Never Run From Love (Kellington Book Four) (25 page)

BOOK: Never Run From Love (Kellington Book Four)
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She was his.

She looked up at him with round, dazed eyes.  It was
everything he could do not to kiss her right there.

He was interrupted before he could do such a foolish
thing, by the low, sultry voice of Madame Thurmond.  “Lord Hal, welcome back. 
I was afraid we weren’t going to see you again, given your new aversion to

Hal reluctantly turned his attention to the madame. 
“Never let it be said I’m reformed.”  He fought to keep from pushing Melanie
behind him protectively.

“I see you’ve brought a friend, my lord,” said the
madame, raking Hal’s guest with her eyes.

“Yes, a distant cousin from Northumberland.   He
wanted to see the sights.”

Madame Thurmond smiled lazily.  “I’m sure I can come
up with something for him to look at.  Will you each be taking your own room or
would you like to share?”

“We’re not ready for a room,” said Hal, unable to
even think of being in a bedroom in a brothel with Mel.  “Just looking for
now.  We may go to Dill’s while the night is still young.”

“You wound me, Lord Hal, to think you would prefer a
gaming hell to my establishment.”  She beckoned to two girls, who sauntered
over to them.  “Take Lord Hal and his…cousin to the gold room.”

Sherry and Terry both headed for Hal, whom they knew
to be generous with his blunt.  Then Sherry pushed Terry in Mel’s direction. 
Terry, who was under the influence of spirits or opium or both, took a close
look at Mel, who seemed to shrink into her clothes.  “Oi!  Yer a fine lookin’
lad, you is.  Lookin’ to get your pecker polished for the first time?”

Hal nearly reprimanded the girl for her language,
but caught himself.  If Mel really had been his young cousin out on the town,
he would want exactly that.  Sherry and Terry were all but dragging the two of
them upstairs.  Hal wasn’t sure how he was going to stop them, especially with
Madame Thurmond watching so closely.

“I would like to go upstairs,” croaked Melanie.  She
had, thankfully, deepened her voice as much as possible, but to Hal’s ears she
still sounded like the lady she was.

“Oooh!” said Terry.  “You really are a young ‘un. 
Hope your dear mama don’t come lookin’ for you here.  But trust yer Terry. 
I’ll make sure yer first time is one to remember.”  With that, she pulled on
Mel’s arm, propelling her to the stairs.

Hal had no choice but to follow with Sherry.

He’d never been to the gold room before.  It was,
like all the other rooms in the house, tacky but clean.  The walls were a faded
gold silk.  The bed hangings were a thin gold velvet.  Golden cherubs were next
to gold-painted snuff boxes.  The furnishings were meant to suggest opulence,
but to the sober eye were simply garish.

Hal was about to remark as much to Mel when he
turned to see her, wide-eyed and holding her jacket shut.

“What’s the matter, love?” said Terry, as she tried
to take off Mel’s clothes.  “There’s nothin’ to be embarrassed about.  Let me
take yer clothes off.  I promise you’ll like it.”

Hal was momentarily distracted by Sherry, who had
deftly undone his breeches to cup his very hard cock.  He ached like the devil,
but it wasn’t her he longed for.  He gently removed her hand, ignoring her

He looked over to see that Terry had changed
tactics.  She’d removed her robe, baring herself completely save for garters
and stockings.  It was likely Mel had never seen another woman naked before,
for she looked at Terry, shocked, with her mouth open.

And Terry took full advantage.  She pressed one of
her breasts into Mel’s mouth, then held her head to her with a grip Hal personally
knew to be a strong one.  From several feet away, he could see over Terry’s
breast just enough to see that Mel’s eyes were wide.  Mel looked at him, saw
his jutting erection, then she began to suckle.










Mel couldn’t explain.  She wasn’t attracted to Terry
sexually and, in fact, found the woman’s personality rather off-putting.  Mel
had been overwhelmed by the situation, by having a breast thrust into her
mouth, the very taut nipple on her tongue.

Then she’d looked over at Hal, who was standing and
staring at her with his cock jutting outward.  Suddenly she’d had the inexplicable
urge to take him into her mouth.  To kneel before him and suckle him.  Then she
found herself sucking on the one thing pressed onto her tongue.

The look on his face mesmerized her.  He was all
heat and passion.  He looked as if he wanted to pound into her the way the men
had done to that girl in the show.  Sherry was dancing in front of him as she
undressed, but he paid her no heed.  Instead, he took himself in hand and began
stroking hard.  Almost violently.  Every muscle in his body was tense as he
jerked his hand up and down on his cock.  He kept his eyes on hers and she
almost couldn’t bear the intensity.


Up until that moment, she hadn’t a clue as to her
ability to arouse him.  She’d been the neophyte and he the experienced
teacher.  But he was clearly out of control and it was all because of her.  She
wondered if she could stoke the flames even higher.  She reached up and put her
hand on Terry’s breast, gently squeezing as she continued to suckle.  Terry let
out a moan that didn’t seem nearly as fake as the woman in the show earlier that

Hal let out a groan that was without a doubt
genuine.  He grasped himself tighter and tugged harder to the point where she
was sure he would hurt himself.  Then with a hoarse shout he spilled his seed.

Mel watched as the milky liquid spurt once, twice,
three times.  Suddenly, she wished it had landed on her, like on the girl
earlier.  It was, she supposed, a dirty, disgusting thought that she should be
thoroughly ashamed of.

But it only made her feel hotter.

As Hal finally opened his eyes and his breathing
returned to normal, he looked at her once again.  Mel gently pulled away from
Terry’s breast.

The silence was broken by Sherry.  “Lord Hal, you
didn’t have to do that yerself!  I would’ve gladly got you off.”

Hal cleared his throat, his voice but a rasp. 
“Thank you, Sherry and Terry.  But I have a few things I would like to discuss
with my cousin, if you wouldn’t mind leaving us.”  He pulled out his purse and
gave both girls easily three times what they normally earned.

He was barely able to restrain himself until he
heard the door snick shut after they left.

He and Mel raced toward each other, meeting in the
middle.  He kissed her ravenously, even as his hands fumbled to get her out of
the clothes Rigg had so carefully dressed her in.  She put one hand around his
cock, which was already hard again.  He gasped, then moved her hands up to
remove his shirt.  “Slowly, sweetheart.  Or I’ll disgrace myself again.”

She pulled off his jacket and waistcoat, and was
about to take off his shirt, when he pushed her hands aside so he could finish
taking off her clothes.  They were soon both naked and pressed against each
other.  Ignoring her protest, he pulled away from her enough to spread their
clothes out on the rug.  Even in the heat of the most ferocious lust he’d ever
experienced, he knew he could not take her on a whore’s bed. 

He laid her out on the floor, lowered himself down
on top of her, then moved a finger into her cunny.  Thankfully, she was hot and
wet.  It was a relief because he knew he couldn’t last through preliminaries. 
He pressed one finger into her and she greedily sucked him in and rose up to
meet him.  He pressed another into her.  She was tight, but anxious.  And he
could wait no longer.

He gently pressed into her.  She was so tight it was
hard to keep from coming, despite having just spent himself moments earlier. 
He slowly inched into her, afraid of hurting her, but knowing there was no way
to avoid it.  When he came to the barrier he kissed her, mating his tongue with
hers, then plunged into the very heart of her.

She tensed for a moment and they both stopped
breathing.  But he looked into her eyes and whispered, “I’m sorry, love.  But
I’ll cause you no more pain.”

He began to move slowly in and out and she quickly
matched his rhythm.  He felt himself being drawn into her more and more.  He
felt the two of them becoming ever more connected.  He knew he should feel
alarmed by that.  But he didn’t.  It felt too right to be with her. 

They moved in unison, not knowing where the one left
off and the other began.  They climbed the spiral higher and higher until they
both exploded in passion.  First her, then he quickly followed.  And this
orgasm was even more intense than the last.

He collapsed on top of her and she held him to her. 
They lay like that for several minutes, until he realized his weight was likely
a burden.  But he couldn’t bring himself to pull out of her.  Not yet.  He
kissed her.  “How do you feel?”

“Like a buffalo has taken up residence on me,” she
said with a smile.  He quickly tried to divest himself from her, but she
grasped him with arms and legs.  “I happen to like buffalo.”

“That is not the most romantical thing a woman has
ever said to me in bed, and I thank you for it,” said Hal with a grin as he
kissed her, then lifted himself off her.  He lay on the pile of clothes and
pulled her onto his chest.  They lay there for a moment, at peace.  Savoring
the moment.

He’d taken her maidenhead and he knew there would be
repercussions to that.  But at the moment, all that mattered was the two of
them in that gaudy gold room.  He lifted his head to kiss her shoulder.  It was
a romantic gesture he was sure she’d enjoy.  And it afforded him a glimpse of
her beautiful rounded arse.  He moved his hand down her back to one globe.  “Is
that a birthmark?” he asked.  He stroked the dark red splotch, which was
slightly smaller than a chicken egg.

 “That ugly thing,” she said, as she tried to swat
away his hand.  “I’ve had it since birth.  Thank goodness it’s in a spot where
no one can see it.”

“Almost no one,” said Hal, as he stroked the spot,
which was fast becoming one of his favorite parts of her.

She lay in his arms for a moment, but he could feel
her becoming more and more tense.  He had a feeling a serious discussion would

He was correct.

She lifted up enough so she could see his face.  “I
feel horrible,” she said.  She was frowning, biting her bottom lip in

Truth be told, Hal felt bad about something
himself.  He hadn’t pulled out before he’d spilled his seed.  She could very
well be with child.  He always took care to wear French letters to avoid
pregnancy and disease.  But he knew that even if he’d had a dozen of them by
his side, he would’ve wanted their first time to be like this, instead.

If there was a child he knew they would marry.  He
was actually fairly at peace with the idea.  He hadn’t been in the market for a
wife, but he couldn’t imagine finding a better one.  He genuinely liked her. 
And while he certainly wouldn’t ever take her to another whorehouse again, he
wouldn’t forget the sight of her suckling another woman’s breast any time
soon.  Just the memory of it was making him hard.

“Hal!” said Mel, knowing his attention wasn’t on
her.  At least it wasn’t on her in the present moment.  “You’re not listening.”

“Of course I am,” he said, then was thankful that years
of only partway listening had left him with the skill of recall.  “You feel
horrible.  I’m sorry to hear that.  But what we did tonight – while far from
the setting I would have liked – has been a long time coming.  I am truly sorry
for any physical discomfort I caused you, but can assure you it gets better.  And
there’s nothing to be ashamed about.  What we did is perfectly natural for two
people who are as close as we have grown.  Especially in light of our future
together.  Why are you looking at me like that?”

She looked as puzzled as Arthur used to when their
tutor had given him maths.

“I feel horrible,” she said slowly, as if digesting
what he’d just said and finding it not to her taste, “because tonight we took
advantage of two poor women in the shackles of prostitution.  It was
unconscionable of us, especially of me.”

That was most decidedly not what he thought she’d
say.  “Why especially you?”

“Because you are a man and cannot help yourself in
such circumstances.”

“First of all, those two poor women were compensated
more in the quarter of an hour they spent with us, than most clerks earn in a
month.  And they performed none of the services they usually do.  Indeed, one
of them was the very fortunate recipient of your attentions to her breasts. 
She should have paid us.” 

At the reminder of what she’d done, Mel blushed a
bright red.

Hal continued.  “As much as I would love to revisit
your earlier actions, I fear Sherry and Terry have no doubt voiced their
suspicions about what I’m doing in here with my cousin.  It might be best if we
leave now.”

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