Never Forget (Memories) (24 page)

BOOK: Never Forget (Memories)
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Rain beats down for two days solid. Grammy's happy because her garden is getting a good watering, and I'm happy because last night's storm got rid of the horrible muggy air that was hanging around. I'm not happy because I've been cooped up inside for those two days and I'm going stir crazy.

It's testament to how much six weeks in Devon has changed me. I'm craving the outdoors, the fresh, salty air. Hell, I'm even craving the hideous smell of cow poo.

Yeah, it's like that now.

I scroll down my Facebook news feed, boredom emanating from me. I never realised how full of bullshit my life was in London. All it was was partying, shopping and probably way too much bitching. A part of me.. Doesn't want to go back.

I sigh and shut down the laptop, wondering if there's any way I can transfer universities. I know there's one in Exeter and one in Plymouth. I'd love to spend more time with Grammy.. And it would mean I wouldn't have to really leave Alec.

I sigh again as Dad walks in.

''What's up, sweetheart?'' he asks, stopping by the table.

''Just thinking.'' I smile up at him and look outside. The rain has stopped now. ''Dad?''

''Hello?'' He puts the kettle on.

''What if I changed unis? Could I go to Exeter or Plymouth?''

He narrows his eyes thoughtfully. ''Of course you could. But, Lexy, why? Is it because of Alec?''

I twist some hair between my fingers and examine it for split ends. ''Mostly for Grammy, but yeah, a bit, I guess.''

''I didn't realise it was that serious,'' he folds his arms.

''How did you and Mum do it?'' I look at him. ''You went to uni, right? How did you make it work?''

He smiles fondly and I can see the love shining from his eyes. ''She followed me. Even if she didn't, I would have followed her to where she wanted to go. We were so in love, still are, that we would have followed each other to the ends of the earth and back a million times.''

''Then you get it.''

''Get what?'' His lips twitch.

I look down at the table. ''Why I don't want to leave.''

''What if he'd go to London after you?''

''I wouldn't ask him to do that. This is his home, Daddy. He's too surfer boy for London.'' I smirk at the thought of Alec living in the city. ''No, I'd never ask him to leave his home for me. I know he wouldn't be happy in London. I'd rather leave without him than force him into something he doesn't want to do.''

''Let me see what I can do,'' Dad says. I glance up. ''I'll make some calls and see what I can find out about switching.''

I beam at him. ''You're the best, Daddy.''

He winks at me and takes his coffee from the room.

A knock from the glass doors startles me and I jump in my seat. With my hand to my chest, I turn to see Alec stood there grinning. I glare at him, ignoring how incredibly, ridiculously, swoon-worthy he looks when he is soaking wet from the rain. Especially when he has a white t-shirt on.

I get up and slide the door open, leaning against it. ''Can I help you?''

His stormy eyes look me over and I smirk.

''You most certainly can,'' he flirts, stepping closer. ''First though, I'd appreciate it if you could stop being so beautiful because I don't know how much more my heart can take.''

''Oh, how he flatters me,'' I tease.

''You make me go weak at the knees with one flutter of those amazingly long lashes.'' He steps forward again.

''You.'' I look up at him and smile. ''Are the cheesiest guy in the history of the world. But it's okay, cause I kinda like it.'' I grab his shirt and lean up for a kiss.

''Well if that's all it takes for a kiss, how many more lines for a trip to bed?'' He winks and I roll my eyes.

''Let's see. A bunch of flowers, a bottle of wine, a box of chocolates, and a night to drool over Taylor Lautner without any jealous, snarky comments.'' I tick each one off my fingers.

''Oh, she fancies herself a comedian.'' Alec sighs dramatically and I laugh. He holds out his hand. ''How about a walk on the beach then?''

''That I can do, I suppose.'' I slide my hand into his and he locks our fingers together. I push the door shut and we head towards the coastal path leading to the Bay. The rain holds off as we walk in silence, the only sounds the crashing of the waves.

I love the comfortable silences between us. So many words are said with so little and it's when I feel myself falling even deeper, if it's possible. The silence is natural, like it's supposed to be there.

He puts his hands on my waist and lifts me over the small gate onto the sand. He puts me down right in front of him and I touch his cheek softly. So many unsaid things pass between us, so many things understood by both of us.

He half-smiles and kisses my forehead before pulling me along to the rocks. The sand is horrible, wet and sloppy from all the rain. I climb up onto the rock ahead of him and he stands in front of me, his hands creeping slowly up my thighs.

''What?'' I ask him with a small smile.

''I just..'' He chuckles. ''Nothing. Nothing.''

I smile at him, confused, and he shrugs.

''Oh, Princess,'' he sighs. ''I'm pretty damn glad you came here for the summer, you know?''

''I'm still deciding if I'm glad or not,'' I joke.

''Hey.'' He pokes his tongue out and I poke it, laughing. ''Oi!'' He laughs.

I wrinkle my face and kiss the tip of his nose.

Rain begins to drop and I squeal, holding my hand over my head in a lame attempt to keep my hair dry. I push him away and  jump off the rocks, heading for the bit of the cliff that juts out.

"You're not going anywhere," Alec laughs, grabbing me from behind.

"No, no, let me go!" I shriek. "I'm getting wet."

I wriggle from his hold and run across the sand, which is quickly becoming even wetter. He grabs my hands again and pulls me up against him.

"I'll never let you go, Princess. I'll follow you anywhere,'' he murmurs and kisses me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back, rain dripping down my face. He lifts me up and I squeak in shock. I wrap my legs around his waist and he holds me tighter to him.

''Anywhere?'' I ask softly, brushing my nose against his.

''To Mars, Jupiter and Pluto,'' he clarifies. ''Maybe even back again.''

I grin and kiss him again, still revelling in the touch of his lips to mine. Something about this guy has me head over heels in love. I'd follow him wherever he wanted to go without question.

His hand slides up my back and he leans me against the rock, his lips leaving mine. Little kisses dot on my jaw and down my neck.

''I've always wanted sex in the rain,'' he mutters as I slide my hand into his wet hair.

''Oh yeah?'' I ask, moving my head to the side.

''Yep,'' he answers, kissing me again, harder than before. My legs tighten around his waist and he groans quietly, moving away from the rock and lowering us to the sand behind the rock. He lies back, pulling me with him, and I straddle him.

''Princess?'' he says softly.


''It'll only ever be you, you know that, right?'' Hooded blue-grey eyes meet mine.

''Yeah.'' I suck on his bottom lip lightly. ''I know.''




My body sinks into the sand and her wet hair falls down, hiding us from the rest of the world. Here, with her in my arms, nothing else exists. There is only her.

She sucks lightly on my bottom lip again and I tighten my grip on her hips, my fingers digging into her wet skin. Her hips shift slightly, rubbing me. She moans into my mouth and I run my tongue along her top lip, forcing her to let me in. Her tongue meets every movement mine makes and she grabs my hair, her hips shifting again.

I grab the hem of her shirt and lift it over her head. I groan at the sight of her lacy black bra pushing her boobs together. Little droplets of water snake down them and I capture one with my mouth, licking a trail along the top of each cup. She shivers and lifts her hips, reaching behind and undoing my jeans with one hand.

"Impressive." I kiss the word onto her skin and run my hands along her sides.

"Mhmm," she breathes out, reaching under my jeans to where I have a raging hard on. Her fingers brush the tip of me and I explode.

I flip her onto her back, kissing down her stomach. My tongue swirls in her belly button and her back arches up. I pull her legs from where they're wrapped round my waist and slide off her jeans. I chuck them to the rocks with my top.

Lexy moves her hands and grabs my neck, pulling my face back to hers.

"Nuh-uh." I kiss her once and drag my lips along her neck, chest, stomach. I drop little kisses along her knicker line and her hips buck. I stroke her thighs gently, my fingers gradually becoming more probing. Moving the scrap of lace she calls underwear to the side, I lower my tongue even more until I can taste her.

She gasps and I find the part of her screaming for attention immediately. I draw slow, lazy circles with the tip of my tongue then flick gently. Long strokes along her tender flesh have her bucking her hips and I put my hands there to stop her. Her muscles tense and I focus all my attention on the little bundle of nerves until she screams out my name.

I pull my jeans and boxers to my knees, hook her legs over my hips and move towards her.

''I need you, now." Lexy nibbles my earlobe and I thrust my hips forward once, moving into her in one long, swift movement. Her muscles are still contracting from her orgasm and I clench my teeth.

She squeaks out a sound as I begin to move hard and fast. She meets me thrust for thrust, gripping my back, her nails digging in.

Our skin is slick from the rain still falling and she tilts her head back. I graze my teeth along the skin of her neck and groan. She moves her hips up, opening her legs slightly and I'm done.

She cries out at the same time I stop, ecstasy running through our bodies.

I grin lazily at her flushed face and parted lips. I kiss the corner of her mouth and she smiles sleepily.

"Alec?" Her brown eyes open and hold me prisoner in her gaze.

"What, Princess?"

"Thank you," she whispers.

"What for?" I smooth some hair off her forehead.

"For being you. Just that." She smiles and I know she's thanking me for not giving up on her.

Like I'd ever give up on the girl who never gave up on me.






The sounds of sirens wake me and I rub my eyes to clear them of sleep. I can hear shouts and frantic movements downstairs, and I jump out of bed and run downstairs.

I'm greeted by mum crying, dad comforting her and Bing pacing. Paramedics are bent over someone on the floor.. Slowly, it clicks in my mind.

"Grammy?" I cry, propelling myself down the last few stairs. "Gram!!"

Bing grabs me to stop me going past him and folds me into him.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" I look at everyone and the paramedic turns to me.

"It looks like your grandmother has suffered a heart attack, but with her medical history it's to be expected."

Heart attack? Medical history?

"Just tell me she'll be okay," I beg as my eyes brim with tears.

His eyes reflect the sympathy he feels inside. "I'm sorry, I can't tell you that. We'll know more when we get to the hospital, but rest assured we're doing everything we can for your Gram."

I look down and the tears spill from my eyes. Gram has to be okay, she's Gram.

She's always okay.

I look back up as they carry her out on a stretcher. Breathing apparatus is attached to her face and she's pale, deathly pale. My heart clenches and I want nothing more than to hug her and promise it'll be okay.

I don't even realise I've moved towards her until Bing pulls me back.

"Mum's going in the ambulance. Dad's gonna follow behind with us,'' he says softly. I nod. It's all I can do.

"Lexy, go and put some clothes on, baby. We'll leave in five minutes." Dad kisses my head and Bing takes me upstairs.

I throw on some shorts and a top. I don't bother with make-up, and I barely run the brush through my hair. My phone stays sitting on the side - all the things I pride myself on are suddenly irrelevant to me.

All that matters is Grammy.

Five minutes later we leave the house.

"Where are they taking her?" I ask, staring numbly out the window.

"North Devon District Hospital," Dad answers. "The nearest one is too small to deal with a heart attack."

I nod again.

Heart attack.

The words swirl in my brain endlessly, ridden with pain and uncertainty. The image of her as the paramedics wheeled her out is forefront in my mind and I feel tears spill from my eyes again.

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