Never Give In!

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Authors: Winston Churchill

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Never Give In!


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I and Thou
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Never Give In!, Winston Churchill

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A Thousand Plateaus
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Cinema II
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To Have or To Be?
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All Men Are Brothers
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Violence and the Sacred
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After Virtue
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Some titles are not available in North America.

Never give in, never give in,

never, never, never, never -

in nothing, great or small,

large or petty -

never give in

except to convictions of honour

and good sense!

Winston S. Churchill

Address to the boys of Harrow School, 29 October 1941

Never Give In!

Winston Churchill’s Speeches

Selected and edited by his grandson

Winston S. Churchill




Editor’s Preface

  Young Statesman 1897–1915

First political speech: ‘The dried up drain-pipe of Radicalism’, 26 July 1897, Bath
‘Escape!’, 23 December 1899, Durban, South Africa
‘The anniversary of my escape’, 13 December 1900, New York
Maiden speech: ‘A certain splendid memory’, 18 February 1901, House of Commons
Lifting again the ‘tattered flag’, 13 May 1901, House of Commons
‘An age of great events and little men’, 21 November 1901, Liverpool
‘A navy . . . to preserve the peace of the world’, 17 January 1903, Oldham
‘The mere washpot of plutocracy’, 4 June 1904, Alexandra Palace, London
‘For free trade’, 16 June 1904, Cheetham Hill, Manchester
‘Dear food for the millions’, 13 May 1905, Manchester
‘British hospitality’, 9 October 1905, Cheetham Hill, Manchester
‘No more garters for dukes’, 14 December 1905, Manchester
‘The gift of England’, 31 July 1906, House of Commons
‘The cause of the left-out millions’, 11 October 1906, Glasgow
George Bernard Shaw: ‘A volcano’, 22 October 1906, Free Trade Hall, Manchester
‘My African journey’, 18 January 1908, National Liberal Club, London
Socialism: ‘All yours is mine!’, 22 January 1908, Cheetham, Manchester
The pen: ‘Liberator of man and of nations’, 17 February 1908, London
‘What is society?’, 4 May 1908, Kinnaird Hall, Dundee
‘I am the Board of Trade’, 4 February 1909, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
The Budget: ‘Cannot afford to live or die’, 22 May 1909, Manchester
‘A violent rupture of constitutional custom’, 4 September 1909, Leicester
‘The most ancient and the most glorious monarchy’, 4 December 1909, Southport
‘The upkeep of the aristocracy’, 17 December 1909, Burnley, Lancs
‘For soldiers to fire on the people...’, 7 February 1911, House of Commons
Unemployment insurance, 22 May 1911, House of Commons
National rail strike, 22 August 1911, House of Commons
‘The maintenance of naval supremacy’, 9 November 1911, Guildhall, London
‘Why should not Ireland have her chance?’, 8 February 1912, Belfast
‘An age of incipient violence’, 18 March 1912, House of Commons
‘Air power’, 10 November 1913, Guildhall, London
‘Unconquerable and incomparable’, 4 March 1914, London
‘The world is armed as it was never armed before’, 17 March 1914, House of Commons
‘The war will be long and sombre’, 11 September 1914, London
The Dardanelles, 5 June 1915, Dundee
‘Take Constantinople!’, 15 November 1915, House of Commons

  Oblivion and Redemption 1916–29

‘The hardest of tests’, 23 May 1916, House of Commons
‘Grappling with the most terrible foe’, 31 May 1916, House of Commons
‘Perils, sorrows and sufferings’, 10 December 1917, Bedford
‘The war is won!’, 16 December 1918, Connaught Rooms, London
‘Bolshevist atrocities’, 11 April 1919, Connaught Rooms, London
Farewell to ‘the beer of Old England’, 18 July 1919, London
‘The Jews should have a National Home’, 31 March 1921, Jerusalem
Lenin, 8 June 1921, Manchester
‘The culture and glories of the Arab race’, 14 June 1921, House of Commons
‘The dreary steeples of Fermanagh and Tyrone’, 16 February 1922, House of Commons
Conservative once more, 16 September 1925, Birmingham
‘The follies of Socialism’, 11 December 1925, Battersea
‘Artful Dodger!’, 22 April 1926, House of Commons
The blushing Liberal bride’, 22 October 1928, Chingford
‘A disarmament fable’, 24 October 1928, Aldersbrook

  The Wilderness Years 1930–39

‘A seditious Middle Temple lawyer’, 23 February 1931, Epping
‘Abandoning India’, 18 March 1931, Royal Albert Hall, London
Prohibition, November/December 1931, Lecture Tour of the United States
‘Bands of sturdy Teutonic youths’, 23 November 1932, House of Commons
‘Pontifical, anonymous mugwumpery’, 22 February 1933, House of Commons
‘England’, 24 April 1933, Royal Society of St George, London
‘Wars come very suddenly’, 7 February 1934, House of Commons
‘Germany is arming’, 8 March 1934, House of Commons
‘We lie within . . . striking distance’, 16 November 1934, Broadcast, London
‘A corridor of deepening and darkening danger’, 31 May 1935, House of Commons
‘You have unsettled everything . . .’, 5 June 1935, House of Commons
‘I am a Treaty man’, 10 July 1935, House of Commons
‘Naval security’, 24 July 1935, Harlow
‘Abyssinia has been invaded’, 8 October 1935, Chingford
‘Nazidom . . . with all its hatreds’, 24 October 1935, House of Commons
‘Germany . . . fears no one’, March 1936, House of Commons
The Jews: ‘Their blood and race’, 24 March 1936, House of Commons
‘Great hammers descending day and night’, 26 March 1936, House of Commons
‘Hitler has torn up the treaties’, 6 April 1936, House of Commons
‘Thank God for the French Army’, 24 September 1936, Paris
Lawrence of Arabia, 3 October 1936, Oxford
‘The locust years’, 12 November 1936, House of Commons
‘Approaching the most dangerous moment’, 25 November 1936, London
‘The abdication of King Edward VIII’, 10 December 1936, House of Commons
Rudyard Kipling, 17 November 1937, Grosvenor House, London
Austria annexed, 14 March 1938, House of Commons
‘I have watched this famous island . . .’, 24 March 1938, House of Commons
‘The sentinel towers of the Western approaches’, 5 May 1938, House of Commons
‘Save mankind from martyrdom’, 26 September 1938, London
‘A total and unmitigated defeat’, 5 October 1938, House of Commons
‘The lights are going out’, 16 October 1938, Broadcast to US, London
‘The bitter fruits of Munich’, 14 March 1939, Waltham Abbey

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