Never Ever (6 page)

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Authors: L.P. Maxa

Tags:, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Never Ever
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Chapter Fifteen:              



My friends were skating on thin ice. Never have I ever was not a good game. It always ended with us just calling each other out until we were all so bombed we couldn’t walk. Ten plus years of experiences and friendship made that a very dangerous game. I knew Tay wasn’t going to let it go, he was going to demand to know what my friends had been talking about. He pulled me towards him, running his hands across my stomach and hips and ass under the cover of the water. “Come on Sugar, tell me.” He brought his mouth close to my ear, whispering, “You like it rough?”

I pulled away from him, I couldn’t help the chills that raced down my spine. I took a deep breath, good thing I was well on my way to drunk. “I may like it a little…rougher…than my friends. But that’s not saying much. They are all prudes. Even Allie, although she talks a big game.”

Tay’s face broke out into a devilish grin. His hand dipped in between my legs, rubbing my clit from the outside. My breath hitched in my throat. “How rough, Sugar?”

“Does it matter?”

“It sure as hell does. You’re mine, remember? I want to make sure I give you
you want this weekend.”

I knew I was most likely blushing. I wrote about sex all the time, but for some reason talking to Taylor like this was making me feel all feverish. “Tay, honestly I can’t stand out here and talk to you about this. My friends are drunk, not stupid. If they overheard us-

“They are 6 feet away absorbed in Cole’s threesome story. No one is listening Livi.”

I shook my head, no.

Tay narrowed his eyes and sank down in the water to his neck. He reached out and grabbed my hips, pulling my pelvis flush against his. Holding me in place with his hands on my ass. I accidentally let out a little whimper. He grinned a very satisfied grin, “What if I try and guess what you like? And every time I guess right, you give me a little reward. Deal?”

I nodded. I wanted to reward him so bad. My friends needed to get bored of swimming ASAP.

“Allie already mentioned the hair pulling. Let’s see, wrists pinned above you head?”

I ground my hips against his. Rubbing my core against his cock. He bit his lip.

“Good girl. A little dirty talk? You like to be told how good you feel. You like to be told what to do? Harder, faster.”

I used my legs to hold him tighter, circling my hips again. He breathed the word fuck under his breath.

“Up against the wall? Any wall will do.”

I gave a quick thrust.

“My hand at your throat? Just enough for a little bit of pressure. Just a glimpse of the wild side.”

I reached under the water, palming his cock in my hand. Rubbing up and down.

“That’s good to hear Sugar, because that’s exactly how I like it too.”




Chapter Sixteen:



We were back up at the house. Thank God. I hadn’t dry humped that much since high school. I was the one that started that little game with Livi, but I had ended up seconds away from blowing my load in the lake. So my girl liked it rough. Whoa, that was the second time I’d called her my girl. She’s not my girl. I meant
that girl
. That girl liked it rough. I did too, I hadn’t been lying. I mean I wasn’t into S and M or anything like that, but I liked a slight edge to my sex. I looked across the room at Livi, she was laughing at Baily and Allie. They were once again drunk and dancing. Kate and Cole were at the bar taking turns trying to catch Cheetos in their mouths after tossing them in the air. I needed all these people to go to bed. Now. As if reading my mind Livi let out a super fake yawn. “I’m going to bed. Night!” She turned without waiting for a response and went out onto the side porch. I watched until the door shut and I could no longer see her. Then, I was suddenly beamed in the head. I looked over to see Cole snickering behind his hand. Inebriated jack ass. “Did you just throw a Cheeto at my head?”

Kate giggled, “I think it’s still called a Cheetosssss.” She emphasized the ‘s’ for an extras 10 seconds. “Even though it’s just one.”

Cole nodded solemnly, like this was a very important fact. I rolled my eyes, “What? Cheeto is the singular for Cheetos.”

Kate shook her head, “No. I’m 99% sure it’s still Cheetos. We can look it up though-

I held up my hand to stop her when she pulled her phone out of her pocket. “No thanks. I don’t really care one way or another. I’m going to bed.”

Kate shrugged, “Suit yourself.” She and Cole started throwing Cheetos at Baily and Allie as they danced around the kitchen. They were making it rain with cheese puffs. Wow, Cole was fall in the trash can wasted. I thought about cutting everyone off and sending them to bed. If they kept drinking they were going to be hurting tomorrow for sure. But then Livi came walking out of the bunk room wearing one of my t-shirts and a pair of tiny sleep shorts. That made up my mind in 2 seconds flat. I ran into the bunk room and showered as quickly as I could. I brushed my teeth and threw on a pair of work out shorts. When I went back into the living room I cringed, Cole was up on the table and Baily was ‘teaching him how to dougie’. If Livi wasn’t so damn tempting I would get out my phone and video this. I quietly slipped out the back door and went around the side of the house. I tripped twice. Once over a stick and once over what I’m almost positive was a raccoon. I let myself in through the side door and locked it behind me.

“Oh my gosh, Taylor, are you okay?”

Eyes closed, I tried to steady my breathing, I had run the whole way. And the raccoon had scared the crap out of me. “Yeah, I’m good. I, uh, tripped.”

“You have a stick in your hair.”

I patted my head until I found it and then threw it to the ground. When I opened my eyes, my breathing became erratic for a whole new reason. Livi looked sexy as hell. Her damp hair was piled on top of her head, her face was free of any makeup. And now she was not only wearing my t-shirt, she was wearing her glasses as well. Her lap top was sitting open on her bare legs. I watched as she closed it and sat it on the ground. “Are you just going to stand there and stare all night?”

I started to stalk towards her. “You’re beautiful.”

She laughed, “Thank you.” She ran her hands over the tops of her smooth tanned thighs. “Turn on the fan.”

I knew I was grinning like an idiot, but ‘turn on the fan’ basically meant ‘make me scream’. I flipped on the fan and launched myself onto the bed making her laugh again. Which was becoming one of my favorite sounds in the world. “Ready to fork? So hard?” Her laughter faded away, her face became serious, guarded. I reached over and placed my hand on her hip. “Hey. What’s with the sad face? Tell me what’s running through that head of yours.”

When she answered me all her words came out in a rush. “I, um, I haven’t been with anyone else since my ex and even then, we hadn’t slept together in a long time. And, I mean, you’re used to 20 year old co-eds and-

I put my hand over her mouth, “I understand what you are trying to say Livi. I will go as slow as you need me too. I will make sure that every single thing I do brings you pleasure. As far as the other chicks? You are the sexiest most beautiful woman I have ever met. Stop thinking and let go. The only thing that matters right now is this.” I sat up, took her face in my hands and kissed her with everything I had. I tried to show her just how irresistible and desirable she was with that kiss. I leaned back against the head board, pulling her into my lap. Her hot little body was straddling mine, her pussy rubbing on my cock looking for release. When her grinding became too much, felt too good, I flipped us over. I pinned her to the bed with my body. Taking both her small wrists in one hand I pushed them against the mattress. She moaned. I used my other hand to reach between us, rubbing her clit through her lacy thong. “So wet for me, Sugar.” I ran my teeth along her jaw, nibbled on her neck. I was all for taking my time, savoring our first time together. But she had other ideas.

Livi bit down on my shoulder, sucking lightly. “Tay, please…” She arched into my hand. Begging me for more.

I sat up and pulled my shirt off her body and then ripped her panties down the side. She moaned and raked her nails down my chest. I trailed two fingers between her breasts, down her stomach and through her folds before dipping them inside her. “Oh God, Sugar, you feel so perfect. Tell me what you want Livi.”

She answered by pushing my shorts down and freeing my cock. She took it in her hands and began stroking me. A stroke down and twist back up, stroke down and twist back up. I groaned against her neck, pushing her back down on the bed with my body. “Tell me, Livi.”

She arched up, capturing my mouth with hers. She took my lower lip in her teeth, and then licked the sting away. Laying back against the pillows she looked up at me and without breaking eye contact said, “Fuck me, Taylor.”

Holy. Shit. I reached over to the night stand and grabbed the condom it’d put there, rolling it on. I nudged her thighs apart, settling my hips on top of her and positioning the head of my dick at her entrance. I wanted more than anything to drive into her, but I told her I’d be careful. I promised she’d feel only pleasure with me, and I’d meant it. I inched into her body, slowly. She was tight, she felt so damn good. “Livi, oh God baby.” I rested my forehead against hers. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, “I’m okay, keep going. Please don’t stop.”

I chuckled, “Yes ma’am.” With one more thrust I was in all the way, buried to the hilt. I started moving inside of her slowly, cautiously. Testing what she could handle.

Livi raked her fingers down my back, and gripped my ass in both hands. Spreading her legs wider and arching into me, “Harder Taylor. I’m okay, I promise.”

I shook my head, I didn’t trust myself. If I let go, I might end up hurting her. I rolled us over placing her on top. “Show me what you need baby.”



Chapter Seventeen:



Show me what you need baby
. I felt chills run down my spine, whether it was from Taylor’s whispered words or the fan hitting my bare back I didn’t know. I wanted to laugh, I had to bite my cheek to keep it from bubbling out. Taylor was amazing, his body…his dick…as sad as it was to say everything on him and about him was better than the man I had just spend the last 5 years with. I rode him shamelessly. This was exactly what I had needed. One weekend with Taylor and all would be right in my world. I let my head fall back as he trailed his hands up my thighs, up over my hips, palming my breasts briefly before placing one hand against my throat. Taylor did it perfectly. He didn’t wrap his fingers around, just added the tiniest amount of pressure. I leaned into his touch, trusting him. “Oh God, oh God Taylor. Please don’t stop.”

He chuckled, “It’s all you, Sugar. I won’t stop until you do. Take what you need baby.”

His words, the sound of his voice sent me flying over the edge. I screamed, I know I did. I was fairly certain it was loud enough to hear over the fan. But when I screamed out his name I felt Taylor jerk his release. Of course hearing his name in ecstasy would cause him to orgasm, I should have expected nothing less. I smiled as I collapsed beside him. “That was…perfect.”

Taylor sat on the side of the bed, getting rid of the condom. “It was better than perfect.” He laid back down and turned on his side to face me. “I still get you the rest of the weekend right? Please tell me you haven’t changed your mind.”

I snuggled up next to him and spoke into his chest, “Are you kidding me? After that? I’m yours. By Sunday you are going to be tired of nailing me.”

He snorted, “Fuck me. Nail me. So dirty, and bossy. I like it.”

“Tell me about your divorce.”

He didn’t really pose it as a question, it was more like a demand. I didn’t want to talk about my divorce seconds after Taylor just gave me a mind blowing orgasm.

Taylor cupped my cheek with his hand. “Please, Livi. I want to know you.”

I sighed, “I met Patrick in college, at a bar down town. We dated and fell in love and he asked me to marry him. I said yes because he was sweet and funny and driven.” I rolled onto my back, putting my head on Taylor’s chest and staring out the screen towards the lake. “After we got married the things I loved about him faded away. And all that was left was this money hungry workaholic. He was never home, he never made time for our marriage. When I’d ask him to spend time with me or go on a date with me, he’d act like I was just a petulant child. After a while, I stopped missing him. Stopped begging him to be with me. So, when I caught him cheating, I ended things.”

Taylor trailed his fingers through my hair, “Your ex sounds like my dad. Except my mom is just like him. Two money hungry ass holes who never could be bothered to make time for their kid.”

“I thought you said you used to vacation here with them. Did they at least send time with you then?”

He shook his head, “I didn’t come here with my parents. They would never spend an extended amount of time away from work like that. I came with friends and their families.”

I kissed his pec, “I’m sorry you had shitty parents.” I didn’t want to tell him about Patrick. I didn’t want to ruin our little bliss bubble. But I was glad I did. I felt like I understood him better now.

He kissed the top of my head, “I’m sorry your ex-husband was an asshole.” He chuckled, “Although, at the moment, I’m not

I snorted.

I could feel him smiling against my hair, “All right Sugar, go to sleep. I plan on waking you up with my dick in about an hour.”

I laughed and closed my eyes. He was adorable, and sexy, and funny, and ambitious. Good thing I was leaving in two days. I could get used to having him in my bed.

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