”

“Nate?” It took me a minute to refocus. “I like him.”

Tightening his grip, he said, “Not what I want to hear. Try again.”

I pressed my breasts against his hard chest as I traced the shell of his ear with my tongue. “What’s wrong, baby? Are you afraid we steamed up the windows of his big ol’ car tonight?”

He rolled my hair around his fist. “Do not toy with me.”

“Are you wondering if I let him do to me what you did earlier?”

He pulled my hair so hard I wanted to whimper, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Instead I smiled though the pain.

“I didn’t. But I did let him—”

He forced his mouth onto mine, consuming me. The kiss was fierce and angry, with his hand still wound in my hair while the other pinched my nipple. He wouldn’t let me break the connection or even breathe as he devoured me.

“Do you want me to take you right here and now to prove to you that you’re mine? Is that what you need?” he asked.

But not to prove a point. His possessiveness had turned me into a throbbing, quivering, wet mess.


“Like hell,” he growled. “I’ve waited too long for this. You’re not going to break me, to goad me into doing you like an animal just because you throw some other man’s name in my face.”

Thinking of how I would have felt if our situations had been reversed, I felt a twinge of guilt. “I’m sorry.” I cupped his gorgeous face and kissed his lips tenderly. “I shouldn’t have teased you about Nate. The truth is I think he’s a nice guy. He could use a break.”

“A break?” The corner of his mouth pulled up into a half-smile. “I’ll consider giving him a break if you promise to keep your distance from him.”

“No can do.” I opened his shirt, licking my lips when I saw the dusting of dark hair covering all that dark skin and solid muscle.

“Why are you so damn obstinate?” He sucked in a breath when I flicked my tongue over his flat nipple.

“You like that I’m strong-willed.”

“I like that you’re mine.” He smiled when my head snapped back to meet his eyes. “You are mine. Finally. It feels like I’ve waited forever for you.”

I couldn’t even breathe when he looked at me like that. For a moment, I was transfixed. A billionaire, whose family made the list of the world’s wealthiest, was looking at me as though I were some priceless treasure and he couldn’t believe his good fortune in finding me. Things like that didn’t happen to girls like me from middle-class, God-fearing, churchgoing families who insisted money was the root of all evil and sex was for procreation only.

“It seems you want to say something,” he said, stroking my face reverently. “You can tell me anything.”

“You make me feel special. No one has ever looked at me the way you do.”

“And no one will have treated you the way I intend to. I will worship you, theia. That is what you deserve.”

“Tell me what that means,” I whispered, resting my hands on either side of his face. “Please.”

“Goddess. You are my goddess.”

The way he said it with such sincerity made me believe he meant it. I only hoped I could live up to his expectations.

“It is rare to meet a person who can change the course of your life, sweetheart. I can change yours. You can have the kind of life most only dream about. I ask only one thing in return.”

“What’s that?” I found it difficult to get out the words. I knew whatever he wanted, it would be more than I’d ever given before or even thought I was capable of.

“Your love and complete devotion.”

I let those words sink in. He wasn’t talking about the way I’d loved Drew. He was referring to the all-consuming, can’t-survive-without-it love I’d read about in books—the kind of love people killed for or because of.

“I know I’m asking a lot. But I fell for you the first time I saw your image on my computer screen.” He smiled as though he was recalling a fond memory. “They’d sent me a PDF of the mock-up for the spring catalogue to get my final approval before it went to print. I was scrolling through the pages, concentrating on the line and not the models, until I stumbled upon your picture.”

I listened, trying to imagine Deacon sitting behind the huge walnut desk in his executive office.

“You were wearing a black lace one-piece.” His hands skimmed my breasts as he said, “You were spilling out of it. Your body looked flawless, toned and tanned, but that wasn’t what drew me in.” He ran his fingertip over my lips. “These gorgeous full lips, I imagined kissing them.” To punctuate his point, he drew me in for a soft kiss. “These stunning eyes.” He grazed my eyelids with his fingertips. “They reminded me of my first home in the Mediterranean, that impossible combination of blue-green that always reminds me of the sea I love.”

No one had ever described me that way. Guys said I was hot, that I had a rockin’ bod, that they wanted to bang me, but no man had ever explained to me why he thought I was beautiful or why I’d captivated him.

“Your hair,” he said, running his fingers through my tresses. “I knew it was natural.” He chuckled lightly. “A natural blond is a rarity in this business. I imagined your hair spread out on my pillow when I rolled over to wake you. In my fantasy, you looked like an angel, a goddess. That is why I call you theia. My goddess.”

. I couldn’t find the words to express what his portrayal meant to me, so I stared at him, hoping he could read in my eyes what an incredible gift he’d given me. His words had impressed me more than all of the expensive gifts he’d given me because they did the impossible: erased my doubt.

“Deacon, I…” I was almost afraid to say it, but the adoration in his eyes gave me the courage I needed. “It may sound crazy, but I think I’m falling in love with you.”

He rewarded me with a slight smile before closing his eyes and inhaling deeply. “I always hoped you would say that to me one day, but nothing could have prepared me for this feeling.” He laid my hand on his chest, over his heart. It was beating hard and fast, as though he’d exerted himself. “The heart does not lie. It always tells the story of how we are feeling. Whether we are scared, excited…” He grinned, a rare full-on smile that left me breathless. “You can tell by how fast my heart is beating that your words have excited me. I am excited about us, theia. More excited than I have been about anything in a long, long time.”

“I’m sorry about the way I acted earlier.”

This man had been nothing but wonderful to me, giving me incredible opportunities to make my dreams come true and protecting me without my knowledge because he cared. I’d repaid him by being cynical and calling him out on every indiscretion. I was ashamed and disappointed in myself.

“I was just… jealous and hurt. These things happened before we even met. I have no right to judge you.”

His eyes fell to the hand covering his chest, giving me an uneasy feeling. He wouldn’t look me in the eye anymore. Why?

“I don’t want you to feel jealous or insecure. You have no reason to. My heart belongs to you.” His words reassured me, but his tone was guarded.

“You can tell me anything,” I said, repeating his earlier words. “I’ll try not to judge you.”

He gathered my hands and kissed them. “People will say things about me, things that will make you question how I feel about you and whether I am trustworthy. You will read things, perhaps even see things. I have not been a saint—far from it. We will face many challenges because of the man I was before you came into my life.”

“What are you talking about?” My heart beat wildly. It sounded as though he was issuing a warning.

“I’ve said enough for now.” He looked into my eyes. “I just have to ask you to trust me.” He pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me. “From this day forward, I will not do anything to intentionally hurt you. That I can promise you.”

Before I could ask him to explain, Eleni came in. She took one look at our intimate position and asked, “Did I come back too soon? Do you need a few more minutes to… talk?”

Deacon smirked before smacking my behind soundly. “No, we are done. For now.” He moved me aside and stood, catching the keys Eleni tossed to him. Turning back to me, he drew a line under my chin with his finger. “Call me tomorrow.”

“I will.” I watched him leave, torn between elation and confusion. I instinctively knew that beautiful, complicated man would always make me experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.



Chapter Eight



I was sitting at my desk the next day when a timid knock on the door drew me from my work. “Come in.” I looked up to see Nate in the doorway, his hands folded in front of him like a school boy dreading his impending punishment.

“You wanted to see me, Mr. Starkis?”

“Yes, sit down.” I gestured toward the chair across from me, waiting for him to comply. “I understand you met my girlfriend last night.” It felt good to finally be able to claim her as mine.

“Yes, sir.” He nodded. “She’s a lovely girl.” He cleared his throat when I glowered at his description of Mia. “I mean, she’s a very nice person.”

“You had a nice chat,” I said, steepling my fingers beneath my chin.

“Um, yes.” He swallowed. “It was kind of unexpected. She just got in the car and introduced herself.”

“I know. She told me.” I watched him closely. “You are attracted to her, yes?” I couldn’t blame him. Any heterosexual male would be attracted to Mia. My dilemma reminded me of the old song about how hard it was to be in love with a beautiful woman.

“Sir, I would never—”

“I didn’t ask you if you would ever act on your impulses. I merely asked you if you were attracted to her.” I could tell he was shocked by my question, but in my experience, people were most likely to tell the truth when caught off guard.

His cheeks burned beneath his fading summer tan. He dipped his head, looking at his laced hands. “Um, I don’t know what you want me to say. If I tell you the truth, it will cost me my job, but… yes, I’m attracted to her. With all due respect, how could I not be?”

My hands curled into fists as I remembered my promise to Mia. I wanted to fire him, but I knew my new girlfriend would remind me relationships were all about compromise. I had to respect her feelings. “Go down to the personnel office on the main floor. They’ll give you your new assignment.”

“You’re not firing me?” His head snapped up.

“No, but if I ever see or hear of you speaking to her again, you’ll be gone. Understood?”

“Yes, Mr. Starkis. Thank you.”

He extended his hand, but I ignored it.

Blake crossed paths with Nate as he left. “A little early to be scaring the shit out of people, isn’t it, Deacon?” He collapsed into the chair Nate had vacated.

“What do you want?” I was still fuming over Nate’s admission and in no mood to chat with my best friend. “I have work to do.”

“You didn’t tell me your little sister was back in town.”

That got my attention. My younger sister, Tiana, had recently returned from studying abroad and was living with my parents until she decided what the next phase of her life would bring. As an heiress, she would never have to work a day in her life, but she was strong-willed and determined, much to my parents’ chagrin. She wasn’t the dutiful daughter my parents wanted, but they adored her nonetheless. We all did. She was the baby of the family, our little princess. The fact that my best friend, who played around almost as much as I had, was asking about her made me nervous.

“How do you know that?”

“I saw her at a fundraiser last night.” He slipped his iPhone out of his pocket when it buzzed and smiled when he read the message. “She looked hotter than hell.”

“You stay away from my sister, or I’ll kill you with my bare hands.” It wasn’t an idle threat.

We’d mixed it up several times over the course of our friendship. We were both hotheads. Blake was a Texan whose family had hit it big in oil generations ago, and while he could easily have lived off their wealth, he’d chosen to make his own mark on the world. I admired that about him, but the fact that he didn’t need to work made him a lousy employee. Owning a percentage of Alabaster’s meant he didn’t have to take direction either, which he loved to remind me.

When I’d started the company, I wanted to do it without my family’s help, so I’d turned to private investors. I’d since bought back their shares at a premium, but Blake was the only investor who’d refused to part with his interest in the company—no doubt because he knew having a partner made me crazy.

“Don’t know if you noticed, but your sister’s all grown up. She can make her own decisions about who she spends time with.”

“I really don’t need this today,” I said, whipping my pen at him.

He laughed as he caught it against his chest. “What’s got you so wound up?”

“This thing with Mia.”

“Fill me in. What’s going on with my favorite model?” Blake loved to give me a hard time about Mia. He knew I was crazy about her and routinely used my obsession to distract me in arguments.

“We’re getting closer. She finally kicked out that loser.”

“That should make you happy. You’re moving in for the kill. So what’s the problem?” Blake had known me since our Harvard days and had seen me use too many women. He didn’t believe I was serious about Mia.

I would take pleasure in proving how wrong he was. “You know that guy who was leaving when you came in?” I inclined my head toward the closed door.

“Yeah, what about him?”

“He’s the guy I hired to watch Mia’s back.”

“Because the security guard told you he thought someone was out to get her?” Blake rolled his eyes. “I still think that was a little over the top.”

“I didn’t ask for your opinion.” I cracked my knuckles, which according to my mother, was a classless thing to do.

“Get on with the story.” He yawned. “You’re putting me to sleep.”

I was used to his wise-ass remarks, so it was easy to ignore them. “Mia hopped in his car last night and got a little too friendly with him.”

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