Never Kiss an Outlaw: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love) (12 page)

BOOK: Never Kiss an Outlaw: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)
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My teeth sank into his arm. He reared up, shaking me off with a roar, bringing his entire arm into the blow that landed on my cheek.

He hit me three times – or at least that's what I could count before I felt myself being dragged under.

Then the heavy weight against me lifted. I blinked, staring through the darkness, and saw Tony's bulk lifted high into the air like he had wires pulling him up from the ceiling.

He flew through the air and hit the floor. His body made several loud snaps. The broken ribs must've winded him. When he opened his mouth to scream, nothing would come out, and it was too late by the time Firefly's boot started ramming his gut.

“Drunken sack of shit! You stay the fuck off her and apologize if you wanna crawl outta here alive!” His hatred was the only thing harsh enough to cut through the music growling all around us.

The deadbeat choked, sputtered, and wrinkled his face into a brutal grimace with every kick. Against my better instincts, I ran up, desperately wrapping myself around Firefly's neck, trying to reach him before he killed the asshole.

“Firefly, don't! You'll get us all in deep trouble if you don't just let him go.” I pulled on his shoulders hard, digging my nails in, trying to get his attention. “You hurt him. Bad. That's what he deserves. I'm satisfied.”

“Yeah? Well, fuck, babe, I'm not!” Another brutal hook hit in the drunkard's gut.

Tony was barely conscious now, staring up at me over Firefly's shoulder. Begging, without words.

Please. Stop him. He's gonna fucking kill me.

“What the
is going on out here?” Meg came storming out with Velvet at her side, her phone in one hand. “Jesus, Firefly, stop! This man needs an ambulance.”

“Stop kicking the shit outta the sorry, stupid fuck who tried to hurt Cora, you mean?”

My boss' eyes went wide. She looked at me while the stripper at her side wisely slunk away.

“It's true. He snuck backstage. Asshole was already drunk by the time he wandered back here. He recognized me. His kid used to be in one of the classes I helped with...he pushed me up against the dresser over there, tried to force himself on me...”

Firefly's fists twitched. I could tell he was just a second away from tackling the beaten demon on the ground, finishing him off. I grabbed his arm, jerked it into me, and mouthed a phrase when he finally looked at me, his blue eyes on fire.

No! You've hurt him enough. Please hold back, Firefly. For me.

I couldn't find the strength to say the words. So, I thought them, and hoped he'd understand, if only I touched him the right way.

With a growl, he nodded. Meg's shoe hit the ground with a resounding whack, and we both looked at her.

“God. Damn. It!” She furiously tapped her phone, eyeballing us every other second. “I'm going to have to let Skin know. It won't be easy talking our way out of this one, if this man decides to press charges, or does something worse.”

On the ground, Tony groaned, rolling into a fetal position. Firefly crouched, gave him a slap across the face, and looked dead into his eyes.

“You hear the woman, asshole? Huh?” He wrapped his fingers around the asshole's neck, and didn't let up until Tony nodded. “Good. I'll tell you exactly what's gonna happen here. We'll have you hauled off breathing in a little bit. You'll have some down time and some big fucking bills for me busting you up. I swear to Christ, you'll smile at every one of 'em, without so much as a peep about how you can't handle it. You're never stepping foot in this club again, motherfucker. If you so much as see an attorney for a free consult, you
see me again. I'll finish everything we started tonight. And you'll lose your chances to drink another fuckin' drop of booze when I cut your tongue out, or jack that worthless little stump between your legs when my blade takes it off, too.”

Firefly reached near his belt. In a flash, his switchblade came out. He held it firm, cold, and menacing against the drunkard's throat.

“We got an understanding? Tell me now. I need to know, before the medics our girl's calling make their way here. Hurry the fuck up!”

Tony nodded, vigorously, his eyes bulging. I'd never seen panic dancing so wildly in anyone's eyes before. Not since daddy, but this time there was no sympathy. No mercy.

Satisfied, Firefly put the knife away, and stood up, giving the beaten animal on the ground one more look of utter contempt.

“Best fucking timing in the whole damned world. Showed up a little early to pick you up, trying to smooth things over.”

I nodded, and walked with him past Meg. They ushered us away with a furious wave, desperate to get us out of there so she could handle the backstage mess we'd left her.

It wasn't until we were outside that I noticed I still had my arm linked tight with Firefly's. He'd saved me for the second time. All the worries and fears I'd had just hours ago melted away in a shot of adrenaline and a chaser of warm, manly body heat.

The thunder in his eyes flashed again as he reluctantly let go, helping me onto his bike. We'd have words at the apartment, no two ways about it.

Unlike before, I was ready.

Lord, I was ready for

* * * *

ou hungry? Saw this morning we're running low on groceries. We can stop off in town and pick a few things up, if you want.”

I shook my head, hugging him close as we rode down the dark, shadowy streets. It seemed like summer would never come. These spring nights still chilled me to the bone.

I'd have frozen if it weren't for his body heat. I put my face into his shoulder and breathed his rough, masculine scent, wondering what the hell I was doing.

None of this was right. Sheriffs' daughters weren't meant to savor outlaws' heat.

No matter how crooked daddy was, I shouldn't have been riding so close, imagining all the ways he could fling my body around on the bed. I'd never craved anyone as badly as I did Firefly that moment, and it scared the hell out of me.

The ride went by in no time flat. When I opened my eyes, we were back at the apartment, his engine rumbling to a cold stop. He stood up, reached for my hand, and yanked the helmet off my head.

“Last call for better food, or it's pizza tonight, babe.”

“Whatever works.” I felt like a schoolgirl with a stupid crush following him inside.

Damn, why did I feel
after he'd tried to push me away earlier this week? After he jerked down my pants like he owned my body, smashed his hand against my ass, growling in my ear...

Wet didn't begin to describe the ache between my thighs. No, this desire leaked out of me, caused me to lick my lips secretly while my pussy throbbed, praying to be filled.

Everything pulsed open, slick and wanting, even when I watched him do something mundane like climb up the stairs in front of me. The big, beautiful biker always towered over me. I watched his muscles flex while he climbed, his skin scrawled with the menacing inks I'd see in my most feverish dreams.

Jesus, girl. Keep it together,
I told myself.
You were almost taken against your will back there.

Nothing sexy about it. I don't care if the sexiest man alive just saved you from getting tainted by a nasty goblin...

Aw, shit. Maybe it matters after all.

Yes, yes I do.

I care. I care about feeling him, tasting him, having him, dammit. More than I'll ever admit.

Down the little hallway, Firefly stopped, jamming his key into the lock and popping the door. He gave me a sharp look, caught me chewing my lip.

I wanted to sink right through the floor. My veins were still swimming in adrenaline, all the shocks I'd suffered over this unbelievable month stacked against me, plus the latest humiliations tonight.

The door jerked open, and he ushered me in. I headed right for the couch while he pulled out his phone, trying to find somewhere to grab dinner from.

He snorted, and I stared, causing him to look up. “Text from Skin. Says that worthless piece of shit I stomped at the Heel's been carted off. Stupid motherfuck had better remember what I said about keeping his damned lips shut...”

“You did plenty, Firefly. You saved me.” I only realized how big and watery my eyes felt when he gave the floor a soft kick.

“Shit, I'm no hero, Cora. Quit looking at me like that.” He paused, locking my eyes with his. “Did the only decent thing a man should when he walks in on something like that. If Skin's old lady hadn't showed up in time, I'd have killed the fuck and dropped his sorry carcass in the woods. Wrong timing.”

“No.” I stood up, walked over, and put my hands gently on his shoulders. “You did everything you could, Firefly. The timing was perfect. You've given me a second chance, or maybe this is my third. Honestly, I've lost count, but I appreciate all you've tried to do for me. I know I haven't been the most pleasant...”

“Babe, you've been fine.” He reached up, grabbed my hand, and pulled it to his face.

Before either of us knew what was happening, his stubble grazed my skin. He kissed my hand, pressing those lips I'd wondered about a thousand times on my flesh.

A jolt ran through me.

Crazy. Electric. Sensational.

I'd never believed in love at first sight, much less first kiss, and that definitely wasn't happening here. Lust, on the other hand...

His teeth grazed my tender skin before he pulled it away, thrusting my hand back against his shoulder.
Oh, God.

Some miracle stopped me from turning into a puddle on the spot. Small favor, really, because now I had a lot more on my mind than lukewarm virgin fantasies.

I saw his lips all over me at once, igniting my skin, pushing me over the edge with just his touch, like the night he'd spanked me stupid.

They were finally coming. I'd have his rough, incredible lips on mine.

Conquering my mouth.

Moving down my throat.

Worshiping my nipples.

Turning my pussy into a hot, taut, sopping wet mess.

“You got something on your mind, or what?” he growled, tangling his fingers around my wrists to keep my hands glued to him.

“Nothing, really. Just thinking about circumstances.”

Yeah. Right.

“What? The shit that brought you here?”

I nodded. With a growl, he jerked me closer with both hands, hanging mine across his shoulders. I didn't resist – quite the contrary when I let go and fell against him – begging to be closer.

“Dust has got me on you full time for good reason. All the dark and deadly fuckery heats up from here, Cora. You know it, don't you? Tell me you feel that shit coming, sure as a mountain wind.”

Something was coming, anyway. Melting me from the inside-out.

A chill ran up my spine, cutting through the heat. Yeah, I knew it.

Of course I did. And it didn't matter, none of it did, just as long as I had him protecting me.

“I don't know anything,” I whispered. “You won't tell me what I'm really running from, and neither will the other guys. What else can I do except listen to everything you say?”

I realized how much my voice was trembling.

Firefly looked up. Sparks of amusement flashed in his eyes, before they winked out in the icy blue fire that always smothered them, the same glow that filled his whole face.

“I don't share club biz unless it means keeping you safe.” He drew a long breath, guiding me in front of him by the hands. “Looks like I finally have to. Fuck.”

He stood, guiding us both to the couch, where he sat down first, jerking me onto his lap. “Your old man got himself in some bad shit, and left everybody else to clean it up. Same thing Dust told you. Had a real hard-on for gambling, and he borrowed some money from another MC called the Torches, down in Atlanta.”

My heart beat a hundred miles an hour. He softly fisted my hair, pulling me deeper into his lap, twisting my head so my ear was aimed at his lips.

I tried not to sweat from the one-two punch of being laid across Firefly's magnificent body like this, while he whispered all the secrets I'd yearned for deep in my ear.

Then he spoke again. His hot breath caressed my earlobe, racing down my neck, almost causing me to explode, just as much as his hand grabbing at my thigh. He held me where he wanted me, open for whatever he wanted to say –
or do.

“Babe, listen to me real fuckin' careful. More than you've ever paid attention to anyone, about anything.” I tried not to tremble, feeling his hand moving up my thigh, stroking and teasing. “The Torches want everything your daddy ever owned to pay his debt. That means you, too. You're collateral, Cora. They'll kill you, fuck you, sell you – whatever they think's gonna bring them the most coin, or else the most satisfaction.”

I shook my head, sadness mingling with my lust. Two emotions waging war.

“Jesus. I can't believe he left me like this. Still,
he have to do it?” Firefly's hold fanning the smoldering desire in my blood was the only thing that stopped me from crying yet again.

“Dunno, Cora. Everybody screws themselves one way or another, some worse than others, especially in this world.” He paused, kissing at my neck, before he brought his lips back for talking. “Your old man's not the only one who fucked up. Truth is, I did, too. Tried to fight this shit happening between us. Treated it like a miserable goddamned hangover I could shake off by distracting myself with booze or work or getting my dick wet in other girls...”

I tensed up.

Oh, God, now was not the time to tell me about other women he'd slept with. If he was about to announce how he'd been screwing around the whole time I'd known hand went stiff, ready to hit him across the face with all my might.

“Don't even think it, babe,” he growled, sensing what was coming. “Haven't fucked anybody since you showed up. This is all I'm after. All I fuckin' need.”

His hand crisscrossed the top of my thigh and then wedged between my legs. I sucked my bottom lip hard, desperate to stop myself from crying out. He'd start rubbing anytime, or else pull my panties aside and take everything he wanted.

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