Never Bite a Boy on the First Date (7 page)

BOOK: Never Bite a Boy on the First Date
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spent the rest of the night trying to make lists of clues to help me solve the mystery. To give you an idea of how well that went, here’s what my “Daniel” list looked like:


  • Hot
  • Likes hanging out at murder scenes at night
  • Really hot
  • Says he wants to be a detective
  • Great abs
  • Starting school right after the murder—suspicious?
  • Extremely, totally, remarkably hot
  • And here’s another list:


  • Looked at the crime scene v. suspiciously
  • Also very hot
  • Where have these hot boys been hiding?
  • Too smiley to be a vampire?
  • Really cute smile
  • Find out name…investigate further…critically important: great abs or not?
  • Like
    , seriously
    cute smile

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