Read Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) Online
Authors: Dee Palmer
Tags: #The Choices Trilogy, #Book 1
MAGS HAD SENT me a statement with my income for the week, which looks all wrong but she assured me that was the fee less her commission and extra courier costs. It did look like I could cut my hours at the restaurant on the strength of that alone, and I could really use the time, not just for study but to explore my other business ideas. I like the idea of spending more time with Daniel, more than I should. I am trying to be cautious but he is so damn tempting. I spoke to Anthony at the start of my shift and I knew he would be supportive and accommodating. Which is why I wanted to talk to him and not have Daniel flatten him with his demands for my time like a big old steamroller. I agreed to work Tuesday all day and help out at the weekends when they need. I’ll probably be twiddling my thumbs with this much time to myself.
I leave the restaurant at one, it’s a twenty minute walk to my doctors and I don’t need Daniels driver to take me but I don’t want the confrontation either so I just leave a little early. I get to the corner of the street when I see his car draw alongside me and the window in the back begins to lower.
“Going somewhere Miss Thorne?” Smiling like he is, it’s difficult to be irritated at this borderline obsessive behaviour; difficult not impossible.
“I don’t answer obvious questions Mr Stone.” I continue to walk and the car continues to crawl much to the irritation of the cars following.
“You’re causing a traffic jam Miss Thorne, would you kindly get in the car?” He calmly demands.
“You’re causing the jam!” I’m exasperated, but since the horns have started blaring, I open the door and get in his damn car.
“Good afternoon Miss Thorne, did you sleep well?” His is cool and reserved, ignoring my temper as I slam his car door. His dark suit is impeccable, his blue tie matches the intense blue of his eyes and his hair just tousled. I want to run my fingers through it.
“I slept very well, eventually.” I turn with a somewhat angry scowl. “How did you know who my doctor is?”
“I have access to the University records, I know a great deal about you Miss Thorne.” He actually smiles at my dropped jaw.
“Do they know you freely rifle through private records?” I’m incredulous at his brazenness and disregard for privacy.
“Just yours.” He calmly states as if
makes it Ok because it is just my records. “Do they know you’re really twenty?” My mouth snaps shut.
“I hope not.” I softly reply and nervously pick a strand of hair at my neck. He takes my hand and gently kisses my fingertips.
“Why do they think you’re twenty five then?” His eyes hold mine but his query has me on edge.
“What are you, the University police?” I pull my hand away but he grabs it back and holds it more firmly.
“No, Bethany I would just like to know, and you are a terrible liar, so let’s not go down that road.” He pulls me on to his lap and kisses my hair, below my ear and on to my neck.
“Mmmm , ahhh.” I drop my neck to the side and he swipes his hot tongue and clamps his lips in the crook of my neck and sucks. “Oh God, Daniel.” A sudden rush of tingles spread wildly from his kiss throughout my body and I quiver from head to toe.
“You were saying Miss Thorne?” He lifts his head and fixes his dark eyes on me.
“Easy for you to say.” I mumble on an exhaled breath. “I can’t afford to study full time, I need my job for my mum’s care. But I also don’t want to take eight years to get my degree, as a mature student, aged twenty-five, I qualify to do the part time programme. It’s all about unit credits, if I can double up on credits, like a full time course I can try and complete the degree quicker. Maybe not the three years but working hard I might be able to do it in four.” I don’t know if I have just sealed my own expulsion from the course but I do know if I hadn’t told him, he would just keep investigating and that in itself would probably result in the same.
“Why is a degree important? I didn’t finish at Oxford and I didn’t turn out too bad?” He looks more like a rogue rather than a successful businessman with his sly grin.
“No you didn’t, but I just always felt that my education was something that was mine, something no-one could take away. I like the idea of having choices and,” I add quietly, “I made a promise. Besides,” I lighten my tone but he holds me tighter. “I have some new product ideas and no idea what to do next. They have this lecture programme with super successful smoking hot business types that give all this great advice. It’s a win win for me. If I don’t get kicked out.” I shrug trying to make light of this, it’s not light, it’s my life but he doesn’t need to know that.
“Smoking hot you say, should I be jealous?” He dips his head to dig his nose into my hair causing a shiver of cool tingles up my spine.
“Definitely, I can’t get enough of this guy.” He shifts round in a swift move that has me pinned to the seat with him above me and a scorching glare.
“So I take it you’ve amended your schedule to meet my requirements’?” He rasps.
“For now.” I whisper.
“For now, that would be because everything is temporary?” His eyes search mine, they are intense and questioning.
“Yes.” I confirm and he makes a frustrated noise loud in the back of his throat before his mouth slides over mine. His soft full lips are sweet, his tongue flicks and searches; entwining with mine. He plunges deep, demanding and devouring. I match his desire and as he pulls away I bite his bottom lip between my teeth and suck hard. We arrive at my doctors.
“You’re not coming in!” I cry out in horror. There is no way that could be misinterpreted but I push his solid chest back to be sure as he tries to follow me out of the car.
“Why?” He seems genuinely confused.
“Seriously? I haven’t had a chaperone since I was ten, not going to start now. I’ll be fifteen minutes. You can wait here or I’ll see you later, your choice?” His mouth forms a thin line.
“I’m not a chaperone, this is about us.” Oh that is kind of sweet, but no! I raise my brow waiting for his choice.
“Fine!” He barks. “But I’m waiting because you’re coming back with me.”
“Your apartment?”
“No, work, I’d like to show you what I do.” He says with pride.
“When you’re not fucking me?” I grin.
“When I’m not fucking you but, since you’re coming to my work I can’t guarantee that won’t happen there too.” He flashes his amazing, sexy smile and now I can’t wait to go to his office.
Fifteen minutes later and I am back in Daniels’ car where he hands me a print out with his name on it. A brief look at the information and I glean that Daniel is fit and healthy. Not instantly picking up on the relevance I hand it back and smile. “I guess you have to have that done regularly for insurance or something. I’m glad you’re fighting fit.”
“Did you read it?”
“Yes, it says you’re fit and healthy . . . good for you.” He hands me back the paper and points at the information indicating sexual health status.
“Oh.” I say softly not really comprehending what this has to do with me.
“Oh! And no, I don’t have this type of check-up regularly. I always wear a condom, always.” I don’t know why he is grumpy, it’s not like I called him a man whore. He is CEO of a global corporation, I thought his health would be important for the company, he is the company. I know nothing about his sexual history other than he doesn’t have relationships but I can’t imagine him having long periods of abstinence, not with his sex drive and looking like that. I find this thought unpleasant and I sink back into my seat and look out the window. We have passed Trafalgar and are head along The Strand. He takes my hand and starts to nip and suck my fingers, sending a ripple of sparks across my skin.
“Ask the question Bethany?” His tone is quiet but demanding and he looks stern.
“It’s none of my business, Daniel.” I turn my head again, his eyes burn right through me but he reaches over and holds my chin firm, his steely gaze fixed on me.
“Ask the fucking question.” He demands.
“Argh! It’s none of my fucking business!” I don’t move my head and I return his glare. His jaw is twitching and I think he is going to lose it when he captures my mouth in a violent, demanding kiss thrusting his tongue aggressively between my lips like he is trying to drag the question from my mouth. Stiff at first at the intrusion I quickly soften as my lust for him takes over. My hands fist his shirt as he holds my face then slides his hands into my hair. He pulls, tilting my head to allow better access before he pulls my head right back to break our heated exchange. I gasp to regain my stolen breaths.
“I don’t want to feel this way, Daniel.” I sigh and his eyes crinkle with concern.
“What way?”
“I don’t want to feel upset that you’ve been with other women, of course you’ve been with other women, hundreds probably to be as good as you are and it doesn’t matter. But it shouldn’t make me feel, I don’t know, I don’t know what this feels like, but I don’t like it.” I fold my arms defensively around my body. How can he make me feel safe and vulnerable at the same time?
“Now I wish I hadn’t asked.” He pulls my arms away from my body and scoops me into his lap.
“I know, I know, you don’t need some crazy, needy, cling-on, which is what this feels like at the moment.” I try to wriggle away.
“Will you stop! Stop wriggling you’re making me hard.” He shifts his hardening erection to make me fully aware of this fact. “That is not why I wish I hadn’t asked, in fact I love that you’re a crazy, needy, cling-on. It’s the nicest thing you’ve said about ‘this.’” He waves his hand between us. “But you seem to think I’m a man-whore and for that I wish I hadn’t asked.”
“Not a man whore, just a sexy as sin guy with mad skills in the bedroom, stamina of a long distance runner and the sex drive of a teenage boy.” I mutter but he laughs aloud.
“I work a lot, I work out a lot and the women I have fucked in the past have been
casual acquaintances’ and there hasn’t been hundreds. There has been a lot though.” He narrows his eyes expecting a reaction but this is not news to me, as unpleasant as the feeling is in my stomach I never imagined he was celibate. “Because I rarely fuck the same women twice, I don’t want them to believe that it is more than what it is, physical exercise.”
“Physical exercise?” I must look shocked.
“Yes.” He is unapologetic, “and I would like to clarify my sex drive mirrors yours Miss Thorne and it has never been like ‘this.” Again with the waving hands, “ . . . with anyone before. You make me like this.” He nestles in to the crook of my neck and inhales. “You drive me fucking crazy.”
“Oh.” Although I am not sure I entirely believe him.
“Oh, indeed.” He draws a deep breath and runs his large hands up and down my spine.
“I like your type of physical exercise, beats getting pummelled into a mat any day.” I shift and slide my legs either side of his waist and he grips my bottom, needing and pulling me hard against his crotch.
“I’m not averse to pummelling you into the mat too you know.” He smiles wickedly, “anything to keep you in line.” He slaps my cheeks, “but, this.” He grinds up with a thrust of his hips, “is not just fucking and it’s not just physical exercise. You need to understand that Miss Thorne.” He kisses the soft spot below my ear and I melt but I don’t respond to his declaration. I open the door and scramble out as we’ve reached our destination. I look back in the car as Daniel is busy pulling at his trousers and I smirk.